King of Gods

Chapter 772


Zhao Feng frowned, after his body Possession, he will satisfy his aspirations as much as possible.

But the only thing to do is to get rid of the engagement.

In memory, the fiancée “Luo Shui’er” of Zhao Feng is the famous beautiful woman in the making of the Cloud Mountain Range generation.

Luo Shui’er, only fourteen or five years old, was born with a closed moon and shameful flowers, with a pleasant temperament and tranquility like water.

Not only that, this woman’s natural talent innate talent is also excellent; as early as a year ago, Luo Shui’er worshipped at the door of a Peak King.

of course.

No matter how Luo Shui’er is born with beauty, Zhao Feng thinks that this is just the fiancée of former Master Zhao Feng.

Thinking Will is the core of man.

Even if Body Possession is reborn, Zhao Feng is still Zhao Feng.

Regarding that “fiancée”, Zhao Feng had decided to regret marriage

He didn’t want to bother, and there was another fiancée in this life.

Just then, the commoner old man spoke.

“Feng’er, I know that you have long liked that Luo Shui’er; but there is news that I have to say.”

Hearing this, Zhao Feng froze.

don’t tell me, what else is going on?

“It is said that Luo Family Young Lady had the intention to remarry. The main reason was that Luo Shui’er was inadvertently chosen by the 8th Prince of the Great Heaven Dynasty.”

Commoner old man said slightly unbearably.

One year ago, Zhao Feng and Luo Shui’er had a relationship.

At that time, Zhao Feng was shocked to be celestial being, and was attracted by Luo Shui’er’s extraordinary dust-free temperament.

Luo Shui’er at the time had no dislike for Zhao Feng, and even the impression was okay.

After all, Zhao Feng is also Zhao Clan’s genius, famous for his handsome youngster.

“Elder means, Luo Family wants to regret marriage?”

Zhao Feng hearing this, there was some excitement and ecstasy in his eyes, and he tried to cover up.

Regret marriage? This is good

Zhao Feng was so happy that he was anxious to break up with that fiancée.

Commoner old man can’t help startled, looking slightly at Zhao Feng.

The youngster in front of him did not seem to have the anger and anxiety in his imagination, and seemed to be a little ecstatic.

“That Luo Family does have a meaning of divorce. Although this matter also depends on the meaning of Luo Shui’er. However, it is expected that with the noble identity of the 8th Prince, plus its’ Emperor Path Bloodline, natural talent, Luo Family cannot Refuse.”

Commoner old man solemnly said.

“8th Prince … Emperor Path Bloodline …”

Zhao Feng had a strange heart. How could he meet Luo Shui’er when he was far away from the 8th Prince of Imperial Capital in the Continental domain?

Prince of Great Heaven Dynasty, how noble is he?

Even if it is Core Disciple of 3-Star Sect, it is far from it.

Bu Yi old man explained: “This one has to mention the big brother of Luo Shui’er. This Luo Zun, it is worth it, is the first youth genius of the Sky Maple Great Island Region, and now it is Void God Realm King . “

Luo Zun?

Zhao Feng’s memory has information about the name.

The original Zhao Feng, to this person “Luo Zun”, that should be worship.

That Luo Zun, at the age of thirty-two, was promoted to Void God Realm King and became the famous genius of the Great Heaven Dynasty.

“After Luo Zun enters into the Continent domain, he got the title of the dynasty, and became a good friend with 8th Prince. Recently, Luo Zun accompanied 8th Prince to the Sky Maple Great Island Region. He visited the Royal Mansion but did not Opinion to Luo Shui’er ”

The commoner old man explained the cause and effect.

Zhao Feng, fell into a short thought.

This incident is undoubtedly good news for him.

Moreover, Cloud Mountain Range Zhao Clan can’t afford to blame that “8th Prince”.

“In that case, let’s get married.”

Zhao Feng was very brittle.

break off an engagement?

The commoner old man and the others are somewhat surprised. Zhao Feng not only did not resent it, he also proposed a divorce so decisively.

“Zhao Feng, you can figure it out. We are worried, that big brother of Naoshui. Zun, will go to Ten Thousand Saint Sect to put pressure on you.”

“Yes, that Luo Zun, despite being a generation of genius, was overbearing hard.”

Several famous Patrarch generations, referring to the name “Luo Zun”, obviously have several points of fear and awe.

“Relax, that’s it for the engagement.”

Zhao Feng waved his hand, slightly impatient.

Bu Yi old man’s eyes flickering, he stopped talking; he stared at Zhao Feng for a few times, always felt something wrong

Sou sou

Just then, members of the Ten Thousand Sect who were on the mission arrived.

Among them, Senior Brother Guang.

Seeing the moment, Senior Brother Guang was obviously surprised.

“Zhao Feng’s luck was so good. His Patriarch generation happened to come to the rescue.”

Senior Brother Guang saw nothing in his eyes.

How many times has Zhao Feng survived the crisis from Disturbed Forest to the present? Actually, every time, I turned the danger

Zhao Feng and his family Patriarch quit, sharp eyes glanced from Senior Brother Guang body.

Senior Brother Guang’s heart was cold, and Zhao Feng’s gaze made him feel guilty and uneasy.

“This Senior Brother Guang, colluded with the Yin Family, murdered me many times. However, this child is a King disciple, wait until the right time, and then solve it.”

Zhao Feng has his own plans.

No missing fields.

The newly built Natives dynasty was destroyed overnight.

On the side of Ten Thousand Saint Sect, the damage is minimal; the whole process is a massacre.

Just on the same day.

Ten Thousand Saint Sect’s mission team, take the Void Sea Ship, leave the realm, and leave a legend here

Establishing a dynasty is a taboo.

This will be passed on from generation to generation in the absence of defects, just like the Green Flower Territory.

Inside the sea boat.

Knowing that Zhao Feng had been assassinated, Wan Rong Senior Sister asked with concern, and asked to check his injuries for treatment.

Wan Rong Senior Sister is close to Zhao Feng’s.

Looking at his mind, the gentle and junior Junior Sister was so close to Zhao Feng, Senior Brother Guang was jealous.

On this trip, the Yin Family’s assassination killed the entire army.

Wan Rong Senior Sister’s gentle hush and warmth made Zhao Feng helpless.

at first.

In order to resolve Wan Rong Senior Sister’s suspicion, he secretly launched the “Controlling Heart Eye Technique”, which affected his psychological emotions and created a positive side for himself.

But I did not expect that Wan Rong Senior Sister’s affection for him would gradually develop a feeling of affection.

This kind of Controlling Heart Eye Technique, Zhao Feng dare not use it too obviously. Such as Senior Brother Guang, can not be easily used, so as not to be detected by its King Master.


On the way, the envy and hatred of Senior Brother Guang let Zhao Feng enjoy for a while.

“Junior Brother Zhao, five months left, is the time for God’s Magic Space to open. If you work harder, there may be a chance.”

Thinking of this, Senior Sister Wan, can’t help opened the mouth and said.

Mention of “Divine Illusory Space”, a few young disciplines on the field, can not help a bit excited.

“It is said that the God Fantasy Space is the ‘Ancient God’ in Divine Realm, the alien space left before the fall; every XNUMX years, it will connect with the Continent to Connect.”

“In the Divine Illusory Space, there are resources left by Immemorial and ancient.”

“A lot of extinct species and materials on Continent are obtained from Divine Illusory Space …”

Several disciples discussed.

Even Senior Brother Wan, both eyes shine.

From Senior Sister Wan, Zhao Feng learned about “Divine Illusory Space”.

First of all.

Divine Illusory Space, is not a single Sect and influence, which can be owned.

This legendary alien space left by God arrived to connect with the entire Continental domain and the nearby edge sea

In other words.

In the Continent domain, all Strong Sects and strong families can connect to it as long as they have the ability.

But thanks.

The Space Channel to connect is relatively fragile, and Void God Realm expert enters into the, it will be unstable.

In general, the major forces and Sect send Half-Step King, and the expert enters into the under. But there are a few cases where Void God King can be sent in safely.

Divine Illusory Space is not Inheritance, but a different space that was abandoned by God.

Every hundred years, it intersects with the Continental domain.

Moreover, it has no age limit, only the cultivation base limit, and the older generation of experts can also enter into the.

It can be said.

This is the grand event and stage of the entire Continental domain.

In the Divine Illusory Space, you can meet the Imperial Clan children, the big Aristocratic Family genius, and the Alien Race expert.

Even members of 3-Star and even “4-Star Sect” will appear in “Divine Illusory Space”, regardless of age.

It’s no wonder.

Divine Illusory Space’s to connect will make those Core Disciple exciting.

“Since this alien Space has huge resources available, I will not miss it.”

Zhao Feng said unconsciously.

He is now like Half-God Child, when he hears precious resources, his eyes shine.

This statement drew ridicule from other people inside the ship.

“Boy, you do n’t even have a True Lord Level cultivation base, and you also want to go to God ’s Magic Space and compete for resource opportunities.

An Origin Core Realm old man said with a playful look.

There is also a strong interest in Divine Illusory Space, the older generation of experts.

But older experts have fewer places.

Some sects and big forces still want to leave this opportunity to the younger generation with more potential.

Furthermore, in Divine Illusory Space, certain opportunities have certain restrictions on the age of natural talent.

“Haha Junior Brother Zhao, I think you still have to wait a hundred years. Ten Thousand Saint Sect, the person who has entered the Divine Illusory Space in the past, the lowest training base is True Lord Peak, Half-Step Origin Core Realm.”

Senior Brother Guang laughed heartily, and finally found a chance to fight Zhao Feng’s.

of course.

He ignored, Zhao Feng and Spirit Pet. The borrowed Spirit Pet cannot participate in the quota competition; but tam the heart 卩, and the signed Spirit Pet is unlimited.

In addition, in principle, Ten Thousand Saint Sect has no cultivation base restrictions for those who participate in the quota competition.

Three days later.

The Void Sea Ship where everyone is, arrived at the Sky Maple Great Island Region.

Ten Thousand Saint Sect, task great hall.

The task team received a generous reward.

As the leader of the white robed old man, the task rewards the most.

Zhao Feng also received a generous reward for ordinary True Spirit Realm.

Finish the task.

Zhao Feng went to the previous trading castle and got two Primal Crystal Stones for auction “Mud Poisonous Lizard King”.

Invisibly, Zhao Feng’s capital adds a sum.

He took these rewards and Crystal Stone, and traded a Precious Materials medicine of Body Tempering type.

The key is that the cultivate of “Golden Earth Saint Thunder Body” requires more energy and requires more resources.

“You guys know, Sky Maple Great Island Region youth, the first genius, come to visit My Sect.”

“Then Luo Zun, but the Great Heaven Dynasty, one of the strongest Kings.”

“It is said that there was a person mysterious person this time, and My Sect had some real power Elder to personally receive …

On the way back to his residence, Zhao Feng heard some sect disciple discussions.

Zhao Feng brows slightly wrinkle: The big brother of Luo Shui’er was so fast that he came to the door.

After returning to the residence, Zhao Feng immediately opened the formation and raised the retreat sign.

He didn’t want to be disturbed by his recultivation plan.

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