King of Gods

Chapter 770

The defeat of Huang Yunhu made Core Disciple in the audience unable to accept the result.

Especially a few disciples who have some knowledge of the original “Zhao Feng”.

some of.

Then Wan Rong Senior Sister, a pair of pretty eyes, stared at Zhao Feng, shocked, and more doubts.

She always feels that Zhao Feng now is very different from Zhao Feng in the past, both in temperament and strength.

Seems inductive.

The beautiful youngster in focus and the smile between faint smile met the both eyes of Wan Rong Senior Sister.

Zhao Feng in front of him is not only handsome, but also an indescribable masculine self-confidence.

That revealing masculine charm is enough to meet the overwhelming majority of women, and it is heartbreaking.

The moment his eyes met, Wan Rong’s heart beat.

In the field of vision.

The pair of mysterious Eyes seemed to have a magical power that made Wan Rong Senior Sister fall in.

Her tender face can’t help flushed, her heart bumping like a deer, and she bowed her head in shame.

This psychology makes Wan Rong difficult to accept

She has always held her quiet, but when she would show such a youngest daughter in front of a youngster.

But the youngster left her indescribable affection in her heart, and even produced a trace of unwillingness.

Zhao Feng slightly smiled, looking back.

Just now.

He realized the suspicion of Wan Rong Senior Sister, and secretly performed the “Controlling Heart Eye Technique” to dispel his suspicion and develop a friendly feeling for himself.


Wan Rong Senior Sister will not doubt him or think about the bad side.

Zhao Feng didn’t want to, because Wan Rong Senior Sister’s suspicion killed her.

This manipulation affects the psychological strength, but Zhao Feng who can not see the blood can resolve some minor troubles.

“Apart from Wan Rong Senior Sister, this Ten Thousand Saint Sect, few people have a better understanding of the original ‘Zhao Feng’.”

Zhao Feng secretly nodded.

The original Zhao Feng had a lonely character, and few people really knew him.

In this way, Zhao Feng’s future rise will not cause much doubt.

After all, there are not a few geniuses in this world who have great opportunities.

“Huang Yunhu, you lost your already, and don’t put away your two-legged Thunder Bird,”

Zhao Feng’s eyes turned to high altitude.

Two-footed Thunder Bird and Dark Cloud Bird are inextricably linked.

Dark Cloud Bird has some losses on the cultivation base. If it continues to fight, it will inevitably lose.

at this time.

A King Will, cross-space came, and the command token in Huang Yunhu’s hand suddenly lit up, blooming a layer of lightning cloud, and took away the biped Thunder Bird.

There were only a few people present who could sense the presence of King Will.

Zhao Feng is one of them.

That King Will, in Zhao Feng body, paused slightly.

same moment.

In Ten Thousand Saint Sect, a King Elder mansion.

“The boy’s cultivation technique is strangely mysterious, and the body’s aura is also very weird. If an unknown teacher points, there must be a great opportunity.”

King Lu Yun lowly mumble.

He secretly paid attention to Zhao Feng.

If this child has good achievements in the next six months, King Lu Yun will consider it as Core Disciple.


Dark Cloud Bird carried an overcast wind, Zhao Feng, and left.

“This Zhao Feng’s strength has grown so rapidly in recent months.”

“This child body, there must be some secret or big opportunity.”

Here are some disciples, discussed spiritedly.

Huang Yunhu looked gloomy, and stood up struggling.

Wang Yuan and Guang Tian Senior Brother and the others, hurried over to help him.

“I did not expect that Zhao Feng would have a great opportunity to make his strength skyrocket; it seems that the next sect task is also difficult to pose a great threat to him.”

Senior Brother Guang complexion gloomy and uncertain.

Zhao Feng’s true strength was beyond his plan.

“This matter, Yin Family should be notified as soon as possible. If not, this Zhao Feng is a big threat.”

Senior Brother Guang quickly decided again.

The other side.

Zhao Feng took the Dark Cloud Bird and landed in front of sect’s mission great hall.

The first three months.

Zhao Feng did not complete the task of sect overdue, one per month, adding up to a total of three.

Three tasks, Zhao Feng did not look at them.

He is also ready to brush a lot of sect tasks, including some difficult tasks, to accumulate resources and sect points.

Inside a side hall.

“Zhao Feng, three tasks overdue and not completed. Next, I will assign you tasks.”

A sharp-eyed dark-faced Deacon, said indifferently.

Zhao Feng is expressionless, waiting for task assignment.

The next three tasks are punitive, have no option, and have no rewards.


Zhao Feng got the first mission.

The mission objective is to hunt and kill “mud poison lizards” living in the center of the swamp, and obtain the “mud poison heart” within its body.

This mud poison lizard is not strong in strength, a Spiritual Master Level, and can easily solve several.

But Zhao Feng quickly realized the difficulty of this task.

Mud Lizards are a group of Demon Beasts, often in groups of hundreds. In each community, there will be a Mud Poisonous Lizard King, strength comparable True Lord Level.


This lizard, deep in the swamp, Zhao Feng’s Dark Cloud Bird, can’t play a role.

Obviously, this task was deliberately aimed at Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng expressionless took the task and took the Dark Cloud Bird. After two hours, he arrived in a swamp.

After half an hour.

Zhao Feng obtained thousands of “mud hearts”.

Not only that, he also domesticated two “Mud Poisonous Lizard King” of True Lord Level.

This “Mud Poisonous Lizard King”, a toxic and corrosive strength, even has a special ability to change into rock; its defense force is also extremely strong.

After Zhao Feng turned in the task, he used thousands of mud poisoned hearts for points and rewards.

Those two “Mud Poisonous Lizard King” were thrown to the trading castle for auction.

As a domesticated Spirit Pet, the price is several times or even ten times higher than that of the simple Demon Beast.

“Second mission.”

Zhao Feng came over again and accepted the assigned punishment task.

The dark-faced Deacon was slightly surprised, and soon gave the second task to Zhao Feng.

After reading the task content, Zhao Feng brows slightly wrinkle.

This task is a team task, and its level is somewhat high.

The second day.

Before the mission great hall.

“Guys, are you ready?”

A discouraged Origin Core Realm old man, squinting, watching Zhao Feng and a dozen others.

The leader is Origin Core Realm expert, so the mission level is not low.

In Feng Crowd, Zhao Feng glanced at these people, most of them were somewhat different and of low character.

Engaged for a long time.

These sect members are all assigned together because they have not completed their tasks overdue.

Looking at the drunk leader, Zhao Feng lost confidence in this task, at least not smoothly.

“Everyone, I’m leaving.”

Zhao Feng left the team directly and acted by himself.

“You devil, you don’t know the specific information of the task, how to perform it?”

That Origin Core Realm old man, smiling.

As a team task, its detailed information is in the hands of the leader.

Meow meow

Just then, a silver-grey kitten grabbed a special qualitative leather scroll and landed on Zhao Feng body.

“Ah my mission scroll”

The leader of Origin Core Realm was drunk, surprised and angry loudly roared.


The “Dark Cloud Bird” that Zhao Feng rode on was extremely fast, leaving these people out of reach.

The members of the team suddenly bust their feet and were cursed, leading to the sight of many people in front of the great hall.

“The second task is to annihilate a bandit gang that has recently risen in the mountains of the Ten Thousand Saint Sect, Northern Section. It is said that the strong Pirate Chief, who broke through the Origin Core Realm six months ago, has greatly increased the harm.”

Zhao Feng briefly covered the task.

On the task scroll, there are descriptions of the location and some strength characteristics of the bandit gang.

After a few hours.

Zhao Feng took the Dark Cloud Bird and entered into the mountains, reaching the scene of the incident.

Seeing no one around, Zhao Feng opened God Eye, clearly understood thousands of miles away.

Not much time.

In a cave palace, screams continued.

After a while.

Dark Cloud Bird carried a trace of bloody blood, sustaining Zhao Feng, and left the broken cave palace.

It only took Half Incense Stick time.

Zhao Feng ransacked the bandit gang’s nest and obtained several Faith Tokens from the heads of the strong Pirate Chief.

Ten Thousand Saint Sect, task great hall.

“The second task, already is done.”

Zhao Feng handed over the Faith Token to the dark-faced Deacon.

“I heard that this time, you left the team and performed it alone?”

Deacon with black face, weird look.

He repeatedly confirmed that Zhao Feng successfully completed the task, Faith Token head, one after another.

In order to make things difficult in the past, Zhao Feng also recorded a special mirror image to restore the entire process of the bandit picture being destroyed.

Black-faced Deacon, speechless.

“The third task, sorry, is also a team task.”

The dark-faced Deacon opened a scroll, and there was a playful joke in the corner of his mouth.

Zhao Feng rolled his eyes.

“But rest assured, this mission is quite special; the team members are not the last time, those who have poor character.”

Blackface Deacon solemnly added.

Special task?

Zhao Feng opened the scroll and swept a glance.

This task is not highly confidential.

“Special Mission: Annihilation of the Natives Dynasty.”

“Mission: Sky Maple Great Island Region west southern part, on a small domain, a Natives dynasty has just been born, degrading the majesty of Great Heaven Dynasty …

After Zhao Feng read the content, can’t help took in a cold breath.

Looking at the task content, the members and strength are extremely powerful.

The leader and deputy leaders are both Great Origin Core Realm. In addition, there are XNUMX Small Origin Core Realm and XNUMX or XNUMX True Spirit Realm.

It is the first time Zhao Feng has participated in such a powerful team.

In the roster of players, Zhao Feng also watched Arrived Wan Rong Senior Sister and Guang Tian Senior Brother.

The next day was Early in the morning.

This powerful team of missions met in front of the great hall.

The leader is an old man in a white beard, with a solemn expression and an invisible power.

“It is well known that the southern part of the Continental domain, and the nearby Void Sea Territory, are the domains of the ‘Great Heaven Dynasty.’

white robed old man slightly paused.

Great Heaven Dynasty

Zhao Feng recultivation Soon, I didn’t know much about this dynasty that ruled large-scale areas.

But he knew that the Sea Territory, including the Deep Green Sea, was in principle the Great Heaven Dynasty.

“Great Heaven Dynasty, a collection of heaven and earth dynasty luck; in this dynasty’s power, the second kingdom of the dynasty will never be tolerated.

white robed old man in the eyes of severe light flashes.

The task this time is to destroy a newly built dynasty, a behemoth Great Country at the level of To surpassed Canopy Great Country.

Zhao Feng and Wan Rong Senior Sister stood together.

“This special mission was released directly by the ruling body of the Sky Maple Great Island Region, ‘Royal Mansion.’ The final reward is very generous.”

Wan Rong whispered introduced.

Zhao Feng realized that this piece of heaven and earth was not the sole family of the sect world; Great Heaven Dynasty had a strong dominance over this territory.

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