King of Gods

Chapter 1394

Zhao Feng’s Soul Will not at all drowsiness, but sink into the Illusory Silver Ball, watching the blurred picture …

It was a chaotic battlefield, grey misty, and Zhao Feng felt extremely depressed.

Hong long long !

There is no end to the battlefield, only endless rumbling sounds.

On the battlefield, there are silhouettes of great shores of various shapes. They hit heaven falls and earth rends, Sun and Moon turn pale, and time and space break.

From here, Zhao Feng can’t even tell where the sky is.

“Really strong … what a battle is this!”

Zhao Feng trembled, all the silhouettes in this war, all possessed far more than ordinary God Lord-level strength.

Suddenly, there was a wave that shocked heaven and earth in the endless battlefield center, which made Zhao Feng tremble and couldn’t help looking at it.

Hong long long !

I saw, at the center of the battlefield, an incomparable gigantic Fiendgod phantom released the strength of a primary chaos Void.

At this moment, all around heaven and earth collapsed, and all nearby silhouettes flew away.


The strength of that primal chaos Void instantly penetrates the distant distance, destroying everything along the way and coming to the other side of the battlefield.

There, there is also a huge phantom that is also unclear.

Suddenly, two blurry and dreamy colors appeared on the head of that fuzzy phantom.


Layers of wonderful fantasy light and mist continue to diffuse, dyeing a layer of magnificient color to the sky and earth of grey misty.

Suddenly, all the colors gathered on that layer of primary chaos Void strength.

next moment!

That primary chaos Void Strength becomes a dreamy color.

A whiff of wind made the dream disappear.

It looks as if the strength, originally, is illusory, being touched slightly, like a dream dissipating.

“So with no difficulty … this strength, don’t tell me …”

Zhao Feng both eyes wide open, Soul’s consciousness trembled non-stop.

His mind was almost frozen, everything between heaven and earth seemed to slow down.

And Zhao, looking at that scene, forgot the time.

This scene seems to have gone through a year, ten years, or a hundred years …

During this period of time, a stream of wonderful and profound insights poured into Zhao Feng’s Soul.


“Time sharp slash!”

Mu Gu holds Ancestral Item fragments in his hand and chops out a twisted blade of time.

At that time, the blade of light ignored the restrictions of heaven and earth and had a strength that destroyed everything.

But this time blade, when cut to the Yu Heng body, was like a mountain, suddenly turned into a small stone, and fell into the water, only causing a ripple.

Very terrifying Immemorial Race! “

Xin Wuhen was surprised.

According to Yu Heng himself, he now only has 20-30% of the Bloodline Power of the Immemorial Race.

If it’s a real Immemorial Race, how terrifying it should be.

No wonder in the Immemorial Wild era, the Immemorial God clan, arrogant to all people, no one is fighting!

Xiu xiu xiu!

Xin Wuhen figure Moves fast, and continuously clicks out huge multi-colored fingers.

Each light finger contains the strong bloodline strength of Giant God Clan, and a trace of Law.

Each of these fingers can almost kill ordinary Ninth-Rank.

“Here are the ants, dare to fight with me!”

Yu Heng laughed heartily, Immemorial aura within the body overbearing 睥睨, suddenly assault.


His left palm slammed in the void, and a golden silver light wave emerged directly, whistling away toward all around.

Boom bang!

Xin Wuhen’s attack has collapsed and annihilated.

Just solved Xin Wuhen’s attack. On the other side, Mu Gu’s attack came.

“We just need to hold him back, and when this child Immemorial Race bloodline strength runs out, we will win!”

Mu Gu gave Xin Wuhen sound transmission.

One-on-one, none of them is the opponent of Yu Heng.

“Damn, if it weren’t for Xin Wuhen, I would have defeated Light Clan!”

Yu Heng secretly said in one’s heart.

Previously, Mu Gu was hit hard by him and his speed was affected.

If it is one-on-one, he can definitely defeat Mu Gu and win Ancestral Item fragments.

call out!

The blade of time came to Yu Heng in an instant.

Compared to Xin Wuhen, Mu Gu’s attack is more troublesome.

At that time, the blade of light and contain the extremely powerful time Law strength, so that Yu Heng had no time to stop, but could only resist.

“These two guys have mastered the strength of Law, and their combat experience is extremely rich. It’s a bit difficult … but the weak spot still has …”

Yu Heng complexion sinks, thinking about it secretly.


Yu Heng urged the Immemorial Fiendgod Body to resist Mu Gu’s blow.

Suddenly he turned around and stayed away from Mu Gu and Xin Wuhen.

“You two guys are really difficult. In this case, I will get rid of everyone else, haha ​​…”

Yu Heng laughed heartily, approaching another battlefield.

With his strength, whether it be Po Yue, Cheng Yun or Ancient God Hua Cai, he could not take him a trick.

Whoever he wants to die must die!

On the other side, Giant God Clan, Small Thieving Cat and the others are fighting with the Three Half-Step God Lords of Ancient Soul Palace.

“Okay, here comes Yu Heng!”

The Ancient God Han Yu complexion is happy, and the other two Half-Step God Lord also smile.

Previously, their three people were still depressed, and it was a shame and shame to be stopped by these guys in front of them.

Meow meow!

The Small Thieving Cat was the first to detect a dangerous approach, and it had long since turned into a silvery gray and disappeared.

“Not good, withdraw …”

Ancient God Hua Cai screamed and retreated.

But the Ancient Soul Palace, the three of them, bite it and pursued it.

In the rear, Yu Heng’s speed far surpassed the three Half-Step God Lord, and soon came.

“Stop him!”

Mu Gu shouted directly and hurried away with Xin Wuhen.

Once the remaining people were beheaded by Yu Heng, the two of them, even by means of Opening Heaven, could not stop the siege of Yu Heng and the three Half-Step God Lords.

“Go to death!”

Yu Heng sneered, with a wave of his palm, counted Gold and Silver divine light, whistling away.

“Do not……”

Ancient God Po Yue felt as if there was a Hundred Thousand Great Mountains behind him, a crushing death, a crisis of death, pervading my heart.

Ancient God Hua Cai immediately restrained the Bloodline, reduced the figure, performed mystery, and fled.

“Time is stagnant!”

Mu Gu urged Ancestral Item fragments to release a powerful time of Law strength, shrouded in the distance.

Boom bang!

When this period of strength touched the Gold and Silver divine light, it suddenly collapsed.

But there is still some time strength that plays a role of preventing some of these attacks.


With only a brief moment, the several Gold and Silver divine lights, like several huge meteorites, will destroy everything along the way and fall away.

Hong long long !

There was a blast of heaven and earth, a huge wave of destruction assault, and went towards all around strikes.

Ancient God Hua Cai was hurt by the assault aftermath, spurt a mouthful of blood, and figure smashed into several several li.

On the other side, Ancient God Cheng Yun was slightly injured.

However, Ancient God Po Yue did not escape from Yu Heng’s attack range, and when the attack came, it had died out.

“Ancient God Po Yue …”

Ancient God Hua Cai hissed.

“Don’t worry, I’ll see you off immediately!”

Yu Heng looked towards Ancient God Hua Cai, sneering.

The heart of Ancient God Hua Cai God Blood suddenly shivered, his face despair.

“Hugh think!”

Mu Gu and Xin Wuhen already arrived.

The two of them tried their best to launch a ferocious attack on Yu Heng.

Yu Heng brows slightly wrinkle, mobile dodge.

Although he can completely resist these attacks, the bloodline strength of Immemorial Race is limited, so try to save the best.

“The giant god fell into the sky!”

Xin Wuhen saw that his attack had been dodged, and immediately launched his range attack battle skill.

Above the dome, an incomparable gigantic Holding the Heaven hand appeared, and Covering the Sky blocked the sun, and the entire earth became darker.

“Hehe, kill!”

Yu Heng sneered and turned to kill Xin Wuhen directly.

At the same time, the three major Half-Step God Lords also rushed out immediately, leaving Ancient God Hua Cai and Ancient God Cheng Yun alone.

“Not good, they cheated!”

Xin Wuhen and Mu Gu complexion.

It turned out that Yu Heng did not intend to slaughter the rest completely.

Yu Heng’s blow just killed Ancient God Po Yue, hitting Ancient God Hua Cai and Ancient God Cheng Yun hard and forcing them back.

Taking advantage of this gap, the three major Half-Step God Lord finally got rid of gets rid.


Xin Wuhen and Mu Gu fled directly.

The two of them are working together to deal with Yu Heng. Once the three Half-Step God Lords are involved, the two of them will have no odds of success.

“Where to escape, haha!”

Yu Heng laughed and approached Mu Gu and Xin Wuhen madly, hitting a silver light palm from time to time.

Xin Wuhen and Mu Gu tried to dodge as much as possible, but were affected to some extent, and their injuries gradually became serious.

“Hehe, it’s over!”

The three major Half-Step God Lords also showed joy.

It is at this moment.

In the distance between heaven and earth, a sudden and powerful aura surged!

This aura made the three major Half-Step God Lord, Mu Gu, and Xin Wuhen, Bloodline tremble, simultaneously looking.

“Zhao Feng !”

Xin Wuhen called out immediately.

He knew that Zhao Feng couldn’t be so silent.

“What’s going on … this aura!”

Yu Heng complexion abruptly.

His shock was higher than everyone else present.

Because, even his Immemorial Race Bloodline was inexplicably moving, which made him have a bad feeling.

“Mie Liu Ancient God, kill him before he wakes up!”

Yu Heng suddenly shouted.

Previously, Yu Heng thought that Zhao Feng had hit his own attack, and Soul had been hit hard. He fell silent and left it alone.

It seems that this is not the case.


Mie Liu Ancient God suddenly turned and turned into a gloomy dark mane, looting towards Zhao Feng.

“Zhao Feng !”

Shouted Xin Wuhen.

But with Yu Heng here, they could not support Zhao Feng at all.

Above the earth, a trace of fantasy Void Light appeared in Zhao Feng’s Left Eye, hitting all around, making void and earth shatter like foam.


Zhao Feng hissed.

“No, Mie Liu Ancient God is coming, I must …”

Zhao Feng shouted inside.

But at this moment he was dizzy and confused, his consciousness was blurry, his left eye was so painful that he could do nothing.

He climbed up hard and stared at Mie Liu Ancient God, only to find that at this moment he was confused and unable to control the operation of strength.

call out!

Zhao Feng sprang up, but his figure was shaking back and forth in the sky, and the speed was very slow.

“Hehe, where can you escape, obediently die!”

Mie Liu Ancient God smirked and approached Zhao Feng.

“What to do … how is it good?”

Zhao Feng felt the approach of the crisis, but at this time, he still felt dizzy, painful, confused, and unable to use other strengths.


With a wave of the palm, Mie Liu Ancient God endlessly destroyed the long river and headed for Zhao Feng assault.

“Other strengths can’t control the use, what about God Eye’s strength?”

Zhao Feng’s eyes flickered a little. He became what he is now, also because of the strangeness of God Eye.

At this moment, he can’t use Divine Power at will, and that super high speed can’t play, so he can only try God Eye.

“God Eye … break up!”

Zhao Feng’s Left Eye, staring at the attack of Mie Liu Ancient God, and urged to rise.

In this case, it is possible to survive only by performing God Eye decomposition and weakening the attack.


A layer of dreamy light and mist penetrates instantly, analyzes everything, and begins to decompose.

However, the efficiency of that decomposition is very low.

I’m afraid that Zhao Feng will still be hit hard by Mie Liu Ancient God’s attack, and it will be impossible to escape.

Huh! Huh!

Zhao Feng’s Left Eye, beating frequently, and sent a sense of pain.

Just then, a picture of a chaotic battlefield appeared in Zhao Feng’s mind.

That Immemorial phantom releases a force of dreamy colors, instantly destroying the attack of Destroying the Heavens and Exterminating the Earth, casually erasing.

“This amazing strength … maybe I can do it too!”

Zhao Feng was shaking.

Weng weng!

When I thought of it, the Illusory Silver Ball in God Eye Space turned faster.

Layers of fantasy light and mist, diffused out.

“Give me … off!”

Zhao Feng growled and ran Left Eye frantically.

Weng weng!

Zhao Feng’s Left Eye, urged to the limit, layers of dreamy mists, diffused between rotations, penetrated into heaven and earth space-time, disappeared.

Just at this time.

The world in Zhao Feng’s eyes has changed dramatically.

“How is this going?”

Zhao Feng was suddenly stunned.

All things are covered with a layer of magnificent fantasy colors, like dreams.

The dark river that rushed towards Zhao Feng, although still dark, but other multi-colored colors flowing on it, looked more like a colorful river.

Although all the wonderful things in front of him, Zhao Feng’s head was stunned, for unknown reasons.

However, the attack of Mie Liu Ancient God has not changed, and a crisis of death has come.


Zhao Feng stared at the long river tightly, a low roaring sound.


The next moment, the gorgeous black river, like a bubble, suddenly broke and dissipated, disappearing without a trace …

Subsequently, the world in front of me slowly recovered as usual.

“I do arrived …”

Zhao Feng’s dull expression suddenly became surprised.

Just now, he was trying to see the moves on the chaotic battlefield.

What Zhao Feng didn’t expect was that it succeeded!

Not far away.

Mie Liu Ancient God’s smile suddenly stiffened.

“This… what happened?”

He is so powerful that he can kill the ordinary Ninth-Rank Ancient God’s destruction attack, but it disappeared suddenly and without warning!

This is simply incomprehensible, incredible!

He also knew that Zhao Feng was able to break down the attack. But the decomposition speed is not fast, and the energy of those that are decomposed can be felt by the user.

But just now, his attack was like a bubble, suddenly broken and disappeared, and felt nothing. It’s like the river of destruction, originally doesn’t exist.

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