King of Gods

Chapter 1396

The violent chaos of heaven and earth suddenly returned to peace.

Zhao Feng exhaled with emotion, showing joy.

He even wondered if he could erase Yu Heng’s attack.


Ancient God Hua Cai recovered for a short while, with a strange gleam in his eyes, looked towards Zhao Feng.

“how did you do that?”

Ancient God Cheng Yun whispering.

Meow meow!

Small Thieving Cat scrambled over Zhao Feng’s shoulders, dancing and dancing.


“Actually … there is such a magical power!”

Xin Wuhen also stood to place, looking at Zhao Feng in a distant direction, his heart was shocked.

At this moment he understood again that even if he inherited the strength of the previous life, he might still be left behind by Zhao Feng.

“This don’t tell me is the ultimate strength of Dao of Illusions?”

Mu Gu whispering.

The ultimate strength of Dao of Illusions is dream reality, which transforms strength in reality into reality, and can even turn reality into dream.

“How is this possible? How did that kid do it?”

Ancient God Han Yu was so shocking that he couldn’t believe it.

Zhao Feng’s strength, she knew very well, how could it be so strong at once?

“Kill Mie Liu Ancient God!”

Zhao Feng secretly sound transmission.

call out!

Small Thieving Cat’s first gets rid, turned into a silvery gray mane, and rushed towards Mie Liu Ancient God.

Pu chi!

A cold silver blade fell directly into Mie Liu Ancient God’s chest.

At the same time, Ancient God Cheng Yun attacked directly and smashed a continuous blade of time with the palm of his hand.


Mie Liu Ancient God screamed again and again.

“Immemorial God Suppressing Seal!”

Zhao Feng runs a large number of Primordial Divine Power, condensing a huge turquoise deep silver seal seal, directly pressure covers down.

At the same time, that huge seal, all around there is a strange Devouring Strength, sucking various strengths of heaven and earth, and increasing its own power.


The turbid dark silver seal was directly suppressed.

The huge and heavy strength shocked Mie Liu Ancient God’s entire body soul, and spewed a few mouthfuls of blood.


Then, a layer of twisted Primordial Force Field engulfed his body, even the soul.

“Do not……”

Mie Liu Ancient God wanted to break free, but he was hit hard by himself and had no resistance at all.

Within a short while, Mie Liu Ancient God died completely.

“Don’t you say that at the same level, even if it is Eight Great God Eyes, why can’t you?”

Zhao Feng slightly smiled, looked towards Yu Heng.


Yu Heng complexion changed innocently, but wanted to say something but couldn’t say it.

Although Zhao Feng’s Eye Bloodline is very out of the ordinary, all Eyeline Bloodline in the world comes from God Eye.

He can’t refute!

In addition, he just took special blood, restored Bloodline Power, and exhibited a powerful attack, which was given Deciphering by a Ninth-Rank Ancient God.

No matter what you think, Yu Heng is extremely depressed.

“Hey, you’re from Heavens Secret Clan, and we don’t want to offend you!”

Zhao Feng suddenly turned.

This sentence made everyone in the complexion stunned for a while.

“What’s wrong with this boy?”

“Is it soft?”

Ancient God Han Yu and Ancient God Yu Hai are a bit surprised.

Xin Wuhen is also looking towards Zhao Feng with surprising colour, not sure what abacus he is playing.

“What do you mean?”

Yu Heng asked directly.

Zhao Feng’s awakened, Deciphering his Secret Technique, and killing Mie Liu Ancient God, really made his winning rate lower, and made the following variables even greater.

If Zhao Feng voluntarily quits, he can indeed win 100%.

However, he wanted to kill Zhao Feng and arrest Heavens Secret Cat.

The person of his Dignified Heavens Secret Clan, who has Immemorial Race bloodline strength, actually required a Ninth-Rank Ancient God to announce his withdrawal in order to win.

If these things let him Master, clansman know, where is his face left.

But Zhao Feng is so weird that he was able to Deciphering his Immemorial Race strength, which made Yu Heng into a momentary contemplation …

Yu Heng was silent, but the Light Clan forces on the other side couldn’t bear it.

If Zhao Feng quits, it will be them!

“Not good, everyone of Light Clan, I’m just a normal Ninth-Rank Ancient God, Heavens Secret Clan is the third race of Immemorial …”

Zhao Feng looked apologetically towards Light Clan.


For a moment, Mu Gu didn’t know how to speak.

Indeed, the Heavens Secret Clan Immemorial Ten Thousand Race is ranked third and belongs to the Mythical Race. The Light Clan was originally because of the Heavens Secret Clan and was ruined.

As an ordinary Ninth-Rank Ancient God, Zhao Feng did not need to die with Heavens Secret Clan.

And at this moment, Zhao Feng’s strength displayed by Zhao Feng is very unusual. Yu Heng of Heavens Secret Clan is likely to make peace with Zhao Feng and the others.

Meow ~

The Small Thieving Cat immediately made a gesture against Mu Gu and Ancestral Item fragments.

“What, you let me surrender to your Master …”

Ancestral Item fragments complexion.

Previously, the Small Thieving Cat also had this proposal, but Ancestral Item fragments are not even regarded by the general God Lord, let alone ancient God.

But now, Ancestral Item fragments have to pay attention to Zhao Feng.

“This one……”

Mu Gu suddenly lags.

They have nothing to do with Zhao Feng Giant God Clan and the others, and they have no interests. The other party really does not need to desperately help them.

But Ancestral Item fragments have been guarding here, loyal to Light Clan, how can he promise Ancestral Item fragments because of this matter.


Yu Heng brows slightly wrinkle, I feel a bit wrong.

Suddenly, there was a flash of light in his eyes.

He understood that Zhao Feng did not intend to compromise with himself, but wanted to make a light Clan.

But at this moment, Ancestral Item fragments suddenly said: “Zhao Feng, as long as you help us defeat these people, I will submit to you!”

Ancestral Item fragments, willing to surrender to Zhao Feng, but there is a requirement that it must defeat Ancient Soul Palace and Yu Heng.

“Ancestral Item fragments, well, I promise you!”

Zhao Feng showed a kind of surprise and entanglement, as if he could not bear the huge lure, and finally agreed to it.

Meow meow!

Small Thieving Cat snickered, looking cowardly.

“Haha, it’s so funny, it’s as if your already has won!”

Yu Heng burst out laughing.

He just thought about it, even if Zhao Feng can really deciphering his strength, then Zhao Feng’s consumption is certainly not small.

Zhao Feng just deciphered his secret technique. He doesn’t believe that Zhao Feng has the ability to continue to perform mysterious Eye Technique.

call out!

Immediately after that, Yu Heng rushed towards Zhao Feng.

“Get it!”

Yu Heng complexion cold and severe, killing intent.

“Not good, stop him!”

Xin Wuhen and Mu Gu rushed out.

Today, their main hope against Yu Heng is Zhao Feng, and they must not be allowed to show any unexpectedness.

Xiu xiu!

Mu Gu is fast, approaching Yu Heng quickly, urging Ancestral Item fragments to release a blade of time.

At that time, the Blade of Light ignored everything and descended directly on the behind of Yu Heng.


Yu Heng moved his mind slightly, and a layer of Gold and Silver stream of light rose up behind him, colliding with the blade of time and destroying it.

He himself continued to pursue Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng is naturally impossible to wait for Yu Heng to slaughter.

call out!

The Golden wings behind him trembled rapidly, and the figure turned into a light gold stream of light, and quickly went away.

As a matter of fact, Zhao Feng’s “God Eye Vanishment” just now is extremely expensive.

The show with Small Thieving Cat was also to delay time and restore the Strength of Source.

“Kill Zhao Feng first!”

Yu Heng drank immediately.

Sou! sou!

Ancient Two Soul Palace Half-Step God Lord also immediately set off.


When Zhao Feng escaped, he hit a few muddy deep silver fists.

At the same time, Mu Gu and Xin Wuhen also caught up with Yu Heng.

“Time is gone!”

Gu urged Ancestral Item fragments, and a narrow Pure Crystal stream of light Void Blade appeared in void.

call out!

The stream of light Void Blade, which was hundreds of hours long, was shuttled directly.

Before it came, a powerful time strength covered Yu Heng and the two Half-Step God Lords, slowing them down.

“Abominable, Light Clan!”

Yu Heng complexion Sinks.

Light Clan Immemorial Ten Thousand Race ranked seventh is very difficult.

But Zhao Feng can Deciphering his attack. He must kill Zhao Feng first. If Zhao Feng recovers, then he will be in trouble.

But Zhao Feng Profound Truth of Space-Time is powerful, top grade Divine Tool Space-Time Robe, and the speed is top-notch.


Yu Heng stopped immediately, waved with one palm, and shattered the huge stream of light Void Blade directly.

After solving Mu Gu’s attack, Yu Heng not at all chased out.

He quietly floating standing in the air, emitting 睥睨 aura who dominated the world.


In front of him, a finger-sized test tube appeared again, with a ball of Gold and Silver stream of light flowing in it.

When I saw this test tube, Xin Wuhen, Mu Gu, and Zhao Feng, the complexion suddenly changed.

The blood in this test tube not only allows Yu Heng to continue to maintain the strength of the Immemorial Race, but also allows Yu Heng to suddenly burst into a stronger strength.


Yu Heng smiled indifferently.

Just now, he saved a blow of strength and was directly deciphered by Zhao Feng.

This time, after taking this substance, he will release a strong blow again. The target will no longer be Zhao Feng, but Xin Wuhen and Mu Gu.

As long as do as you wish kill one, it’s over.

“No, stop it!”

Mu Gu suddenly was yellowed.

Just now, Yu Heng swallowed this thing and suddenly released such a terrifying blow. Even if he and Xin Wuhen joined forces, they were not sure to resist it.

“How can this be … Heavens Secret Clan is really difficult!”

Zhao Feng complexion is deep.

In this battle, the most powerful person is not Half-Step God Lord, nor is Xin Wuhen, Samsara’s reincarnation, nor is it a resurgent Light Clan expert, but this is only the Heavens Secret Clan of Ninth-Rank Peak.

And Zhao Feng really has no ability at this moment, and then Deciphering Yu Heng is so powerful.


Xin Wuhen, Mu Gu and the others attacked Yu Heng.

But Yu Heng’s body all around suddenly raised a light barrier surrounded by Gold and Silver stream of light.

Any attack on it immediately starts to collapse, and the power weakens.


The test tube shattered, and a ball of Gold and Silver blood fell into Yu Heng’s mouth.

“Not good !”

Xin Wuhen complexion Slightly sink.

After taking this substance, Yu Heng’s strength will be stronger than ever, and he has resigned at this time.

“How could this be?”

Ancient God Hua Cai and Ancient God Cheng Yun felt heaven and earth suddenly dark.

They had just come out of the darkness, but they were about to fall into the darkness again.

“No, it must not be so!”

Zhao Feng urged Left Eye to stare at Yu Heng’s body.

“God Eye Vanishment!”

Zhao Feng fully mobilized the Strength of Source, condensed in Left Eye.

Weng weng!

The layers of fantasy light and mist constantly diffused, seeping into heaven and earth void.

For a long time, everything in front of Zhao Feng became magnificient, like a dream.

“That is?”

Zhao Feng’s eyes narrowed.

At this moment, he saw a strange dreamy fluid in Yu Heng’s mouth, flowing into his throat.

“It’s you … destroy me!”

Zhao Feng’s idea is focused on that dreamy gorgeous liquid.


The next moment, the strange liquid suddenly collapsed and dissipated.

And Zhao Feng’s vision returned to normal.


Yu Heng licked his tongue up and down, exclaiming suddenly.

What about the medicine he swallowed?

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