King of Gods

Chapter 710

Zhao Feng became a key figure in the Pirate Emperor battle.

His tilt was enough to reverse the situation.

Furthermore, he and Half-God Child have teamed up to strengthen strength against any giant.

“Sorry, I’m still a member of ‘Cold Moon King’ until I leave Pirate Holy Land.”

Zhao Feng was slow-moving, Bloodline Left Eye, but locked the Great Shark King.

Because this Holy Land Space is isolated from the outside world, his Eye Bloodline has not intentionally converged and shielded.

“That is……”

The Great Shark King only felt a huge and amazing Eye Strength Will, running across, making his Soul feel a sense of depression.

On the Soul level, Lei Zhen came faintly, and there was an aura that destroyed the calamity.

“Eye Bloodline … this is his true strength!”

Great Shark King was shocked.

Zhao Feng’s Soul background, Eye Strength Will, unreservedly unfolded, shocking.

After God Eye’s last transformation, Zhao Feng has been cultivating “Myriad Thoughts Psychic Secret Art”, especially the God Tribulation Thunder Strength training, which has further strengthened Soul Eye Strength.


Zhao Feng is neither lost to Peak King nor Bloodline Physique or Soul.

His Soul condensed, even better than Peak King.

Zhao Feng also had some emotions. It turned out that he had grown up so fast during his escape.

“Zhao Feng, thanks.”

Cold Moon King cast a grateful expression.

With Zhao Feng’s strength, plus Half-God Child, there is every hope for the throne of Pirate Emperor.

However, the other person still claimed to be her subordinate.


The Half-God Child broke through, and the Concept and Half-God Will that emerged from the body sank the Great Shark King body and mind.

Great Shark King showed a hint of bitterness.

Zhao Feng and Half-God Child are the key figures who previously defeated the Great Emperor Mu Yun.

Together, the two are absolutely invincible under the Great Emperor.

“Cold Moon King, your luck is not good. This Pirate Emperor battle, I quit.”

Great Shark King smiled bitterly and voluntarily gave in.

He couldn’t help a little bit regretted, why he didn’t go to attract Zhao Feng at that time.

But after thinking about it, Zhao Feng helped Cold Moon King, most likely because of the charm of his counterpart Pirate Holy Land number one beauty.

Before leaving, if the Great Shark King had a profound look, he glanced at Zhao Feng and Cold Moon King.

There was some doubt and ambiguous in that look.

Zhao Feng expressionless, watched him leave.

Cold Moon King’s beauty is still ice-cold, and she can’t see what she thinks; but her heartbeat, at this moment, is slightly accelerated.

She felt a little bit embarrassed, would Zhao Feng get rid to help herself because she admired herself?

Will he make any excessive demands?

“Cold Moon King, I will leave Holy Land after Pirate Emperor Inheritance is over.”

Zhao Feng turned his gaze and explained where he went first.

Cold Moon King heaved a sigh of relief a little bit, but Zhao Feng calmly and calmly expressed, and let her have a touch of loss.

She did not like Zhao Feng.

As a centuries-old giant of Pirate Holy Land, Cold Moon King has experienced countless killings and is as firm as a rock.

But she does not deny that she has some kind and gratitude to this man.

Zhao Feng’s is calm and candid, she appreciates the timely help provided by the other person at critical moments, and won her favor.

However, depending on the situation, Zhao Feng had no interest in Pirate Holy Land at all, and he wished to leave early.

For Pirate Emperor Inheritance, Zhao Feng is also a lack of interest.

“Little Kun Yun, let’s go look elsewhere.”

Zhao Feng told Half-God Child aside.

This central island, Zhao Feng’s God Eye, has been clearly understood, and there is nothing particularly interesting.

Little Kun Yun?

Cold Moon King feels that the name is a bit familiar and seems to have come into contact with any classics.

Of course, she didn’t think too much.

“Zhao Feng, my Cold Moon King owes you a favor. It is a gift today, and it will pay back ten times.”

Cold Moon King looked solemnly at Zhao Feng’s back.

Zhao Feng was not attentive and left with Half-God Child.

Meow meow!

Small Thieving Cat appeared on Zhao Feng’s shoulder, throwing a few ancient copper coins between his claws.

“Master, I feel the same as you. This secret realm space is definitely not as simple as a pirate Inheritance. Even a great Emperor, even if he is a mechanical grandmaster and a formation master, it is impossible to have such a large handiwork layout.

Half-God Child nodded.

that’s it.

One person, one child, one cat, and a strange combination, in the central island area, made a careful turn again.

“Still not found.”

“This island area should be arranged by Pirate Emperor.”

Zhao Feng and Half-God Child explore as they explore.

After a while.

Zhao Feng gave up searching on the island.

However, outside the island, there are huge waves and invisible strengths, pushing the lifeform matter in the air and near the water to the central island.

Zhao Feng encountered strong resistance when flying outwards.

When he unfolded Wind Thunder Wings, he flew up and barely stabilized.

Zhao Feng took a breath and flew thousands of miles with heavy resistance.

Fortunately, he has a wealth of resources on hand, Spirit Pill, and the addition of True Yuan is not a problem.

After thousands of miles.

Zhao Feng suddenly felt that the waves on the sea gradually calmed down, and the invisible resistance in void was also weakening.

“Go farther and check again.”

Zhao Feng continued to fly.

At this time, he flew on ten thousand li, but found no second island.

At this time.

secret realm Space, end of advanced.

A dark cyan light film appears in front, similar to the world membrane.

“This secret realm space is classy and well defined.”

Half-God Child brows slightly wrinkle.

Zhao Feng did not give up, changed his direction, returned to the central island, and flew to the end of the other end.

But still not found.

On the way, I encountered some environmental disasters in the secret realm space.

Fortunately, at the speed of Zhao Feng’s God Eye, Wind Thunder Wings, and many other methods, they have also dealt with it.

“Near the sea, nothing was found.”

Zhao Feng missed flying.

He ruled out the central islands, the sea and the air.

“So, why not go and see on seabed.”

Half-God Child suggested.

Zhao Feng ordered nodded, and he has this method.


Zhao Feng plunged into the deep sea, and a layer of purple texture appeared on the body surface, like a purple scale.

This is the defense bloodline added by Zhao Feng, which is compatible with the water surname.

Furthermore, he also has Water Bloodline. Despite the heavy resistance, he enters into the deep seabed.

Deep in the ocean, the waves are amazing, and ordinary Kings can hardly persist for a long time.


In the deep sea, the color of the sea water appears a dark green gloss, which limits the senses greatly.

Zhao Feng turned on the God Eye, so he could barely understand Fangyuanli.

Meow meow!

Small Thieving Cat once again tossed an ancient copper coin, “ding ding”, indicating a direction.

Zhao Feng runs a layer of water blue ripples to guard it.

Half-God Child, cultivate’s “Golden Earth Saint Body”, and God Secret Art, which is sheltered from water, follow.

“Does this cat know divination?”

Half-God Child stood still, following the direction of Zhao Feng and Small Thieving Cat.

I don’t know how long it took.

Deep in the seabed, the dark green gloss in front of it becomes brighter, and there seems to be a source of light.

Meow meow!

Small Thieving Cat threw up the ancient copper coin again, a little excited.

Half-God Child is suspicious.

Zhao Feng seemed to trust the Small Thieving Cat and was struggling to move forward.


The closer it is to the source of light, the greater the pressure in the seawater.

Some moment.

A dark blue vine hiding in front of the sky and covering the earth appears, each with a cyan iron spine, and a ray of cold light.

And that cyan source of light came from the depths of the vine.

Secretly, Zhao Feng felt an ancient vicissitudes of aura coming from the depths of the dark green vine.

Meow meow!

Small Thieving Cat danced and became more excited.

“Master, I doubt the depth of the vine, there must be unknown secrets.”

Half-God Child.

However, to get close to the cyan source of light, we have to go over this hiding the sky and covering the earth, never non-stop as dark blue vine as possible.


Half-God Child blasted away, and the dark green vine in front was broken by a small gap.

“This vine is very old and has a very strong immunity to physical True Yuan attacks.”

Half-God Child.

He punched 70% before opening a gap of half a foot wide.

Moreover, the pressure in the deep sea is extremely high, which is not conducive to exertion.

Purple Extinguishing Wind Thunder!

Zhao Feng swung away with only a small gap.

The plant line is even more immune to Dao of Thunder attack.

“That dark blue vine, I’m afraid there will be several hundred li.”

Zhao Feng and Half-God Child both felt tricky.

That dark green vine, after breaking a gap, will resume a little growth.

“Try this!”

In Zhao Feng’s hand, a seed that dries up, dark and swarthy.

“Black Prison Devil Vine Seed!”

Half-God Child, can’t help Surprise, recognize the origin of this kind of child.

That year, in Purple Saint Ruins, the three big 2-Star Sects spawned terrifying Black Prison Devil Vine seeds, trying to invade Purple Saint Ruins.


Zhao Feng planted Black Prison Devil Vine seeds into the soil.

“Life Source Liquid!”

Zhao Feng quickly incorporated a drop of Life Source Liquid into the Black Prison Devil Vine seed.

A drop of Life Source Liquid, which contains the mass of vitality, can make a hundred miles of dead land into a fertile habitat, and can be planted with a variety of spiritual medicine, which can be supplied for thousands of years.

Hu hu

In a short time, the Devil Vine Seed suddenly grew into a large dark green “rhizome”, and it skyrocketed, becoming thicker and longer, and darker in color.

A few breaths.

Inside the square several li, a large area of ​​Jet Black Rattan Vines emerged, and the vines were covered with bloodthirsty barbs, making people shudder.

“Crystal Stone of Life … Million Year Pearl Fruit … Blood Yuan Bamboo Shoot …”

Zhao Feng will throw the same Precious Materials rare treasure into the wildly surging Black Prison Devil Vine.

The growth rate of Black Prison Devil Vine suddenly soared several times!

After a while, Devil Vine ocean was in view.

Black Prison Devil Vine meets those dark vines and quickly begins to absorb the life essence of the latter.

“Worthy to be called is catastrophic Devil Vine.”

Half-God Child marvels.

Black Prison Devil Vine can devour all living Matters, including Expert’s Life Essence Blood.

The dark blue vine, even with strong physical energy immunity, is also a Wood Type creature that contains life.

In the interweaving of the two types of vines, the dark green vines withered at a rate visible to naked eyes.

Not much time.

In the Devil Vine ocean, a terrifying terrifying aura rises, and a huge Devil Vine huge monster appears, like a giant squid, with hundreds of vine tentacles of more than a dozen feet.

“Hehe, Devil Vine King, come on!”

Zhao Feng turned on God Eye and suddenly controlled “Black Prison Devil Vine King”.

By controlling Devil Vine King, Zhao Feng can influence the growth direction of Black Prison Devil Vine.

Not long. Then Devil Vine grew up to the Origin Core Realm level. A piece of Devil Vine ocean, which absorbs a lot of life essence of dark green vine, is unstoppable, and marches deep.

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