King of Gods

Chapter 764

“Sky Maple Region Northern Section … Cloud Mountain Range Zhao Clan … Zhao Feng?”

In Zhao Feng’s mind, the memory of a strange youngster emerges.

At this point, Purple Soul Sea draws a piece of memory from Soul Soul.

Coincidentally, this youngster has the same surname as Zhao Feng.

With Zhao Feng God Eye’s strength control, he soon had control of this body.

“Not good, the viscera is fatally traumatized, too much blood …”

Zhao Feng complexion slightly changed.

Although he was reborn by Body Possession, before the Body Possession, the youngster’s body was basically dying.

This is also good, and Zhao Feng won’t have much guilt; after all, if he doesn’t come, this youngster called Zhao Feng, Already is dead.


Zhao Feng runs Will strength less than 10%, coagulates the wounds around the body, and reactivates the life force within the body.

Because this body is about to die, the internal Qi of life is not extinct, and the whole process is quite smooth.

This body is more suitable. Zhao Feng doesn’t want to find another corpse body.


A very important thing, Zhao Feng wants to determine.

Zhao Feng’s God Eye, sweeping the whole body and Soul.

“Hu is okay … Death Language Curse is completely cut off.”

Zhao Feng long heave a sigh of relief.

The Golden Cicada hulling method he used can only keep the God Eye restricted area; the rest of the Soul Strength, as well as the fleshly body, have been eroded by the Death Language Curse.

Often, there are three ways of being born again.

The first, Body Possession is reborn.

This method is relatively simple, but it is risky.

The second, Blood Rebirth.

Half-God Child’s method, which is relatively high-end, is based on a very strong physical will.

Third Type, Samsara is reborn.

It is uncontrollable, and it is difficult to say whether to retain memory; good luck, reborn to the Bloodline and Powerful Families children body; bad luck, reborn to pig and dog body

But if the Third Type method is in control, it is perfect.

Relatively speaking.

Zhao Feng’s approach is the most “low-end”, but this is also the only way he can take.

Blood Rebirth, this kind of clever Magical Powers, Zhao Feng will not; including the Great Emperor of Death, may not be able to perform.

strong as Half-God Child, during the Half-God Peak period, “Golden Earth Saint Body” reached a very high level, in order to cultivate the successful Blood Rebirth, it is a good cultivate during his lifetime).


Blood Rebirth This method is not suitable for Zhao Feng.

Because, his flesh and blood can not put an end to Death Language Curse’s strength; once he Blood Rebirth, Death Language Curse’s strength will continue.

On the contrary, this lowest-end “Body Possession rebirth”, or to borrow the soul to return soul, is suitable for Zhao Feng.

“This body is still very young, and it is very suitable just after breaking through True Spirit Realm.”

Zhao Feng checked it out and was very satisfied.

If the target strength is strong, it is not suitable for Zhao Feng.

Not Zhao Feng, don’t want Body Possession to be a stronger target.

But to put an end to Death Language Curse, Zhao Feng must abandon more than XNUMX% of Soul Strength, or even fleshly body; Soul Will, which is less than XNUMX%, cannot capture King’s above goals.

Even if the goal is above the Origin Core Realm, there will be struggles.

For the True Spirit Realm level, then with no difficulty.

The former Master of this body had just died, which saved Zhao Feng’s trouble.

At this moment.

Zhao Feng had a sigh of relief in his heart.

One, Death Language Curse is resolved.

Secondly, this body has more natural talent than the previous stronger, suitable for recultivation “Golden Earth Saint Thunder Body” and “Five Elements Wind Thunder Secret Art”.

The only pity is that the Bloodline of Profound Ice Scale Clan cannot be continued.

But there are gains and losses in this world’s affairs, which cannot be perfect.


Zhao Feng began to digest the memory fragments left by the body.

This body’s former Master “Zhao Feng” comes from the Big Island Territory within, a medium Clan named Cloud Mountain Range Zhao Clan.

At the Cloud Mountain Range, Zhao Clan and another Aristocratic Family “Yin Family” had deep grievances and fierce competition with each other.

The “Zhao Feng” is the extraordinary genius of the Zhao Family at the sight of the millennium, and in the sect assessment six months ago, he successfully joined “Ten Thousand Saint Sect”.

Ten Thousand Saint Sect, that was the Continental dynasty, the former 3-Star Great Sect.

Even today, Ten Thousand Saint Sect has fallen to 2-Star, but the heritage is deep and Inheritance is long, far better than some 2-Star Strong Sects settled in True Martial Holy Land.

This undoubtedly caused the dread of the Yin Family.

Exactly this time.

That “Zhao Feng” and the sect disciple performed the task together; because of his lonely character and poor relationship with the same sect, he acted alone, which was the opportunity that the Yin Family found.

“Interesting, this body is the natural talent of the High-Rank Earth Spirit Body, and it also has a Bloodline Inheritance. But his parents died, and he was an orphan from an early age. There is only one Grandfather who lives on each other.”

Zhao Feng went deeper and learned a lot of interesting information.

Among them, this body, and a “fiancée” engaged by Clan, the object is still a strong Clan.

It can be said that this child sustains the great hope of Cloud Mountain Range Zhao Clan.

“Since I have inherited this body, I will help you fulfill your wish in life. Of course, except for the fiancée …”

There was a slight smile on the corner of Zhao Feng’s mouth.

The youngster of this body is quite handsome, better than Zhao Feng of the previous life. The only Imperfect is that he is too lonely.

sou sou sou

At that moment, a shuttle shuttle sounded not far away.

“Junior Brother Zhao Feng”

“Junior Brother Zhao was seriously injured, Junior Sister Wan, he will be treated soon …”

A total of five or six disciplines are boys and girls; the lowest cultivation base is True Spirit Realm.

Headed by, a Black Clothed youth with a surprising colour.

He is the Captain of this mission, the cultivation base is up to True Lord Level.

Lying on the ground, Zhao Feng, a quiet and gentle girl in blue dress, is applying Water Type cultivation technique and is treating him.

in memory.

The information of these same sect disciple quickly came to mind.

That Black Clothed youth is Senior Brother Guang, named Guang Tian. In Core Disciple, he has good connections.

The gentle and innocent girl in blue dress named Wan Rong, the cultivation base also reached the True Profound Level.

in the crowd.

The “Zhao Feng” cultivation base is the lowest. This is because he is young and has a short time to join the sect.

In memory, Ten Thousand Saint Sect’s XNUMX strongest Core Disciples, cultivation bases are all above Origin Core Realm, and Great Origin Core Realm has two or three.

The disciple classification of Ten Thousand Saint Sect is outer disciple, Core Disciple, and Core Disciple.

Several disciplines on the field, at least Core Disciple.

“It’s weird that Junior Brother Zhao has survived this fatal trauma.”

Lan Sang Senior Sister Wan, during the treatment, was somewhat unexpected.

Zhao Feng, the body, suffered injuries that damaged the heart and veins of the internal organs, and was severely injured.

However, these fatal wounds were coagulated and did not continue to lose blood.

During the treatment, Senior Sister Wan also gave Zhao Feng a precious healing wound, Spirit Pill.

Zhao Feng secretly operated Will strength, so that the medicine efficacy was evenly distributed on those severely injured areas, and cooperated with the treatment of Senior Sister Wan.

After a while.

Zhao Feng’s injury, amazingly almost.

“All right.”

The dust of Zhao Feng pats body stood up with a look, and looked around.

The gentle Senior Sister Wan can’t help revealing a bit of weirdness.

“Zhao Feng” at the moment gave her a different illusion.

The Black Clothed youth “Senior Brother Guang”, browses slightly wrinkle, gloomy and cold in his eyes, passing by.

“Junior Brother Zhao, if you go your own way every time, you don’t have such good luck and you will be lucky to get your life back.”

Senior Brother Guang not at all asked Zhao Feng why he was injured.

There is a Demon Beast of True Spirit Realm next to them. They should be Zhao Feng. In the fight, they were severely wounded.

Only Senior Sister Wan, who was responsible for healing, saw some clues.

In words, Senior Brother Guang’s accusation was very heavy.

Zhao Feng didn’t speak, and there was a hint of cold intention in his eyes.

Based on his insights and analysis, it is not difficult to see that this time when the order was placed, he was assassinated by the Yin Family, which is inseparable from this Senior Brother Guang.

During the mission.

Senior Brother Guang and the original Zhao Feng had a dispute, and Zhao Feng, with a lonely character, acted in isolation and acted alone


As far as Zhao Feng knows, this Senior Brother Guang is in the sect disciple circle, and he has a good connection and makes friends.

In this operation, Senior Brother Guang and Zhao Feng, who were lonely in character, had a dispute.

It happened that Zhao Feng was attacked and killed by the Yin Family after he placed his order.

If it weren’t for Senior Sister Wan, I couldn’t bear Zhao Feng’s order.

“Senior Sister Wan, I owe you a favor.”

Zhao Feng ignored Senior Brother Guang, smiled slightly, and rushed to Wan Rong Senior Sister, nodded slightly.

“You … I don’t know any good guys.”

Senior Brother Guang waved his sleeves in anger.

Meow meow

Just then, a silver-grey kitten flew gently from the corner of the woods.

“What a cute kitten.”

Senior Sister Wan’s eyes revealed a touch of love.

The kitten, proud, with a pair of black gemstone eyes, the thief of the thief, reach the soul of the people.

Meow meow

Small Thieving Cat jumped lightly and landed on Zhao Feng’s shoulder, and gave Zhao Feng a close kiss.

“Small Thieving Cat.”

Zhao Feng reached out and touched its fluff lightly, looking relieved.

Life changes, things have remained the same, but people have changed.

But one’s Soul Will is the real core, the fleshly body is just a skin.

Especially for Zhao Feng or Great Emperor of Death, Soul Will is the real source and immortality.

Even if Body Possession is reborn, Zhao Feng is still Zhao Feng.

Small Thieving Cat is still with him.

“This cat …”

Senior Brother Guang and Wan Rong and the others are embarrassed.

At this moment, “Zhao Feng”, calm and composed, body has an indescribable Qi Field.

“Forget to say, this is a small pet cat I just conquered in the ‘Disturbed Forest.’

Zhao Feng added.

Senior Brother Guang and the others, never asked. A small pet cat, so small, does not seem to have much battle strength.

Also only “Zhao Feng” such a lonely character, or some female celebrities, will choose this pet cat with a cute appearance and weak battle strength.

The words are complete.

A Person and A Cat, moved towards the depths of the Disturbed Forest.

“Zhao Feng, what are you doing for?”

Senior Brother Guang sternly shouted.

“I, act alone.”

Zhao Feng said differently, without even returning.

“Junior Brother Zhao is deep in the Disturbed Forest, but there is a trace of Venerable Demon Beast. It is dangerous to act alone.”

Wan Rong Senior Sister, said unbearably.

Senior Brother Guang and others were disdainful, as if looking at “idiots”.

“This guy, just acting alone, almost lost his life, but he hasn’t changed.”

A blue clothed disciple, sneered.

“Junior Brother Zhao, this is your destiny. No wonder I am the leader. If you can’t complete the sect mission, you will be killed in Disturbed Forest.

Senior Brother Guang said with a sneer.

Even if Zhao Feng can save his life, with his own strength, I am afraid that he cannot complete the sect task. After returning to the court, he will most likely be punished.


He A Person and A Cat, unheard of, walked deep into the Disturbed Forest.

The gentle and serene Senior Sister Wan, looking at the leaving silhouette, was ridiculous, and felt a mysterious, legendary back charm.

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