King of Gods

Chapter 795

These people came earlier than Zhao Feng, and there are also people who know the goods.

Although they did not recognize the specific origin of the “Purple Wind Thunder Lion” skeleton, this did not prevent them from making a rough estimate of the object.

Among those who get rid, there is the purple robe youth of Purple Yang Palace.

The purple robe youth is the Chief Disciple, the cultivation base is up to Half-Step King, but it is not included in the Great Heaven genius list.

“I have a part with the audience. I need these skeletons.”

Zhao Feng asked directly.

This attitude almost distorted the popularity of Purple Yang Palace.

The cellar resources here were first discovered by Genius, an extraordinary natural talent of Purple Yang Palace.

Zhao Feng has just arrived. Without any effort, he wanted to get one of the most valuable materials.

It makes them angry and funny.

“Hmph’s resources here have not been negotiated.”

Purple Robe youth brows tightly knit.

This youngster, the cultivation base is not high, but the skin is thick.

“what happened?”

Zhao Feng’s eyes, can’t help turn to My Sect chief disciple-Kong Feiling.

Kong Feiling startled, weird.


Zhao Feng understood that the two Sects did not reach a consensus on resource allocation.

Purple Yang Palace is the place that was discovered first, and wants to share the big profits.

The problem is, when Purple Yang Palace discovered it, Ten Thousand Saint Sect was also there, just in time.

Ten Thousand Saint Sect is divided into 60% and XNUMX%; Purple Yang Palace is at least XNUMX%.

“It’s very simple. Let’s rely on the ability.”

Zhao Feng was very brittle.

With this remark, the people of Purple Yang Palace were even more angry.

“Even if you depend on ability, you won’t get this precious Dao of Thunder skeleton.”

An old man at Purple Yang Palace, not angry or anti-smiling.

“Well, then I’ll quit temporarily.”

Zhao Feng shrugged.

After all, he made a stop over Kong Feiling.

“No, that skeleton is gone”

Purple Yang Palace is a short, middle-aged man with big eyes.

Everyone looked intently.

A few skeletons of “Purple Wind Thunder Lion” disappeared.

A dark silver dotted line emerged from the cellar, flashes away.

“It’s the Space Method”

The purple robe youth shockedly shouted, half step Divine Sense shrouded, penetrated a void.


After that dark silver dashed line disappeared, there was no sign.

“Did you steal that Wind Thunder skeleton?”

Purple Yang Palace several people, glare like a tiger watching his prey.

Zi Pao youth and the others have some doubts about Zhao Feng.

“The dog’s blood spurted people’s courts, which of your eyes saw me stealing a bone.”

Zhao Feng disdainful.

Everyone complexion suffocated.

Indeed, no one found signs of Zhao Feng gets rid.

From beginning to end, Zhao Feng had no chance of getting rid in the lockup of both sides.

“Moreover, who has the ability to steal the items in front of the two Half-Step Kings without a trace?”

Zhao Feng is righteous.

The people at Purple Yang Palace and Halloween Palace looked like ghosts.

From a rational analysis, Zhao Feng is unlikely to start.

But intuitively, they felt that this matter could not be separated from Zhao Feng.

“So who do you think is possible?”

Zipa youth said.

Zhao Feng was contemplative: “In my analysis, there is only one, who has this ability, and it is not from us.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was shocked.

“Nangong Sheng”

Kong Feiling and Purple Robe youth, blurted out.

In terms of capabilities, Nangong Sheng is the most likely.

“It’s very likely that Nangong Sheng, Space Body Movement has reached its peak.”

Someone soon agreed.

After all, the two major Sects couldn’t find a second person with such capabilities.

Zhao Feng chuckled in his heart: Nangong Sheng, it’s not that I deliberately planted it for you, this is just an analysis based on normal thinking.

At Half-God’s Heritage Garden.

Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng have cooperated. At that time, they could kill the sunshine “Wen Luoan”.

Nangong Sheng does have this ability.

However, Nangong Sheng proud and arrogant may be robbed directly, but will not get rid of theft.

“I can’t see that Nangong Sheng is the kind of person who steals chickens and dogs.”

Purple robe youth with gloomy.

If this matter is really Nangong Sheng Yu, they can do nothing about it.

Nangong Sheng’s Space innate talent ability is not what the two sects can do.

at this time.

In the material pile, the same top-level materials are missing.

“It’s’ Barbarian Bull Heart,”

“That’s the heart of an ancient King cattle close to King level, which can strengthen the internal organs and blood, suitable for Body Tempering

There was chaos in the cellar.

At last.

I don’t know who it was, first got rid, the whole cellar fell into a state of “robbing”.

The dark silver dotted line also appeared occasionally.

“Nangong Sheng … Despicable Man”

Two sects, in the scramble, can’t help swear.

The person who secretly gets rid, although the amount of stolen material is not much, is undoubtedly not the top.

“En? Who is calling me”

Just then, a King Divine Sense swept across.


There was a roaring tremor on the Soul level, and the huge and invisible Void God came across-space.


The cellar was scolding for the two men and women, body and mind trembled, feeling a choking pressure.

“Who is calling me?”

A Black Clothed youth, in a few steps, spans here.

Nangong Sheng

The two sides of the cellar, the complexion froze.

In particular, those who had yelled at him for a while were guilty.

at this time.

After Nangong Sheng already plundered, some of the resources in the Scorpion Mansion’s mansion left some of them inconspicuous.

He was originally about to leave, and suddenly heard someone calling him.

The senses of Void God King are very different. After Soul’s transformation, it has a sense beyond the common sense.

“This … this is a misunderstanding”

The purple robe youth, complimented with a smile, quickly explained.

“This can’t blame us, it’s Zhao Feng, I suspect you get rid, so we …”

The people of Purple Yang Palace began to shirk responsibility.

Everyone’s spearheads are pointing at Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng?

Nangong Sheng showed his surprising colour, followed the eyes of everyone, and cast his eyes on a handsome youngster.

“Yes, I analyzed and doubted Nangong Sheng. But I just doubted, but I didn’t scold him.”

Zhao Feng said with fearlessness.

At first, he just brought trouble to others. After all, Nangong Sheng is now strong enough.

The person who really broke the cursed is Purple Yang Palace.

“Why do you doubt me.”

Nangong Sheng complexion sinks slightly, staring at Zhao Feng tightly.

Right now, this youngster is in the same homonym with “that person” he once knew.

That man, but the famous Deep Green Sea; even the ancient generation of the Great Emperor of Death killed him.

For that person’s height, Nangong Sheng is beyond reach.


After a glance at Divine Sense, he initially determined that the two were not the same person.

First of all, the fleshly body cultivation technique of the two is different.


Nangong Sheng could not associate this weak youngster with the “Left Eye Heavenly Monarch” of the famous Deep Green Sea.

“Brother Nangong, it’s like this …”

Zhao Feng was neither humble nor overly enthusiastic, and told the story again.

“You are frank, your suspicion … is true.”

Nangong Sheng nodded slightly.

Purple Yang Palace and Ten Thousand Saint Sect, no matter how difficult it is to find the second person, under the eyes of the two Half-Step Kings, several things can be stolen.

Even Nangong Sheng can do it with all his strength.

“As for the younger generation younger generation”

Nangong Sheng ice-cold’s eyes swept away the purple robe youth.


A strange space power came from oppression.


Several people in the purple robe, simultaneously spit out blood, and suffered a certain degree of trauma.

In the face of King of Space innate talent, several people had no resistance.

Among the people, only Kong Feiling may be able to reluctantly have a few tricks with Nangong Sheng.

But Kong Feiling had a good opinion of Nangong Sheng, originated, and never abused him.

Nangong Sheng was punished by those who had scolded him.

King Majesty, how can you insult?

The faces of the Purple Yang Palace were ashamed and could not speak.

“I, Nangong Sheng, will only rob and not steal.”

Nangong Sheng sneered.

When he was finished, he waved his hand, unfolded the secret technique of Space, and began to plunder the resources of Precious Materials in the cellar.

The people of Purple Yang Palace and Ten Thousand Saint Sect dare not stop or participate.

But someone dares-that’s Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng did not stop Nangong Sheng, but joined the ranks of plunder.

“Zhao Feng …”

Kong Feiling and the others secretly squeezed a cold sweat for Zhao Feng.

“Ha Ha Ha … you are very interesting, bold and very similar to that person.”

Nangong Sheng laughed.

Most of the remaining materials were useless and dispensable for him.

It was Zhao Feng’s behavior that made him interested.

Zhao Feng moved between steps, bringing up a layer of ripples Wind Thunder Of Water, Body Movement speed, mysterious extreme.

“Wind Thunder? What do you have to do with Zhao Feng?”

Nangong Sheng was startled.

“What’s the matter? Zhao Feng is my name.”

Zhao Feng smiled indifferently, and quickly joined the plunder of these resources.

For a time.

Purple Yang Palace and Ten Thousand Saint Sect are both surprised.

“Like, really look …”

Said Nangong Sheng lowly mumble.

Right now, this “Zhao Feng”, the cultivation technique Body Movement, is similar to the original Zhao Feng.

Its looks and acting style also have several points of resemblance.

of course.

Nangong Sheng At this time, has several points of doubt, but more is unbelief.

He didn’t believe that the Dignified “Left Eye Heavenly Monarch”, the invincible incarnation in the Great Emperor, would be this little youngster.

After a while.

Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng plundered the materials in the cellar.

Nangong Sheng, not at all to Zhao Feng gets rid.

Maybe it’s the other person’s style of acting, which is more suitable for his appetite; or, it’s because of “that person”.

Zhao Feng’s plundering of the material was a bland look.

His grasp of Nangong Sheng’s psychology is very precise.

Zhao Feng is convinced that some of his actions will not cause Nangong Sheng’s rejection and resentment.

“Nangong Sheng … I won’t take the initiative to reveal my identity, nor will I deliberately conceal it. It depends on whether you can see through.”

Zhao Feng’s mouth slightly twitched and watched Nangong Sheng’s departure.

He intends to grasp the psychology of “Nangong Sheng” to win more interests of his own.

after all.

Among the genius elite of enters into the Divine Illusory Space, Nangong Sheng is definitely the top batch of strength.

After half an hour.

Nangong Sheng left the Scorpion area and flew in the direction of “Evil God Sacrificial Altar”.

In the Evil God Sacrificial Altar, a mysterious strange strength wave, the nearby Heaven and Earth Origin Energy, are all unusual.

In particular, the stronger a Bloodline is, the stronger it feels.

According to the reflection of the underground race, the Evil God Sacrificial Altar seems to have some sort of “Gods Vestige” strength that has decayed into magic.

“The defeated Scorpion King should be the escaped ef gentleman altar. We followed Nangong Sheng, and one was at the head, and the other was cheap.”

Old Fei’s eyes were flickering, slightly cunning.

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