King of Gods

Chapter 761

“Zhao Feng Great Emperor, please raise your hand”

Saint Moon Female Immortal Yurong turned pale, and the Golden Skeleton King was so frightened that it was soul destroyed.

“Great Emperor Will? How could …”

The Devil Path King, complexion pale is like paper, with a scar on the body surface, a look of distraction.

Not far away, Zhuang Wan’er was stunned.

In just one or two interest periods, the combination of the three Kings fell apart and surrendered.

All these changes have greatly subverted Zhuang Wan’er’s common sense.

Seeing My Sect Supreme Elder, the look of horror, the other two Kings, with a shocked respect, Zhuang Wan’er doubted his eyes.

Those three are still the unattainable Void God Realm King?

“Great Emperor Will …”

Yu Tianhao’s body and mind was shocked; it was only recently that he reluctantly insight into Half-Step King Will.

Zhao Feng, who was close at hand, realized Great Emperor Will.

Once the Great Emperor Will came out, the three Kings lost their Fighting Intent and surrendered.

“Great Emperor Zhao, if you have any conditions, you can come forward.”

Saint Moon Female Immortal is calm and respectful.

Zhao Feng’s eyes still stared at the Devil Path King at Moon Devil Palace.

Earlier, Zhao Feng’s strength and the three Kings were well understood.

One Will wounded the Soul of Domain King, raised his hand, and caused Devil Path King body and mind to be damaged.

No matter whether Zhao Feng has the cultivation base of Void God Great Emperor, just by the means just now, even if the three Kings join forces, it cannot be its opponent.

A Great Emperor, how strong is the Battle Strength?

At 18 Corners Pirate Holy Land that year, that many Pirate King teamed up and were suppressed by Great Emperor Mu Yun.

The three Kings in front of you are still a bit far from Peak Strength, Domain King, and Battle Strength of Pirate Holy Land.

“Great Emperor Zhao, my Moon Devil Palace, will make up for the loss to the Green Flower Territory. On behalf of the Moon Devil Palace, I sincerely apologize to you and the Green Flower Territory.”

Devil Path King takes a deep breath, half kneeling on the ground.

His alive or death was only in the thought of Zhao Feng’s.

Zhao Feng wanted to destroy Moon Devil Palace, and the difficulty was not too great; at that time, Clean Moon Spirit Sect and Black Cliff Palace would never dare help.

“This is almost the same.”

Zhao Feng nodded slightly.

What he needed was an account of Moon Devil Palace without losing the deal.

After hearing this, the three Kings slightly saved a sigh of relief.

same moment.

In the distance, the Venerables of the Holy Region Alliance, looking at the situation here, each and everyone looks wonderful.

In the sky.

The three Kings looked sincere and horrified in front of Zhao Feng.

“Who has a blood contract scroll?”

Zhao Feng spoke suddenly, his voice echoed in void.

“I have got”

Dao Senior Bai Yun of Holy Region Alliance, reaction came over and sent a blank blood contract scroll.

The blood contract scroll was initiated by Heavens Secret Clan, and it is relatively rare today.

Generally, this scroll is used only in special cases.

“Blood contract?”

The three Kings, complexion changed slightly.

Zhao Feng took this blank blood contract scroll and opened his own terms.

After a while.

Zhao Feng signed a blood contract with the three Kings.

The contract content is:

The Three Great Sects, including the three Kings, will not be allowed to commit Green Flower Territory in the future; not only that, when the Green Flower Territory needs rescue, it is within its ability to grant asylum.


Zhao Feng must not injure the Three Great Sects for no reason; and at the moment of the crisis of the Three Great Sects, he can provide assistance within his ability.

blood contract, both parties need to have corresponding compliance and obligations.

In fact.

After signing this blood contract, the three Great Sects are not worried.

But they didn’t know that Zhao Feng would go to the Continental domain after solving the Green Flower Territory incident.

In the content of the contract, it is required to do what you can. When Zhao Feng arrived, he was in the Continental domain and naturally could not take care of it.

After completing the blood contract, the three Kings went dingy.

The three Kings, after returning to the Sky Black Archipelago Region, immediately ordered that the Green Flower Territory be included in the restricted area.

Half a month after the matter ended.

The three Kings got a shocking news.

A world-renowned Supreme Being, Pursuit Great Emperor of Death called “Left Eye Heavenly Monarch”, after a world war, the Great Emperor of Death.

Knowing this news, the three King King scalp feeling numb is sitting like a needle felt.

Even if they are slow, they can be sure that Left Eye Heavenly Monarch is Zhao Feng.

After this news, the three Kings dare not have any thoughts.

Meanwhile, during this half-month period.

The war of Green Flower Territory and Scarlet Moon Devil Religion also came to an end.

50% of Devil Religion was compiled by Skeleton Hall Master, and the remaining 50% died under annihilation or resistance.


After the destruction of Scarlet Moon Religion, there is still no whereabouts of Scarlet Moon Religion Master on the Continental.

Skeleton Hall Master, and Holy Region Alliance, are actively tracking the whereabouts of “Scarlet Moon Religion Master”.

Hard work pays off.

This day.

In North Continent, the extreme northern region, there is a person Venerable, following the lead of Scarlet Moon Religion Master.

Skeleton Hall Master caught up immediately.

Holy Region Alliance, some high-level elites, arrived in the extreme northern cold and narrowed down the search range a little.

In the extreme north, near a glacier.

sou sou sou

Experts from the Continent parties surrounded Fangyuan with several hundred li.

The lowest of these experts and cultivation bases is True Lord Level.

“Scarlet Moon Religion Master hasn’t come out to die yet”

“Scarlet Moon Religion Master, we know that you are just below the glacier.”

Ten-twenty people arrive at the Glacier Venerable.

The entire Green Flower Territory, more than half of the Venerable, reached the extreme northern cold region.

some of.

Skeleton Hall Master floated stand above the glacier, with a touch of complexity in his eyes.

Various clues and signs have been identified, and the Scarlet Moon Religion Master is hidden in this area.

“A bunch of ants, you are … asking for a dead end”

A voice of extreme ice-cold echoes several hundred li.

In void, there is a layer of scarlet blood glow, and the nearby glacier sky is stained with a layer of blood glow.


The entire glacier, in a vast blood-red brilliance, turned into thousands of smashes, countless icestone waves, sweeping several hundred li.

Many Experts at True Lord Level were not badly injured during the explosion.

Only the Venerable level can barely block that assault.

The next moment.

Seen in void, there is a demon head with huge blood wings on his back, and a scarlet moon and cold eye on his brows.

Looking from a distance, it looks like a Red Devil God.

“Be careful”

“This Scarlet Moon Religion Master, cultivation base is extremely close to King”

Near the glacier, a crowd of Continent Peak experts were alert.

What they are facing is the Green Flower Continent, the most prestigious devil in recent centuries.

Scarlet Moon Religion Master is about fifty-sixty years old, but has a tall figure, with a pair of blood wings behind him, long zhang, both eyes like red stars.

Wherever he looked, there were a lot of Peak experts, body and mind.

“Hall Master You Gu, how dare you betray me”

When Scarlet Moon Religion Master’s eyes fall on Skeleton Hall Master body, cold glow flashes in both eyes.

The voice of the icy ice-cold made Skeleton Hall Master cold.

In the past, the prestige of Scarlet Moon Religion Master in his heart has not really been erased.

Looking at the aura of the Scarlet Moon Religion Master body, even though the cultivation base is not up to Void God Realm, the Battle Strength is almost the same as King.

If it is a single player, Skeleton Hall Master is afraid that odds of success is small.

“Religion Master, I advise you to surrender. If it is possible, I will ask the Master to keep you alive.”

Skeleton Hall Master sighed.

Anyway, Scarlet Moon Religion Master is also the object of his former worship and awe.

Today, however, their positions are different.

Skeleton Hall Master knows that Zhao Feng is also paying attention to the situation here.

If the Scarlet Moon Religion Master resists, even if he breaks through the siege, there will never be a chance to survive.

“Master? This religion will not be a slave to others even if it dies”

Scarlet Moon Religion Master sneered.

As soon as the words came down, the blood-red light wings behind him vibrated violently, turning into a bloody storm that stunned heaven and earth, straight into the sky.


He wants to break through, and the first is the Skeleton Hall Master in midair.

Among the crowd, Skeleton Hall Master cultivation base strength is the closest to him.

As long as Skeleton Hall Master is severely hit or killed, his chances of escape will be greatly increased.

“Everyone backs down”

Skeleton Hall Master coldly shouted, and a formation flag appeared in his hand.

that moment.

In midair, only the frontal collision between Skeleton Hall Master and Scarlet Moon Religion Master was left.


A thick layer of Ghost Corpse flame clouds, appearing in midair, exuding a thrilling Corpse Qi and Resentment Strength of heaven and earth

In the cloud of Ghost Corpse, there were a hundred pairs of blood red eyes.

“100 Corpses Curse, you turned the Forbidden Land of 100 Graves …”

Scarlet Moon Religion Master can not help but turn pale.

That Corpse Qi Resentment Strength emanating from the Ghost Corpse flame cloud is more than a thousand times stronger than the Forbidden Land of 100 Graves of that year.

Every Curse Ghost Corpse, cultivation base aura approaches the Great Origin Core Realm.

It was just the Eyes with a hundred pairs of blood red that almost made Scarlet Moon Religion Master Soul collapse.

Scarlet Moon Religion Master is terrified, this is by no means the means that Skeleton Hall Master can have.


After all, he underestimated the strength of 100 Corpses Great Formation. This great formation, the King Essence Soul Soul absorbed, are not in the minority, the Origin Core Realm absorbed is even hundreds.


In the Ghost Corpse flame cloud, a bloody pale white giant hand exudes heaven shaking Corpse Qi Resentment Strength, extends from the Void level, and grabs the “Scarlet Moon Religion Master”.


Scarlet Moon Religion Master screamed and was held in check by the vengeful spirit giant hand.

A thrilling scene appeared.

I saw that the body of Scarlet Moon Religion Master withered and festered at the speed seen by naked eye.

A few breaths.

The Scarlet Moon Religion Master, which shocked ancient and modern generations, turned into a pool of blood, and its brutal flesh was absorbed by 100 Corpses Great Formation.


Near the glacier, the top elites in Continental various lands, Peak experts, took a breath of air.

The senior executives of the Holy Region Alliance shuddered, with deep fear in their eyes.

Those Scarlet Moon Religion elites who were conquered by Skeleton Hall Master also produced unprecedented fear and awe.

It’s hard to imagine that the Scarlet Moon Religion Master, who had a long history, didn’t even have the resistance, and was swallowed up by the great formation of Skeleton Hall Master.

After this battle, Skeleton Hall Master’s prestige spread to Continent.

He who included Scarlet Moon Devil Religion established the “Scarlet Moon Hall” and became a taboo character on the Green Flower Continent.

However, only a few people know that Skeleton Hall Master is Zhao Feng’s servant.

Canopy Great Country, Iron Blood Religion.

In an ice blue light curtain, the Scarlet Moon Religion Master is transformed from gets rid to a stream of blood.

Religion Master Hong and Tie Mo are shocked and hard to settle for a long time.

“The Green Flower Territory is almost over.”

With a wave of Zhao Feng, the picture disappeared.

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