King of Gods

Chapter 763

This day.

A wind lightning light glow, breaking through the limits of the Territory within Force Field, enters into the Foreign Territory Void Sea.

A purple hair youth, floating stand is in the Void Sea, with a silver-gray Thieving Cat standing on his shoulder.

He took a deep look at the Green Flower Territory a glance, and soon a pair of scarlet light wings extended behind him, flying towards the Deep Territory Void Sea.

This A Person and A Cat is naturally Zhao Feng and Small Thieving Cat.

After the cultivation base fell to Half-Step King, Zhao Feng found that the decline in all aspects accelerated.

The main reason is that King has a strong background and strong resistance to Death Language Curse.

In other words.

If it is an Ascended Realm’s sect disciple, the Death Language Curse that hits this level, I’m afraid that the life training base will wither and turn into a pile of bones.

Invisibly, this increased the urgency in Zhao Feng’s mind.

“While strength is still there, try to rush to the Continental domain.”

Zhao Feng whispering.

Sage Liu Wu proposed three methods to solve Death Language Curse.

Among them, the third has to make a lot of abandonment.

The first two are only possible in the distant Continental domain.

Other than that.

Zhao Feng also wants to go to the Continental domain and find Master Duanmu Qing and Zhao Yufei.

For various reasons, Zhao Feng must go to the Continental domain.

Fly for days.

Zhao Feng arrives at the Void Sea Spirit Palace where the Ancient Blue Archipelago Region is located.

The Ancient Blue Archipelago Region is the Group Territories where the Green Flower Continent is located, and the neighbor is the Sky Black Archipelago Region.

For ordinary people, naturally they are not eligible for Cross Territory Great Formation.

But Zhao Feng, one is True Martial Holy Land, 3-Star Sect “Profound True Saint Sect” disciple; second, he can enjoy the privilege as long as he releases Great Emperor Will or King Will.

The world is expert.

of course.

Every time Zhao Feng uses Cross Territory Great Formation, he consumes a large and precious Primal Crystal Stone.

The V Terr Seay Palace’s Cross Territory Great Formation is limited in size and can only teleportation to some nearby Void Sea Spirit Palaces.

It has been used for two times before Zhao Feng arrived at True Martial Holy Land.

When you reach True Martial Holy Land, Zhao Feng’s eyes, can’t help, you have to cast to the “Eternal Saint Peak” in the center.

The cross-spirit great formation is on Eternal Saint Peak.

In addition, other large and small inheritance or secret realm, entrance and to connect ground are also on Eternal Saint Peak.

Zhao Feng had some doubts, would there be any way for Half-God Child, enters into the Half-God’s Heritage Garden.

After all, Half-God Child owns a portion of Half-God Will.

of course.

Even if Zhao Feng determined that Half-God Child was in Half-God’s Heritage Garden, he could not enter into it.

In True Martial Holy Land, Zhao Feng didn’t stay much. He used the cross-spirit great formation to reach Floating Dream Holy Land directly.

“The land of the Deep Green Sea, the three spirit realms. Among them, the edge of the Floating Dream Holy Land is close to the ‘South Overlook Sea.'”

In Zhao Feng’s mind, a relevant map emerged.

The South Overlook Sea is close to the southern side of the Continental domain; the Deep Green Sea is a little further away. The Continental dynasty is beyond its reach.

In other words.

Zhao Feng As long as the enters into the “South Overlook Sea”, it can be regarded as reaching the border sea of ​​the Continental domain. In that area, the influence of the dynasty should be slightly stronger.


Zhao Feng uses great formation, teleportation to the edge of “Floating Dream Spirit Terrirtory”.

During this period.

Zhao Feng had Top Rank Primal Crystal Stones in his hands. If they were not enough, they contacted the Purple Tree Great Emperor, saying “tight on hand” and asked for some Primal Crystal Stones.

In the face of the Purple Tree Great Emperor, Zhao Feng’s aura seemed very vague, but did not hide the Great Emperor Will.

The Purple Tree Great Emperor didn’t think much. He wholeheartedly wanted to talk about Zhao Feng, and naturally sent a large number of Primal Crystal Stone.

“Great Emperor Zhao, now this Deep Green Sea, your reputation as ‘Left Eye Heavenly Monarch’, but heaven shaking weeping ghosts and gods; even the Mystic Light Realm Saint Lord, you must jealous of three points. “

In words, the Purple Tree Great Emperor is full of compliments.

But how would he know that Zhao Feng’s real cultivation base, Already fell to the Great Origin Core Realm.

Zhao Feng stayed at the Purple Tree Great Emperor and didn’t spend more time staying and cheated a piece of Primal Crystal Stone. He said he had to leave urgently so as not to expose his feet.

One day.

Zhao Feng appeared in the Floating Dream Spirit Terrirtory range, the most marginal Void Sea Spirit Palace.


He went from Void Sea Spirit Palace, teleportation to the Void Sea Spirit Palace where the South Overlook Sea is located.

In Void Sea, Void Sea Spirit Palace is basically universal.

It is said that this was planned by the dynasty forces after ruling Continental and Wanhai.

But now.

The dynasty basically lost control of the Deep Green Sea and had some influence on the South Overlook Sea.

South Overlook Sea is rich in resources and far better than Deep Green Sea.

This big Sea Territory has four Spirit Territory Holy Lands.

“It’s a long journey from South Overlook Sea to the Continental domain.”

Zhao Feng said with emotion.

After the cultivation base regressed to Origin Core Realm, his Soul Strength also declined.

Today, his Soul level still maintains the appearance of the Initial Stage Void God Realm and the intermediate stage, which is much different from the Soul level of the top Great Emperor during the Peak period.

“If the Soul level goes backwards to Origin Core Realm, my ‘Great Emperor Will, will fall into a deep sleep

Zhao Feng’s heart became more urgent.

Great Emperor Will is based on Soul. If Soul Strength is not enough, Great Emperor Will will fall into a temporary sleep.

If Soul grows up in the future, Great Emperor Will will gradually wake up and recover.

After all, Will is biased towards perception and Concept Profound Truth.

The Death Language Curse has not affected people’s thinking and Conceptual understanding.

After enterings into the South Overlook Sea, Zhao Feng also frequently used “Void Sea Spirit Palace”.

As long as his Great Emperor Will still exists, the Palace Lord of those Void Sea Spirit Palace will give a face.

South Overlook Sea.

Many of the Palace Lord of Void Sea Spirit Palace are King; the cultivate civilization here is slightly better than Deep Green Sea.

Half a month later.

Zhao Feng crosses a Spirit Territory Holy Land in the South Overlook Sea.

At this point, due to the decline of Soul Strength, Zhao Feng’s Will, partly sunk, fell to King level

But even King, in the South Overlook Sea, is aloof and remote.

Through the major Void Sea Spirit Palace and those Palace Lords, when they see such a young King, they will basically sell a face.

“Cultivation base and Soul, going backwards faster and faster.”

Zhao Feng mind grave.

He estimated that he could not reach the Continental domain at all, and the cultivation base would go back to True Spirit Realm.

Once dropped to True Spirit Realm, the decline will accelerate several times.

In this case, Zhao Feng had to prepare for both.

Purple Soul Sea.

Zhao Feng’s Soul Eye Strength, sharply reduced, then Soul Sea World, only two or three hunted zhang Fangyuan.

But the center of Soul Sea, the Eye Strength water lake, and the area that leads to Immemorial Dreamland. In essence, not at all is affected by Death Language Curse.


In the Soul Sea, the seven or eight hundred silks of Thunder Marks are imprinted, mysterious, and a God Calamity aura of Immortal and Eternal is still present.

“God Eye Source and God Tribulation Thunder Strength are the restricted areas where my body is not eroded.”

Zhao Feng had a sigh of relief in his mind.

In other areas, Zhao Feng’s God Eye, clearly understood that strands of invisible black blood light threads, penetrated into each cell particle within the body.

That kind of gloomy strength, through Soul and Matter, Soul attack, has no effect on it.

While Will strength is maintained at the King level, Zhao Feng is still on a non-stop.

Two months later.

A dim wind lightning glow, enters into the ancient vast land.

When entering into the field film Force Field, some Origin Core Realm Venerable nearby, a flick.

“Zhu Zhe True Spirit Realm can actually travel through Foreign Territory.”

A Small Origin Core Realm old man, showing surprising colour.

This vast land is not a Continental domain, but a very large “Island Domain” called “Sky Maple Great Island Region”; there are a dozen nearby, similar to the Small Island Territory of Green Flower Territory.

Sky Maple Great Island Region, Geography location is very good, close to the Continental, access to the Quartet waters, and under the rule of the dynasty.

It is rumored.

This large island domain was ruled by the Great Heaven Dynasty, a retired prince.

call out

A skinny old man with a thin body, surrounded by wind lightning stream of light, enters into the South Overlook Sea, a large island area adjacent to Continent.

This ancient old man has a face similar to Zhao Feng when he was young, but also has several points of.

Meow meow

A silver-gray Thieving Cat, standing on the shoulder of the old rare man, waving his paw excitedly.

“Small Thieving Cat, I’ve all fallen into this field, what excitement do you have?”

Zhao Feng said with a gloomy face.

His birthday and life physique, already declined more than XNUMX%.

Its cultivation base also fell to the level of True Spirit Realm, Great Emperor Will, more than XNUMX%, fell asleep.

“Already is too late, enters into the Continent domain. It seems that there is only a let go.”

Zhao Feng sighed.


He already in advance and put the Ancient Iron Ring, some rare rare treasures, into the left eye Space.


Zhao Feng’s body and Soul, burning in Wind Thunder haze, turned into a ball of ashes.

The life physique and True Yuan Soul are all burned, producing a huge strength.

“God Eye Out”

A vivid, glass-clear purple eye pupil, between Matter and phantom, enters into the Territory within Space at the peak speed of To surpassed Great Emperor.


Zhao Feng’s life physique, True Yuan Soul Strength.

Together with the annihilation, there is the strength of the Death Language Curse.


A piece of black blood light threads, on the spot turned into Void, disappeared in the time and space of Samsara.

Zhao Feng’s God Eye and God Tribulation Thunder Strength are restricted areas, which are Death Language Curse strength, and cannot be eroded.

if not.

Even if Zhao Feng abandoned the fleshly body, he could not get rid of the Death Language Curse.

“According to the third method, Golden Cicada hulled and finally got rid of Death Language Curse …”

Zhao Feng long heave a sigh of relief.

In the state of God Eye, his senses are extremely strong, and he instantly swept the square number ten thousand li.

same moment.

In this piece of Boss Gu, in a remote Deathly stillness of Ancient Forest.

“You guys are from the Yin Family …”

A complexion pale youngster, holding a half-cut knife, barely supported his body.

Next to him, there is a corpse body of Demon Beast, a tiger and leopard, and his cultivation base reached the level of True Spirit Realm during his lifetime.

“Zhao Feng, you are the genius of the Zhao Family at the sight of the millennium, and now join the ancient ‘Ten Thousand Saint Sect, only XNUMX years old, and break through the True Spirit Realm. This is a huge potential threat to my Yin Family.”

“Hehe, if you hadn’t ventured into the ‘Disturbed Forest, we haven’t had this opportunity yet.”

Said several masked silhouettes, glomyy and cold complacent.

One of them, the cultivation base has reached the True Lord Level.


The youngster, Zhao Feng, screamed, and was hit by a black clothed mask man.

“Sir, this kid is out of breath.”

“Not good seems to have a disciple of ‘Ten Thousand Saint Sect, which is approaching.’

As the first old man, immediately ordered the retreat.

call out

At this moment, a purple wind lightning passed over the Disturbed Forest.

An incredible scene appeared.

The name of Zhao Feng, the dead youngster, turned into purple, and an astonishing Will divine light emerged, which quickly converged.

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