King of Gods

Chapter 713

“You know a lot. Heavens Secret Clan is the master who created us. Unfortunately, at that time, many powerful races joined forces to fight Heavens Secret Clan and let too much wisdom crystallize and annihilate in the long history.”

blood light Elegant woman, with a few expressions of nostalgia.

At the same time, she looked at Half-God Child both eyes more, this two or three year old child is not easy.

Half-God Child also observes the blood light woman for a long time. The other party is not real life, but can simulate human emotions and expressions.

The master who created everything here is the “Heavens Secret Clan” ranked third in the Wanzu list.

“You can break into this place, should there be a way to lead this cat?”

blood light Elegant woman, her eyes fell on the Small Thieving Cat body.

Half-God Child startled, Zhao Feng lying in the blood tank, also revealed a hint of surprising colour.

Meow ~

Small Thieving Cat hugs with two claws, and seems to be compltnt.

The blood light woman smiled: “This kind of cat has a vague impression in my memory.”

Zhao Feng hearing this, can’t help startled.

It is a pity that women of blood light have only a vague impression of races such as Small Thieving Cat.

Meow meow

Small Thieving Cat “hmph 唧” sounded dissatisfied, and the cat’s claws fluttered, again showing the “unique and unmatched” expression.

Thinking of the incredible abilities and cunning of the Small Thieving Cat, Half-God Child also has to admit that it is difficult to find a second such cat in the world.

Time goes by.

Zhao Feng is immersed in the blue blood of the strange ice-cold.

It is incredible that his body, like a magnet, quickly absorbed the blue blood.

It only took half a day.

The blue blood in that blood tank was completely absorbed by Zhao Feng.

“A few times faster than expected. His within the body, with the factor of Immemorial Bloodline, is unusual.”

blood light woman, slightly unexpected.

Zhao Feng slowly opened Eye, a blue blood glow, flowing around the whole body.

In a moment, his whole body was covered with a layer of ice-colored blue scale pattern, like Dragon Scales, but exquisite and exquisite.

Zhao Feng felt that there was a surging overbearing cold ice energy in his physical Bloodline. Every move, the chill of the peak, penetrated the void and produced the “Profound Ice Domain” effect.

“This is the Bloodline Power of the Immemorial Ten Thousand Race List.”

Zhao Feng was uplifted, as if the endless cold strength and physical strength of Xuanbing were greatly increased.

In contrast, Fairy Maiden Bing Wei, one of Green Flower Territory’s former “Unparalleled Chosen”, had an icy Bloodline that was originally not worth mentioning.

“Try the effect”

Zhao Feng got up slowly, took a deep breath, an overbearing cold power of ancient Xuanbing, covering the whole audience.


Both the Half-God Child and the Small Thieving Cat felt a chill, straight through the body Soul.

Under the instruction of Zhao Feng’s, Half-God Child and Small Thieving Cat successively launched the attack.


Half-God Child 70% of the power of the golden punch, condensed to a point, strikes to Zhao Feng body.


Zhao Feng figure was a little dazzling, the body surface had a blue scale pattern, delicate and smooth, and bright magnificient, but there was no trace left.

However, Half-God Child’s Fist Technique Concept is not trivial, and it directly shocks the viscera and the soul.

But the remaining part of the power did not cause any substantial harm to Zhao Feng.

“Really strong definition, my hand …”

On the fist of Half-God Child, a cold frost condenses and spreads. The cold strength of Xuanbing is more like backlash of his whole body.

Approaching or attacking Zhao Feng, it will bear a certain freeze effect.

Meow meow

The Shadow Killing Emperor Blade, streaks phantom cold glow in the hands of Small Thieving Cat, cut in Zhao Feng body.

Ding Dong

Zhao Feng’s shoulders left a slender trace, and a tingling sensation came from it.

The Shadow Killing Emperor Blade, the attack has the effect of ignoring the general physical defense, because the attack is between Matter and shadow.


Zhao Feng’s Bloodline of “Profound Ice Scale Clan”, physical defense is extremely strong, and the resilience does not lose the power of Immemorial Ten Thousand Race List

It was Small Thieving Cat, his teeth were so cold that he shivered, and he stepped back a few feet.

“This bloodline strength, Attack and Defense in One, freezing effect is ubiquitous, than Wen Luoan’s’ Heavens Sun Battling Clan, Bloodline, only strong not weak.”

Zhao Feng nodded with satisfaction.

Wen Luoan’s Heavens Sun Battling Clan Bloodline, ranked 99th, and Zhao Feng’s “Profound Ice Scale Clan” Bloodline, ranked XNUMXth.

“Congratulations, Bloodline enhancements are great.”

blood light woman with said with a smile.

Half-God Child, a look of envy in his eyes.

Although he has the top grade Body Tempering innate talent, he does not have the Bloodline of the Immemorial Ten Thousand Race List.

If his Bloodline is stronger, such as the Immemorial Ten Thousand Race List, he has stronger resilience, and the “God Calamity” of the previous life may be able to get over.

But something like Bloodline is inherently in demand, and is not desired.

“This Zhao Feng has too much luck, so there is such a great opportunity.”

Half-God Child was even jealous.

In particular, Small Thieving Cat brought a lot of opportunities and luck to Zhao Feng.

“Ruins who entered into the Heavens Secret Clan this time is really rare. I am afraid there will be no such opportunity in the future.

Zhao Feng takes a deep breath.

Pirate Emperor Inheritance, usually less than half a month.

Maybe in the future, there will be no chance to come to this place.

However, the resource Primal Crystal Stone in Zhao Feng’s hands was used to strengthen the implantation of Bloodline and consumed more than half.

If you want to strengthen the Bloodline implanted once again, it is not enough.

“Are you here, has Bone Dao strengthened the Bloodline? You don’t need a million people list.”

Zhao Feng asked.

He has seen the list. The Bloodline enhancement of the Immemorial Ten Thousand Race List is tens of times and hundreds of times the price of general reinforcement.

“There are two hundred and 49 species.”

Blood-red woman, bring up that blood-red interface again.

At a glance, Zhao Feng saw that this time the price would be too cheap.

“I need a large number to strengthen this Ghost Corpse.”

With a wave of Zhao Feng, he took out a Curse Ghost Corpse.

“Detect it first.”

blood hair Women are crunchy.

Not much time.

That dobby machine, which tested Curse Ghost Corpse.

“Found the Immemorial Bloodline factor, Ghost Bone Physique …”

There was a voice from a dobby.

The test results surprised Zhao Feng and the blood-red woman.

Ghost Bone Physique, this is normal. One hundred Curse Ghost Corpse are all this kind of Physique. But the Immemorial Bloodline factor is a bit unusual.

“With the Immemorial Bloodline factor, the cost of strengthening will reduce by one-fifth to 10%.”

blood hair women’s road.


Zhao Feng started screening on that blood-red interface.

It was learned that Zhao Feng was stronger than a hundred and needed cheap and practical, hair hair women, and gave recommendations.

“It is recommended to strengthen it to ‘Ten Thousand Withered Ghost Bone, Bloodline, which can retain its Corpse Qi Resentment Strength, and the ghost bone can be reorganized even if it is broken.

blood hair women’s road.

Zhao Feng took a look. The Ten Thousand Withered Ghost Bone Bloodline and attack defense are not outstanding, but after strengthening, it can at least double the physical strength of Ghost Corpse.

After all, these Ghost Corpse are not as high-level as Zhao Feng’s. Even if it is not Bloodline, the increase in reinforcement is also large.

Ten Thousand Withered Ghost Bone Bloodline, the biggest feature is its tenacious survivability.

The skeleton is broken and can be reassembled.

“Ghost Corpse great formation. Ghost Corpse is not required to kill the enemy, but the strength of the formation.”

Zhao Feng ordered nodded.

Moreover, this Ten Thousand Withered Ghost Bone Bloodline is relatively cheap with enhanced prices.

Cursed 100 Corpses, because absorbed a lot of dream flesh aura, so within the body incorporates the Immemorial Bloodline factor

In this way, to strengthen the cost, only one seventh of the original is needed.

In total, a hundred Curse Ghost Corpse, the cost of strengthening, less than a quarter of Zhao Feng just now.

“One hundred Ghost Corpse, it takes seven days.”

blood hair women’s road.

Zhao Feng ordered nodded, leaving Cursed 100 Corpses and Skeleton Hall Master for the time being at Ten Thousand Blood Palace.

Skeleton Hall Master is also an enhanced “Ten Thousand Withered Ghost Bone”, which is a top grade Bloodline Physique for his original Physique.


Zhao Feng kept walking around in this steel ancient city.

“I have 30% of the capital I can consume …”

Zhao Feng is somewhat stretched financially.

From the beginning of Purple Saint Ruins, he has accumulated huge resources, and then the battle between Half-God’s Heritage Garden and Pirate Emperor has rich capital.

But in Heavens Secret ancient city, this huge capital consumed 70%.

Half-God Child, naturally knows Zhao Feng’s situation, and did not make excessive demands.

Zhao Feng is not bad in terms of resources.

Three days later.

Zhao Feng came to “God Technique Palace”.

God Technique Palace has the cultivation technique tips for sale, providing various solutions such as cultivation technique and cultivate.

Here, there are even To surpassed Wind Thunder Inheritance, Secret Technique of “Golden Earth Saint Body” for sale.

However, the cost required is also sky-high, second only to the Bloodline implantation.

“Guests from afar, do you have any customization requirements for cultivation technique?”

An old man with an elegant white light, smiled kindly.

When his eyes fell on the Small Thieving Cat body, he revealed a hint of surprising colour, and quickly converged.

“I need a stronger cultivation technique.”

Zhao Feng explained the intention.

He has “Five Elements Myriad Thunder Secret Art”, “Golden Earth Saint Body”, and even Wind Thunder Inheritance.

Zhao Feng’s purpose is to use this as a basis for fusion optimization.

“let me see.”

Elegant white light old man, slightly smiled.

Zhao Feng knows that the other party is just a kind of virtual mechanical encounter, not a living being, and cannot be cultivated.

He passed the huge information of “Five Elements Myriad Thunder Secret Art”, “Golden Earth Saint Body”, “Wind Thunder Inheritance” to the elegant white light old man.

“Well, there are three similar inheritance cultivation techniques in my database. Among them,” Five Elements Myriad Thunder Secret Art “and” Golden Earth Saint Body “, I have an original version.”

Ruya white light old man, smiled confidently.

Hearing this, Half-God Child was surprised.

“Golden Earth Saint Body”, I can optimize it to “Golden Earth Saint Thunder Body”, reduce the requirements of Body Tempering natural talent, and it is more suitable for your cultivate. “

Confucian white light old man, paused.

Zhao Feng can’t help Surprise.

Half-God Child gaped.

The elegant old man continued: “Wind Thunder Inheritance and” Five Elements Myriad Thunder Secret Art “, I can merge it into” Five Elements Wind Thunder Secret Art “, the power can be greatly improved, and there is no need for such harsh Thunder Spirit Physique. “

Five Elements Wind Thunder Secret Art

Zhao Feng was even more ecstatic.

“Five Elements Wind Thunder Secret Art”, combining “Wind Thunder Inheritance” and the ancient “Five Elements Myriad Thunder Secret Art”, greatly enhances the power.

In this way, the deficiency of Zhao Feng Wind Thunder Inheritance has been made up.

of course.

The cost of these two sets of optimization is not low.

“Because your Wind Thunder Inheritance has enriched my information base, this time the optimization and integration will give you a XNUMX% discount.

“Choose Optimal Fusion”

Zhao Feng gritted his teeth and consumed almost all the remaining capital.

Three days later.

Ruya old man handed two simple and unadorned “light books” to Zhao Feng.

Those two light books quickly merged into Zhao Feng’s mind.

“Golden Earth Saint Thunder Body”: With Wan Lei Body Tempering, repairing the Supreme Saint Thunder Body can achieve the highest true position of Heaven Rank God Position. “

“Five Elements Wind Thunder Secret Art”: uses Wind Thunder as the skeleton, evolves Five Elements Myriad Forms, controls Wind Thunder of Metal, Wind Thunder of Wood, Wind Thunder Of Water, Wind Thunder of Fire, Wind Thunder of Earth … “

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