King of Gods

Chapter 1385

“I dignified ‘Ancestral Item’ fragments. Generally God Lord doesn’t look at it, and an Ancient God …”

Voice of е was anger and disdain.

Xin Wuhen and the others, but my heart set off a shock, this little fragment is actually Ancestral Item fragments, no wonder there is such power of heaven shaking.

Uh ~

The strength of the area where everyone was in was suddenly almost twice as strong.

Ancient God Po Yue and Caiyun Ancient God, the figure was stiff, sweat was seeping from the forehead, and the invisible Power of Time was distorting their bodies.


The two were uncomfortable for a while, and were forced to return to the normal state from the giant god form.

In this case, the bearing will be smaller.

“Curious, let the flow of time be distorted and distort Matter Space. Instead, Ancient God, the already is torn.”

Zhao Feng murmured secretly.

Also, the time he and Small Thieving Cat endured were distorted, even stronger by one or two points.

“Space-Time Robe!”

A dark silver robe emerged from Zhao Feng body, and a translucent magnificient silver glow emerged.

Space-Time Robe is made by time, Spatial-type Rare Treasures, and is made by God King of the space-time department. It has stronger immunity to the space-time attack.

Coupled with the ‘Primordial Divine Power’ of the main space, Zhao Feng easily blocked the time distortion.

“Well, this Eight-Rank Ancient God is not easy, no wonder it allows Heavens Secret Cat to confess …”

Ancestral Item fragments Watched Zhao Feng a glance more.


Small Thieving Cat body surface The light film is more abundant, the expression is calm, the cat’s claws wave, and the time distortion in front of it is broken.

“Don’t bother talking, my mission is to defend the forbidden grounds of my clan. Even if God Eye of your God Eye era comes, I will not surrender …

Ancestral Item fragments was unmoved, but looked at Zhao Feng more often.

Small Thieving Cat is slightly depressing. If you can get Ancestral Item fragments, how much help will the Master have. Once you have Ancestral Item fragments, Master can quickly grow into a giant of Divine Realm.

“Small Thieving Cat!”

Zhao Feng smiled dumbly, reached out and touched its furry hair, and communicated and comforted.

Without the disadvantage of the Small Thieving Cat, there are also times when it fails.

But you can’t blame it. Ancestral Item fragments have their own mission. When it is intact, Eight Great God Eyes are not born.

Maybe Ancestral Item fragments, seeing the identity of Ninth God Eye, but may not sell it.

“Even if I didn’t have Ancestral Item fragments, I could set foot on Peak, not to mention that this trip was very rewarding …”

Zhao Feng slightly smiled.

Small Thieving Cat ordered nodded and no longer communicated with Ancestral Item fragments.

“Heavens Secret Cat, in this space, you still worry about your safety. I already feel your aura.”

Ancestral Item fragments Leave the last sentence and ignore the crowd.

Even more surprising.

The Power of Time around the crowd disappeared.

It seems that for some reason, Ancestral Item fragments have eliminated hostility towards everyone.

This reason may be related to Zhao Feng and Small Thieving Cat.

Before the castle was destroyed, the “Ancestral Item fragments” guided Power of Time with full force and began to fight back the attack of the Bore Insect army.

Regardless of Zhao Feng and the others, the power of fragments has increased significantly.

Gradually, the offensive of the Bore Insect army was no longer smooth and seemed to be struggling.

During this period, Zhao Feng and the others did not have the suppression of Power of Time and quickly harvested the surrounding heaven and earth Precious Materials.

If this castle is divided into east, west, south and north.

Then, Zhao Feng and Giant God Clan, both harvested the heavenly materials and earthly treasures from the east and south.

On the other two sides, everyone did not get rid.

“The west side is the main attack direction of the Bore Insect’s nest, while the north side …”

In the eyes of Zhao Feng, evere light flashes.

To the north is the area where the “Ancient Soul Palace” was hidden.

Half a day ago.

Zhao Feng used Eye of Filling the Heaven to investigate, and in the north area, found the hidden Ancient Soul Palace.

Knowing this news, the Giant God Clan three were quite worried.

“Don’t worry about it for a while, Ancient Soul Palace may have been arrived long ago. It seems that their priority is not already.”

Zhao Feng calmly analyzed.

Don’t think about it, the goal of Ancient Soul Palace must be Ancestral Item fragments!

On value, Ancestral Item fragments must be above the Ancient God Seal

“Since we have harvested so much, why not use the ‘Ancient God Seal’ and go back to the outside world and transfer some resources.”

Caiyun Ancient God suggested.

Among a few people, her cultivation base strength is the lowest, and she broke through to the Eighth-Rank Peak not long ago.

“Don’t tell me, let’s give ‘Ancestral Item fragments’ to Ancient Soul Palace? Even if we don’t, we won’t let the enemy succeed.”

Ancient God Po Yue is the main battle faction.

Not long ago, he increased his confidence from Eight-Rank Peak to Ninth-Rank.

Xin Wuhen thought for a moment and thought that they both made sense.

Caiyun Ancient God’s proposal is more conservative and very secure, so as not to risk life.

But the words of Ancient God Po Yue point to the key.

If Ancient Soul Palace gets Ancestral Item fragments, then Giant God Clan will no longer be able to catch up; On the contrary, if Giant God Clan gets Ancestral Item fragments, then the situation will be greatly advantageous.

“In this way, let Caiyun Ancient God transport half of the resources and go back to contact Patriarch. It is better to carry the reinforcements.”

Xin Wuhen quickly reached a resolution.

Anyway, Caiyun Ancient God has the lowest cultivation base strength, and its role is relatively limited.

The remaining people stayed and acted on their own.

Hearing this, everyone agreed. This arrangement is the best of both worlds.


Xin Wuhen took out the Ancient God Seal and was driven by Heavens Secret Secret Technique. On the surface of the ancient seal, a strange space ripple suddenly appeared, blending with this space.

Just then, the mutation was born.


A huge space of oppression, coming from the underworld, the Ancient God Seal whine, suddenly faint.


Xin Wuhen complexion has changed, and can’t help fall into meditation.

what happened?

Caiyun Ancient God and Ancient God Po Yue were shocked. This Ancient God Seal, but the key to the Space in and out of this film.

“I’m afraid that there is a ‘God Lord’ supreme being outside, and Arrange Immemorial is forbidden from great formation. It is estimated that there is more than one God Lord and requires Secret Technique of the Opening Heaven machine.”

Xin Wuhen sighed.

“We have no escape route …”

Everyone looked at each other, and the complexion was grave up.

No wonder, the people on the side of Ancient Soul Palace did not come to snatch the Ancient God Seal for the time being.

“What level of strength is required to break through this Space?”

Zhao Feng asked.

Xin Wuhen closed her eyes, and then said for a while: “With the Ancient God Seal, you need to be close to the God Lord’s strength.”

This is still under the premise of Ancient God Seal.

“It’s not terribly bad. Since there is no retreat, let’s let it go!”

Zhao Feng had a cold intention in his face.


To the west of the castle, the Bore Insect army is still launching endless offensives, while the Ancestral Item fragments are wholeheartedly defending, and the two sides are in protracted battle.

North of the castle, the Ancient Soul Palace was secretly hidden.

Zhao Feng and the others already searched for heavenly materials and earthly treasures on both the east and south sides.

“Since Ancient Soul Palace doesn’t get rid, let’s stay on guard …”

Zhao Feng figure flashes disappeared from place to.

And place to, only that “Space-Time Robe”, floating translucent magnificient light glow.

enters into the Space-Time Robe.

Zhao Feng immediately adjusted the time ratio to reach a staggering 25 to 1.


Zhao Feng lowly mumble; before, when he faced the Power of Time of Ancestral Item fragments with Primordial Divine Power, he absorbed a few points, which made him feel time and improve.

You know, the Ancestral Item fragments, but the Contain Law of Time, do as you wish Profound Truth of Time, are all essence.

Shua! Shua!

Close Eye, and there are several times Precious Materials in front of him. These time Precious Materials are basically Heavenly Moonlight Bamboo Shoots one level.


He runs Primordial Divine Power and feels the profound Truth of Time essence absorbed in it.

At the same time, his mind was divided into two places.

Half of the mind is used to absorb and appreciate the time in front of Rare Treasures.

The other half of the mind, directly using Primordial Divine Power, try to absorb the time essence in these times Rare Treasures.

Especially the second one is an unprecedented attempt!

Because, “Chaotic Sky Origin Secret Art” touches the fourth layer faintly, so it has the characteristics of devouring and absorbing.

What surprised Zhao Feng was.

This attempt made its Profound Truth of Time realize that advanced by leaps and bounds is called rapid progress!

On the one hand, it is the Profound Truth of Time essence of Ancestral Item fragments.

On the other hand, it is the devouring effect of Primordial Divine Power!

Both sides went hand in hand, and it took only two days for Zhao Feng’s Profound Truth of Time to realize that it reached the 6th Layer Peak.

“Profound Truth of Time 6th Layer Peak, Primordial Divine Power has improved again.”

Zhao Feng vaguely felt that half of his Primordial Divine Power had stepped into the fourth layer!

The effect is that the phagocytosis effect of Primordial Divine Power becomes more and more obvious, and its power is increased by half a level.

Time passed by.

Inside Space-Time Robe, twenty-five days have passed, and only one day has passed outside.

At this time.

Zhao Feng within the body’s eight God Platforms are brand new. The distributed Primordial Divine Power is magnificent and has a large-scale that encompasses everything.

At the same time, the outline of the ninth God Platform emerged on the eighth God Platform, and gradually became solid.

Not only that.

The prototype of the ninth God Platform also surrounds a huge stream of Divine Power.

This Divine Power clear stream is the ninth clear stream retained by the previous “Nine Lotus Jade Brithing Flower”.

“If I am now taking the ninth stream, 100%, I can build the ninth God Platform and be promoted to Ancient God Ninth-Rank.”

Zhao Feng takes a deep breath.

Such rapid progress is not only the reason for taking Rare Treasures such as “Jade Nether Divine Essence Stone” or “Nine Lotus Jade Brithing Flower”, but also the improvement of Primordial Divine Power Realm.


Zhao Feng’s Primordial Divine Power has basically stepped into the door of the fourth layer! The power of Primordial Divine Power has more than doubled!

At this moment, he can be promoted to Ninth-Rank Ancient God without as easy as pie.

But he didn’t do it.

“Ninth-Rank Ancient God is God Lord. This Ninth-Rank must be as stable as possible to accumulate the details.”

Zhao Feng’s eyes, look longer.


He began to refine Primordial Divine Power again, and realized Profound Truth of time and space (time, space).

“Since ancient times, it is said that time and space are one. My main space of” Chaotic Sky Origin Secret Art “, and then integrate Power of Time, I wonder what will change?”

Zhao Feng is smiling.

Primordial Divine Power, after stepping into the fourth layer gate, his Space Profound Truth broke through the 8th layer!

Because, when Zhao Feng felt Profound Truth of Time, he used this foundation to penetrate Space Profound Truth.

The cornerstone of this penetration is the main space, the all-inclusive “Chaotic Sky Origin Secret Art”!

Space Profound Truth 8th Layer, Profound Truth of Time 6th Layer Peak-This is Zhao Feng’s Realm of Profound Truth of Space-Time.

However, Zhao Feng is not satisfied.

He continued to integrate Time and Space Profound Truth and refine the Primordial Divine Power.

At this time.

Space-Time Robe, the internal time flow rate, reaches an amazing 30 to 1.


The three of Xin Wuhen, faintly felt the amazing Divine Power aura surging inside the Space-Time Robe.

“So Zhao Feng, isn’t he shaping the ninth God Platform?”

Ancient God Po Yue.

“He entered into the Ancestral Lost Treasury before he was promoted to Eighth-Rank. Soon, he will be assault Ninth-Rank so soon. Even if he succeeds, I’m afraid the foundation will be unstable.”

Ancient God Hua Cai lightly sighed.

Two Ancient Gods are not optimistic about Zhao Feng’s promotion.

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