King of Gods

Chapter 794

Deep in the scorpion’s territory, Black Clothed youth and Scorpion King are fighting thrillingly.

That Scorpion King inspired the Bloodline Secret Skill, and a huge and dim scorpion shadow appeared behind it; every time attack, the huge scorpion shadow behind it will swell out a mysterious ancient Bloodline Power, the power of heaven shaking .

This is still in Divine Illusory Space, where strength is greatly suppressed.

If placed outside, this Scorpion King can bring disaster to some Small Island Territory.

That Black Clothed youth, Deep Dark Space Secret Technique, place to leave a line of dark silver, calmly advance and retreat.

“Crack in the Sky”

Suddenly, a dotted line of silver awns, like a crack extending in Space, exudes a taboo Space aura, chopped on the side of Scorpion King.


Scorpion King can ignore the same rank King’s scorpion, cut a crack, blood flow.

“The human thief died—”

The Scorpion King furiously counterattacked, and the Scorpion Clamp and Scorpion Tail danced together to produce a piece of dark silver alternating Wind Blade with sharp light, which instantly cut and enveloped the rounded zhang.


Black Clothed youth body surface, showing a layer of empty mysterious silver light flow, like the ripples of water flowing on the surface of Space

Scorpion King’s strong attack, which fell to his body, seemed to be trapped in a space vortex, and was absorbed and transferred.

However, under the scorpion King attack, Black Clothed youth, even with Space Protection, was still grunt, and was shocked away from several feet.

“This Scorpion King, in a state of rage, Battle Strength is close to Peak King.”

“That Black Clothed youth, life aura is very young, why on the genius list, I have not heard of this person.”

People at Ten Thousand Saint Sect and Purple Yang Palace, can not help talk about it.

Ten Thousand Saint Sect’s “Kong Feiling” is the emperor list genius, but the ranking is behind, close to three hundred.

In general, although Black Clothed youth can’t be tough with King Scorpion, but relying on the speciality of Space Secret Technique, it can easily take the initiative.

“It’s him……”

Zhao Feng stood to place, looking at the Black Clothed youth of the proud towering clouds, slightly surprised.


This Black Clothed youth, he really knows, even from the same sect, and also had cooperation.

Now today.

Zhao Feng saw the other side again, with some inexplicable emotions in his heart.

“Does this brother need our help?”

In Kong Feiling’s bright eyes, there is a lot of excitement.

The style and strength of the Black Clothed Youth, even her always proud, like a peacock, can not help to feel good.

“No need to”

Black Clothed youth was indifferent, with the unpredictable and mysterious Space Body Movement, and the Scorpion King King deal with.

After a long battle, the Bloodline Secret Skill of the Scorpion King cannot be sustained, and the injuries are accumulating.

Less than half an hour.

Scorpion King defeated and turned into a shadow of darkness, heading towards the more gloomy, evil looking area of ​​Underground City.

The Black Clothed youth did not continue to pursue.

After a fierce battle, defeating Scorpion King King, his consumption is also very large.

“Dare to ask your brother, surname, from which one.”

Old Fei and Kong Feiling and the others, took the initiative to climb and make friends.

If we can form an ally with such a genius expert, it will be of great help to the next exploration.

“Nangong Sheng, Profound True Saint Sect.”

The Black Clothed youth complexion is still cold, and Divine Sense swept both sides.

Ten Thousand Saint Sect and Purple Yang Palace, the two sides have several Half-Step Kings, and there are many expert experts, and he cannot ignore them.

“Nangong Sheng?”

Kong Feiling smiled, remembered the name lightly.

Nangong Sheng, this name is in the Continental Dynasty, not at all what reputation.

“Profound True Saint Sect? That’s it …”

Old Fei is well-informed, whether it is the Continental or the surrounding Sea Territory, the Sect that reaches the 3-Star level is as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns.

Profound True Saint Sect is a 3-Star Super Great Sect from Deep Green Sea.

After fighting King Scorpion King, Nangong Sheng figure flashes, enters into the royal palace of Scorpion Human Race, and began to search for resources.

“The resources of the Scorpion King’s Mansion belong to me, elsewhere, as you please.”

Nangong Sheng left a sentence.

The Scorpion King was defeated by Nangong Sheng alone, and the resources in his mansion are naturally unquestionable.

The Scorpion, as the strongest underground race in the neighborhood, has considerable treasures.

Zhao Feng also joined the search for resource treasures.

He enslaved the female scorpion man, knowing the scorpion man’s territory, and some secret place containing treasure.

According to Zhao Feng Soul Search, the female scorpion was the “queen” of the previous Scorpion Human Race King.

Except for Scorpion King, the strong position of the female Scorpion is the highest.

Zhao Feng fluttered, leaving strands of Wind Thunder Of Water ripples, with an airy breeze.


Zhao Feng enters into the underground “Precious Materials Room”.

In the Precious Materials room, there are four scorpion-expert guardians, and Zhao Feng dispatches the female scorpion-man “Scorpion Queen” to drive them back.


In the Precious Materials room, various exotic flowers and plants are listed, blooming a multi-colored stream of light.

These heaven and earth Precious Materials are extraordinary. They are placed in the outside world, even for thousands of years, and they are rare.

Suddenly, a surge of heaven and earth essence leaked a few traces, attracting the attention of a few people nearby.


Zhao Feng ingests some of the most precious heavenly materials and earthly treasures that are useful to her at the fastest speed.

“Uh … Dark Thunder Wood”

Zhao Feng quickly discovered a rare Dao of Thunder Precious Materials.

It was a half-timbered log with a simple and unadorned faint Thunder Marks on the surface.

This type of Dark Thunder Wood, which grows in a humid and dark environment, has a strong absorption of lightning in nature.

At the moment, this “Dark Thunder Wood” is a top grade, which contains at least tens of thousands of years of time, and contains the extremely pure Dao of Thunder essence.

Zhao Feng held the wood in his hand and ran “Five Elements Wind Thunder Secret Art”, and felt a hint of dark power of the essence, integrated into the body.

“Five Rhyme Water Spirit Grass … Yin Wind Bamboo … Dark Dragon Tooth Grass …”

Zhao Feng’s eyes glowed.

It is true that there are some treasures in the Scorpion King’s Palace, which may be even more valuable.

But here Precious Materials Room, some resources have the most direct help to Zhao Feng’s Cultivation.


At this time, Ten Thousand Saint Sect and some experts of Purple Yang Palace felt the leaked heaven and earth Precious Materials aura, approaching quickly.

The aura of those heaven and earth Precious Materials is too large, and Zhao Feng cannot completely ban it.

If King is running, I’m afraid the movement will be bigger.

“Zhao Feng, you are lucky”

Old Fei led a group of people and quickly approached here.

“Don’t let ‘Ten Thousand Saint Sect,’ plunder Precious Materials.”

Purple Yang Palace is not too slow.

But as soon as they approached, they were attacked by four nearby Scorpion Warriors.

The battle was triggered quickly.

With the strength of the two sides, four scorpion warriors are not difficult to solve.

However, Old Fei was a bit strange: “Why Zhao Feng, Enron enters into the Precious Materials room, was not attacked by these scorpion warriors.”

But at this time.

Everyone should not think too much, rushed into the Precious Materials room and got the top exotic flowers in Underground City.

In this Precious Materials room, most heavenly materials and earthly treasures are placed in each and everyone’s independent cultivation equipment, and there are special formations for nurturing and guarding.

It takes time to obtain a Precious Materials for each Deciphering formulation.

Everyone arrived.

Zhao Feng obtained five or six heavenly materials and earthly treasures that are of great benefit to him.

Among them, Dark Thunder Wood, Five Rhyme Water Spirit Grass, and Yin Wind Bamboo help Zhao Feng’s Wind Thunder to cultivate and accumulate True Yuan.

In addition to also have “Dark Dragon Bud Grass”, which is the most precious and rare, and has a powerful transformation and amplification effect on the physical life.

This is Zhao Feng, the only Body Tempering Precious Materials that has a great effect.

After Ten Thousand Saint Sect and Purple Yang Palace, entered into the Precious Materials room, immediately began to allocate Precious Materials resources.

Because of this place, it was Zhao Feng who first discovered that Ten Thousand Saint Sect solicited 70%; the remaining 30% was reserved for Purple Yang Palace.

The people of Purple Yang Palace are not insatiable.

On strength, Purple Yang Palace is also slightly inferior to Purple Yang Palace.

Moreover, when the two parties cooperate, they have an oral agreement on the distribution of various interests.

Not much time.

This Precious Materials room was ransacked by both parties.

“Zhao Feng, the value of Precious Materials you get seems to be the highest.”

Old Fei’s eyes flickering, staring at him.

Zhao Feng understands what he means, fatily smiled, and will present some of the Precious Materials resources quickly.

“Zhao Feng, you are frank.”

Old Fei’s satisfied nodded; those resources obtained by Zhao Feng have a fatal temptation to Half-Step King.

According to the rules, the resources that Zhao Feng found in this team should be allocated together.

Just imagine, how can one go deep into such a dangerous place by his own strength?

“All these are what I deserve.”

Zhao Feng’s tone was calm.

Hearing this, Old Fei’s expression was a little unnatural, and my heart was secretly unhappy.

Obviously, Zhao Feng did not turn in any resources and heeded the meaning of allocation.

“Also. This collection room was first discovered by you.”

Old Fei doesn’t want to fight in the first place.

With his old-fashioned eyes, he can see that Zhao Feng’s spirit has some secrets and hole cards.

The four Scorpion Warriors in the vicinity should be responsible for guarding the collection room, but why there is no attack Zhao Feng alone?

It was Ten Thousand Saint Sect and the others at Purple Yang Palace that were stubbornly blocked by the Scorpion Warrior.


Zhao Feng is the master of a person mysterious Great Emperor behind him, and he also has the kindness and appreciation of King Nan Feng.

He is a middle class sect and naturally does not want to easily offend Zhao Feng.

“When you have a chance, hit this child again.”

Old Fei has a resolution.

Zhao Feng figure flashes, another place leapt away near the Scorpion King’s Mansion.

“There is also a place to store various Precious Beast parts materials.”

Zhao Feng whispering.

After he enslaved the scorpion, he learned more than anyone else.


When Zhao Feng arrived at a cellar, the area was spotted by two sects.

Among them, “Kong Feiling” by Ten Thousand Saint Sect, “Purple Youth” by Purple Yang Palace, and two chief disciple are listed.

Zhao Feng was not the first to arrive.

In this cellar, the Space is huge, and there is a mountain of piled up materials sorted and stored.

Many materials are relatively harsh in terms of storage and cultivation environment.

If not, the heaven and earth essence contained in the material will slowly pass, or the characteristics will deteriorate.

“Other materials, you don’t need it. But that King-level ‘Purple Wind Thunder Lion, skeleton’ must be obtained

Zhao Feng was determined.

Purple Wind Thunder Lion’s skeleton, contains the pure Wind Thunder Strength, and the attributes fit perfectly with Zhao Feng’s Wind Thunder.

It is a pity that the Crystal Nucleus of King Thunder Lion was carried by the Scorpion King.

At that time, the King of Scorpions killed that Purple Wind Thunder Lion, and paid a heavy price; in the end, it also depended on its deadly scorpion venom.

If not.

Only the King-level Crystal Nucleus, contain the Wind Thunder element force, can ⊥ Zhao Feng’s cultivation base, in a short period of time, improve rapidly.

“Looking for arrived”

According to the memory, Zhao Feng quickly found the few ethereal purple skeletons through the induction of God Eye.

But unfortunately.

“Junior, stop it”

Ten Thousand Saint Sect and Purple Yang Palace, and several others, also found the skeleton of Purple Wind Thunder Lion.

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