King of Gods

Chapter 789

In the face of Kong Feiling, Liu Tianfan was waiting for his utmost caution and grave.

The test has just begun.

“Purple Flame Protection”

Liu Tianfan body surface is covered with a layer of dark purple striate armor, and a fierce flame blooms.

Maybe it is opponent, too powerful, Liu Tianfan’s Battle Strength will be better than Zhao Feng’s battle time.

With colorful light glow flashes, Kong Feiling stepped elegantly and came to Liu Tianfan.

Seems slow, in fact is faster than Zhao Feng’s speed when developing Wind Thunder Wings.


A colorful sparkling and translucent light feather phantom rises lightly from the jade hand of Kong Feiling. It seems like a hundred flowers blooming, brilliant, and beating Liu Tianfan.


After Liu Tianfan completed the “Purple Flame Protection”, both fists were simultaneously out, pushing two deep purple Flame Dragons that burned alternately, and came a violent roar. The high-temperature inflammatory power was enough to instantly burn down the ordinary Small Origin Core Realm.

“It seems that Liu Tianfan did not exert the Peak Battle Strength when he fought with me.”

Zhao Feng whispering.

Anyway, Liu Tianfan surpassed him too much on the cultivation base. Furthermore, Zhao Feng’s speed and mobility, and control of the situation, were also a limiting factor.

嘣 click

There was a cracking sound from Arena.

Liu Tianfan shoutingly shouted, figured out, battered and exhausted.

I saw that the purple striate armor on his body surface was cut to pieces by Kong Feiling.

Kong Feiling’s action is elegant, calm and unrestrained. A jade hand with a light wave is a beautiful sparkling and translucent light feather phantom.

That light feather phantom, faintly mysterious noble Yanxia, ​​has a tendency to gradually materialize.


Before supporting the three moves, Liu Tianfan spit out blood.

“Ten Thousand Saint Sect first true strength, name is not in vain.”

“Then Kong Feiling did not use Emperor Path Bloodline, he played Liu Tianfan, and did not fight back.”

There was a shock in the field.

Many disciples shocked the strong strength of Kong Feiling.

“Kong Feiling, not only didn’t use Emperor Path Bloodline, he didn’t do his best.”

Zhao Feng is more precise.

This feeling is like the situation when Zhao Feng and Huang Yunhu fight with.

“Let’s end Liu Tianfan, your strength, there is not much improvement …”

Kong Feiling chuckled.

As soon as the words came down, Half-Step King Will, with an invisible mighty prototype, oppressed a void.


Kong Feiling body, faintly enveloped by a huge seven-color light feather outline, stretches several ten zhang, gorgeous and magnificent.

“This is Emperor Path Bloodline from Kong Feiling.”

Zhao Feng was slightly surprised.


Liu Tianfan’s body was like a piece of paper. When pushed by Kong Feiling, he vomited blood and flew out of Arena.

“Kong Feiling wins” referee pronounced.

There was no suspense in this battle.

If it wasn’t for Kong Feiling’s release of water, Liu Tianfan would not be able to persist in one or two moves.

“Kong Feiling, genius ranking XNUMX.”

Zhao Feng has relevant information in his memory.

Ten Thousand Saint Sect, after all, has the glory and background of 3-Star Great Sect. The chief Core Disciple is not lost to those 3-Star Sect.

In the genius list, the lowest cultivation base is Half-Step Origin Core Realm, or Great Origin Core Realm Peak.

It can be inferred that the Battle Strength of the top XNUMX Luo Zun.

secret realm Arena.

Over time, more and more sect disciple have been eliminated.

From two hundred to one hundred and fifteen and one hundred to fifteen.

The number of genius participating in the test is getting smaller and smaller.

So come.

The probability of Zhao Feng and Kong Feiling meeting has increased slightly.

According to the rules of trial selection, there is no closer than the opponent that has been tried.

Finally, two days before the end of the trial.

Zhao Feng and Kong Feiling met.

“I’m very interested in your true strength.”

Kong Feiling faint smile.

Before the trial, her half-step Will, when testing Zhao Feng, felt like throwing a stone and see it sink without trace in the sea.

She always felt that when Zhao Tianfan was fighting, it was not Zhao Feng’s true details and strength.

“I surrender.”

Zhao Feng casually, took a face with Kong Feiling and referee and jumped off Arena.

This scene made Kong Feiling feel choked and fiercely stomped.

The rest of the spectators were also confused.

According to the usual rules, since Zhao Feng has asked Ten Thousand Saint Sect to pass the first three strengths, no matter whether he wins or loses, he should have a few moves with Kong Feiling.

However, it was not expected that Zhao Feng would concede so crisply and decisively.

In the secret realm space, the two Kings who presided over the trial also had some regrets.

The two Void God Realm Kings, why don’t you see that Zhao Feng body has some secrets, I’m afraid I don’t want to expose them.

The more so, the mystery of Zhao Feng body makes people curious.

“Hmph waits for the enters into the God fantasy space, to see if you have not exposed the details.”

Kong Feiling coldly snorted, disappointed and left Arena.

Among the new generation of Ten Thousand Saint Sect, Disciple, she is invincible, the only one who met Zhao Feng, who was impenetrable, became a bit interested.

But the other side, do not fight with her. This is really frustrating.

Two days later, Illusory God’s Selection Test is over.

After more than XNUMX days of repeated eliminations, XNUMX absolute elite disciples were finally screened out.

Zhao Feng visually saw crowd, but did not find “Wan Rong” Senior Sister.

Taking Senior Sister Wan, who entered the cultivation base of True Lord Level, did not pass the Illusory God’s Selection Test.

As far as the eyes are concerned, the lowest of the sixty disciplines and cultivation bases are True Lord Peak or Half-Step Origin Core Realm

These disciplines are at least a cultivation base with a Half-Step Origin Core Realm.

Huang Yunhu and Senior Brother Guang are also listed.

sou sou sou

Through the trial elections, they have left the secret realm space. Those who were eliminated, left.

Not much time.

A total of sixty elites appeared on the ancient mountain range.

“Junior Brother Zhao, congratulations on your passing the God fantasy election. You must seize this opportunity.”

Wan Rong Senior Sister, waiting at the mountain range.

Although her mood was low, the blessing from Zhao Feng was from her heart.

Zhao Feng sighed, in order to conceal some of his secrets, he used Controlling Heart Eye Technique to make Wan Rong Senior Sister feel good about himself.

Now, Wan Rong Senior Sister’s affection for him is increasing day by day.

After all, the handsome youngster rises and grows in her eyes in a step by step, becoming a star that attracts people’s attention.

But Wan Rong Senior Sister, knows herself, and the distance between her and Zhao Feng is getting farther and farther.

“In more than a month, Divine Illusory Space will be opened. Go back and consolidate and study the information about Divine Illusory Space.”

The two Kings, over the mountain range, explained a sentence or two, and then disappeared.

After passing the “Illusory God’s Selection Test”, each disciple can receive a confidential information about Divine Illusory Space in the sect.

Zhao Feng also had this information.

Quickly scanning this so-called confidential information, Zhao Feng can not help shake his head in disappointment.

Obviously, this information is 108,000 li worse than the one King Nan Feng gave him, regardless of the amount of content or depth.

Zhao Feng expected that some King or Great Emperor’s disciple can get a deeper level of information confidentiality.

Zhao Feng already knows the information of Imperial Clan about Divine Illusory Space.

As King Nan Feng said, the world ’s exploration of “Divine Illusory Space” may be less than 10%.

“There is still more than a month, and the cultivation base is still being improved.”

Zhao Feng lowly mumble.

After returning to his residence, Zhao Feng immediately opened the great formation and raised the retreat sign.

More than a month.

Zhao Feng, with sufficient resources, is devoting himself to cultivate, and the cultivation base is also making rapid progress.

A month later.

Zhao Feng’s cultivation base, breakthrough to Intermediate Stage Small Origin Core Realm.

Of course, the cultivation base of high-speed advancements also has a lot of resources behind it.

Zhao Feng’s “Five Elements Wind Thunder Secret Art”, cultivation technique, background, and crucial moment are also deepening.

But now.

His Wind Thunder trick, stuck at the fifth layer peak, has not yet broken through the sixth layer.

“It’s a cultivation base, which limits the advancement speed of Wind Thunder.”

Zhao Feng lowly mumble.

If he cultivate to the Great Origin Core Realm, or even the Late Stage Small Origin Core Realm Peak, maybe Wind Thunder, the alert breakthrough to the sixth layer.

This month.

The cultivation of Zhao Feng’s “Golden Earth Saint Thunder Body” has never stopped.

Through the “Illusory God’s Selection Test”, Zhao Feng gradually tasted the benefits of physical arrogance.

The physique is really powerful, it can completely run wild, ignore the other’s Realm and Bloodline, and directly crush

That was the case for Half-God Child of the year.

Half-God Child, when King cultivation base, Saint Body Strength can suppress the fleshly body of the Great Emperor of Death.

And Zhao Feng’s Saint Thunder Body is stronger than Golden Earth Saint Body.

The “Saint Thunder Body” produced by Zhao Feng cultivates the attribute of “thunder” to a certain level. Wherever the fleshly body passes, everything will be transformed into thunder by the thunder power in the physical.

Moreover, Zhao Feng didn’t need to get rid, attack his opponent, he would die out.

In the future, with the completion of Five Elements Wind Thunder, Saint Thunder Body will have a strong immunity to various strength attacks on Five Elements.


Zhao Feng only built Wind Thunder Of Water, and has a certain immunity to the ice water attack.

If he has also repaired Wind Thunder of Wood and Wind Thunder of Fire and performed the Tempered Body, he will also have the corresponding attribute immunity.

As a “Saint Thunder Body”, it has the strongest immunity to Dao of Thunder attack, and can even absorb thunder power.

At the beginning, Lei Zhen of Ten Thousand Thunder Sect was able to absorb Zhao Feng’s Wind Thunder attack.

“Once” Golden Earth Saint Thunder Body “, cultivate to great accomplishment or more, one day in the future, my ability to cope with God Calamity will definitely be much stronger.”

Zhao Feng is full of hope and confidence for the future.

Time is passing fast.

Seeing that the opening time of Divine Illusory Space is constantly approaching.

Last few days.

Zhao Feng stopped cultivate, simply entered into the Immemorial Dreamland and ingested more Immemorial Dreamland heaven and earth.

His physical Bloodline, and its Ancestor Transformation degree, are also slowly increasing.

These days, the “Emperor Path Bloodline” owned by Zhao Feng, its Bloodline purity and awakening degree are also increasing.

One night before Divine Illusory Space opens.

Ten Thousand Saint Sect, a hundred dark elites on a huge dark platform, are all waiting quietly.

“Divine Illusory Space is gradually being promoted, overlapping with heaven and earth around the Continental domain.”

“The time to connect may be advanced or delayed.”

The sect elite present was discussing in a low voice.

Zhao Feng swept through a glance, Ten Thousand Saint Sect, there were XNUMX senior experts.

the strange thing is.

Among these people, there is actually a person Void God Realm, King, who is relatively young and only fifty-sixty years old

Zhao Feng guessed that Ten Thousand Saint Sect should have any way and what price to pay to send Void God Realm King to the Divine Illusory Space.

“At this time, some of the Continental’s sects and Aristocratic Family, including the Imperial Clan, should be successfully connected. We are near the coast, and it will take a day.

Near the platform, several silhouettes of the mighty glory whispered.

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