King of Gods

Chapter 714

(A small mistake in the last chapter. Wen Luoan ’s Heavens Sun Battling Clan Bloodline should be ranked XNUMXth. Genesis, nn Book City and other genuine channels will occasionally correct typos and hh. Please support official genuine subscriptions. Another: official qq The group was established on the first day, and many book friends joined in. When the number of book friends broke “two hundred”, a fast-food conference will be held.

Zhao Feng swept through a glance, and merged and optimized “Golden Earth Saint Thunder Body” and “Five Elements Wind Thunder Secret Art”. The cultivate requirements are much lower than the original cultivation technique Inheritance.

However, the hierarchical power of cultivation technique Inheritance has been improved instead.

Especially “Golden Earth Saint Thunder Body” is directly beyond the original “Golden Earth Saint Body” by one level.

“impossible ……”

Half-God Child both fists hold tight, the jealousy inside, resentment.

Before he traded “Golden Earth Saint Body” to Zhao Feng, he determined that the other party could not cultivate, and at least for thousands of years, he could not cultivate to great accomplishment.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Feng took a different approach and absorbed God Tribulation Thunder Strength through Soul.

And now.

After the integration of “Golden Earth Saint Thunder Body”, the level of cultivation technique has been increased, the cultivate requirement has been reduced, and it has also been connected with Dao of Thunder.

“Forgetting to say” Golden Earth Saint Thunder Body “and” Five Elements Wind Thunder Secret Art “are complementary cultivation techniques.”

The elegant old man reminded.

“Golden Earth Saint Thunder Body” is still Body Tempering Saint Secret Art, but it needs “Five Elements Wind Thunder Secret Art” supplemented by heaven and earth Wan Lei Body Tempering.

Without “Five Elements Wind Thunder Secret Art”, it would be difficult to cultivate “Golden Earth Saint Thunder Body”.

“The fusion of the optimized cultivation technique is really different.”

Zhao Feng copied all the content with God Eye.


The smile on his face didn’t last long.

Until he saw the Cultivation direction of Five Elements Wind Thunder Secret Art.

“Five Elements Wind Thunder Secret Art” is divided into 12th-layers. The former Third Layer is the foundation of Wind Thunder. Starting from the fourth layer, it begins with Cultivation Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth Five Elements Wind Thunder, the tenth layer, Five Elements is endless … “

Zhao Feng frowned.

This “Five Elements Wind Thunder Secret Art”, indeed, To surpassed includes Wind Thunder Inheritance.

However, Zhao Feng’s Wind Thunder Inheritance and achievement reached great accomplishment, which is on a completely different path from “Five Elements Wind Thunder Secret Art”.

“If I want Cultivation” Five Elements Wind Thunder Secret Art “, am I not ‘recultivation,’?”

Zhao Feng jerked fiercely.

“Yes, you have the foundation of Wind Thunder Inheritance, the recultivation of” Five Elements Wind Thunder Secret Art “, and it takes no more than ten years to surpassed now.”

Ruya old man did not deny.

ten years?

Zhao Feng forehead jumped straight to the black line.

Ten years is nothing for the average person.

But Zhao Feng, from Cultivation to now, only ten years.

If it is peaceful now, Zhao Feng is definitely willing to recultivation “Five Elements Wind Thunder Secret Art” and supporting “Golden Earth Saint Body”.

After all, these two sets of cultivation technique Inheritance can make him go further.

But now, Zhao Feng is facing Pursuit of Death. How can I freely cultivate it?

“In this world, it is really not perfect.”

Half-God Child, I feel better, even to rejoice in other people’s misfortunes.

Zhao Feng’s current situation is like sitting on a mountain of treasure, but he has no time to dig and move.

For a time.

Zhao Feng complexion gloomy and uncertain.

After a long time.

He took a deep breath and made a decision.

At this stage, it is impossible for him to recultivate “Five Elements Wind Thunder Secret Art” and “Golden Earth Saint Body”.

This is not realistic

“Just wait, resolve the Pursuit of Death, and then consider it.”

Zhao Feng’s mood gradually returned to calm.

He can enter into the civilized city of Heavens Secret Clan. Already is a great opportunity for even Half-God to be jealous.

Zhao Feng expressionless came out of “God Technique Palace”.

“It’s only been ten years. The young people now are really impetuous.”

That elegant man, watching Zhao Feng leave, can not help shake his head.

In the steel city.

Zhao Feng walked slowly, he cleared the Ancient Iron Ring.

In the Ancient Iron Ring, there was an empty space, and the formerly huge resource of Precious Materials went to more than XNUMX%.

He now, the body clangs poorly, looking at this city of Heavens Secret Clan with infinite opportunities, he can only sigh.

A few days later, inside Ten Thousand Blood Palace.

“One hundred Curse Ghost Corpse, all strengthened to ‘Ten Thousand Withered Ghost Bone, Bloodline.”

blood light woman with said with a smile.

Zhao Feng one after another check, these Curse Ghost Corpse, body is leaner, like each and everyone skull in corpse.

But these Curse Ghost Corpse, strength has more than doubled compared to seven days ago

After integrating into the “Ten Thousand Withered Ghost Bone” Bloodline, their viability has greatly increased, and even if it is shattered, it can be repaired

And, with the integration of Bloodline, the cultivation base of these Curse Ghost Corpse has been improved.

Until now, these Curse Ghost Corpse, cultivation base are between Late Stage Small Origin Core Realm and Peak.

This lineup is enough to sweep the Green Flower Territory, Continental 10 Sects.

Skeleton Hall Master also incorporates the enhanced “Ten Thousand Withered Ghost Bone” Bloodline, with higher specifications.

“Master ……”

Skeleton Hall Master was so excited that he never expected that he would have such a day.

He now controls Cursed 100 Corpses Great Formation, and even Scarlet Moon Devil Religion of that year cannot be stated on equal terms.

If it weren’t for Zhao Feng, he wouldn’t have come this far.

Zhao Feng nodded with satisfaction and put away all the Ghost Corpse great formations.

“I still have less than XNUMX% of resources …”

Zhao Feng looked around.

Soon, his eyes fell on the Small Thieving Cat body.

The Bloodline of the Small Thieving Cat is definitely not bad, it should be no less than the Immemorial Ten Thousand Race List Bloodline.

“Can you bother, check the Bloodline origins of this cat.”

Zhao Feng pondered then said.

“Hehe, I’m also interested in the origin of this cat. It’s free for you.”

blood light woman said with a smile.

Even Half-God Child showed curiosity.

Since Blood Rebirth, he has been bullied by this cat and can’t look up.

If he can understand the origin of this cat, he will have a way to deal with it in the future.

With that in mind, Half-God Child secretly looked forward.

Meow meow

Small Thieving Cat carefree walked in front of the dobby.

The multi-armed instrument extended a pointed pinhole straw into the body of Small Thieving Cat.


A few minutes passed, and the multi-arm machine gave no answer.

Suddenly, the dobby machine suddenly trembled and stopped detection.

Blood light woman, showing shocked color, incredible look at Small Thieving Cat.

“Heavens Secret Cat, mysterious Bloodline, top secret.”

Dobby, ice-cold relentless way.

Heavens Secret Cat?

Zhao Feng and Half-God Child, looking at each other a glance, have never heard of this race.

“Sorry, this involves top secrets.”

Blood light woman, she seems to know something, but she can’t say.

Meow ~

Small Thieving Cat compostnt, and returned to Zhao Feng’s shoulder.

The blood light woman, with a complex face, looked at this strange combination of a man, a child, and a cat.

Zhao Feng’s Eye Bloodline, she couldn’t detect it at all.

The origin of the Bloodline of Small Thieving Cat, there is a bit in the information database, but it is the highest secret.

“many thanks”

Zhao Feng resigned to the blood light woman.

Out of Ten Thousand Blood Palace, Zhao Feng was thinking again.

He still has less than XNUMX% of the resources of Precious Materials, I wonder if it can play any role.

“This time is a rare opportunity.”

Zhao Feng was meditating.

Precious Materials, the last XNUMX% resource, how to “splurge” out?

After leaving this time, there may be no chance in the future, enters into the Heavens Secret Clan civilized city.

After half an hour.

Zhao Feng came to “Formation Rune Building”.

Formation Rune Building provides customization and optimization of various formations.

Zhao Feng’s purpose is to further improve the “Cursed 100 Corpses Great Formation”.

After all, this Cursed 100 Corpses Great Formation was originally built on the method provided by Purple Saint’s Remnant Spirit, and its potential is reaching its limit.

“A distant guest, what service do you need?”

A woman in a palace in a light state, including said with a smile.

Zhao Feng straight to the point.

He took out the Array Picture of Ghost Corpse great formation, and put out a Cursed 100 Corpses.

“This is not difficult.”

The noble temperament and grace of the woman in palace dress promised soon.

However, Zhao Feng’s last resource, Precious Materials, was also exhausted.

After a few hours.

A new set of Cursed 100 Corpses Great Formation fell into Zhao Feng’s hands.

“The new 100 Corpses Great Formation has a 60% increase in power and more ability to trap and psychedelically.”

The woman in the palace dress said confidently.


Skeleton Hall Master was excited when he got the Array Picture.

After getting out of “Formation Rune Building”, Zhao Feng touched the empty Ancient Iron Ring, can not help heave a long sigh.

“I wonder if there will be a chance, enters into the here?”

Zhao Feng was still thinking.

One person, one child and one cat left this ancient steel city.

After stepping out of the cyan light cover, Zhao Feng complexion stagnated.

I saw, Black Prison Devil Vine hiding the sky and covering the earth on the periphery of the steel city.

Just less than ten days.

Everything outside was replaced by the Black Prison Devil Vine.

“Even eight Black Prison Devil Vine Kings were born.”

Zhao Feng learned the situation by sensing the Black Prison Devil Vine King he controlled.

Eight Black Prison Devil Vine Kings, strength each approached King, reaching a great limit.

Zhao Feng said nothing, turned on Eye Bloodline, and took control of the other seven Black Prison Devil Vine Kings.

Half a day later.

Zhao Feng left Devil Vine ocean, and eight frozen glass bottles appeared in his hand.

Those eight bottles, each with a Black Prison Devil Vine King sealed.

of course.

That Devil Vine ocean, not at all stops.

A few days after Zhao Feng left, Devil Vine ocean almost grew into the city of Heavens Secret Clan.

sou sou sou

In the city of Heavens Secret Clan, several huge giant beast-like metal warships flew out.

Those warships, one after another weird glazed bead.


those glazed bead, terrifying black fireworks, destroy Devil Vine ocean as soon as possible, leaving an ashes

And this time.

Zhao Feng already returned to the central island.

He looked at this secret realm space, and always felt that the secret here was not limited to the city of Heavens Secret Clan.

But the secrets of Heavens Secret Clan, as the world knows, are just the tip of the iceberg.


Zhao Feng’s search is just the tip of the iceberg of this secret realm space.

However, the secrets of Pirate Emperor have been revealed.

Tens of thousands of years ago, Pirate Emperor was fortunate enough to find this Secret Realm Of Heavens Secret, but with his accomplishments of mechanism Grandmaster and formation Grandmaster, he could not completely control it.

After Pirate Emperor died, use this Secret Realm Of Heavens Secret, Arrange’s own Inheritance.

If it were not for the foundation of Secret Realm Of Heavens Secret and the inheritance of Pirate Emperor, it would not be possible to have such a grand layout. Even the Great Emperor and Saint Lord cannot be forced to break through.

The center of 18 Corner Canyons.

A thousand zhang high great waves vortex, which produces terrifying heaven and earth, is enough to crush everything.

“Pirate Emperor Inheritance, coming to an end …”

On the death metal sailing ship, Yin-Yang King’s repeated sounds came.


On the death metal sailboat, except Wen Luoan and Yin-Yang King, there were two other Death Soul Kings, one male and one female, shrouded in darkness.

“Three Death Soul Kings, XNUMX Death Guards, and Masters will arrive in a few days. Zhao Feng, see how you can escape this time.”

At the corner of Wen Luoan’s mouth, a cold intention smile appeared.

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