King of Gods

Chapter 792

Highlands, Gobi.

Everyone looked around, a moment of loss, even Zhao Feng is no exception.

After a catastrophic sandstorm.

Ten Thousand Saint Sect members are located in the highlands of Gobi, like a lone peak, standing in an endless abyss basin

That sudden visual sense, desolate and horrifying

All around the original Gobi yellow sand, was swept up in a huge sandstorm, showing a huge empty basin, like an abyss.

The desolate wind blows, and Ten Thousand Saint Sect disciple hit a chill.


“That is”

Some members of the sect set their sights in the all around abyss basin, faintly visible, some fuzzy raised building outlines.


Zhao Feng’s God Eye, the penetration is stronger.

He already saw a small amount of city wall under the dust on top of the building.


Under the sand, it is no longer a gravel gobi, but a layer of brown and black soil.

“don’t tell me ……”

Zhao Feng had some suspicion in his heart that God Eye can’t help penetrate deeper.

same moment.

Ten Thousand Saint Sect members, each and everyone releases Spiritual Sense and observes the abyss basin below.

鍡?shua shua

Kong Feiling and Old Fei, who have a Half-Step King cultivation base, leapt straight out.

Not a moment.

The team members came down one after another and started to explore.

“There is an entrance here.”

I don’t know who it was, cried out in surprise, and caught everyone’s attention.

I saw several disciples standing in front of a section of the palace wall building; the building directly led to the subterranean, and a row of wide and long steps was faintly visible.

That Channel has two ten zhang high, showing a grand style in the vicissitudes.

“Subterranean Channel? In the opening of Divine Illusory Space in the past, I have found subterranean cities, even the ocean world.

Old Fei’s eyes flickering.

However, everyone’s Spiritual Sense senses, in Divine Illusory Space, are greatly restricted.

The soil Matter here, including buildings, has a strong barrier to senses.

Only Zhao Feng’s God Eye can see the situation below.

“It should be an Underground City.”

Zhao Feng opened the mouth and said.

This idea was immediately approved by everyone.

Right now this section of the palace wall Channel is directly extending to the subterranean. The soil here has a certain amount of moisture, and some small insects can be seen.

“In a short time, this place will not be covered by yellow sand.”

Everyone discussed.

In the end, most people agree to explore in Underground City.

Along the wide and long steps, everyone went towards the subterranean.

In the underground Channel, some illuminated night pearls emit a faint light glow.

on the way.

Deep in the Underground City, from time to time there was a roar and a bite, and the atmosphere was urgent.

After a long section of the road, the steps finally arrived at the end.

Everyone was in a vast Underground City, with dark cyan stone floors at their feet, and hard stone walls artificially excavated on all sides.

The materials in the Underground City are extremely hard; coupled with the Divine Illusory Space itself, the restriction on the strength and the full blow of the True Lord Level can only leave a small impression on the ground.

Maybe it has been in disrepair for many years, and many areas in Underground City are dim.

However, it is not difficult to see that this Underground City has all kinds of facilities.

Squares, fountains, pavilion shops, and luxury homes, everything is absolutely not worse than the city on the ground

“Old Fei, I feel a surge of pure and pure elemental force coming from the depths of Underground City.”

“Kong Feiling” in a beautiful robe, beautiful eyes closed slightly.

Among the crowd, her cultivation base and Bloodline were the strongest.

With her reminder, everyone raised the senses and sensed them carefully.


Old Fei and the other two Half-Step Kings and the Digital Great Origin Core Realm Peak all share the same feeling.

Zhao Feng’s left eye, staring at a certain direction, revealing surprising colour.

“Yuanli fluctuates? More than that …”

Zhao Feng’s Soul level, the strongest among the crowd, with God Eye, the sense is clearer.

Meow meow

Small Thieving Cat appeared on his shoulders, tossing a few ancient copper coins, and tinkling.


Guided by Old Fei and several senior experts, Kong Feiling followed closely, following the position where Origin Energy fluctuated.

But the journey is not peaceful.

Before coming out of the hunted zhang, in the dark alley in front, a pair of green eyes appeared, accompanied by howls like wolf but not wolf.


Among Lightning Glow flashes, more than a dozen wolf’s head humanoid creatures were slaughtered from the corner.

“Caution is a werewolf among strangers”

Old Fei exclaimed and reminded.

Combat is at stake

In the dark environment, the werewolf’s vision sense was unaffected, and he was quick and sensitive.

Some disciples, before the reaction came, werewolves raids in the team.


Those older elites, not to be trifled with, Old Fei and the others took the lead to get rid and quickly killed two or three werewolves.

There seems to be some understanding of the Alien Race, Old Fei and the others.

But some disciples are not so experienced.


One of the half-Step Origin Core Realm’s disciples was tore his shoulder with a claw of the werewolf and made a scream in pain.

The werewolf is fast and sharp.

In shady environments, they can play a stronger strength.

Cengceng rub

These werewolves carried out a round of attacks, leaving several corpse bodies, and quickly disappeared into the complex terrain of Underground City.

“Werewolves are cunning and good at teamwork and even attacks. Just now, it should be their tentative attack.”

Old Fei reminded.

The previous battle was just a round of attempts by the werewolves.

Ten Thousand Saint Sect’s team, in an orderly manner, continued to move forward.

In the team, some people are good at defense, and there are several doctors who are good at treatment; due to the special nature of cultivation technique, there are also those who are good at assassination and scouting.

Such a team can greatly improve the survival rate in an unknown environment.

After 5 minutes.

Howling came again, and hundreds of pairs of green fatly eyes appeared in the dark Underground City nearby, making people shudder.

“Be careful to prepare for hundreds of werewolves this time.”

Old Fei was stunned.

Many of the werewolves who appeared this time were armed with weapons and even wore armor.

In contrast, the werewolves appearing in front of them are more elite and regular.

The hundreds of werewolves surrounded this area.

Ao wu

Among the many werewolves, a tall two zhang leader came out, the whole body was covered with brown golden hair, and he held a giant long spear.

Meow meow

Small Thieving Cat on his shoulder, gestured to Zhao Feng, and seemed to be translating something.


“Let’s leave all our belongings … and women”

Very strange, everyone can understand the Small Thieving Cat’s gesture.

Everyone is a little bit confused, and in this Underground City, despite the chaos, there is also a set of their own survival Law.

“Tell them, we are robber”

Kong Feiling coldly snorted.

Meow meow

Small Thieving Cat waved his claws and gestured at the werewolf leader.

Ao wu

Werewolves, each and everyone growled.

The werewolf leader, can’t help furious, waved a long spear in his hand, and issued an attack command.

Poof Boo

The long spear of the werewolf leader, chopped out a dark cyan whirlwind, rushed to the Ten Thousand Saint Sect team, and burst into bombs.

That random cut was comparable to Half-Step King’s blow.

“let me do it”

Kong Feiling whispered, and the body bloomed with petal-like colored light feathers.


Kong Feiling and the werewolf leader slammed a powerful blow, pushing away other people nearby.

The werewolf, on the Bloodline cultivation technique, is not as good as Kong Feiling, but has tremendous power and strong physical defense.

same moment.

A team of hundreds of werewolves raids Ten Thousand Saint Sect.

In number, the werewolves have a great advantage.

But within Ten Thousand Saint Sect, all kinds of genius talents are also very important.

Among them, there is a person Great Origin Core Realm, who is good at the secret technique of Soul Dao, which makes the wolf crowded into chaos, regardless of the enemy and me.

Zhao Feng urged “Golden Earth Saint Thunder Body” without fear of close combat. Those werewolves who were approaching were crushed or knocked off.

Meow meow

Small Thieving Cat moves cheerfully in the crowd.

It also doesn’t kill those werewolves, using the paws to shoot the werewolves confused.

“To catch brigands, first catch their king”

After Old Fei stabilized the situation, he sternly shouted and attacked the werewolf leader from the side.


The werewolf leader spit out blood.

After Kong Feiling figured out the pros and cons of the werewolf, he began to suppress it. Old Fei’s joining made him lose streak.

Ao wu

Seeing that the werewolf leader was wrong, he howled and led the werewolves to escape.

“These Alien Races and Spiritual Wisdom are not bad. Werewolves are good at attacking and bullying, and once the opponent is too tough, they will retreat automatically.”

Old Fei spits a long breath.

Those werewolves, after all, have hundreds of people. If they really kill at any cost, the team of Ten Thousand Saint Sect will also be seriously injured.

“Old Fei, I did a Soul Search on a werewolf Captain …”

The Great Origin Core Realm elder who is good at Soul Dao’s mystery, came forward.


He made a map of a nearby area.

same moment.

In Zhao Feng’s mind, map information of the nearby area in Underground City also appeared.


In the chaotic situation just now, Zhao Feng calmly completed the Soul Searching Technique.

“The center of Origin Energy’s fluctuations should be the forbidden ground of Underground City-Evil God Sacrificial Altar.”

“According to this werewolf’s memory, the ef gentleman altar seems to have a mysterious strength that enhances the strength. At some time, God has appeared.

Old Fei, they whispered.

Evil God is the god that these races in Underground City believe in.

“To reach the ef gentleman altar, halfway through the territory of werewolves, lizards, and scorpion people. The strongest strength is’ scorpion man,”

Old Fei brows slightly wrinkle, looking towards Kong Feiling.

Evil God Sacrificial Altar, there must be some unusual secrets or opportunities.

But looking at the current situation, there will still be some powerful Alien Races ahead.

Behind the Lizardmen, the Scorpionmen have stronger battle strength.

“I always think that the ef gentleman altar, has an unusual strength.”

Kong Feiling decided to give it a try.

Her Emperor Path Bloodline is more and more sensitive to the strength fluctuations from Evil God Sacrificial Altar.

“Okay, everyone is ready. Lizardmen are generally good at spitting fire, and people of the Water Type cultivation technique meet here.

Old Fei instructed.

Speaking of Water Type, Zhao Feng owns Ice-Water Bloodline, and Wind Thunder Of Water.

Needless to say.

Zhao Feng was assigned to the outside of the team. He himself had no opinion.

In the past, he was a lone ranger, but today, he has seen the strength of the team, and he has gone through difficult times, greatly improving the viability.

“Right now, it’s not time for Dan Yu.”

Zhao Feng has a calculation.

The team was steadily advancing forward, and the werewolf site was not attacked by the big range again.

After half an hour.


The sound of flames from the front and the shocking shouting of humans.

“Which one of Sect’s forces is actually ahead of us.”

Old Fei is cautious.

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