King of Gods

Chapter 1383

In front of the old gray castle.

Hundreds of millions of Bore Insect troops, shrunk and arranged into a huge black ball, shaped like an insect nest.


The dark round body is extremely dense and the weight is unimaginable, forming a magnificent strength that shakes heaven and earth, and begins to assert the Power of Time produced by “mysterious fragments”.

Obstructed by the mighty Power of Time, “Zhonghai Ball” is approaching strongly.

The other end of the broken castle.

Zhao Feng and Xin Wuhen, by their own means, watched this scene, their hearts can’t help shocked.

The army of insect seas, any single insect, in front of the Ancient God, are like ants, extinguished with a finger, extremely small.

However, the strange dense array of hundreds of millions of Bore Insects can actually burst into such terrifying power.

This mighty power, I am afraid that the alert is beyond the ordinary Half-Step God Lord.

“In front of the power of 9th Layer Profound Truth, there is still a strong push …”

Zhao Feng can’t help Marvel.

In his place, or any one of Xin Wuhen, I was afraid that he could not fight the Power of Time generated by the fragments.

“How is it going?”

Aside, Ancient God Po Yue and Caiyun Ancient God couldn’t hold back.

Before this ruined castle, there were a huge number of heaven and earth Precious Materials, especially Precious Materials in time. If all these Precious Materials are taken out, it will be enough to train a large number of Divine Race expert elites.


Due to the limitations of the cultivation base Realm, they did not dare to observe with Divine Sense easily, fearing that they would be detected by the “mother of Bore Insect”.

Even if Xin Wuhen has reached Ninth-Rank Peak, the previous life is God Lord, Soul Will is strong, and when observing, he must be cautiously.

“What does Brother Zhao think?”

Xin Wuhen asked Zhao Feng’s for advice.

Both can observe the battle between “Mysterious Shard” and “Bore Insect Army”.

But Xin Wuhen has a kind of intuition, Zhao Feng’s God Eye, I’m afraid it’s clearer than he clearly understands.

Ancient God Po Yue and Caiyun Ancient God also looked towards Zhao Feng.

Since enters into the Ancestral Lost Treasury, Zhao Feng’s has got amazing rid again and again, already has won their conviction.

“You can be sure that as long as we change something, we will start to alarm the ‘mysterious shard’.”

Zhao Feng spoke slowly.

His left eye is always observing the mysterious fragments emitting the mighty “Power of Time”.

Since God Eye reached the quasi-God level, it has rarely encountered invisible things, and this fragment is the most difficult to figure out.

“Why is this judgment?” Xin Wuhen was surprised.

The mysterious fragment of strength, he didn’t want to provoke easily.

Strength of Time is the power of Rule that is extremely difficult to decipher. With the existing understanding, there is basically no effective means to restrain the strength of Time.

Instead, the strength of the world is suppressed by the strength of time.

“This shard is the hub of the entire castle. It controls all Power of Time in the castle area.”

Zhao Feng’s bland path.

The Giant God Clan trio heard this, and the complexion was a choke.

Simply put, as long as everyone changes, they will be attacked by Power of Time.

But around the dilapidated castle, there are massive Precious Materials, such as “Heavenly Moonlight Bamboo Shoots”, Rare Treasures, all visible from time to time.

No exaggeration.

If you can search Precious Materials in one direction of the castle, the gains will be ten times better than before!

“What can I do? If you don’t hurry, the people at Ancient Soul Palace will be rushed to arrived …”

Ancient God Po Yue and Caiyun Ancient God are extremely unwilling.

Looking at Zhao Feng’s calm and handsome face, Xin Wuhen suddenly smiled: “Brother Zhao, I’m afraid there is a countermeasure.”

The two have known each other very early. He knows Zhao Feng very well.

If there is no chance, Zhao Feng is afraid to retreat long ago, and will not waste time here.

“Just wait.”

Zhao Feng spit out three words and stopped speaking.

He secretly said in one’s heart, whether he can succeed or not depends on whether the tenth “meat locust insect race” of Immemorial is not just in name only, but also in reality.

chi chi! chi chi chi!

In front of the castle, the worm sea sphere began to swell a little bit, further oppressing mysterious fragments.

Looking at this situation, Zonghai seems to have the advantage.

“Hehe, small insects, your strength has improved this time, but it’s useless.”

The “fragments” in the Void light group came from the sound of the previous old space-time.

The voice has not fallen.


The huge old castle, a stronger Power of Time surge, immediately around the fragments, Void white light, dazzling sky.

Immediately after, a ring-shaped time assault wave swept the square several hundred li.

At that time, the light assault waves, wherever they passed, the silence of all things, everything between heaven and earth seemed to be frozen.


At the other end, Zhao Feng, the Ancient God tribe, felt an irreversible Law wave.

A few aftershocks struck in the battle ahead.

In an instant.

The body’s Bloodline, and even their minds, fell into a brief freeze.

The wind freezes, breathing and heart seem to stop.

“Time Freeze?”

At this moment, in Zhao Feng’s mind, only this thought remains.

“Law of Time? What is the origin of that fragment …”

Xin Wuhen was shocked.

In his previous life, he had reached the level of God Lord, had realized Law, and naturally knew Law’s terrifying.

Among many Laws, Law of Time is also known as Zun!

At this moment, a small shard can actually launch the taboo strength of Law of Time-Time Freeze!

Even the time is still. Whatever you can do with Opening Heaven.


Numerous cracks suddenly appeared on the surface of the compressed “worm sea sphere”.

In an instant.

Countless shells scattered down, forming a miserable sea of ​​shells on the ground.

Seeing this scene, Xin Wuhen and Zhao Feng shivered.

At this moment, they deeply realized that the strength of time is relentless and overbearing.

Wow! Wow! Wow!

On the ground, there are millions of worms at every moment, falling down and paved into increasingly thick worms ocean.

Squeak ~

There was a sharp scream from the center of the Worm Sphere, ice-cold hatred.

“That’s the mother of Bore Insect!” Xin Wuhen whispered.

Zhao Feng smiled softly: “Mother, it’s time to fight back …”

In an instant.

The “worm sea sphere” formed by the army of Bore Insect has a layer of black and gray mist on the surface.

The dark gray mist was extremely amazing. Under the sweep of time strength, it expanded against the trend and skyrocketed in the form of terrifying.

ten zhang …… hundred zhang …… thousand zhang …… Mr. Zhang!

In less than ten breaths, a “Holding the Heaven” appeared in the dark gray mist.

The “Holding the Heaven” nest emerged in the dissipated black and gray mist, exuding a wild and wild Wild Aura.

Zhao Feng and Giant God Clan and the others, a tremor in their hearts, even produced a strange worship.

As if, Holding the Heaven is the home of everything.


Zhao Feng found that under that aura, God Eye ’s Strength of Source once again showed a ripple.

Grunt Shua!

From the Holding the Heaven giant nest, a black and grey Wind Current emerged, sweeping the corpse body of hundreds of millions of shells nearby into the Holding the Heaven giant nest.

Then, holding inside the Heaven’s Nest, began to squirm.

“Recycling?” Zhao Feng was eccentric.

On the side of Xin Wuhen, can’t help said with emotion: “worthy to be called is the XNUMXth Mythical Race of Immemorial, and even the strength of Law of Time can resist one or two.”


The Void light cluster around the shard faded a bit.

Just now, the taboo power of launching “Time Freeze” lasted for about ten breaths, which made it consume huge.

Zhao Feng’s God Eye, keenly aware that the Power of Time, originally clinging to the ruined castle, seemed slightly dimmer than before.

“Your plan is …”

Xin Wuhen suddenly understood something.

Zhao Feng is supposed to consume the time strength of the debris and the entire castle system through the army of Bore Insect.

Especially the “Time Freeze” just now consumes a lot of debris.

at this time.

Thousands of holes emerged from the surface of the Holding Nest’s giant nest, and the viscous liquid was faintly visible inside.

chi chi! chi chi! ……

Immediately afterwards, in the hole of the nose, a silver-white transparent insect was scooped out, and the transparent wings were spread, and the surface exuded a faint light.

“Yi! ”

Zhao Feng showed a hint of shock.

From these Flying Flying Insect bodies, he vaguely captured some faint time fluctuations.

咻xiu xiu xiu!

Millions of “Glowing Flying Insects” converged into a sea of ​​light, rushing towards the broken ancient city ahead.

This time.

The attack target of the mother of Bore Insect no longer seems to be a broken castle.

This is not over yet.

In the hole of the holding nest of the Heaven, there were numerous copper beetles, and these insects had sharp limbs.

噗pu pu!

These copper beetles quickly penetrated the ground and divided into a dozen strands. From the subterranean orientation, the attack destroyed the ancient city.

“Zombie, changed strategy.”

Zhao Feng and Xin Wuhen face each other a glance.

The mother of Bore Insect, seemingly aware of the intractability of the mysterious shard, turned to the attack castle.

The castle has a larger target and a larger attack surface.

“Cunning’s insect, your ‘Bore Insect’s nest,’ has evolved a new breed of insect, which has a certain resistance to Power of Time.”

The mysterious shards in the light group finally changed color.

In the sky, the Flying Flying Insect, which emits a faint wave of time, divides into clusters of Guanghai and Assault castles.

Another batch of copper beetles has a strong defense, and excels at digging stubbornly from subterranean attacks.

The unified goal is to ruin the castle.

The mysterious shard, which is in charge of maintaining the defense of the entire castle, is obviously more expensive.

Then in time.

It is a long war of attrition.

The ground and the subterranean, there are constant insects that turn into corpse bodies.

But soon, in the Holding the Heaven giant nest, a new insert will be born soon, with continuous support.

Biting each other and not admitting defeat.

Two days later.

“Almost, you can get rid.”

Zhao Feng and Xin Wuhen faced a glance and ordered nodded at the same time.

At this moment, the strength of the mysterious shard is afraid of being restrained by the army of Bore Insect, and the consumption is not small, it is time to take advantage of a crisis for personal gain.

At the same time.

Somewhere in the ruined castle, several powerful auras appeared.

Shua! Shua! Shua …

Several silhouettes, stand to place, look to the ancient castle in the distance, and the “Holding the Heaven” nest larger than the ancient castle.

The magnificent epic battle picture trembled several people.

“That lair is …” Mie Liu Ancient God, shocked.

“Bore Insect!”

Only Yu Heng, complexion calmly, leisurely said: “Look at the scale, the worm’s cultivation base, at least reaches the Ninth-Rank Peak.”

The three major Half-Step God Lords, and even Yu Heng, Divine Sense take a closer look.

The “fragments” of the mysterious light group are reflected in the senses.

“What the hell is that?” Ancient God Han Yu and Hell Ancient God, with a little interest.

“Ancestral Item fragments!”

Yu Heng, who had been calm, changed his color for the first time, with a touch of excitement and enthusiasm in his eyes.

Ancestral Item fragments? !!

The three major Half-Step God Lords all showed shocking expressions, and seemed to have heard related legends.

“From now on, the primary goal is this ‘Ancestral Item fragments’.”

Yu Heng said indisputably.

“That Ancient God Seal …” Ancient God asked Heihe weakly.

“If you can get the ‘Ancestral Item fragments’ of this time, the Ancient God Seal can also be of secondary importance, for a while.”

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