King of Gods

Chapter 790

Great Heaven Dynasty, a group of palaces floating on the clouds on the mountain.

On a huge disc of gold orange, a brilliant white Channel, faintly discernible, emerged between the entity and the Void.

“Divine Illusory Space, to connect succeeded”

A great voice, ringing through heaven and earth void, even dozens of King and several Great Emperor nearby felt tremor.

“First, Xuanyuan Wen”

In front of Pure Crystal’s splendid Channel, a handsome youngster appeared, and Wen Zou Zou looked a little shy.


This “Heavenly Floating Palace” had hundreds of disciples and elites on standby. No one dared to despise him, and even showed deep awe in his eyes.

Xuanyuan Wen, and behind one male and one female two disciplines, are both Void God Realm King.

“Senior Brother, I’m one step ahead.”

Xuanyuan Wen was polite, with a smile in his smile, and cup one fist in the other hand saluted.

“Master, I won’t let you down.”

In the end, he looked at a glance high in the sky, the cultivation base reached at least the “Half-God” level, but it was like a dead old man.

The aura of the old man is unremarkable, just like a common man.


When Xuanyuan Wen stepped into the Channel, void trembled, and cracks appeared in the white crystal light.

“Xuanyuan Wen, after all, is not an ordinary King. Already is beyond the limits of Channel.”

“Instead of any 3-Star Sect, I’m afraid I won’t try it.”

Around the huge disc of golden orange, some King and Great Emperor were discussed in private.

Under normal circumstances.

At Xuanyuan Wen’s strength level, forcing the enters into the Channel will be shattered into numerous pieces by the force of Space.

Just at this critical moment.


Xuanyuan Wen body, a strange piece of jade, blooming with a white ripple-like brilliance, the shredding force produced by the breaking of Space, immediately melted as soon as he met him.

“Ancient Divine Item Fragment”

There was an exclamation near the huge disc.

Divine Tool, that’s God’s Domain

Divine Illusory Space is the space left by Ancient God. Only God’s strength can deal with God.

Xuanyuan Wen sheltered at the end of the Channel with the strength of the “Ancient Divine Item” fragment.

“The person who enters this level of teleportation has an Imperfect, that is, they will be randomly ported to a corner of the Divine Illusory Space and will not be with everyone.”

A Void God Great Emperor lowly mumble.

Shua shua

Xuanyuan Wen behind, the one male and one female Void God King, also by their own means, entered into the Divine Illusory Space.

Great Heaven Dynasty, Duanmu Family.

Above the blue yingshui lake, a blue channel can be seen.

“Yufei, are you ready? The opportunities and dangers in Divine Illusory Space are much greater than those of Half-God’s Heritage Garden.”

Duanmu Qing contains said with a smile.

Below the blue channel, there are a number of Clan disciple and elite.

The head is a young girl with an elegant and elegant appearance. The whole body skin, such as Haoyu Baixue, glows a touch of sparkling gloss.


Zhao Yufei smiled sweetly, and the beautiful fragrant flower surprised the audience.

See her models heading for that green channel.

The Biqing Channel was as smooth as it was without any tremors or anomalies.

“It’s incredible the cultivation base of Void God King, which can cross Channel so easily.”

“This woman really has’ Spirit Clan, Bloodline, my Duanmu Family revival is hopeful …”

Duanmu Family Some seniors silhouette, expression excited.

With the strength of Duanmu Family, you can send at most one ordinary King into it.

This situation of Zhao Yufei saved them a place.

“Spirit Clan’s affinity to heaven and earth strength is unparalleled. It won’t take long for Yufei to grow into a Void God Great Emperor.”

Duanmu Qing watched Zhao Yufei’s back disappear, and pinned a certain feeling.

Deep Green Sea, True Martial Holy Land.

Eternal Saint Peak.

Profound True Saint Sect and Thousand Hidden Saint Sect have two hundred or three hundred disciples and elites.

“The time to connect to our side is later than that in the Continental domain, and it will take a few days before we can connect to it.”

“Our two 3-Star Sects can join forces to send in King Ningong Sheng and Meng Xi King genius.”

Two sect executives whispered.

Divine Illusory Space, the range that can be connected to, is extremely wide.

Not only the Continent domain can be connected, but the surrounding Sea Territory forces can be connected as long as the strength is strong enough.

But on the side of Deep Green Sea, due to conditions and distance, there are only a few 3-Star Sects, capable of connecting with Divine Illusory Space.

On the Continent side, some 2-Star Strong Sects are also able to connect.

It can be said.

Enters into the Divine Illusory Space are all in the Continental domain, and the elite genius of the surrounding areas.

At this scale and in this flourishing age, there is almost no inheritance or secret realm that can match the “Divine Illusory Space” mention on equal terms.

Ten Thousand Saint Sect, on a huge pitch black platform.

A number of disciple and sect older elites are waiting.

“Some forces on the Continent domain may have succeeded in connecting to connect, but on our side, we have to wait.”

Liu Tianfan smiled and stood beside Zhao Feng.

In “Illusory God’s Selection Test”, the two were tied.

Liu Tianfan not only did not have anger, hatred, but also took the initiative to make friends with Zhao Feng.

Liu Tianfan’s arrogance and impatientness also made Zhao Feng feel good. From him, he learned about the situation of the Continental Dynasty.

“Great Heaven Dynasty, Serene Moon Dynasty, the surrounding Sea Territory, including the unreachable ‘4-Star Sect, its genius and elite, will all participate in the Divine Illusory Space.”

Liu Tianfan said with emotion.

The forces to connect are at least 2-Star Sect, or 2-Star forces.

Among these many super forces, Ten Thousand Saint Sect is so small.

Zhao Feng even realized that this Divine Illusory Space was opened and its scale was magnificent.

In contrast, some of the Inheritance or secret realm he previously entered into the house are all house-to-house.

before connect.

Ten Thousand Saint Sect, a King Senior, tells everyone about the precautions.

First there are some risk factors in the Divine Illusory Space.

“Second, the 3-Star Sect and the forces on it, such as Imperial Clan, Eight Great Aristocratic Families, 4-Star Sect, don’t provoke you easily.”

The King cautioned solemnly.

After all, Ten Thousand Saint Sect already is not a 3-Star Great Sect from the Peak period.

First of all, the terrifying strength of 3-Star, even 4-Star sect’s genius elite, is not comparable to 2-Star.

Even under the same cultivation base, the strength of genius will have a big gap.

Retreat 10,000 steps.

If you are not careful and kill important elites cultivated by Imperial Clan or 4-Star Sect, you will be afraid of bringing disaster to Ten Thousand Saint Sect.

“Of course, there are still a small number of third- and fourth-star forces. In the Divine Illusory Space, you will encounter some more 4-star forces …”

That King is paused again.

The number of 3-Star Sects was also very small in the Continental Dynasty.

As for 4-Star, the chances encountered in Divine Illusory Space are also very small.

About a day has passed.

A strange and vague space wave emerged on the dark platform.

If Zhao Feng’s senses were not powerful, they would not be able to sense them.

“It’s time to connect”

Ten Thousand Saint Sect Some Void God King, startled.


Formation is on, and a pale Golden Channel appears on the dark platform, and it seems to be able to reach the other side of the starry sky.

“Yun Hao, ready.”

The digital Void God King, including the eyes of a Great Emperor, turned to the first youth.

That Yun Hao is a special place among the older elite.

Illusory God’s Selection Test by Ten Thousand Saint Sect, divided into older and newer generations.

Within XNUMX years of age are new generations.

Those over XNUMX are older.

This Yun Hao happens to be fifty-sixty years old, but has a Void God Realm King cultivation base, and the potential innate talent is excellent.

Ten Thousand Saint Sect is obviously focused on training him.

“Senior Yun Hao, please take care.”

On the platform, some descendants are respectful and respectful to Yun Hao.

Kong Feiling and Yun Hao represent the two strongest genius elites of Ten Thousand Saint Sect.


Kong Feiling, who owns the Emperor Path Bloodline, is really similar to Void God King.

The first enters into the Yun Yun.

At this moment, some King Elders in the sect looked nervously.


Yun Hao takes a deep breath, stepping into that light Golden Channel.


As soon as he stepped in, the Golden Channel showed an unstable trend.

“Stabilizing great formation”

Near the dark platform, a Void God Great Emperor and eight King, simultaneously teamed up.

That light Golden Channel, this is only slightly stable.

On Yun Hao forehead, there was a trace of cold sweat, and he quickly accelerated into the Golden Channel.


His silhouette will drown at the end of the Golden Channel.

The eight Kings and one Void God Great Emperor, the complexion are a little white, and the energy of Origin Energy is extremely high.

Just when everyone thought Yun Hao was about to succeed.


Yun Hao screamed suddenly and was broken into countless pieces by a sudden space crack.

That space crack, like a cobweb, exuded a taboo aura.


Ten Thousand Saint Sect’s elders or disciple, each and everyone who was present were stunned and took a cool breath.

Deathly stillness on the dark platform for a long time.

“Failed … Yun Hao had bad luck.”

“After all, Ten Thousand Saint Sect already is not the 3-Star Sect of the year.”

place to leave some sad and regretful voices.

The higher the cultivation base, the lower the success rate.

Unless the sect is extremely powerful, or there is a special Bloodline Physique such as “Spirit Clan”, or even “Space Spirit Body” of Nangong Sheng, which is highly compatible with Space and can increase the success rate.

After a long time.

On the dark platform, the formation was stable and transmission continued.

The second person is Kong Feiling.

Kong Feiling, only the Half-Step King cultivation base, disappeared at the end of the Channel in no surprise.

“Fortunately, Kong Feiling is fine.”

Sect experts, this is what makes a sigh of relief.

There is no doubt that Kong Feiling, who owns Emperor Path Bloodline, has higher potential natural talent.

Shua shua shua

On the dark platform, each and everyone sect disciple or elite disappeared at the end of the Channel.

Since then, there has been no tragic tragedy of “Yun Hao”.

Some moment.

It’s Zhao Feng enters into the to connect Channel.

“My Soul level, especially intensity, is no small matter …”

Zhao Feng is slightly worried.

It stands to reason that with his Intermediate Stage Small Origin Core Realm’s cultivation base, there is nothing to worry about.

But Channel’s sustain has a certain relationship with Soul Strength.

Zhao Feng converged the whole body strength to peak, and cautiously stepped on to Connect Channel.


When halfway through, Zhao Feng felt a slight jitter in to connect Channel, and a heart also hung over his throat.

(Resume update, ask for monthly pass)

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