King of Gods

Chapter 1369

“Abominable! It is the mechanics trap of Heavens Secret Clan …”

A surprised and angry hissing came, and the three of them were embarrassed and forced to stop to stop the terrifying black flame from burning.

“What is this flame?”

Ancient Soul Palace Eighth-Rank Peak Ancient God asked in astonishment.

The black flame can absorb the energy in their body to increase the intensity of burning. And this flame can also affect the Soul level.

Among the three of Ancient Soul Palace, he had the lowest cultivation base and was the most tortured.


On the other side, Ancient God Yu Hai sends out the Profound Truth of Water Divine Power, which extinguishes the black flame quickly.

After doing all this, he immediately helped the other two team members to solve the crisis.

“That cat has this ability?”

Ancient God Yu Hai looked suspicious.

The building was too old for a long time, and all the devices in it, including the mechanism trap, stopped working.

But the move of Small Thieving Cat just now successfully activated some mechanism traps.

The next thing they want to continue is bound to be hindered.

“Human, die!”

Just then, a few loud rumors sounded.

I saw a few white light “xiu” sounds approaching the Ancient Soul Palace three, they turned into a little devil flickering white light, swinging between two claws, hit a few white light rays.

“What the hell are these?”

Ancient Soul Palace Eighth-Rank Peak brows slightly wrinkle.

This type of Demon God, they are the first time they have met, and the other party is attacking in desperation, apparently they have lost their mind or demonized.

“Lower stupid creature!”

Ancient God Yu Hai complexion was cold, and the palms of his hands waved, releasing a wave of black water.

The gloomy waves, the range is huge, and tumbling to all around heaven and earth.

Demon God is only fast, the cultivation base is relatively low, which can withstand the attack of Half-Step God Lord.


The screams continued, and the Demon God was killed all at once.

“What to do, Elder?”

Asked Ancient Soul Palace Ninth-Rank Ancient God.

If we keep going down, there must be obstacles.

At this moment, his idea is to inform Yu Heng.

God Lord Xingxiang obviously has some research on Heavens Secret Clan’s Inheritance skills. As his discipline, Yu Heng should be able to decipher the mechanism trap here.

“They are stuck here, and we are unhurried for a while, and slowly deciphering, we can kill them and complete the task!”

Ancient God Yu Hai said directly.

If you contact Yu Heng and the others, wouldn’t you tell them that they encountered Xin Wuhen entire group again, but they suddenly attacked and hit completely unprepared.

Being the Half-Step God Lord, being repelled by Xin Wuhen and an Eighth-Rank Ancient God is the greatest shame in his life.

Let his deadly rival Mie Liu Ancient God know this, and he will certainly ridicule him for tens of millions of years.

But as long as Xin Wuhen and the others are beheaded, and Ancient God Seal is recaptured, none of this exists.

“Just right, we also need a little time to recover from injuries!”

Ancient God Yu Hai continues.

“Elder is right, by then they are possible to escape!”

Another Ninth-Rank Ancient God said with a smile.

Everyone has selfishness, and they are no exception.


The Ancient Soul Palace trio, stopped by the Heavens Secret Clan trap.

At this point, Giant God Clan and the others are also watching.

“Heavens Secret Secret Technique!”

Xin Wuhen at the end of the team saw it most clearly.

It was too long here, and all devices, including the mechanism trap, stopped working.

But the move of Small Thieving Cat just now opened some trap barriers again.

You know, Xin Wuhen, who is good at Heavens Secret Secret Technique, cannot directly activate the Heavens Secret Clan mechanism trap in such a short period of time. It can be seen that the Small Thieving Cat’s capability is somewhat unusual.

“This cat is so amazing!”

Ancient God Cheng Yun’s eyes narrowed.

Ancient God Po Yue’s expression is slightly better. He also saw that Small Thieving Cat used Ancient Soul Clan’s Bloodline Magical Powers to defeat Ancient Soul Clan’s soul beast.

Soon everyone fled in the subterranean depths of the building.

“What should we do now?”

Asked Ancient God Hua Cai.

In the situation just now, even if they fled directly, they would be caught up by the trio of Ancient Soul Palace in an instant.

Although they are hiding here at the moment, there is no crisis at the moment.

But they were trapped here, and someone from Ancient Soul Palace would come sooner or later. What should I do then?

“At least we are still alive, we still have time to think about the response, and we may live!”

Xin Wuhen indifferently said.

“Don’t talk, solve Demon God nearby!”

Zhao Feng swept a glance all around and then said.

Subsequently, everyone joined forces to destroy all the Demon God in this small space.

“Take ‘Heavenly Moonlight Bamboo Shoots’ for distribution!”

Ancient God Cheng Yun looked towards Zhao Feng Small Thieving Cat on the shoulder.

Although everyone agreed before, Zhao Feng got the opportunity and they couldn’t interfere.

But getting “Heavenly Moonlight Bamboo Shoots”, Giant God Clan also worked a lot, and this treasure is so precious.

Meow meow!

Small Thieving Cat reluctantly took out Heavenly Moonlight Bamboo Shoots.

“This Heavenly Moonlight Bamboo Shoots has three sections, so I will take one of them!”

After Zhao Feng finished, he looked towards Giant God Clan.

“Okay, just distribute!”

Ancient God Cheng Yun and the others, for a moment, immediately agreed.

If the distribution is based on the output, Zhao Feng and Xin Wuhen block Ancient God Yu Hai, and Heavenly Moonlight Bamboo Shoots are also picked by Small Thieving Cat. Zhao Feng should get two sections.

Now that Zhao Feng has only one section, they are naturally happy.

As everyone knows, Zhao Feng has the ability of God Eye Copy and can copy Precious Materials.

And Heavenly Moonlight Bamboo Shoots rank is too high, if copying a whole root, it will consume too much and even fail.

So he only needs one section, which can greatly increase the success rate of Copy.

After assigning the Heavenly Moonlight Bamboo Shoots, everyone set their eyes on Precious Materials growing in this small space.

Sou sou sou !

Everyone acted.

Although this Space is small, it is deep in subterranean, there are many Precious Materials, and its rank is extremely high.

“White Moon Grass is not only Profound Truth of Time cultivate Precious Materials, but also nourishes Soul and purifies the soul …”

Ancient God Cheng Yun cried out in surprise, remove a boulder and pick a crescent moon-shaped herb.

The main Precious Materials here are of the Profound Truth of Time category, but there is no shortage of other types of Precious Materials.

Giant God Clan Several people, expression excited, searching around, Exotic Treasure will see, all picked up.

“Well? Why doesn’t that kid move …”

Ancient God Cheng Yun Yu Guang glanced at Zhao Feng, only to find that Zhao Feng stood to place without action.

After thinking about it, Ancient God Cheng Yun thought that because of the large number of Giant God Clan, Zhao Feng felt that he didn’t expect to get any valuable Precious Materials, so he didn’t get gets rid.

Suddenly, Zhao Feng moved.

He came to the corner of a ruin, split it with a palm, and cut the ruin directly.

In a hurry, a jasper emerald shot out of it.


Zhao Feng waved his hand and took out a large palm pebbles from inside, which flowed in layers of green light, exuding a hint of coldness.

“Jade Nether Divine Essence Stone!”

Ancient God Cheng Yun saw this jasper cold stone and screamed out.

“It is actually this strange stone. This is a special variant of Divine Stone essence. It contains a huge Heaven and Earth essence, which can enrich the God Platform in a short time, and enhance the Ancient God Divine Power cultivation base …”

Ancient God Po Yue also came over, and the complexion can’t help startled.

Although their gains are many, their value is comparable to that of Jade Nether Divine Essence Stone.

Put this stone into Storage Space and Zhao Feng looks around all around again.

In Profound Truth of Time, there is Heavenly Moonlight Bamboo Shoots, so he does not need to snatch other Profound Truth of Time cultivate Precious Materials unless its quality is higher than Heavenly Moonlight Bamboo Shoots.

Therefore, Zhao Feng did not rush to get rid, but first observed and searched for the type of Precious Materials that was suitable for him or that he did not have.

This Jade Nether Divine Essence Stone is one of them.

It has the effect of washing the physique, improving the cultivation base, and condensing the Divine Power.

Within a moment, Zhao Feng left again.

He came directly behind a mechanical device and punched him.


The mechanical device was blasted away by Zhao Feng, and two small fruits growing at the corner were directly exposed.

“Void Spirit Thousand Leaf Fruit!”

Zhao Feng cheeky.

Void Spirit Thousand Leaf Fruit, although it is also Profound Truth of Time Precious Materials, it also contains Space Profound Truth, which is a space-time cultivate Precious Materials with a higher rank.

Although this Precious Materials is not as valuable as the previous Jade Nether Divine Essence Stone, Space Profound Truth is the Profound Truth strength that everyone will try to cultivate. And this Precious Materials contains Profound Truth of Space-Time strength, which is naturally better than Precious Materials with the same rank as Precious Materials are much more valuable.

“Damn, this kid is picking good things!”

At this moment, Ancient God Cheng Yun naturally understands Zhao Feng’s idea.

On the other hand, Small Thieving Cat has also been very rich.

It didn’t take long for this space to be searched by everyone. Although Giant God Clan has a large number of people and a large number of receipts, the theoretical value may not be comparable to that obtained by Zhao Feng and Small Thieving Cat.

Even Ancient God Hua Cai and Ancient God Cheng Yun came over and wanted to trade the Void Spirit Thousand Leaf Fruit and Jade Nether Divine Essence Stone that Zhao Feng just got.

However, Zhao Feng didn’t need anything they took out, so he refused.

The search for Precious Materials was finished, and everyone began to think about other things.

“Ancient Soul Palace has been attacked for a while. If this period of time, the strength of each of us is improved, we may not be able to continue with it!”

After Xin Wuhen said it, he sat down cross-legged.

“Master Wuhen, you are right!”

Ancient God Po Yue also sat down on his knees and took out some of the Precious Materials he had found, entering into the cultivate state.

In fact, this is also Zhao Feng’s idea.


enters into the Space-Time Robe, he also started cultivate.

The Small Thieving Cat, according to Zhao Feng’s order, perfected the mechanic trap of this Space all around, and tried to block the Ancient Soul Palace for some time.

On the other side, Ancient God Hua Cai also started to cultivate. Only Ancient God Cheng Yun seems to be searching for Precious Materials and hanging around in the vicinity.

Leaving this room, Ancient God Cheng Yun came to a huge piece of equipment.

These instruments have long ceased to function and are still covered with thick dust and dirt.

Ancient God Cheng Yun came to a cylindrical crystal tube, which contained many precious Precious Materials, but most of them were withered.

Suddenly, a few rays of light were transmitted under the many Precious Materials.

Because of the isolation of the crystal tube and the cover of Precious Materials, it was impossible to tell what was going on.

“Don’t tell me there is another treasure in it?”

Ancient God Cheng Yun moved.

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