King of Gods

Chapter 1384

“If you can get the ‘Ancestral Item fragments’ of this time, the Ancient God Seal can also be of secondary importance, for a while.”

For the first time, Yu Heng’s face flashed with excitement and excitement.

The three Half-Step God Lords looked at each other. Although there were differences in their eyes, they could understand Yu Heng.

When they learned that the “Ancestral Item fragments” existed, the three Half-Step God Lords were all shocked. I never expected to see this legendary thing.

As everyone knows.

In the Wild God Region, the mainstream Divine Weapon is the Divine Tool.

From inferior grade, low grade, middle grade … all the way to top grade.

In general, the “top grade Divine Tool” is the Divine Weapon treasure with the highest grade in the routine.

Even Ninth-Rank Ancient God and Half-Step God Lord do not have top grade Divine Tool.

However, Divine Tool and top grade Divine Tool are not the highest Divine Weapon treasures of Divine Realm.

The highest grade is the Supreme Ancestral Item!

But Ancestral Item is just a legend. Its rarity can even be mentioned on equal terms with Eight Great God Eyes and God King Ruler.

Similar to Eight Great God Eyes, each Ancestral Item is unique and unmatched.

“Ancestral Item” comes from the time of Immemorial Wild. Its awesome power and Magical Powers, already is not what people can guess today. Experts of later generations can only learn its historical traces from the mythical Ancient Book.

It existed at the most glorious period of “Immemorial Ten Thousand Race”:

When it existed, Immemorial’s first “Immemorial God clan”, dominated millions of people, and arrogant to Wild, who was fighting?

When it existed, the gorgeous and civilized “Heavens Secret Clan” just came from beyond the heavens, and was despised by the Natives of all ethnic groups.

When it exists, Light Clan also travels and travels leisurely in space and time.

When it was glorious, the nine rounds of Immemorial Golden Crow were empty, roasting heaven and earth, and the peoples were affected.

When it was brilliant, the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon swallowed the World Extinguishing Dragon Breath, destroying each and everyone civilized race and alien space.

When it was brilliant, Eight Great God Eyes had not yet been born!

“Ancestral Item, it was brilliant in the age of ‘Immemorial Ten Thousand Race’, and now … it is the age of Eight Great God Eyes!”

Ancient God Yu Hai’s eyes have a touch of memory.

Although the era of Eight Great God Eyes is still powerful and prosperous today, the Brahma Universe is so vast, but when it comes to the era of Immemorial Ten Thousand Race, Divine Realm expert is also yearning for it.

At that time, Immemorial Ten Thousand Race was all there, unlike now, either extinct or hidden.

“How many billion years ago did the most recent appearance of the ‘Ancestral Item’? I remember that it created a God King Ruler, which was on par with Eight Great God Eyes.”

Ancient God Han Yu longing for the road.

Ancestral Item, any one, is like God Eye, unique.

In the era of Immemorial Ten Thousand Race, it seems that some of the top ranked races such as Immemorial Race, Ancient Shaman Clan, Light Clan, etc., gave birth to the Ancestral Item.

The rarity of the Ancestral Item is no less than that of the current Great Great God Eyes!

“Ancestral Item is not something we can own. A piece of Ancestral Item fragments can make a God Lord, even a well-know figure in God Lord.”

Yu Heng said indifferently.

Ancestral Item, like aloof and remote like God Eye, don’t think about it.

And in front of me is an Ancestral Item fragments; if it is placed outside, it is afraid to shake Divine Realm and provoke countless forces and super supreme being.

“If I can master an Ancestral Item fragments, maybe I can challenge God Lord and even win …”

Mie Liu Ancient God Several Half-Step God Lords are all heart-beating.

In unconsciously, a few people developed greed.

After all, to get a piece of Ancestral Item fragments, the originally is 100% able to break through God Lord, and it is expected to become a well-know figure in God Lord.

Once you have an Ancestral Item, in the same rank, it means invincible, or even cut off the enemy.

“There is no need to mention the value of Ancestral Item fragments, let alone Ancestral Item fragments of Law of Time. Next, we need to discuss plans.”

Yu Heng interrupted the thoughts of several people.


The three Half-Step God Lords and two other Ancient Gods held their breaths.

At this moment, in the presence of unprecedented interests, the people present suddenly became united.

As for the Ancient God Seal, the original plan has long been forgotten.

They can naturally see that just one or two Half-Step God Lords are afraid that they will be abused by “Ancestral Item fragments”. >

There must be a plan and wisdom.

“Hehe, now is a golden opportunity.”

Yu Heng’s eyes turned to the “Ancestral Item fragments” and “Bore Insect” in the battle before the castle.

The mother of Bore Insect, although the single battle strength is not strong, but it is good at reproduction, sea tactics, and better at long-term battle.

In the “Holding the Heaven” nest of ten thousand zhang high, the continuously born Child Insect.

Initially, two types of insects were born in the mother’s nest: fluorescent Flying Insect and copper beetle.

The two kinds of worms keep dying and continue to breed from the mother nest.

To this day, Third Type insect is born in the mother’s nest, which is a large silver-black fat insect.

This silver and black fat worm has no battle strength, but is responsible for collecting and handling.

Sou! sou! sou!

These silver and black fat worms collect various mineral plant materials from nearby and swallow them into the round toot, and then return these materials to the mother’s nest.

The mother of Bore Insect, supported by these ingredients, is an almost unlimited number of offspring.

Therefore, no matter how you die, the mother nest can still transport the Flying Flying Insect and the copper beetle continuously, fighting like a moth on fire.

“Tsk tsk, it’s going to die hundreds of millions.”

“The worthy to be called is the XNUMXth locust insect race in Immemorial. It is good at sea tactics. Changing to other races that are slightly higher in the ranking may not work.”

Ancient Three Soul Palace Half-Step God Lord, all watching the lively.

Yu Heng is also watching at any time.

They are waiting for the timing, waiting for the locust insect race, consuming Ancestral Item fragments and more Strength of Source before they get rid to snatch.

Well, it’s best to have both sides suffer.

Just at the same time.

Zhao Feng and Giant God Clan also started to act.

Their goal is not Ancestral Item fragments, but the area around the castle, a large number of Precious Materials rare treasures.

“Gets rid, don’t be too far away from each other.”

Xin Wuhen opened the mouth and said.

Shua! Shua! Shua …

A total of five people, collective action, moved towards the castle near the castle.

“Abominable flies!”

An old voice of time and space seemed to be disgusted, but also a little tired.


A stream of Power of Time emerged in the old castle, and people moved towards it.

In an instant.

Zhao Feng’s actions seemed extremely slow, such as getting stuck in mud, every move was so difficult.

“Really strong strength of time.”

Giant God Clan and the others, running Divine Power, resisted, but extremely difficult.

I want to fight against the strength of Time, the Divine Power consumed is too large, and the effect is not very good.

“Try my Primordial Divine Power.”

Zhao Feng runs Divine Power to resist the suppression and blocking of time strength.

The Chaotic Sky Origin Secret Art majored by it is very inclusive and compatible with various Profound Truth, mainly Space Profound Truth.

Cultivated to a certain Realm, “Chaotic Sky Origin Secret Art” even has a certain phagocytosis, which can absorb the strength of various attributes.


When Zhao Feng runs Primordial Divine Power, he feels lighter than the body, much stronger than Ancient God Po Yue and Ancient God Hua Cai of Giant God Clan.

However, the two Ancient Gods of Giant God Clan did not agree.

Bang! bang!

In a piece of Void crystal light, the two became huge, turning into two giant giants.

After urging Bloodline Power, the two’s resistance to the strength of time has obviously increased a few points, not losing to Zhao Feng at all.

As for Xin Wuhen, he did not become huge.

I saw that he closed Eye slightly, and the body’s vaguely aura of Law’s aura appeared.


Suddenly, his figure was light, and he could still leap in midair, and even left afterimage.

“The worthy to be called is the God Lord of the previous life. It is much easier than ordinary people to understand Law and fight against the strength of time …”

Zhao Feng secretly said in one’s heart.

With the gradual improvement of the cultivation base, the strength of Xin Wuhen’s previous lives, including God Lord Will, Law has realized that more and more will be restored.

Suddenly, the fastest person on the field was Xin Wuhen.

He quickly gets rid? Take a section “Heavenly Moonlight Bamboo Shoots”, specializing in the valuable Precious Materials rare treasure.

Zhao Feng also refused to give up, and suddenly integrated into the “Profound Truth of Time”. I saw the “Primordial Divine Power” surface, and a layer of mysterious Void Light appeared.


After fully integrating into Profound Truth of Time, the power of Primordial Divine Power has greatly increased, and it is easier to fight against the strength of time.

Even in the faint, Zhao Feng felt that his “Primordial Divine Power” had swallowed up a weak strength of the outside world.

This is the devour attribute of Primordial Divine Power!

Zhao Feng was overjoyed. He remembered that Primordial Divine Power was generally promoted to 4-Layer before it really began to have the effect of devouring and absorbing.

The so-called devouring absorption is the devouring of other people’s strengths, strengthening their own Primordial Divine Power, and forming the effects of this. The advantages in battle can be imagined.

“Once ‘Primordial Divine Power’ is promoted to the fourth layer, I will be able to break through Ninth-Rank Ancient God 100%.”

Zhao Feng began to absorb the time strength by the way.

This all around strength of Time is almost as substantial as the Realm of Primordial Divine Power Third Layer Peak, which can absorb a bit.

At the same time, this can also enhance Zhao Feng’s understanding of Profound Truth of Time.

of course.

Zhao Feng did not forget to pick the Precious Materials Spirit Treasure from the nearby area.

Meow meow!

Small Thieving Cat is the main force of picking. Its figure body surface shows a layer of strange light film, which actually greatly improves the resistance to Profound Truth of Time.

“Heavens Secret Cat, if True God is strange, seems to be able to restrain the abilities of all races …”

Zhao Feng thought slightly of the rope.

On speed, Small Thieving Cat is no less than Xin Wuhen.

In addition, Zhao Feng also released the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon. With its ability to destroy the world’s Bloodline, it also has a certain resistance to the strength of time.

In terms of manpower and speed, Zhao Feng naturally has an advantage.


Zhao Feng didn’t do too much, he specially picked heavenly materials and earthly treasures that he didn’t have.

Because, there are Precious Materials rare treasures in your hand, such as Heavenly Moonlight Bamboo Shoots, his God Eye, can be copied, even if it is very expensive.

Generally speaking, the slightly less Precious Materials, Zhao Feng does not get rid at all; even Small Thieving Cat strictly enforces this standard.

Therefore, on the surface, Giant God Clan had a lot of gains, the largest number, more than Zhao Feng’s side.

Xin Wuhen also saw Zhao Feng’s mercy and gratitude.

Half a day later.

Both Zhao Feng and Giant God Clan have a good harvest, especially Giant God Clan. The amount of resources picked is huge.

“With this huge resource, Giant God Clan is revived, hoping to add a point or two.”

Giant God Clan a few people, happy heart.

Zhao Feng is also secretly thinking that he can use this huge resource to develop his own pioneering forces in Immemorial Dreamland.

“Abominable humans and Giant God Clan, how could you succeed if it was not the attack of the ‘Mother of Bore Insect’.”

Ancestral Item fragments, there was a sound of anger and corruption.

Zhao Feng and the others stunned, it can not be denied; if not, then the fragments come to the “Time Freeze” of Law, and they and the others cannot resist at all.

Meow meow!

Small Thieving Cat jumped over Zhao Feng’s shoulder, and the cat’s claws spread out, making a few gestures.

“Hmph! Heavens Secret Cat? I know you, the wisdom of Heavens Secret Clan is the crystallization of Opening Heaven ….”

That Ancestral Item fragments, a glance recognizes the origin of Heavens Secret Cat.

Meow ~

Small Thieving Cat continued to draw and seemed to be proposing something.


An angry and corrupt voice, roared: “You let me submit to your Master. It’s really mad! I dignified ‘Ancestral Item’ fragments, generally God Lord doesn’t look down on it, an ancient God …”

(The climax is coming, ask for a monthly pass ~~~~)

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