King of Gods

Chapter 1370

After enterings into the Space-Time Robe, Zhao Feng first tried to copy the section “Heavenly Moonlight Bamboo Shoots”.

Of course, if it was n’t for the time in Space-Time Robe, Zhao Feng would n’t

Dare to copy this Rare Treasures in this section.

This section of Heavenly Moonlight Bamboo Shoots is extremely precious, and the level of quality is far beyond Zhao Feng’s repair.

Because, copying is extremely difficult.

And the “God Eye Copy” will consume the Strength of Source in Illusory Silver Ball, Zhao Feng

Eye Strength and Soul also consume a lot.

In other words, after Copy item or Copy, Zhao Feng’s strength will be weak.


After starting Copy Heavenly Moonlight Bamboo Shoots, Zhao Feng immediately came up with several other Profound Truth of Time cultivate treasures

Materials, such as the most common epoch flower, and others.

The rank of these Precious Materials, compared to the time when cultivate Precious Materials appeared before,

Too low.

Therefore, Zhao Feng did not intend to copy, and directly consumed it.

In less than three days, when Zhao Feng used the fourth type of time cultivate Precious Materials,

slightly raised, eyes opened.

“Profound Truth of Time, finally 5th Layer!”

Previously, Zhao Feng’s Profound Truth of Time reached the 4th Layer Peak already.

Now coming to this special space, plus the long-standing Profound Truth of Time Precious Materials, is very light

The loose is broken through.

Although for Ancient God, 5th Layer Profound Truth of Time is completely useless.

However, after Zhao Feng’s Profound Truth of Time reaches 5th Layer, it can cooperate with Space-Time Robe to adjust the internal



Profound Truth of Time runs and slowly integrates into the entire Space-Time Robe Space.

Suddenly, the stars in the night sky above, simultaneously flickering slightly of rays of light, and the position of the

Minor changes.

at the same time, a deep Profound Truth of Time strength, pouring down, permeating the entire sky


As long as you understand a little Profound Truth of Time, you will find that the time of this space,


“Master’s Profound Truth of Time, it’s 5th Layer!”

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon complexion.

He knew, however, that there were more than ten Profound Truth strengths of Zhao Feng cultivate.

With Profound Truth of Time, which is extremely difficult to comprehend, Zhao Feng can cultivate to this extent.

It is rare.

“At this moment, twenty days inside Space-Time Robe, only one day has passed by the outside world!”

Zhao Feng perceives it slightly, and infers approximate data.

“You also have some insight into Profound Truth of Time!”

Zhao Feng gave the remaining time to cultivate Precious Materials to World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon and Zhao Wang.

Maybe next, they need the help of both of them, if they are not good at Profound Truth of Time

In this space, it is too bad.

“many thanks Master !”

Respectfully, World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon.

He found out of the ordinary of Precious Materials used by Zhao Feng early on.

Now, if you look closely, you can see that these Precious Materials are very old, even a few

It goes well beyond 1 billion years.

After doing all this, Zhao Feng returned to his place and took out “Jade Nether Divine Essence Stone”.

Improve the Precious Materials of cultivation base, the effect will be greatly reduced if you take it twice.

Now Zhao Feng is facing a crisis and urgently needs to improve strength. There is also no Copy directly.


How it works, Zhao Feng mobilizes the strange energy in the Jade Nether Divine Essence Stone.

This energy is extremely pure, with a touch of chill. After moving around within the body,

Integration into God Platform.

Over time, the aura of Zhao Feng body also keeps climbing.

The outside world, Xin Wuhen and the others, is also cultivate in a separate special space.

At one point, Xin Wuhen within the body suddenly emits a powerful Immemorial Bloodline aura, and then

Converge quickly.

At first, everyone would be disturbed by this aura, but then they became accustomed to it.

Xin Wuhen within the body contains God Lord’s strength. At this moment of crisis, his body’s potential

Being inspired, the cultivation base strength is rapidly increasing.

Outside of this Space, Small Thieving Cat is searching for the Precious Materials while activating the formation machine.

turn off.

On the other hand, Ancient Soul Palace and the others are not in a hurry with the “Deciphering” formation mechanism.

Their Deciphering thought is naturally destroyed, after all, they are not good at formation mechanism at all

It’s better to destroy the brain and think about going to Deciphering.

If there is someone in this building who controls the normal operation, there must be mechanism traps in the range.

They are connected to each other. If you use the Deciphering mechanism in this way, you will definitely encounter other mechanisms.


But at this moment, these mechanism traps are only activated in a hurry by Small Thieving Cat, not at all and

Other mechanic traps in the building are connected.

Boom bang!

The ancient Soul Palace trio succeeded in destroying a mechanism and advancing a distance.

Just enters into the here.

“Human, die!”

Some demons, Demon God, killed them regardless of death.

“Hmph, how stupid!”

Ancient Soul Palace, three people, have long been accustomed to, a few tricks to launch a range attack, all of them


In addition to advancing, they will also search for heaven and earth Precious Materials.

“White Moon Grass, and spiritual fruit …”

The Ancient Soul Palace Eighth-Rank Peak Ancient God complexion was happy, and flew into the room next to it.

“This is, Heavenly Soul Clean Spirit Dew!”

Ancient God Yu Hai both eyes flashes, take two drops from a sunken spiritual grass

Gloomy dew.

“Heavenly Soul Clean Spirit Dew, has the ability to purify Soul, repair Soul’s damage and dark diseases, and instantly enrich

Soul Strength and other strange effects! “

“Congratulations Elder, this Soul Precious Dew!”

The other two members of the Ancient Soul Palace, although they are also jealous of this Precious Dew, they are very knowledgeable,

No mention of allocation.

“This Precious Dew is mine, and I don’t want the rest of the Precious Materials near here!”

Ancient God Yu Hai expression Excited and laughed again and again.

“With this Precious Dew, the wounds on Elder Soul can be recovered in less than a day, even Soul Dao

The aspect of strength will go to the next level, and when Xin Wuhen and the others will die, no doubt! “

Ancient Soul Palace Ninth-Rank Ancient God, immediately flattered.

If their team completed this task alone, the benefits would be far more than these two drops.

Heavenly Soul Clean Spirit Dew.

“Hurry up!”

Ancient God Yu Hai immediately said.

With Heavenly Soul Clean Spirit Dew, his injury can be recovered in less than a day, and Soul agrees

Chi can still improve.

In this case, Xin Wuhen and the others cannot be given extra time and must be killed as soon as possible.

A day later, Ancient God Yu Hai recovered and Soul aura became stronger.

The three of them joined together to quickly move deep into the building.


In Space-Time Robe, Zhao Feng already cultivated for more than a hundred days.

His aura is a lot stronger than before, and within the body constantly emits amazing Divine Power fluctuations.


In Zhao Feng’s hands, the Jade Nether Divine Essence Stone looks dull, just like ordinary green pebbles.


At one point, Zhao Feng stepped up his absorption, and the light glow of Jade Nether Divine Essence Stone quickly dimmed.

嘣 ka!

The Jade Nether Divine Essence Stone in his hand shattered.

Before long, the aura of Zhao Feng body gradually converged.

“Yes, my cultivation base, alert is approaching the Eighth-Rank Peak!”

Zhao Feng cheeky.

You know, three years ago, he just broke through Eighth-Rank Ancient God.

This cultivation base increases the speed, and almost no one can compare to those who recultivation.

Moreover, on the thirtieth day of his retreat, the section Heavenly Moonlight Bamboo Shoots was successfully copied.

To this day, his Soul and Eye Strength consumption has also recovered by 70-80%.

Just as Zhao Feng was about to take out Heavenly Moonlight Bamboo Shoots and absorb the essence of time.

There was suddenly a strong Profound Truth of Time fluctuation.

“what is this?”

At the same time, the voice of Ancient God Cheng Yun came?

Zhao Feng left Space-Time Robe for the first time and stared away.

In a room on the edge of this Space, Ancient God Cheng Yun stood by a giant machine

Mechanical device.

Above the mechanism, there is a row of crystal tubes, one of which is broken.

The central position inside the broken crystal tube is flickering with a strong virtual white light, and scattered

Issue Profound Truth of Time fluctuations.

“Not good !”

Zhao Feng’s Left Eye After seeing, you can see things that ordinary people cannot see.

He hadn’t carefully checked the mechanical device before, and at the moment he found that

A row of crystal tubes are connected to a separate instrument deeper.


Inside that broken crystal tube, Profound Truth was getting stronger and stronger.

As soon as I saw a ball of white light, I swept out of it and rushed to the nearest Cheng Yungu.



Ancient God Cheng Yun found an anomaly and screamed.

He wanted to dodge, but the white light was too fast, he directly entered into him within the body.


Zhao Feng complexion was startled.

“what happened?”

At this moment, the rest of the retreat also gradually awakened.

Everyone’s Spiritual Sense swept away, and immediately discovered the anomaly of Ancient God Cheng Yun.

“There are other mind bodies, enters into the within the body of Ancient God Cheng Yun!”

Ancient God Hua Cai immediately said.

“And this spiritual mind is very powerful …”

Xin Wuhen complexion Slightly sink.

A teammate, at this moment in crisis, he did not want to see.

Sou sou sou !

The crowd approached immediately, preparing to help Ancient God Cheng Yun to suppress the mind body.


Ancient God Cheng Yun screamed again and again, his face twisted and struggling, as if suffering from inhuman torture,

Exception terrifying.

When the crowd just passed by, Ancient God Cheng Yun suddenly calmed down, revealing a pair of

terrifying evil looking face.

“Humans, kill you all!”

Ancient God Cheng Yun suddenly looked towards Zhao Feng and the others, a strong killing intent, emanating from it.

Seeing this scene, everyone can’t help think of the demons Demon God.

Ancient God Cheng Yun at this moment, is very similar to them, losing reason, like being demonized,

All I know is killing humans.


Ancient God Cheng Yun turned into a vain light and was approaching everyone.

He waved his palms, and several white sharp blades slashed down.

“Get away!”

Zhao Feng immediately drank.

The demonized idea body deposited in Ancient God Cheng Yun within the body is very powerful and controls Cheng Yun

After Ancient God, the strength displayed is completely different from the demons Demon God encountered before.

And he exhibited an attack containing Profound Truth of Time, which was extremely quick.

Zhao Feng reaction is fast, and the Profound Truth of Time reaches 5th Layer, and it is easily avoided.

Pu chi!

But Ancient God Hua Cai and Ancient God Po Yue were too late to dodge and were attacked by several white sharp blades.


Ancient God Po Yue When two big mouths appeared on his chest, blood spewed out, and the wound still remained

Profound Truth strength, extremely difficult to heal.

Ancient God Hua Cai is slightly better, except that there are two scars on his arm.

“How to do?”

Ancient God Hua Cai looked towards Xin Wuhen with the color of inquiry.

“Try to suppress him or kill him!”

Xin Wuhen meditated for a moment and then definitely said.

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