King of Gods

Chapter 762

Canopy Great Country, a deserted desert.

A black hair man and a purple hair youth confronted each other, and their robes fluttered freely under the storm of yellow sand.

“Zhao Feng, did not expect this meeting, the gap between you and me will be so large. But I still have to fight this battle.”

Yu Tianhao’s voice is low, but in the deep black pupil, there is a strong fighting intent.

Inspired by that Fighting Intent, Yu Tianhao’s Essence, Qi and Spirit all increased, and its Half-Step King’s Will even climbed.

Faced with this Fighting Intent unyielding, the immortal opponent, Zhao Feng secretly sighed and admired it.

In the face of such a gap, I am afraid that there is no courage to fight in the first place.

“Yu Tianhao, our ten-year contract, but time has not yet come.”

Zhao Feng contains said with a smile, a face of serene.

That day, more than seven years have passed since the war near Iron Blood Religion.

Ten years later, there are still some shortcomings.

“I’m going to the Yu Family Clan in the Continental domain. I don’t know how many youngsters I need to go to this place. Since we meet each other, let’s fight in advance.”

Yu Tianhao naturally knows that time has not yet come.

But such a powerful Zhao Feng aroused his fighting spirit and potential in Bloodline.

Continent domain?

Zhao Feng’s eyes flickered, but he said nothing.

Gradually, the aura of the two diffused in the yellow sand storm.

Zhao Feng body, the first to emerge a Void God mighty power, through heaven and earth, vast.

Great Emperor will make him stand on a commanding height.

Just the momentum of the competition, Yu Tianhao fell into the downwind, with heavy body and mind, and a sense of suffocation.

But his battle, Will, unyielding, is immortal, and when he is strong, he is strong.

In the half-step King, I’m afraid I can’t even resist the idea of 鈥嬧€媟esistance.

And Yu Tianhao can still resist and continue to inspire Will.

“In addition to the Immemorial Ten Thousand Race List, there is such a powerful and peculiar Bloodline.”

Zhao Feng exclaimed.

“The hmph Bloodline of the Brahma Universe heaven and earth is not based on the ‘Immemorial Ten Thousand Race List, exclusive respect for heaven and earth. When you come to the Continental domain, you will know that in this world, there is also the’ Emperor Path Bloodline list. ‘”

Yu Tianhao coldly snorted.

Emperor Path Bloodline standings?

Zhao Feng recalled that there was indeed this “Emperor Path Bloodline List” in his memory information database, but he didn’t pay much attention.

Because, the Emperor Path Bloodline list is not derived from Immemorial, but some Bloodlines born from heaven and earth after Immemorial

“The Bloodline of the Immemorial Ten Thousand Race List is on the verge of extinction and is becoming thinner. The ‘Emperor Path Bloodline’ list, in the non-stop competition, survives the fittest.”

Yu Tianhao’s voice revealed a strong self-confidence.

As we all know, Immemorial Ten Thousand Race List is derived from Immemorial Era.

However, it is not necessarily the older, the stronger it is.

For example, Eight Great God Eyes was born after Immemorial when the Brahma Universe first opened. Of course, Eight Great God Eyes is also closely linked to the Immemorial Wild era.

The times are advancing, Bloodline is becoming thinner, and Bloodline in the later generations is constantly evolving or mutating.

“Battling Heavens Bloodline is from the ‘Emperor Path Bloodline list, not lost to the Immemorial Ten Thousand Race List. And my’ Unparalleled Battling Heavens Bloodline, is the Sovereign Dao top grade among them.”

As soon as the voice fell, the Bloodline factor of Yu Tianhao within the body burned.


I saw a huge 鈥渋ce-cold light shadow鈥?of the ancient God, in the form of a silhouette, overlapping the body of Yu Tianhao


Yu Tianhao’s action echoed the ice-cold shadow behind it, exactly the same.

Every move he made, there was a battle that would scream the ghost, Will, bombarding all the Void strength around.


All around the Great Emperor, there was a turbulence and it was even partially shredded.

that moment.

Yu Tianhao is like War God’s possession, all around a void, plunged into a layer of magnificient overbearing orange rays of light, and heading straight for Jiutian clouds.

If it is the general King Weili, I am afraid that it will be shaken by Yu Tianhao’s strength.

“Battle Axe”

Yu Tianhao stared at the dark stars and waved his palm, and a crackling sound of stone shaking heaven shaking came from the void, and a orange axe of light was faintly visible. Fall Arrived Zhao Feng body.

Facing such a chop, Zhao Feng moved slightly.

Under his opponent’s oppression, Yu Tianhao inspired unprecedented fighting strength Battle Strength.


Zhao Feng slowly launched with a punch, and a misty ancient fantasy city overlapped in void, filled with discernible, full of mysteries.

Even Yu Tianhao’s battle Will, his mind is flashing.


Two great choices, seven years later, the first fight with, the yellow sand for the first time, formed a sandstorm, sweeping a hundred miles.

In the yellow sand storm, a black hair man, grunt, stepped back a few steps.

Yu Tianhao complexion is slightly white, leaving a trace of marks on the body.

Zhao Feng’s attack, attribute Profound Truth, is extremely terrifying; and also incorporates Illusionary City Domain.

That Illusionary City Domain in attack can generate Dao of Illusions assault.

Only the first round of Fight with, Yu Tianhao body and mind, suffered some trauma.

“Your cultivation base, suppressed in Half-Step King?”

Yu Tianhao eyes flickering.

In a round of fight with just now, he found a hint.

If Zhao Feng’s True Yuan is King level, then he can definitely hit him hard, even spike.


There is a bitterness in the corner of Zhao Feng’s mouth.

His current True Yuan cultivation base, Already fell to the level of Half-Step King.


In the face of the three Kings, Zhao Feng’s cultivation base is at the critical point of Origin Core Realm and Void God Realm.

of course.

Zhao Feng’s Will is still a Great Emperor; Soul, due to the training of the God Tribulation Thunder Strength, is similar to the ordinary Great Emperor, but it still weakens 30-40% when fighting the Great Emperor of Death.

Cultivation base and life longevity are the fastest decaying.

Zhao Feng estimated that his birthday had been reduced by fifty years, more than half of the ordinary person’s lifetime.

His strength system can hardly affect Death Language Curse.

This is the strength of a conventional system.

“Yu Tianhao, even if it’s Half-Step King cultivation base, you can’t stick to three moves in my hands.”

Zhao Feng quickly returned to peace.

As long as Will and God Eye are still there, his strength can be restored just like Half-God Child. He can even recultivation the stronger Golden Earth Saint Thunder Body and Five Elements Wind Thunder Secret Art

But the premise is that the Death Language Curse can be resolved.

“Three moves? Then three moves to win.”

The battle of Yu Tianhao body will further rise, even if injured, the Battle Strength will not decrease but increase.

The Bloodline within his body, a burst of boiling, the ice-cold shadow behind it, the volume expanded, and the additional Battle Strength Will, becoming more powerful.

鈥淯nparalleled Under the Heaven鈥?/p>

Yu Tianhao cut it out with a single palm. Orange rays of light is like the dazzling Golden Sun. The palm traverses heaven and earth, and the heaven and earth power caused by it is comparable to Domain King.

In that attack, a terrifying battle of Will, as if by substance, assault Soul and Mind Realm.

“Battle Strength takes it another level.”

Zhao Feng complexion.

He was also not afraid, and once again made an ordinary punch.

This time.

Zhao Feng incorporates both “Illusionary City Domain” and “Profound Ice Domain”.


At the moment when the two fought, the peak strength of Xuanbing Cold and several hundred li were frozen.


Yu Tianhao flew out, the body surface condensed with a layer of frost, the body and mind of the limbs were stiff, and the bloodstains overflowing from the corners of his mouth were immediately frozen.

“Third move”

When Yu Tianhao gritted his teeth, the whole person and the ice-cold phantom behind him bloomed a layer of magnificent rays of light. There was an infinite potential to engulf heaven and earth.

The spiritual fighting spirit of his body can even assault Peak King.

At that brief “instantaneous” outbreak point, Yu Tianhao’s Battle Strength can rival Peak King


Zhao Feng takes a deep breath, punches out, and the three Space Domains are stacked together.


In the desert area where the two were located, if a major earthquake occurred, a gap of hundreds of miles was split.


The ice-cold phantom behind Yu Tianhao was suddenly dim and broken, and the complexion was white.


His body fell to the ground and suddenly passed out.

“Yu Tianhao, I didn’t expect that in the last three moves, you could give birth to King Will.”

Zhao Feng whispering.

His Divine Sense swept Yu Tianhao, and his status was similar to that of the last battle.

Unparalleled Battling Heavens Bloodline, in the battle, constantly inspires to climb the Battle Strength, but afterwards, it will pay the same price.

Simply put, it is “overdraft”.


Zhao Feng’s thoughts, the invisible heaven and earth power, sent Yu Tianhao unconscious, hundreds of miles away.


In the distance, Venerable Yu Xingchen flew into the air to catch Yu Tianhao.

“Zhao Feng’s grace today, Yumou remembers.”

Yu Xingchen bowed deeply towards Zhao Feng’s.

Zhao Feng smiled nodded, then left the desert and rushed to Iron Blood Religion Headquarters.


Before the war, Yu Xingchen approached Zhao Feng.

There is no suspense about the outcome of this battle. Zhao Feng promised Yu Xingchen that he had a sense of tolerance. Don’t hurt Yu Tianhao too much, and to the greatest extent, stimulate the Unparalleled Battling Heavens Bloodline.

It turns out.

Even if Zhao Feng’s cultivation base fell to Half-Step King to combat King’s Battle Strength, it was with no difficulty.

After a while.

Zhao Feng returns to Iron Blood Religion.

Meow meow!

Small Thieving Cat popped his head and curiously looked at the crowd in front of him.

Religion Master Hong, Tie Mo, Skeleton Hall Master and the others were all present.

“Master, the scarlet moon temple I built has become the first force of the Green Flower Territory. It will be able to maintain the order and balance that guard the Green Flower Territory.”

Skeleton Hall Master reports.

Half of Scarlet Moon Devil Religion’s forces have been compiled by the Scarlet Moon Hall.

Even so, the strength of the Scarlet Moon Hall is definitely better than the Scarlet Moon Devil Religion in the Peak period.

Only the 100 Corpses Great Formation in the hands of Skeleton Hall Master can kill ordinary Kings.

“Skeleton Hall Master.”

Zhao Feng instructed: “From now on, you will sit in the Green Flower Territory. Once the Scarlet Moon Temple is stable, you will be free again.”

“Master ……”

Skeleton Hall Master hearing this, my heart was excited and incredible.

After following Zhao Feng for so many years, he has made so much progress that he did not expect to have a day of freedom.

Zhao Feng has his own considerations in doing so.

The potential of Skeleton Hall Master and 100 Corpses Great Formation is almost full.

The former promotes King at most. 100 Corpses Great Formation, no matter how powerful it is, it is difficult to pose a great threat to the Great Emperor level.

Zhao Feng’s target is the Continental domain and above the Great Emperor.

Rather than leave Skeleton Hall Master in the Green Flower Territory. Let him cultivate himself.

After explaining all this.

Zhao Feng was about to get up and leave the Green Flower Continent.

Before leaving, Zhao Feng also commissioned Skeleton Hall Master for a mission.

“That Half-God Child, already is out of my control. He will surely hide somewhere and cultivate. After I leave, you must pay attention to his movements.”

Zhao Feng solemnly.

Half-God Child at this stage must be afraid of Zhao Feng, and dare not show up easily.

Zhao Feng didn’t have the energy to go to the Pursuit Half-God Child; in between, there was no situation where you would die

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