King of Gods

Chapter 712

“After the repair and enhancement, the ice cold power is increased by 80%, and it can be presented in various forms such as defense ice armor and spiritual ice dragon …

After listening to the dark Forgemaster’s narration, Zhao Feng eyes shined, showing the color of surprise.

This piece of Divine Weapon, Ice Emperor Spear, was broken. This Zhao Feng had a feeling.

But I did not expect that after the repair and strengthening, Ice Emperor Spear can be presented in various forms such as defense ice armor.

If so, Zhao Feng’s defense power can be greatly improved.

“Selection Enhancement”

Zhao Feng decisively paid compensation and materials.

Crystal Stone, the material of Ice Cold Type, he has a lot on hand.

After all, Zhao Feng searched Massive materials from Purple Saint Ruins and Half-God’s Heritage Garden, including spoils of war that killed some King Pirates.

The mechanical Forgemaster, with a smile on his face, took over the Primeal Crystal Stone from Massive.

Although Zhao Feng is painful, this equivalent transaction is much cheaper and more convenient than asking the Refining Grandmaster.

The accomplishments of the Heavens Secret Clan civilization are beyond imagination.

Zhao Feng can’t help Recall the introduction of Heavens Secret Clan.

Heavens Secret Clan, is a humanoid race, the initial race ability, is not strong, and does not even have a powerful Bloodline

On combat innate talent, Heavens Secret Clan may not even be as good as the ordinary person class.


This race, however, has the highest intelligence and creativity, making all races, including the Immemorial Race, unmatched.

Today’s Heavens Secret Clan city is amazing with its incredible features.

The huge entrance fee paid for the city was worth Zhao Zhao now.

After half an hour.

“Ding Ding … 咝 咝 …”

The middle-aged Forgemaster, from the mysterious huge forge furnace, took out a blue long spear with ice and water flowing.

The forging of this time is shorter than that of Small Thieving Cat.

Zhao Feng took over the ice blue long spear and felt the surging ice cold power.

Ice blue long spear is like water, forming a blue ice armor on Zhao Feng body surface.

That blue ice armor also emits a peak of ice-cold aura, which is enough to freeze the souls in the round several li.

As long as Zhao Feng puts on this blue ice armor, under King, he cannot approach him at all.


Youlan Bingjia transforms into two lifelike Ice Dragons, surrounds Zhao Feng, and makes various attack gestures.

Fortunately, this is in Heavens Secret ancient city, all the escaped Cold Strength is absorbed by the invisible Force Field.

“Not bad.”

Zhao Feng was very satisfied with his thoughts. The ice blue long spear melted into the body Bloodline like water.

Half-God Child aside, looked envious.

However, the resources at his disposal, Primal Crystal Stone, are very limited and it is difficult to strengthen them.

One person, one child, one cat, walked out of the forge shop.

Meow meow

Small Thieving Cat took out the map and studied with Zhao Feng.

This city retains some of the features of the Heavens Secret Clan civilization.

It’s hard to come in once, and Zhao Feng will naturally exert its best effect.

“Can Ten Thousand Blood Palace provide the enhancement and implantation of Bloodline capabilities?”

“Devil Transformation Well demonizes various pet creatures and greatly enhances battle strength.”

“Formation Rune Building provides customization and optimization of various forms …”

“God Technique Palace cultivation technique tips are sold, offering various solutions such as cultivation technique and cultivate.”

Zhao Feng’s eyes fell to some more “high-end” places.

In contrast, he just entered into the forged shop, just an ordinary shop.

Those high-end venues, with a variety of features, are really incredible.

Especially the “Ten Thousand Blood Palace” can be implanted with a powerful Bloodline ability.

“In legend, Heavens Secret Clan has studied the Bloodline factor of the Immemorial Ten Thousand Race, and even attempted to copy the Bloodline of the Xeon Immemorial God family.”

Half-God Child hissed.

The legends about Heavens Secret Clan have been verified here.

“This Ten Thousand Blood Palace, don’t tell me, can also implant the ‘Immemorial Ten Thousand Race List,’ Bloodline?”

Zhao Feng is incredible.

With curiosity, Zhao Feng enters into the Ten Thousand Blood Palace.

The building where Ten Thousand Blood Palace is located is very large and has a fifty-sixty floor.

Each layer has a blood pond, which extends various blood tanks and crystal tubes.

“Excuse me, do you want to implant or enhance Bloodline?”

An elegant woman with a whole body made of blood light, smiling at Zhao Feng with a smile.

Zhao Feng God Eye swept away, this blood light woman, within the body also did not have life fluctuation, I don’t know what kind of species it is.

“What does it cost to implant a Bloodline?”

Zhao Feng asked.

“It depends on what Bloodline you want to implant

blood light Elegant woman, with a flick of her finger, a blood-red interface emerges in front of her.

On the interface, there are thousands and thousands of Bloodline.

“Can the Bloodline of the Immemorial Ten Thousand Race List be implanted?”

Zhao Feng asked.

“Bloodline? Hehe, that’s the top Bloodline implant, it’s very expensive. Here we have more than XNUMX Bloodline implants or enhancements of Immemorial Ten Thousand Race List.”

blood light Elegant woman, reach out a little.

On the blood-red interface, the classification of Bloodline of the clan list suddenly appeared.


Zhao Feng and Half-God Child showed shock.

Of course, the Immemorial Ten Thousand Race List Bloodline listed above is usually hundreds or thousands.

In the top XNUMX, there are only four or five races.

Among them, the Heavenline Sun Battling Clan’s Bloodline is clearly listed.

“Implanting Bloodline was originally required first-class permissions. But now, the city is no longer in charge, but it is a city without a master. There is an urgent need for Primal Crystal Stone to operate, so it was opened to the public and the permission requirements were cancelled. “

blood light elegant woman, explained.

Zhao Feng and Half-God Child, look at each other in shock. This is the Bloodline of the Immemorial Ten Thousand Race List.


When Zhao Feng saw the number of Primal Crystal Stones needed for implantation, he rolled his eyes.

According to the above price, the Bloodline implanted in “Heavens Sun Battling Clan”, it is necessary to take out all the materials of Zhao Feng body Primal Crystal Stone, which is not enough.

Heavens Sun Battling Clan Bloodline, after all, is the top XNUMX Bloodline.

“Hey, this already is the price after XNUMX% off. Who calls this city, the running time is long, and the energy is exhausted.”

The elegant woman in blood light said slightly depressed.

“can it be cheaper.”

Zhao Feng was very impressed with the Bloodline of the Immemorial Ten Thousand Race List.

His Eye Bloodline is just a mess of bloodline strength byproducts.

“The implantation of Bloodline is expensive. However, if you have some kind of Bloodline and strengthen it to the corresponding Bloodline, the cost may be as low as one third and one-fifth.”

blood light elegant woman road.

“Try it.”

Zhao Feng nodded agreed.

For the enhancement of Bloodline, first check Bloodline.

Not much time.

Zhao Feng sat in front of a weird multi-armed instrument that extended a pointed pinhole straw into Zhao Feng’s body.

“Eye Bloodline was detected, unknown and cannot be strengthened.”

The dobby apparatus made a sound.

Zhao Feng was so shocked that he almost forgot that his Eye Bloodline was also a special Bloodline.

“Identified the ancient Ice-Water Bloodline, Dragon Scale Type Bloodline descendants, and Immemorial Bloodline factors, which can be strengthened to ‘Profound Ice Scale Clan, Bloodline’, which ranks eighty-ninth.”

“Due to your strong Bloodline foundation and the Immemorial Bloodline factor, the cost is only 10% of the implant.”

Blood light elegant woman, showing a hint of surprising colour, finished the inspection report.

She was surprised that Zhao Feng’s Eye Bloodline, not even the multi-arm device, had not been detected.

In addition, the opponent’s body has a factor of Immemorial Bloodline.

“If you can provide a stock solution of Eye Bloodline, this time Bloodline Enhancement is free.

blood light Elegant woman, with a trace of hotness in her eyes.

A new and unknown Bloodline made her curious and wanted to study.

“I reject.”

Zhao Feng shook his head directly.

How can Bloodline secrets of his God Eye be left to others to study.

“In that case, do you choose the Bloodline enhancement of ‘Profound Ice Scale Clan.’ Bloodline of this race can more than double your Bloodline ice power, double your physique, and double your defense.”

blood light elegant woman road.

“Choose reinforcement.”

In the envious eyes of Half-God Child, Zhao Feng agreed.

According to the price of the original implant, even if Zhao Feng sold all his belongings, it would not be enough.

However, his own Bloodline foundation is close to the Immemorial Ten Thousand Race List, and further strengthening, the required cost is only 10%.

Even so.

In order to make up the expensive expenses, Zhao Feng used a lot of precious massive material resources for the body to redeem

At last.

In Zhao Feng Ancient Iron Ring, nearly half of the belongings were consumed.

There was also a pain in his heart.

After paying the sky-high fees, Zhao Feng was taken to the fourth 15th-layer, lying in a blood tank.

“You just need to sleep One Day and One Night.”

blood light elegant woman road.

Immediately after, a layer of strange ice-cold blue blood soaked Zhao Feng whole body.

At the same time, there are dozens of pointed pinhole straws inserted into some acupuncture point parts of Zhao Feng body.

Meow meow

Small Thieving Cat plays Shadow Killing Emperor Blade and waits with Half-God Child.

“Bloodline implanted in the Wanzu list is really against the sky. Such great opportunities are rare.”

Half-God Child lamented.

In his view, Bloodline is priceless.

If it wasn’t for breaking into this ancient city of Secret Realm Of Heavens Secret, then no matter how big the capital is, it would not be able to integrate into the Bloodline that has been strengthened into the Immemorial Ten Thousand Race List.

not to mention.

Zhao Feng strengthened the “Profound Ice Scale Clan” Bloodline, which ranked XNUMXth.

This Bloodline ranks ahead of Heavens Sun Battling Clan.

Profound Ice Scale Clan, ranked among the top three in the enhanced Bloodline.

“Dare to ask, Heavens Secret Clan’s former ‘Immemorial Race Copy, plan, was it successful?”

Half-God Child curiously asked.

Heavens Secret Clan is the most intelligent and creative race in the world.

Ancient Book records that this race has various feats and plans.

Among them, the more famous ones are “Time Machine” plan and “Immemorial Race Copy” plan.

These plans are not ordinary ambitions.

The Time Machine plan is to travel through time and space, change the history of fate, and even obtain unlimited resources.

To this end, Heavens Secret Clan managed to hunt “Light Clan”, which resulted in the disaster that destroyed civilization.

Immemorial Race Copy plan is to master “Immemorial Race” Xeon’s perfect innate Fiendgod Body Bloodline.


Blood light elegant woman, very unexpected: “Did you know these two plans? However, this is the top secret of Heavens Secret Clan ‘Heaven Defying Faction, I don’t know either.”

“Heaven Defying Faction, sure enough”

Half-God Child, tremor.

He was inexplicably excited, and was about to touch the truth of Immemorial Myth.

Heavens Secret Clan, although a race, is internally divided into two Great Sect lines.

One faction is Heaven Defying Faction; the other is Sage Faction.

Heaven Defying Faction, also known as ambition, goes against the sky and wants to master Copy, the world’s strongest those Bloodline.

And Sage Faction, pay attention to follow Heavenly Law naturally, and help heaven and earth.

“If you guessed right, this should be Heavens Secret Clan ‘Heaven Defying Faction, the secret realm city left behind.”

Half-God Child gazes.

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