King of Gods

Chapter 771

Great Heaven Dynasty, can be different from the ordinary secular kingdom

It surpasses hundreds of millions of lives, countless sects, and Clan, and integrates the Great Destiny of Heaven and Earth on one side to achieve the Supreme Divine Country.

The “Great Sky Sage Emperor” was furious, millions of corpses, blood-stained blue sky, two, 3-Star Sect, all shaking

The Law of the dynasty is that there is no prince in the world, and no prince by the shore of the leader.

Nominally, the territory of Ten Thousand Saint Sect is under the jurisdiction of the Great Heaven Dynasty.

“This task … is not a sect release, it should be from the Great Heaven Dynasty.”

Zhao Feng’s mind is Clear Comprehension.

The Sky Maple Great Island Region, which is also the ruling body of the dynasty, is the Royal Mansion.

Royal Mansion, there is a person The prince of the relatives of the royal family, sealed off a Void Sea Territory near the Sky Maple Great Island Region.

This territory alone has more inland islands than the Sky Black Archipelago Region and the Ancient Blue Archipelago Region combined.

“Everyone is here. I’ll call them.”

The headed white robed old man, the body has a powerful power.

During the roll call process, for some unfamiliar people, the white robed old man will ask a little about the other party’s ability.

When I read the word “Zhao Feng”, white robed old man paused.

“Speciality, Beast Taming Master.”

Zhao Feng reached out and touched the delicate fluff of Small Thieving Cat body, and answered very briefly.

White robed old man’s face, with a hint of surprising colour.

This True Profound Level kid has no awe at the Venerable Lord of the Great Origin Core Realm.

Senior Brother Guang on the other side flashed a hint of cold intention in his eyes.

“Zhao Feng, this dynasty mission is your end day.”

Senior Brother Guang calmed down, still came with a smile and talked to Zhao Feng side Wan Rong.

Wan Rong, the gentle and demure beauty Junior Sister, Senior Brother Guang has always loved.

In previous pursuits, Senior Brother Guang has gained the initial trust and favor of Wan Rong.


For this dynasty mission, Senior Brother Guang found that Wan Rong Junior Sister and Zhao Feng were walking very close.

In front of Zhao Feng, Wan Rong’s beautiful smile spread from time to time.

“This pretty boy, let you replacent for a few days …”

Senior Brother Guang strongly unhappy.

Not much time.

This powerful team flew out of the Sky Maple Great Island Region on a Void Sea Ship.

In the Void Sea, Zhao Feng overlooks the large island area covered by a layer of light blue air film, and can vaguely see the outline of the river above.

It can be called a “big island region”, its scale is five to ten times that of ordinary island regions, and its resources and environment are superior.

Zhao Feng also found.

It is close to the Continent domain. Heaven and earth Origin Energy is rich, and the skeleton and pressure of Space will be greater.

So come.

The same level of strength. In the Deep Green Sea, you can destroy a city. If you enter the Continent domain, you may only destroy a Villa.

This Void Sea Ship is astonishingly fast, with half the speed of Ghost Corpse Sea Ship.

Obviously, the Cultivation civilization on the side of the Continental Dynasty is more prosperous than the Deep Green Sea.

Three days later.

Void Sea Ship approaches an island where Origin Energy is relatively thin, similar to the Green Flower Territory.

“Here is ‘no lack of domain, everyone … ready for battle'”

white robed old man high shouted.

Inside the sea boat.

Zhao Feng eyes opened and exited from cultivate.

The cultivate of these days has been consolidated. His cultivation base and alert reached True Profound Level Peak. It won’t take long before he can break through to True Lord Level.

Zhao Feng is quite satisfied with the progress of the cultivation base.

Void Sea Ship penetrated the air film field of the island and splashed a splendid spark.

“This island is similar to Green Flower Continent.”

Zhao Feng sighed in his heart.

As far as he knows, there is no lack of territory, which is on the edge of the rule of the Sky Maple Great Island Region.

On this island, the situation is chaotic and very xenophobic. For a long time, it has been a place of no concern.

On the other hand, it is also the Great Heaven Dynasty, which has less control over the Void Sea Territory than before.

For example, in the Deep Green Sea where Zhao Feng is located, the Great Heaven Dynasty is beyond his reach.

After an hour.

In view, a majestic Imperial Palace City Gate Tower appears.

“Kill all the True Spirit Realm in the Imperial Palace.”

white robed old man ordered.

As soon as the voice fell, I heard only a loud noise.


An Earth Rank giant axe, dropping from the sky, with the destruction of the star flame hiding the sky and covering the earth, instantly pressure covers the Imperial Palace City Gate Tower.

In an instant.

The Imperial Palace City Gate Tower was razed to the ground.

The capital where the Imperial Palace is located was also affected by the arrested screams.

In Imperial Capital, there are Origin Core Realm and True Lord Level expert sitting, each and everyone’s envious hatred comes back.

Being able to establish a kingdom within Territory within, its strength is naturally no small matter.


This mission team is led by the Great Origin Core Realm Venerable Lord. Several Origin Core Realm Venerable Lords have a full Earth Rank Divine Weapon.

Expert from 2-Star Peak, the same level of strength, is far superior to this Natives dynasty.

Near the capital, fell into a tragic assassination.

At first, the Natives dynasty still had a certain resistance force; later, it was basically a massacre.

“It seems that the Green Flower Territory of the past, the great Broad Dynasty at its peak, was so destroyed overnight.

Zhao Feng whispering.

He joined the battle, mainly responsible for some fleeing True Spirit Realm experts.

“I waited for the frog at the bottom of a well, and also wished to establish a dynasty to fight for luck with Great Heaven.”

The White Robe Venerable Lord Battle Strength heaven shaking, beheaded two Origin Core Realm.

At this point, Digital Origin Realm, who besieged him, all retreated.

While fighting.

The white robed old man also sounded transmission, ordering others to kill some fish that escaped the net.

Zhao Feng, Wan Rong Senior Sister, True Spirit Realm, responsible for pursuit

The Natives dynasty, some members of Imperial Clan, fled to a hidden place under the escort of expert.

Zhao Feng is one of the members in charge of the fish in pursuit.

Those members of Imperial Clan in pursuit resisted slaughter, or kneeled for mercy.

Zhao Feng’s principle is to surrender without killing.

in fact.

There was no true right or wrong in this killing, only the difference in position.

Difficult to deal with two tigers.

How can Territory within the Great Heaven Dynasty’s plate territory tolerate the establishment of other dynasties.

Some moment.

“Be careful, there is an ambush”

Zhao Feng pursued into a canyon, and suddenly heard the screams of members of the Sect nearby.


One Origin Core Realm and Digital True Spirit Realm who went into the canyon died tragically.


Zhao Feng’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he stood on Dark Cloud Bird.

“Zhao Feng, just blame your sharp light. Today, this mess is the day you fall.”

A hoarse voice came.

Inside the canyon, a short old man came out, and there was still blood on the Earth Rank dagger on his hand.

Other than that.

Near the canyon, there were six or seven powerful auras, and the lowest cultivation base was Late Stage Small Origin Core Realm.

These people, uniform black robes and masks.

“Two Venerable Lords and six Venerables. The Yin Family really deserves me.”

Zhao Feng scoffed slightly.

Faced with so many people killing back and forth, the youngster in the field of vision laughed with ease.

Such a scene.

Let the small old man and the others be suspicious and secretly alert.

“Junior, Ning was stiff before he died.”

A gloomy and cold woman’s voice came from behind; it was a slim black robe woman surrounded by a layer of dark Void Flame.

This woman turned out to be the rare death of Soul Type, staring closely at Dark Cloud Bird.

Obviously, this time the interception was planned.

“Yin Family’s killer can be so precise and intercept me in a chaotic situation. Spy must be in the task team.”

Zhao Feng heart is like a clear mirror.

That Spy, ready to come out.

Zhao Feng’s death in the chaotic situation of the dynasty’s mission will not cause much suspicion of Sect.

The conspiracy can completely transfer the killer to the Natives dynasty.

“Night long dreams, bombard directly”

The short old man of the Great Origin Core Realm, holding the Earth Rank dagger in his hand, disappeared into the void in the blink of an eye and disappeared.

Shabu laugh

The next moment, a sharp chill urged Zhao Feng’s heart.

That small old man turned out to be a rare Shadow Killing Dao.


The Earth Rank dagger in his hand was just close to Zhao Feng, and the figure suddenly became stiff.

Pu chi

A dark mysterious dagger pierced the head of the small old man.

“how come……”

The little old man on the spot froze, and his blood ticked to the ground.

The people who killed him turned out to be Shadow Killing, and they were much more sophisticated than him.

Meow meow

A silver-grey kitten emerged from the short old man behind and turned into a dark silver dotted line.

pu pu pu

Several nearby Origin Core Realm experts, simultaneously through a blood hole in the chest.

In the end, only the skinny woman in the dim Void Flame remained.

In this female both eyes, there was a fear, and the back was penetrated by cold sweat, apparently horrified by Shadow Killing of Small Thieving Cat.

Zhao Feng had just prepared to get rid. There was a sound of breaking air in the far night sky.

“Young Master Zhao Feng, hold on, we will save you-“

Aura of Origin Core Realm approached quickly.

Be the first.

A commoner old man, cultivation base up to Great Origin Core Realm Peak, an Earth Rank sharp sword in his hand, turned into a purple cold rainbow, stabbing at the skinny woman.

The skinny woman was just about to dodge, but saw Zhao Feng with a palm shot.

On that palm, there seemed to be a magic power, and a misty Illusionary Labyrinth City emerged.

Bang pu chi

The skinny woman stood to place, and under the commoner old man and Zhao Feng’s attack, she was punctured and stabbed.

sou sou sou

The commoner old man who gets rid leads several Origin Core Realm elders to the scene.

“Zhao Feng, you are fine”

The commoner headed by the old man, long heave a sigh of relief, wiped the sweat on the forehead.


These people, some elders of “Zhao Feng” Clan, got some information and came to rescue Zhao Feng.

“Elder, uncles, you came in time, ah.”

Zhao Feng said slowly.

Meow meow

Small Thieving Cat sat on his shoulder with a disdainful look.

Commoner old man and the others, can’t help to blush with shame, his face is also somewhat awkward.

If it weren’t for Small Thieving Cat, they might have seen a corpse body of Zhao Feng when they came over.

“This is Thieving Cat Senior, which I gained from a big opportunity a few months ago.”

Zhao Feng introduced.

“Meet Thieving Cat Senior”

Commoner old man and the others, complexion.

This cat, but easily flipped through the Yin Family, a group of Origin Core Realm experts, spiked an Origin Core Realm Venerable Lord.

Meow ~

Small Thieving Cat has the same look, the gesture of an old Senior.

Zhao Family is even more flattered by the elders.

“Zhao Feng, I didn’t expect you to have such a big opportunity; with the presence of Thieving Cat Senior, we don’t have to worry about your safety.”

Commoner old man said with emotion.

After chatting for a while, the commoner Old Man spoke sharply: “Zhao Feng, come here this time and I will let you know something to make you feel better.”

“Oh? What?”

“Cough cough is about you and Shui’er, the girl’s engagement …”

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