King of Gods

Chapter 793

The area in front is the site of the Lizardman

Not yet approaching, a flame of high temperature aura, assaults the senses.

At this moment, a team of fifty-sixty people is fighting with the lizard people.

those lizardmen, bulky, larger than werewolves, thick-skinned, and able to spit out fire and poisonous fire

Ding Dong

In humans, the attack of Half-Step Origin Core Realm cannot cause substantial damage to the lizardmen.

The fire and poisonous fire of the lizard man was very difficult to entangle. Once contaminated, it would peel off the skin.

The human team, in the new generation of discipline, there is a person Purple Robe youth, is a Half-Step King; there are also two Half-Step Kings in the old generation.

This team, overall strength, and quantity are slightly inferior to Ten Thousand Saint Sect.

“It turned out to be ‘Purple Yang Palace near the Big Island.'”

Old Fei slightly heave a sigh of relief, squinting slightly.

Purple Yang Palace belongs to 2-Star Sect and is also near Sky Maple Great Island Region.

According to the characteristics of Divine Illusory Space, to connect forces in a nearby area, after entering into the Space, they will also be in adjacent areas.

Therefore, the emergence of Purple Yang Palace is entirely reasonable.

What Old Fei really worried about was encountering a 3-Star Sect or other forces.

Or, it is very difficult to meet Void God King who has placed an order.

“Tel Thousand Saint Sect’s Fellow Daoist, everyone’s goals are the same. Come and help us.”

The Purple Yang Palace’s disciplines and elites are in a hard battle.

These lizards are thick-skinned and spitting venomous fires that hurt the person’s head.

“Let’s get together and open up the area of ​​the Lizardmen.”

Old Fei didn’t hesitate.

In the Big Island domain, Ten Thousand Saint Sect and Purple Yang Palace have a bad relationship.

But now, it is time to jointly deal with the Alien Race and explore opportunities, and the two sides can work together to reduce casualties.

The joining of Ten Thousand Saint Sect has greatly reduced the pressure on Purple Yang Palace.

Water type attack is more effective for Lizardmen.

Zhao Feng, who owns Wind Thunder Of Water, is naturally one of the leaders.

Boo Chi Chi

Zhao Feng waved a wave of rippled Water-Thunder waves to the nearby Lizardmen.

The power of the fifth layer Peak of “Five Elements Wind Thunder Secret Art” is no small feat.

Zhao Feng’s attack is the key to those lizards.

Most of the Lizardmen, in front of Zhao Feng, were basically spikes and had no resistance.

“Taking the kid’s water thunder power, there is such a powerful crucial moment. It seems to the lizardmen that there is a strong restraint.”

Some older experts can’t help marvel.

Zhao Feng’s speed and Body Movement can be called stunning. Those who are slightly awkward lizards can’t even touch his clothes.

of course.

With strength up to Half-Step King’s lizards, Zhao Feng is at best pinned aside, not as the main force.

“Many thanks everyone”

The chief disciple of Purple Yang Palace “purple youth” quickly expressed his gratitude.

His gaze stayed a bit in Kong Feiling and Zhao Feng and the others body.


The two 2-Star Sect teams joined forces and began to conquer the Lizardmen’s area.

“Lizardmen, it’s not fast, we don’t have to fight with them. Just kill a bloody road.”

Old Fei suggested.

People on both sides agreed.

Lizard people, rough skin and thick, want to kill each and everyone, tired and exhausted.

Lizardmen not only have a large number, but they are not like a werewolf.

The werewolf is relatively intelligent, and if he loses, he will retreat.


The two team members were strong, and the strength was strong ahead.

Two wings, some fire-resistant Dao of Fire experts, are responsible for guarding.

Zhao Feng and some other Body Movements were deft and able to restrain the lizardmen, leaving behind and fighting.

After half an hour.

The two teams succeeded in killing a blood on the Lizardman’s site.


The crowd heave a sigh of relief, the lizard man is indeed difficult to entangle.

At this time.

Coming from the depths of Underground City, the strange strength of the Origin Origin Energy fluctuated and became stronger.

The strength wave has a weird confusion on the soul.

“Evil God Sacrificial Altar …”

Zhao Feng’s left eye, staring at the deepest area of ​​Underground City.

Under God Eye clearly understood, he had various speculations and analysis of the source of the strength fluctuation.

Emperor Path Bloodline of Zhao Feng within the body seems excited about this strength fluctuation.

Ice-Water Bloodline has no reaction.

“Everyone is ready. Next is the strongest ‘Scorpion Man,'”

Old Fei low roaring sound.

Scorpion Human Race, attack, defense, and speed are all powerful, and the attack also contains poisonous attributes.

Not yet approaching, a dark, depressing aura rushed at the Scorpion Human Race.

Do not know why.

Zhao Feng suddenly thought of a mutant scorpion that he had conquered at Purple Saint Ruins.

And in this scorpion’s territory, aura similar to Ancient Giant Scorpion came.


In the dark corner, an ugly creature with a scorpion tail suddenly emerged, dancing sharp scorpion pliers, and chopped it.

This is a single scorpion.

Scorpion people, because the individual strength is strong, unlike the werewolf, have a strong sense of teamwork.

Tinker Bell

Five or six disciples and senior elites, get rid at the same time, shake the scorpion man back.

“Do not chase after cornered enemy”

The scorpion man shook back, becoming embarrassed and angry, and the scorpion’s tail fluttered, stabbing a disciple that came after him, and stabbed a heart.


The disciple of Origin Core Realm screamed and died instantly.

Two sects expert present, can’t help take a breath.

Zhao Feng found that in the attack just now, the shell of the scorpion’s body surface, like the heavy dark metal, was not significantly damaged.

The speed of the scorpion is amazing, and the attack is versatile.

Scorpion clamps, fangs, and scorpion tails are all deadly attacks.

Arguably, this is a near-perfect race-except for ugliness

“The people of the Dao of Fire cultivation technique meet in front.”

Old Fei instructed.

Relatively speaking, the Scorpion is almost immune to Fire Type attack, although it is not restrained.

hu hu

Together with the digital Dao of Fire expert, the powerful flame light shrouded the scorpion and sent a scream of screaming.

After a few breaths.

The scorpion was burned into a ash.

Ten Thousand Saint Sect and Purple Yang Palace, the leader of the two sides, the complexion is a grave.

Because, this is just a scorpion.

With a little bit of depth, a strong gloomy and cold aura came from the Scorpion.

Those scorpion auras are only stronger than weaker than the previous ones.

The two teams cooperated with each other to fight against each other.

In the Scorpion Man’s territory, there are also many Scorpion Men.

Fortunately, these scorpion people did not join hundreds of hundreds.

If not, the two-party team will have no chance at all.

Some moment.

Among the scorpion men ahead, a tall figure but an ugly female scorpion man appeared.

That female scorpion, a half-step king will emerge from the body, speed, attack, reaching a terrifying point

Purple Yang Palace’s two Half-Step Kings teamed up and couldn’t touch the female scorpion’s side.


There were several screams in the crowd.

Tinker Bell

Some attack, barely falling on the female scorpion body, the black metal scorpion on its body surface, splashing sparks, but in the slightest is not damaged.

“Except for the Soul level, this female scorpion’s Battle Strength can compete with King.”

Zhao Feng can’t help speechless.

The female scorpion, attack, speed, and defense are all top-notch, plus terrifying the deadly scorpion venom, generally Half-Step King, may even be spiked.


An elder of the Great Origin Core Realm, who had just been scratched by a scorpion clamp, quickly died of anger.

Under King, the scorpion poison is almost certain death situation.

For a while, even the experienced “Old Fei” felt embarrassed.

In addition to that female scorpion, there are ten-twenty powerful scorpions nearby. The battle is at least Great Origin Core Realm level, or not lost to Half-Step King.

Right in the middle of the crowd.

In the center of the Scorpion Man’s Site, two Kings of strength were heard.

One of King’s mighty powers, eerie and evil, is several times stronger than the female scorpion.

On the other hand, Void is empty and elusive.

“hong long long ……”

The two King Auras collided deep in the Scorpion’s turf, which also affected more Scorpio.

“咦 don’t tell me and other foreign Kings, and enters into the place.”

Ten Thousand Saint Sect and Purple Yang Palace, with fear.

At this time, the female scorpion man seemed to get any information, and quickly retreated with a scorpion man.

The female scorpion left a blurry afterimage in the gloomy Underground City.


The two sides of the horse, if the burden is relieved, the female scorpion is not as good as King in addition to the Soul level, and its Battle Strength threat at the Matter level has basically reached the King level, making it difficult to find a weak spot.


No one knows.

The female scorpion had just come out of one or two hunted zhang, enters into a dark corner, and suddenly felt a strong wind, coming from the head.

Meow meow

A silver-grey kitten, if out of thin air appears, wave the cat’s claw, “Pa”, hit its head

The slapping of that cat’s claw, strength is not that strong.

However, a strong sense of dizziness covered the body and mind of the female scorpion.

Followed by.

A deep-eyed pupil that looks like a purple phantom appears in the female scorpion’s vision.

“Ice Soul Gaze”

A peak of Ice Soul chills, and from the Soul level, spreads the Soul of female scorpion men’s relative weakness.

In fact.

The Soul level of the female scorpion, is not lost to the Half-Step King of the overwhelming majority, but it has not reached the King level

“God Tribulation Thunder Strength”

An Immortal and Eternal Thunder Calamity Qi message, after freezing, poured into the Soul of the female scorpion.

Soul of the female scorpion, shivering, there is a small face to the Doomsday Heavenly Tribulation.

The strength that caused her Soul to be traumatized and sent out an instinct tremor and fear.

“Dark Heart Seal”

When the female scorpion, Soul was afraid, and fell into a trough, a taboo evil looking Soul Eye Strength fluctuated, imprinted in the depths of his Soul.


A handsome purple hair youngster, low mumble.

Meow meow

Small Thieving Cat and the female scorpion, disappear from place to at the same time.

Thunder Wings flew, and that purple hair youngster, out of thin air disappeared from place to.

Ten Thousand Saint Sect and Purple Yang Palace, the two sides stopped temporarily, counted the number, and treated the wounded.

“Zhao Feng, where did you go just now?”

Liu Tianfan saw the purple hair youngster that appeared from the dim corner.

“I just wrestled with a scorpion and let it run away …”

Zhao Feng expressionless.


Deep in the scorpion area, two King-level battles became fiercer.


Everyone saw the sky above Underground City, a huge and dark giant scorpion appeared, covering the sky.

“That’s King of the Scorpion Human Race”

Everyone took in a cold breath.

Ordinary scorpion people are so powerful, it is hard to believe, how terrifying the King of the scorpion Human Race would be.

Everyone has a lot of fear. If they knew that Scorpion Human Race was still a person King, how dare they go deep.

“It depends, King Scorpion is forced to use the Bloodline Secret Skill …”

Old Fei exclaimed.

Incredible, King of another gets rid, what is the Battle Strength.

Hong long long

Underground City was shaking, and in the dust, a black Clothed youth arrogantly towering clouds can be seen, the body glowed with a layer of gorgeous silver light, accompanied by a wave of space strength fluctuations.

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