King of Gods

Chapter 1395

In the distance, Mu Gu, Xin Wuhen, Yu Heng, and the others, who were running away, also suddenly fell down.

“What happened just now?”

Ancient God Han Yu asked in surprise.

Just now, Zhao Feng has just awakened and has no battle strength, and Mie Liu Ancient God’s attack is about to wipe it out.

Suddenly, the dark endless river of destruction disappeared like that, disappear without a trace.

With the insight of Ancient God Han Yu, she couldn’t understand what was going on.

“Mu Gu, let me say, this kid is a bit out of the ordinary!”

Ancestral Item fragments sound transmission.

“It is indeed out of the ordinary, but what is going on?”

Even Mu Gu was a little confused.

He was being pursuited at the time and didn’t pay much attention to the situation on Zhao Feng’s side.

“The kid’s eyes …”

Yu Heng’s eyes were very deep.

Just when Zhao Feng used the Eye Technique to dissolve Mie Liu Ancient God’s attack, his Immemorial Race Bloodline trembled again.

Immemorial Race is the bloodline of the first family. This inexplicable tremor made Yu Heng feel a little uneasy and wanted to immediately eliminate Zhao Feng.


After using Strength of Source to erase the attack of Mie Liu Ancient God, Zhao Feng immediately felt much clearer.

The dizziness and pain were quickly disappearing, and his consciousness was slowly recovering as usual. The whole person looked spiritual.

“Maybe it’s because too many Strength of Sources have been accumulated in the source space, and now they are released, much better …”

Zhao Feng reached this conclusion.

If this is the case, then the Eye Technique he exhibited just now consumes that many Strength of Source.

However, its power is worth the price.

“Just ‘God Eye Vanishment’!”

Zhao Feng smiled at the corner.

The effect of this Eye Technique is similar to that of the God Eye decomposition, but the power is very different.

“This is impossible!”

Not far away, Mie Liu Ancient God shouted loudly, and some did not believe it.

“Hmph, nothing is impossible!”

Zhao Feng coldly snorted, a pair of golden light wings stretched out behind.

At this point, he was fully restored and all strengths could be used as intended.

call out!

His body turned into a rapid stream of light, forcing Mie Liu Ancient God directly

Although he is in a locked great formation, Zhao Feng does not rely on Space Profound Truth and is extremely fast.


Zhao Feng gathered at Divine Power and blasted out a muddy deep silver fist.

All around these chaotic light punches has a strange layer of engulfing Force Field, along the way, engulfing the strength of heaven and earth, and strengthening its own power.

That punch was invisible.

Because, that punch accelerated to peak under Profound Truth of Time, giving Mie Liu Ancient God the illusion of time and space.

Uh ~

Mie Liu Ancient God was blown away with a punch, and blood leaked from the corners of his mouth.

“Boy, I will kill you!”

Mie Liu Ancient God wiped the bloodstains and glared.

He didn’t expect that Zhao Feng, who was still so weak just now, resumed as usual and was directly hit completely completely.

Just at this time.

Meow ~

A sturdy cat’s shadow, straight out of the dim shadow below, a rune silver blade, a streaks of a cold blade, cut to Mie Liu Ancient God.

Pu chi!

That cold blade fell directly into Mie Liu Ancient God’s belly.

Suddenly, a cold cold strength spread, making him Bloodline Soul can’t help tremble.

“Thunder Calamity Eye Flame!”

Zhao Feng runs Thunder Calamity strength, instantly condensing a mass of distorted Thunder Flame, strikes out.

Hum pu!

A thunderbolt ignited at the Soul level of Mie Liu Ancient God.

At this moment, ice and lightning, simultaneously acting on his body, distorting his face, revealing the color of pain.

He was originally injured and was attacked continuously by Zhao Feng and Small Thieving Cat, becoming weaker.

call out!

At this moment, Ancient God Cheng Yun and Ancient God Hua Cai rushed forward and attacked Mie Liu Ancient God directly.

“Here to kill this person first!”

Zhao Feng sound transmission.

You must first kill the name Half-Step God Lord to reverse the situation.

“No, you …”

Mie Liu Ancient God rushed away with injuries.

“Not good, go on like this Mie Liu Ancient God …”

Ancient God Han Yu complexion.

After Zhao Feng woke up, it gave people a strange feeling, and the tricky Small Thieving Cat, plus the words of Ancient God Cheng Yun and Ancient God Hua Cai.

Mie Liu Ancient God is likely to be killed here.

“Okay, the situation is turning!”

Mu Gu was slightly surprised, and looked at Zhao Feng a few more times.

“And Yu Heng’s bloodline strength is much weaker than before. He should not be able to hold on for long!”

Xin Wuhen also secretly speculated.

“Abominable, Zhao Feng, Heavens Secret Cat!”

Yu Heng’s eyes were furious, gnashing teeth.

If it hadn’t been for Zhao Feng’s suddenly waking up, maybe now, he’s over everything.


Yu Heng took out a test tube the size of a finger, and flicked his mind to break it.

Subsequently, a ball of Gold and Silver liquid entered directly into his mouth.

“Not good !”

Xin Wuhen complexion changes slightly.

He had seen this scene outside, and he naturally understood what it meant.

next moment.


Yu Heng’s huge body inside the body burst into a mighty Bloodline Power with a catastrophic Ba Huang, making him seem to return to Peak again.

Standing next to Yu Heng, Ancient God Han Yu and Ancient God Yu Hai, Soul Bloodline is extremely depressed, and seems to worship.

Hum xiu xiu!

Yu Heng’s hands were raised, and a bunch of Gold and Silver lines diffused out, exuding the dangerous aura of tremor.

“What’s going on? Bloodline strength is back!”

Mu Gu complexion was startled.

“Not good, he also noticed the situation of arrived today, presumably want to end the battle quickly!”

Xin Wuhen was worried.

At this moment, Yu Heng’s bloodline strength has returned to its heyday, and it seems that there are some secret techniques ready to be performed.

The strength of the Immemorial Race is incredibly powerful and unparalleled. If you use this strength to perform powerful secrets, I am afraid he and Mu Gu will be harder to resist.

“Time sharp slash!”

“One finger!”

At this critical juncture, the two released a powerful attack in an attempt to interrupt Yu Heng, and the next time, they could also kill Yu Heng’s bloodline strength.

Boom bang!

The two attackers of the Half-Step God Lord constantly strike at Yu Heng’s body.

Yu Heng expected that this has urged the Immemorial Fiendgod Body and resisted it all.

Weng weng!

Above Yu Heng’s hands, a huge Gold and Silver head condensed, exuding Immemorial aura that alarmed heaven and earth.

“what is this……”

Ancient God Han Yu and Ancient God Yu Hai can’t help shake their hands.

When they looked towards both the eyes of the Gold and Silver fuzzy head, they almost felt that there was a peerless Fiendgod of Great Desolate Antiquity, looking down at them.

“Not good, we can’t stop this move!”

Mu Gu complexion abruptly changes.

When Yu Heng condensed this move, a sense of fear arose in his heart.


Xin Wuhen also felt the terrifying strength contained in the head of the Gold and Silver Arrived.

Xiu xiu!

The two of them fled directly to the distance.

The distance becomes longer, which can weaken the attack power to a certain extent. At that time, the two of them will get rid with all their strength and may be able to block it.

“hehe, ignorance!”

Yu Heng watched Mu Gu and Xin Wuhen flee, but instead gave a contemptuous smile.


He suddenly launched with both palms, but the goal was not Xin Wuhen and Mu Gu, but Zhao Feng’s side.

“be cheated!”

Mu Gu and Xin Wuhen expression were shocked.

It turned out that Yu Heng’s goal was not the two of them, but the find and the others on the other side of the battlefield.

With the terrifying power of Yu Heng’s secret technique, I am afraid that I can wipe out everything on that battlefield in an instant.


Heaven and earth shook violently, and an incomparable coercion of destruction came suddenly to Zhao Feng, Mie Liu Ancient God, Ancient God Cheng Yun and the others body, making them whole body Bloodline tremble, unable to move even a little bit.

The next moment, the huge Gold and Silver head came, and he opened his mouth, exuding a powerful suction.

At this moment, the crowd simply resists this suction, it is extremely difficult, let alone escape.

“Not good !”

Ancient God Cheng Yun face trembled.

This hit by Yu Heng, terrifying as it is, Destroying the Heavens and Exterminating the Earth, could not dodge at all.

“Do not……”

Ancient God Hua Cai cheeky despair.

Escape at this moment feel like an ants, about to be crushed by a boulder, there is no possibility of survival.

“Victory still belongs to me!”

Yu Heng smiled indifferently.

His blow can directly destroy Zhao Feng, Ancient God Cheng Yun, Ancient God Hua Cai, and even Heavens Secret Cat.

After annihilating everyone else, the rest of Xin Wuhen and Mu Gu were nothing.

“Such a powerful blow …”

Zhao Feng complexion is very deep.

“God Eye … Disillusionment!”

His eyes reveal the absolute color, spurring the Strength of Source in God Eye Space.

Yu Heng’s attack is powerful, no one can resist it.

However, Zhao Feng this move was learned from the Ancient God demon body on the Great Desolate battlefield. It has a magical strength that changes lives, and it is impossible to continue with it.

Weng weng!

Within the God Eye Space, the Strength of Source is quickly mobilized, and the Illusory Silver Ball is constantly filled with layers of fantasy mist.

Zhao Feng’s left eye, the colors of the dream blur are constantly changing, and dream-like mists, diffused between the rotations, penetrate into heaven and earth, and disappear.

Zhao Feng’s move immediately attracted everyone present.

This was the case with Zhao Feng before Mie Liu Ancient God’s attack disappeared for no reason.

“Hehe, at the same level, even if it is the strength of Eight Great God Eyes, why not Immemorial Race, do you want to continue with me? Haha …”

Yu Heng burst into laughter.

Zhao Feng ignored Yu Heng, instead he gathered the Strength of Source madly.

楸 Yu Heng’s attack is extraordinary. If the Strength of Source is too small, I’m afraid it won’t work.


Everything in Zhao Feng’s eyes is covered with a layer of magnificent fantasy colors, like a dream heaven, charming and enchanting.


Zhao Feng’s Left Eye, staring above that Gold and Silver head.


A strange strength shrouded in a skull full of psychedelic colors, and continued to penetrate.

Hong long long !

Seeing that huge Gold and Silver skull, oppressed, it was necessary to devour everything.


The slap of that skull turned into countless fantasy light spots and disappeared without a trace.

The originally shaking heaven and earth were extremely silent.

Ancient God Cheng Yun and Ancient God Hua Cai, who were waiting to die, the whole body was soaked with cold sweat, stunned on the spot, and his head was shorted.

In the distance, the Yu Heng complexion suddenly changed, opened his mouth wide, his eyes were dull, and his face was incredible.


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