King of Gods

Chapter 708

Wen Luoan and Yin-Yang King, naturally will not be conceited, they think that they can leave a Void God Great Emperor, even the Great Emperor.

Great Emperor Mu Yun full of anger and anger, nowhere to release his sorrow.

He licked his lips, with a playful and cruel smile, and looked at the duo and the shadowy guards on the death boat.

Somehow, he had a familiar perception of where he seemed to know these people’s information.

“This person has Zhao Feng-related clues. Be sure to leave him.”

Yin-Yang King and Wen Luoan face each other a glance.

Great Emperor Mu Yun, hit Zhao Feng’s Void Eye Slash, contains its huge Eye Strength aura, and is also stained with a trace of Death’s Will’s aura.

The two exchanged a look and immediately had a resolution.

Shua! Shua!

Two people, while taking out a special Death Command Token.

The command token, aura is ancient and deep, as dark as ink, and the surface has an ancient “Death” character, which emits Death Aura straight through Soul.

Great Emperor Mu Yun Soul, just feel a chill, inexplicably uneasy.

Among the two deep Death Command Tokens, there is a dying Death’s Will that locks the Great Emperor Mu Yun.

“This command token, don’t tell me is …”

Great Emperor Mu Yun seemed to think of something, and suddenly changed color.

The next moment, an amazing scene appeared.


At the center of those two Death Command Tokens, each presents a dark and deep Eye, with a bottomless vortex inside, and a faint beating of white light points, which seems to connect the endless death world.

“Eye of Death!”

Great Emperor Mu Yun was frightened, and anxious guesses became reality.

At this moment, Yin-Yang King and Wen Luoan used two Death Command Tokens to pull out the strength of Eye of Death; their Death Aura was dozens of times stronger than that originally appeared in Purple Saint Ruins.

And in essence, there are differences between the two.

Last time, Eye of Death emerged in Purple Saint Ruins, and more is the strength of Death Command Token itself, which can be connected to the “Eye of Death” of Great Emperor of Death.

Because Death Command Token itself stores the great Death’s Will of the Great Emperor of Death.

And now.

Yin-Yang King and Wen Luoan, using this as a medium, are directly cross-space connected to the “Eye of Death” of the Great Emperor of Death.

Great Emperor Mu Yun There is an illusion that my alive or death is out of my control.

But as Void God Great Emperor, he didn’t flinch.

In theory, the Great Emperor of Death is with him, cultivation base equivalent to.

However, the other party is the Great Emperor of the ancient Legendary and the Bloodline descendant of the Death God Eye.

“Hmph! Great Emperor of Death! Your deity appears, and I may avoid it. But your Eye of Death is just connected to this place, cross-space.”

Great Emperor Mu Yun sneered , Soul Strength

The opposite Yin-Yang King and Wen Luoan had a sense of suffocation, and Soul shuddered.


The Death Command Token in their hands gave them confidence that there was a kind of shelter from Soul.

Snap !

Those two Death Command Tokens were suddenly broken.

Immediately after that, the phantom of a pair Eye of Death is dark and deep, like the abyss of death, and suddenly becomes ten million times larger, like Zhao Feng’s Cross-Space Eye.

“Death’s Gaze!”

The deep sound resounds through the Soul plane.

The “Eye of Death” from the cross-space, as indifferent as Heavenly Law, stared at the Great Emperor Mu Yun quietly.

“how come……”

Great Emperor Mu Yun felt that his Soul seemed to be imprisoned and he could control it.

The vitality of his whole body seems to be banned and difficult to move.

top of the head Heavens.

That a pair of huge “Eye of Death”, deep inside dark vortex, extended and rotated.

“It’s impossible!”

Great Emperor Mu Yun struggled, exclaimed and growled.

However, after a big battle, the small world was broken and Origin Energy was seriously injured. He only had 50-60% Battle Strength during the Peak period.

He struggled and seemed powerless.


A Void’s Great Emperor Mu Yun Spirit Physique phantom, as tall as a Buddha image, was struggling to be dragged out of the body while struggling.

That’s the Soul of Great Emperor Mu Yun.


Soul of Great Emperor Mu Yun was sucked into a Void dark vortex by the “Eye of Death” from the cross-space.

“Death’s Gaze! This is the Signature Skill of Master Eye Bloodline. If you score with Soul Strength, the target Soul is weaker than the performer, and you will be taken away with Soul.”

There was a trace of awe in Wen Luoan’s eyes.

Death’s Gaze, a Soul Eye Technique, can be called a forbidden technique, like the spokesperson of the god of death.


In a way, the Great Emperor of Death is the spokesperson for “Death”.

Because, the Master of Death God Eye is the god of death; but that is the originator of Eye of Death, which has uniqueness, and it never seems to have appeared in the Deep Green Sea.

top of the head

The huge Eye of Death phantom, paused for a moment or two, faded to peak and disappeared.

“Crossing several Group Territories and casting ‘Death’s Gaze’, the goal is still Void God Great Emperor, this costs a lot, I’m afraid …”

Yin-Yang King frowned slightly.

After a long time.


In the hands of Wen Luoan, a Death Command Token appeared for messaging.

“That Zhao Feng’s trail is at 18 Corner Canyons, Pirate Emperor Holy Land Inheritance …”

A low, weak voice came from the command token.

18 Corner Canyons? Pirate Emperor Inheritance!

Wen Luoan and Yin-Yang King have bright eyes.

It seems that after the Great Emperor of Death ingested Soul that took “Great Emperor Mu Yun”, he searched and questioned Zhao Feng’s clues.

But for that, the Great Emperor of Death also paid a great price.

Even though there are two special Death Command Tokens as carriers, Eye of Death, which spans distance, is very far away, and the target is the same as Realm’s Void God Great Emperor, which consumes a lot.

What’s more.

After the success of “Death’s Gaze”, Great Emperor of Death will also conduct a Soul Search check on Soul of Great Emperor Mu Yun.

“Eye Strength, my teacher, is very costly and needs to be recovered in January. Keep your eyes on the target …”

The sound of Great Emperor of Death, out of thin air fades away.

Wen Luoan and Yin-Yang King faced a glance, and they were a little surprised.

Why the Great Emperor of Death is so obsessed with pursuit Zhao Feng and the whole body.

For the Pursuit Zhao Feng, the Great Emperor of Death put a lot of manpower and effort into it, and the cost was huge.

Is it all worth it?

18 Corner Canyons, center of Pirate Holy Land.

After a tragic war, many Pirate Kings were somewhat injured and had the feeling of avoiding a catastrophe.

After this battle, those Pirate Kings looked at Zhao Feng’s expression, which was completely different.

No one doubts that Zhao Feng is qualified to compete with the Great Shark King and Cold Moon King for the throne of Pirate Emperor.

Together with Half-God Child around Zhao Feng, it is also admirable and curious.

Shua! Shua! Shua!

A dozen Pirate King Commands floated over a Void Ocean.

According to the Pirate Emperor Inheritance rule, there are nine Pirate King Commands to open the Pirate Emperor Holy Land Inheritance.

And now, the number of Pirate King Command far exceeds the minimum threshold.

One of the Pirate King Commands is closely linked to Zhao Feng and Ghost Corpse Sea Ship.

Each Pirate King Command is built on a Legendary Pirate Ship.

Ghost Corpse Sea Ship, which originated from Sea Pirate Ship, has certain spiritual intelligence, so it can be recognized by Pirate King Command.

As captain, Zhao Feng became one of the Pirate Kings.

Hum bang!

In Void Ocean, there was a sense of vibration that shook the heaven and earth interface.

That sense of vibration originated from the 18 Corner Canyons large-scale boundless heaven and earth-Pirate Holy Land.

In such a huge strength, even Void God Realm will feel small.

“Such a huge layout, is this really just an inheritance of a Void God Great Emperor?”

Zhao Feng’s senses Concept is not trivial.

Meow ~

Small Thieving Cat, when I do n’t know, appeared on the shoulder, both eyes shone brightly.

“This ‘Pirate Emperor Inheritance’ is really not easy.”

Half-God Child thoughtfully.

That vibration sensation lasted for ten eight breaths.

same moment.

Pirate Holy Land, eighteen canyon mini-domains, simultaneously erupted into the dark azure light of the sky, a kind of reverse heaven and earth, the magnificent momentum of the world.

of course.

Unless you can overlook a glance, the vast 18 Corners Pirate Holy Land, it is difficult to feel the momentum.


I don’t know who it is, first cried out in surprise.

Boom hong long!

At the center of the Void Ocean, there are thousands of high waves of great waves vortex, showing a dark azure light faintly, emitting a ray of simple and unadorned vicissitudes of aura, as if they reach the other side of the starry sky.

“Really strong strength. Is this the entrance to Pirate Inheritance?”

Half-God Child both eyes 眯.

The center of the great waves of the zhang high, mysterious vortex, seems to have an eternal concept.

“This entrance … even the Void God Great Emperor will be torn to pieces.”

Zhao Feng marveled.

Moreover, the dark azure light in the center of this great waves vortex brings a similar feeling to Zhao Feng, which is similar to some aura in memory, but also different.

“Everyone, set off!”

The huge warships of Cold Moon King and Great Shark King took the lead in punishing the earthworm Youvo Xing

The wonderful thing is.

Their pirate warships have a shelter of mysterious strength, and the terrifying strength of great waves vortex does not hurt them in the slightest.


Zhao Feng can see that that is the role of Pirate King Command, whose aura is integrated into the sea Pirate Ship.

In Ghost Corpse Sea Ship, there is also a seemingly unavoidable aura wave, which is especially obvious after approaching great waves vortex.

This involves the huge layout of the entire Pirate Holy Land.

Zhao Feng became more and more curious. With the power of Pirate Emperor, could he have such a grand layout?

Huh sou!

Ghost Corpse Sea Ship, along with some Legendary Pirate Ships, got into the center of great waves vortex.

Those who can enter into the great waves vortex are only those who work together to launch the Pirate King Command of Pirate Emperor Holy Land, and its approved sea ships.

Shua! Shua! Shua!

At the same time, within Pirate Holy Land, several other scattered Pirate King Commands, together with the power of heaven and earth, also drilled into the great waves vortex together.

Pirate Emperor Inheritance Holy Land, each time it is turned on, eighteen Pirate King Commands are redistributed.

Zhao Feng slightly saved a sigh of relief, Cold Moon King did not lie to himself.

In this way, Ghost Corpse Sea Ship ’s self-help Sang Hui, XNUMX Liang Shi Nan Nan Beer

When Ghost Corpse Sea Ship, enters into the great waves vortex, Small Thieving Cat, Half-God Child, Skeleton Hall Master, were not excluded and affected.

They were originally members of the sea ship and were defaulted to sea Pirate Ship members.


There were only twelve ships that successfully entered into the great waves vortex.

The rest of the ships, no matter how hard the material is or how strong the formation defense is, will be shredded by great waves vortex instantly.

Even the Void God Great Emperor cannot break into great waves vortex.

Even if you barely mix in, it is difficult to get Inheritance opportunities without a pirate heart.

This is Inheritance that belongs only to pirates!

Hum bang!

The great waves vortex became the center of heaven and earth strength of the 18 Corner Canyons, staying above the Void Ocean.

I do not know how long it has been.

A dead metal sailing ship came by the waves and arrived near the great waves vortex.

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