King of Gods

Chapter 709

Dead metal sailing boats, stagnated near great waves vortex, can no longer move forward.

Yin-Yang King, Wen Luoan, and many Death Guards gazed at the center of the great waves of thousands of high waves, giving birth to a sense of weakness.

The great waves vortex are closely related to the huge heaven and earth power of the entire Pirate Holy Land, which can be resisted by human power.

“We missed the chance, and Zhao Feng became one of the Pirate Kings and entered into the Pirate Emperor Holy Land.”

Yin-Yang King quickly searched the information.

Death Guards on the Death Metal Sailboat, in the vicinity, caught some scattered Void Sea Pirates.

After questioning, Yin-Yang King and Wen Luoan got a lot of news about Pirate Emperor Holy Land Inheritance.

to date.

There are no examples of foreign experts, forcing them into the Pirate Emperor Inheritance.

Even the top Great Emperor, such as the Great Emperor of Death level, cannot be forced into the Pirate Emperor Holy Land Inheritance.

“Compared with Half-God’s Heritage Garden, Pirate Emperor Inheritance can only be considered a small Inheritance. Then Zhao Feng is not a true pirate and it is difficult to get a real Inheritance opportunity.”

Wen Luoan smiles mildly and confidently.

In the past six months, Wen Luoan has already resumed the cultivation base; after half-hours and opportunities of Half-God’s Heritage Garden, now strength is even higher.

Based on the original Late Stage Great Origin Core Realm, he is one step closer to reaching Half-Step King.

“Pirate Emperor Inheritance, the time generally does not exceed half a month. We are here, waiting for Zhao Feng to come out, while convening other Death Soul King and Death Guards.”

Yin-Yang King said solemnly.

Through the Death Command Token, the team of Yin-Yang King is contacting other experts under the Great Emperor of Death.

The other end of great waves vortex.

Twelve Legendary seaboats, driven by the Stormy Sea, traveled a section of the road.

I do not know how long it has been.

An island appeared in front of it, lingering in a layer of dark and light Azure with simple and unadorned mysterious.

Along the way.

Zhao Feng stood on the observation deck and observed this strange Space.

In view, it is an endless extension of the *** ocean, no longer the Foreign Territory heaven and earth of the Void Sea.

The raging waves propelled the ships to the center’s only land, the central island.

“Here, it’s a secret realm space, the level is higher than Half-God’s Heritage Garden, I’m afraid it’s higher.”

Half-God Child whispering.

Zhao Feng hearing this, can’t help be surprised.

Pirate Emperor Holy Land, it sounds, is just a Inheritance of the top Great Emperor, there is such a high secret realm space.

“Pirate Emperor Holy Land, coming soon.”

The pirates on those ships, each and everyone stared at the central island with excitement.

Far away.

Zhao Feng’s God Eye, you can see 18 Lone Peak Mountain Capes on the island.

In the center of 18 Lone Peak Mountain Capes, there is also a huge mountain peak, with a Sovereign look overlooking the mountains and esteeming heaven and earth.

“Hehe, after entering into the Pirate Emperor Holy Land, the 18 Corners Pirate King will be reshuffled. And, when Holy Land opens, a Pirate Emperor will be born.”

Bearded middle-aged.

of course.

The throne of Pirate Emperor, ordinary Pirate King, dare not expect it.

The most competitive people are nothing more than the two giants of Cold Moon King, Great Shark King, and Zhao Feng.

“This Space seems to be isolated from the outside world.”

Zhao Feng’s hair and Left Eye have become purple.

With God Eye clearly understood, he was even more aware of the extraordinaryness of this secret realm space.

The central island area in front of me seems to be only a small part of the secret realm space.


Within thousands of miles, powerful great waves, invisible strengths, propel all ships and creatures, approaching the central island.

Not much time.

Eighteen sea Pirate Ships arrived at the shore.

“Get on!”

“Seize the opportunity!”

The pirates scrambled to land on the central island.

The central island area retains its original appearance. The resources on it, Precious Materials, are slightly stronger than Purple Saint Ruins.


The 18 Lone Peak Mountain Capes is also the target of many pirates.

“Zhao Feng! Each of the 18 Lone Peak Mountain Capes represents a Inheritance of Pirate Emperor. There are corresponding opportunities. You can choose one that suits you.”

The blond man reminded.

sou sou!

After that, the blond man and middle-aged bearded man rushed to a Lone Peak Mountain Cape.

After enterings into the Pirate Emperor Holy Land, many pirates will fight for their own future.

“Pirate Emperor throne!”

Cold Moon King and Great Shark King, met a glance, and simultaneously flew towards the huge mountain peak of the positive center.

That huge mountain peak represents the battle for Inheritance on the throne of Pirate Emperor.

Ding Ding!

The two Pirate King giants, just after reaching the huge mountain peak, quickly fought with them.

The rest of the Pirate Kings did not join very well, and they also had to seek their own Inheritance opportunities.

Cold Moon King and Great Shark King, no matter who they are, as long as they can get the inheritance on the huge mountain peak, they will be the Pirate Emperor of Pirate Holy Land in the future.

Pirate Emperor, once born, can command 18 Corners Pirate Holy Land.

Zhao Feng flew over the central island, overlooking the entire island, with a touch of disappointment on his face.


Pirate Emperor Inheritance, its scale level, is rare.

However, there is still a big gap here compared to Half-God’s Heritage Garden.

Island Territory within, those Precious Materials rare treasure, is far from comparable to Half-God’s Heritage Garden.

The greater opportunity is nothing more than the 18 Lone Peak Mountain Capes and the giant peak in the center.

The problem is, Zhao Feng is not interested in pirate Inheritance.

Here, there is no such thing as his Inheritance.

No matter how strong Pirate Emperor is, it is also a top Great Emperor, without the Inheritance of Eye Bloodline.

Zhao Feng has Wind Thunder Great Emperor Inheritance, plus God Tribulation Thunder Strength, an improvement on Wind Thunder Inheritance, and Inheritance under Saint Lord, which is not attractive to him.

It is Half-God Child who joins the scramble for resources on the island.

No matter how thin the fly’s legs are, the Half-God Child needs resources urgently to restore strength.

And Zhao Feng was resourcefully restricted to him.

“Don’t kill the bandit.”

Zhao Feng warned repeatedly.

He did not want the balance on the island to be broken, which would have unpredictable consequences for Pirate Holy Land.

Hum bang!

A huge pillar of black light soared from a certain Lone Peak Mountain Cape.

“So fast!”

“So fast, someone gets a Pirate Emperor Branch Inheritance.”

The pirate powerhouses on the central island are very unexpected.

Zhao Feng can see that the Lone Peak Mountain Cape where the black beam of light is located is a Devil Path Inheritance.

On the hill.

A Pirate King shrouded in the interior of Lone Peak Mountain Cape under the black beam of light, disappeared.

That Lone Peak Mountain Foot, shrouded in black rays of light, no one else could enter into the.

Zhao Feng understands that Pirate Holy Land, the future of a Legendary Pirate King, is determined.

“Sir, with your strength, why not fight for a lone peak.”

A Half-Step King pirate passed by from below and looked at Zhao Feng puzzledly.

The pirate powerhouse is the one under Cold Moon King.

“I don’t want to be a pirate, nor do I want to be tied to Pirate Holy Land.”

Zhao Feng shook his head and smiled.

to be frank.

Pirate Emperor Inheritance is not as attractive to him as it is to him.

more importantly.

Once one of them is inherited, Zhao Feng will merge into a Pirate King Command and be bound to Pirate King Holy Land.


Zhao Feng is on a transcendent level overlooking the battle on the entire central island.

The most intense battle was the Great Shark King and Cold Moon King.

Both men were not badly injured in the previous battle. At this moment, the fight is alive or death.

“Cold Moon King, you have been hurt more than me. If you continue, you will definitely lose.”

Great Shark King has a strong voice and a full breath.

“Try it!”

If Cold Moon King faces cold jade, Blade and Sword merge, cold glow moon brilliance lingers, attack is fierce, and Body Movement is like thunder, faintly prevailing.

On attack and agility, Cold Moon King is basically the strongest among the Three Great Giants.

But Great Shark King, Bloodline physique is powerful, with deep foundation and long veins. It is mainly based on defense, and it can easily resolve the Thunder Attack of Cold Moon King.

Other than that.

Some Lone Peak Mountain Capes have also been scrambled by several pirates.

In the previous war, the Pirate Alliance lost a lot of Void God King.


There are more than ten Kings on the central island, and there are 18 Lone Peak Mountain Capes on the island.

As long as it is King, you can easily occupy a lone peak.

Some of the remaining lone peaks were contested by digital Half-Step King, or Peak Venerable.

At the same time.

In all corners of the island, some pirates at the lower and middle levels were not eligible for the Lone Peak, but they were searching for Precious Materials rare treasure.

On the whole island, the most laid-back is Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng opened God Eye, clearly understood the island, and this vast secret realm space.

“Zhao Feng! Please help me. If I can win the throne of Pirate Emperor, my Cold Moon King will owe you a favor, and I will report it ten times later.”

A cold voice came to my ears.

Zhao Feng glanced at him, the Master of that voice was Cold Moon King.

Cold Moon King’s perfectly slender silhouette, lingering in the moon brilliance cold glow, her eyebrows are crescent, tender face iced, her nose is straight, a pair of long legs, snowy, but leaves a few blood marks .

She holds Blade and Sword in her hand. If the figure flashes quickly, the Body Movement is superb, and she is not lost to Zhao Feng.

Her aggressive attack can threaten the Great Emperor.

For a short time, Cold Moon King seemed to have the upper hand.

But Zhao Feng can see that Cold Moon King is quite expensive, has short breath, proud chest, and fluctuates.

On her forehead, she had already seen sweat, and she asked slightly, looking towards Zhao Feng, with a tenderness and stubbornness of a rare daughter state.

Zhao Feng knew that it was rare for a really strong surname like Cold Moon King to ask for help.


It also shows her trust in Zhao Feng’s.

Zhao Feng didn’t do anything, and he didn’t understand, he thought he wanted to hit the Pirate Emperor throne.

That’s what the Great Shark King thinks about. In the battle, he maintained physical strength and even prepared himself to deal with Zhao Feng’s.

“Great Shark King, you give the Pirate Emperor throne to Cold Moon King.”

Zhao Feng is straightforward.


The Great Shark King in the battle, his body was stiff, and he looked at Zhao Feng incredibly.

He thought that Zhao Feng was also eager for the Pirate Emperor throne, so he didn’t do anything.

Unexpectedly, he would help Cold Moon King to the summit.

don’t tell me, this Zhao Feng is not interested in the throne of Pirate Emperor and the inheritance of this great opportunity.

“if it is like this……”

Great Shark King was cold.

Earlier, when fighting the Great Emperor Mu Yun, the overbearing strength of Zhao Feng and Half-God Child convinced all the Pirate Kings.

That Half-God Child, even the Great Emperor’s Concept, can be suppressed.

Zhao Feng’s last Void Eye Slash, a great hit for the Great Emperor, is even more frightening and shuddering.

“Zhao Feng! If you don’t get involved in the Pirate Emperor fight, I will do my best to promise you everything,” Great Shark King said quickly. Once Zhao Feng and Half-God Child helped Cold Moon King, he had no hope at all.

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