King of Gods

Chapter 791

After reaching Void God Realm, Soul is sublimated and transformed. It is not a simple Void form, it contains a strong strength.

Whether fleshly body Matter, or Soul, are in Space’s sustain.

Any one of these, to a certain extent, will exceed the limit of Space sustain.

Right now, this to connect Channel is the same.

“My current Soul level is indistinguishable from the ordinary Void God King, and may be slightly better in intensity.”

Zhao Feng felt the slight jitter of to connect Channel.

That jittering feeling surpassed the previous Kong Feiling of Half-Step King, and even approached “Yun Hao” shattered by a crack in Space.

don’t tell me, will I step into Yun Hao’s footsteps?

Zhao Feng was nervous.

In this dangerous moment, Zhao Feng even prepared to “God Eye Out” again.

No matter what, life is first.

Fortunately, that trace of jitter was only close to Yun Hao, but it did not reach it.

to connect Channel, feedback on Matter is stronger.

Void God Realm King, within the body Crystal Nucleus, gave birth to True Yuan Space.

Zhao Feng’s True Yuan cultivation base, but stays at Intermediate Stage Small Origin Core Realm.

At this moment, for the first time, Zhao Feng was glad that his cultivation base was not so high.


In some Sect forces and certain disciples, in order to deal with the “Divine Illusory Space”, they will deliberately not assault King Realm.

Until the enters into the Divine Illusory Space, have accumulated knowledge and deliver it slowly, advances in one fell swoop.

In doing so, the risks will be minimized.

When Zhao Feng appeared, he felt that both the fleshly body and Soul were obviously sinking.

An endless pressure from Canggu, the coming of hiding the sky and covering the earth, it was the aura that experienced Immemorial and ancient.

When it suddenly appeared, Zhao Feng had the illusion of entering into the Immemorial Dreamland.

Space pressure here is more than one level higher than Half-God’s Heritage Garden.

The entire Space has a gloomy feel, but it does not affect the sight.

In the field of vision, there is a continuous endless loess Gobi, and the dust is roaring.

Shua shua shua

Around Zhao Feng’s, there were some silhouettes, all of which were disciples and older elites of Ten Thousand Saint Sect.

After a while.

A total of 99 people appeared in this strange Canggu Space.

“Everyone, Collection”

Kong Feiling began to convene members under the guidance of several senior elites.

Divine Illusory Space’s to connect, in general, people in the same area will teleportation at a similar location.

For example.

The genius from Ten Thousand Saint Sect to connect enters into the will appear in the same location in Divine Illusory Space.

On the Sky Maple Great Island Region, all other forces to connect enters into the, will be closer to this area.

But looking at the entire Big Island, the forces that can connect to Divine Illusory Space, including Royal Mansion, are just a few

“Old Fei, where are we at Divine Illusory Space?”

Kong Feiling asked.

At present, her strength is probably one of the very best among the people.

But in terms of experience, Kong Feiling is not as good as some older elites.

The “Old Fei” she asked was a rare old man holding a stick.

This “Old Fei”, with the oldest qualifications, had entered the Divine Illusory Space twice. Although there was nothing to gain, they all survived successfully and accumulated rich experience.

“It is not yet possible to determine the specific location. The range of Divine Illusory Space is too wide. It is also possible to enter into the unknown area.”

Old Fei has wrinkles and vicissitudes on his face.

His cultivation base, also reached half-Step King, really fights and can easily defeat the new generation of same rank


Ten Thousand Saint Sect’s team will start exploring nearby areas.

The pressure of Divine Illusory Space is not small, various senses are suppressed, and the cultivation base is lower than Void God King, and it is difficult to fly.

Great Origin Core Realm and Half-Step King are only here to leap and fly for a short time.


Outsider In this space, exploration is very difficult.

Right now, this Gobi is a continuous loess with no end in sight.

Just for a while.

Several disciples exploring in the distance, and unknown creatures, slaughtered.

Bass Cengceng

Ten Thousand Saint Sect Some elites came to the news to help.

Zhao Feng’s God Eye, can’t help look into the distance.

I saw a few large toothed rats with red light in their eyes, and they were fighting with Ten Thousand Saint Sect’s several disciplines.

That tooth rat, fleshly body, is extremely hard and strong, and the attack of the True Lord Level is difficult to cause fatal injuries.

Until an old Origin Core Realm arrived, thundered and killed one of them.

The other sharp-toothed rats, screaming in panic, got into the nearby sand holes.

“This tooth-tooth rat demon belongs to the ancient breed, and its fur and teeth are rare materials outside.”

The elder of Origin Core Realm said with a little surprise.

In subsequent explorations, the elites of Ten Thousand Saint Sect encountered some rodent creatures.

Those explorers, in groups of three or four, each range has a Venerable Lord, and it’s pretty safe.

A small team of Zhao Feng and Liu Tianfan also encountered fighting.


Zhao Feng suddenly had a trace of induction, can’t help step down.

“Be careful”

Liu Tianfan loudly shouted, a burning purple aperture, blasted into the loess sandstone below.

“Bong Bang”, several members of this team took advantage of a few ten zhang.

Just the next moment.

There was a chirp howling in the sand within the earth, and a huge black scorpion with black body broke through the earth.

That huge black scorpion, a dozen feet long, had a metallic feel in the whole body. The scorpion clamp and scorpion tail were moving sharp cold light and poison.


Everyone can not help took in a cold breath.

In the last hit, the surface of the metal shell of the black giant scorpion just left some inconspicuous marks.

“Beware of the poison of this scorpion”

Liu Tianfan took out an Earth Rank sword and cut it at the giant black scorpion.


This cut was actually blocked by the huge black scorpion with a pair of scorpion pliers.


A powerful force even shook Liu Tianfan a few steps.

If it is one-to-one, Liu Tianfan’s odds of success is very small. The best option is to flee.

But enters into the Divine Illusory Space, usually as a team.

Only some of the top genius elites, with the strength reaching King level, are eligible to act alone.


Zhao Feng shockedly shouted, a whole body of blue silver silver light glow emerged, and he flicked his fist lightly.


An invisible physique power, crushing the huge black scorpion body.

That physical strength, under the sudden strikes, is enough to spit blood from ordinary Small Origin Core Realm.

But the Black Giant Scorpion, the physical blood, is extremely powerful, the figure is just a flash, the speed is restricted.

But Zhao Feng’s means more than that.

He was a little bit, a ripple of Wind Thunder Of Water turned into a fan-shaped assault wave, sweeping the huge black scorpion whole body.


A tingling sensation of throbbing thunder once again restricted the huge black scorpion.

Bang Bang

Hybrid Phantom strength and Wind Thunder Of Water, Zhao Feng from the side, greatly restricted huge black scorpion.

His figure speed and Concept are extremely high.

That black Giant Scorpion, it is impossible to attack Zhao Feng.

After ten breaths.

Zhao Feng and Liu Tianfan defeated the Black Giant Scorpion as the main force.

But this black Giant Scorpion has a strong defense force and has not yet been hit hard.

Soon, several seniors of Origin Core Realm arrived, powerful and rich, and easily crushed the black Giant Scorpion.

“Experience counts.”

Liu Tianfan said with emotion.

The older generation of experts, the cultivation base is mostly the Great Origin Core Realm. The fighting style is very old and spicy.

Not a moment.

Black Giant Scorpion was besieged by everyone. With the assistance of several senior elites, there was no chance of escape.

“These elites, Battle Strength is very strong.”

Zhao Feng secretly nodded.

He estimated that the sixty or more new generations, all of them, were not the opponent of the thirty or more old generations.

Endless Gobi Strip.

The entire team of Ten Thousand Saint Sect began to explore and advance in an orderly manner.

Some experts even take out their own mounts.

In the Gobi Desert, some terrestrial Spirit Pets are more suitable.

Due to space pressure and dust storm, flying Spirit Pet is not suitable.


Zhao Feng did not summon Dark Cloud Bird for the time being, he began to pay attention to whether there is a suitable mount on this desert.

Half a day later, the Gobi sky, black clouds rolling, weird depression and calm.

At this time, the crowd never encountered those creatures again.

“and many more”

It was like the “Old Fei” of the staff, and suddenly waved.

“This weather is not optimistic. I used to perform the sect mission and survived in the desert. If I guessed right, a huge sandstorm will sweep across.

Old Fei brows tightly knit.


Ten Thousand Saint Sect Elites, complexion is a change.

If it is the outside world or a general sandstorm, everyone will not look at it.

But Divine Illusory Space has a higher level of space, and everyone has no flying ability.

The power of natural disasters here must not be underestimated

At this moment, there is no trace of those powerful creatures on Gobi.

“Old Fei, what shall we do?”

Kong Feiling asked.

“Without proper refuges, it is difficult for us to escape from dust storms. The only way is to find high ground for assembly and establish a great formation.”

Old Fei solemnly.

His proposal was immediately agreed.

Find a place high in the power of the people and quickly build a temporary definition great formation.

Cengceng rub

Ten Thousand Saint Sect’s disciple, move quickly.

After a while.

The team went to find a higher Gobi Peak and quickly began to deploy the defense great formation.

Under the command of Old Fei, the crowd quickly constructed an Earth Element great formation.


A crystalline yellow-earth great rock formation, presenting a large stone house, keeps everyone in it.

After half an hour.

Heaven and earth are even more gloomy, and the raging sandstorms swallow everything in view.

The earth and stone great formation where everyone is, a slight tremor, the rays of light are gradually dim.

Everyone hurriedly invested in Primal Crystal Stone, infused with True Yuan.

“The power of this dust storm is greater than expected. Below Half-Step King, it will be difficult to survive in the dust.

Old Fei lamented.

Everyone was shocked. In the Divine Illusory Space, only the disaster of nature was so powerful.

If you have one or two sect elites alone, it will be very difficult.

Zhao Feng sat cross-legged, in the earth-great great formation, close eyes silently cultivate.

Divine Illusory Space, each time it opens, takes about several months, and the longest will not exceed six months.

And this Space, despite being derelict and desolate, heaven and earth Origin Energy is stronger than the Continental domain.

Importantly, there are many huge resources that are rare outside.


Ten Thousand Saint Sect seems to be out of luck. The area to connect is this desolate Gobi.

This sandstorm lasted for One Day and One Night.

Some moment.

The sand storm was gradually lowered, and everyone was in a high position.On the Gobi Peak, they were still engulfed by yellow sand


Some older experts took the lead, removing the sand and dust outside the earth and stone great formation, and dispersing it, and running through a Channel.

See you soon.

Everyone looked at all around, it was a loss of mind, it was incredible, there was a feeling of the transformations of the world.

(Two more arrives, wait for the state of fast food adjustment, layout the plot well, it will be added in two days)

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