King of Gods

Chapter 1371

Ancient God Cheng Yun, who was demonized by the mind body, paused for a moment after releasing the attack, his face twisted and struggling.

“Save me, save me!”

Ancient God Cheng Yun hissed in pain.

Obviously, at this moment Ancient God Cheng Yun still retains a hint of autonomy, and is continuing the mind body.

This scene made Giant God Clan and the others act.

After all, Ancient God Cheng Yun is the man of Giant God Clan. Now that Giant God Clan is even more lacking, an Eight-Rank Peak Ancient God is very important for Giant God Clan.

However, the next moment, Ancient God Cheng Yun again revealed the gloomy and cold cruel face.

“Kill, kill all!”

Ancient God Cheng Yun turned into a white light, and once again, the chill of the gloomy ice-cold filled all around.

He waved his arms, and a series of white sharp blades blasted directly at the crowd.

“Ancient God Po Yue, you step back!”

Xin Wuhen immediately drank.

The enchanted Ancient God Cheng Yun, strength is very powerful, and also good at Profound Truth of Time, Ancient God Po Yue cultivation base is too low, staying here is waiting to die.

“One finger!”

Xin Wuhen runs Bloodline Power with one click.

These attacks are too difficult to dodge, it is better to crash them and destroy them.


I saw a fiery Pure Crystal bright finger light, which blasted out, breaking most of the white sharp blade.

On the other side, Ancient God Hua Cai is the Eighth-Rank Peak. Strength is a bit stronger than the previous Ancient God Cheng Yun. He can get rid of it with all his strength.

And Zhao Feng, using God Eye’s insights, Profound Truth of Time and Space Flickering, avoided all the attacks dangerously and dangerously.


Xin Wuhen low roaring sound.

He and Ancient God Hua Cai, simultaneously urged Giant God Clan Bloodline to increase the defense and strength without manifesting the ontology.

The two simultaneously performed the Giant God Clan Bloodline Battle Skill, hitting a large-scale virtual white light palm.

That light palm is extremely powerful, and it also contains Giant God Clan Bloodline aura, which is a large range move with great destructive power.

“Immemorial God Suppressing Seal!”

Zhao Feng also immediately launched a large range offensive move.

He ran Primordial Divine Power, condensing a huge dim dark seal, and rushed away.

The three attack, covering the entire Space.

“It should be OK!”

Ancient God Hua Cai whispered.

“Be careful!”

Zhao Feng suddenly drank.


During the devastating storm, Ancient God Cheng Yun suddenly rushed out, a bloodthirsty evil look.


He approached Xin Wuhen directly, waving his palms constantly, counting white sharp blade strikes.

“How come, there was no injuries?”

Ancient God Hua Cai complexion was shocked.

“It’s unusual to keep the mind body within him within the body!”

Zhao Feng whispered.

Demonized Ancient God Cheng Yun, in a fatal crisis, released a very deep Profound Truth of Time, dodging to the weak point of attack.

Giant God Clan physique was originally tough and good at defense. After being seriously injured, he used Profound Truth of Time to quickly heal the injury.

The Profound Truth of Time strength of the mind body is extremely high, reaching at least 8th Layer, or even 9th Layer, and it is also very skilled.

call out!

A dark gray and silver mang flashed, and Small Thieving Cat came to Zhao Feng’s shoulder.

“Ancient Soul Palace is coming soon?”

Zhao Feng complexion suddenly sank.

Before, they had five people, and if everyone’s strength was ascended, they might not be able to face the ancient Ancient Soul Palace.

But now, Ancient God Cheng Yun appears unexpected and becomes an enemy.

If the Ancient Soul Palace trio came, it would be even more dangerous.

“Ancient God Cheng Yun must be resolved as soon as possible!”

Zhao Feng figure flashes came to Xin Wuhen and told him about Ancient Soul Palace.

“Join them and kill him!”

Xin Wuhen was instantly determined.

Immediately, he rushed out with Ancient God Hua Cai and attacked Ancient God Cheng Yun from both sides.

Xin Wuhen is still pointing out, powerful and powerful.

Ancient God Hua Cai is exhibiting a set of Water Type Battle Skills, Mantian Water Spirit giant palm, just like the waves of raging waves.

Ancient God Cheng Yun’s movements were restricted, and the space that could dodge became very limited.

“Flaming Soul Devil Eye!”

Zhao Feng’s long-awaited Eye Technique is directly out.

Most of his Eye Techniques are locked attack, and the range is small, it is difficult to hit the demonized Ancient God Cheng Yun, so Zhao Feng only performed Soul Illusion Technique.

As long as Ancient God Cheng Yun loses consciousness and slows down, other Eye Techniques can easily hit.


In Zhao Feng Left Eye, a scarlet-red mist of mist was emitted, and he flew forward quickly.

That hot Red Soul Strength, with a larger range, was blocked by the Ancient God Cheng Yun who couldn’t dodge.

“The trick!”

Ancient God Hua Cai complexion A joy.

The control of Ancient God Cheng Yun is the mind body. Once Zhao Feng’s Eye Technique is applied, it will be affected and the control will be greatly reduced.

But the imaginary picture, not at all appears.


After ancient God Cheng Yun enters into the Zhao Feng’s Soul Illusion Technique range, he was not affected much. The figure turned and rushed to Ancient God Hua Cai.

“How could this be?”

Ancient God Hua Cai exclaimed.

Zhao Feng is also a little surprised. Although he did not use the Strength of Source, his Eye Technique is not so weak.

After careful consideration, Zhao Feng determined that it was not his Eye Technique that was too weak.

In front of the mind body, there must be a peerless expert, otherwise it is impossible to have such a powerful Profound Truth of Time strength.

But after such a long time, the other party is just a mind body, and it is so resistant to Soul attack.

So there is only one possibility.

In front of this idea, it may be a very powerful and special Immemorial Races, which is extremely resistant to Soul attacks.

Just at this time.

Hong long!

There was a loud bang at the entrance.

“coming soon!”

Zhao Feng complexion sank.

The demonized Ancient God Cheng Yun was too difficult to entangle, and everyone did not restrain him for a short time.

At this moment, the ancient Soul Palace trio halready arrived.

“There are others!”

Ancient God Cheng Yun On one side of his head, looked towards the entrance, his cold eyes turned slightly.


The entrance Channel was directly destroyed by a powerful Divine Power attack.

Then, the Ancient Soul Palace trio, with a smile, walked slowly down.

“Ancient Soul Palace!”

Ancient God Hua Cai suddenly showed the color of despair.

If Ancient God Cheng Yun has not been demonized, they will join forces and may be able to continue with it.

The ancient Soul Palace trio, with a glance, the complexion is all at a glance.

They thought that Giant God Clan and the others would wait.

But the results were quite different from what they imagined.

“Haha, it’s ridiculous. At this time, there is still a quarrel!”

Ancient Soul Palace, an Eighth-Rank Peak, can’t help laugh.

But the names Ninth-Rank Ancient God and Ancient God Yu Hai discovered the anomaly of Ancient God Cheng Yun.

“Actually controlled by the mind!”

Ancient God Yu Hai showed an interesting look.

“Sir, may we work with us to kill these people together!”

Ancient God Yu Hai said again.

Ancient God Cheng Yun was obviously infected and controlled by evil thoughts, and turned against God God Clan.

But Ancient God Cheng Yun’s survival to this day proves that his strength is very powerful, and the rest of the team joined forces and did not kill him in a short time.

“Not good !”

Xin Wuhen complexion Slightly sink.

Ancient God Cheng Yun is controlled by the mind body, which is also unconscious and only knows to kill.

He originally expected that Ancient Soul Palace would directly confront Ancient God Cheng Yun gets rid, so that Ancient God Cheng Yun would surely fight back and become their helper.

Who knows that Ancient God Yu Hai is so cautious, not at all in a hurry to get rid, but to show his favor to Ancient God Cheng Yun.

For a moment, everyone’s eyes were on Ancient God Cheng Yun.

He was unconscious and extremely unstable, and no one knew what Ancient God Cheng Yun would do.

“you guys!”

Ancient God Cheng Yun stared fiercely at Ancient Soul Palace and the others, and became extremely angry and angry.

Ancient Soul Palace trio complexion slightly changed.

Ancient God Cheng Yun’s expression seemed a bit wrong.

It stands to reason that the body that controls Ancient God Cheng Yun today is the mind body, and they shouldn’t hate them so much.

“Your body, there is aura for them!”

Ancient God Cheng Yun complexion Alas, there seems to be endless anger and resentment to erupt.


Ancient God Cheng Yun figure flashes passed away, approaching the ancient Soul Palace trio directly.

“Kill, kill, kill!”

He kept thinking about the word in his mouth, exuding an angry killing intent, his hands slashing wildly.

Xiu xiu xiu!

The sky’s white sharp blade, like the white sky, poured down.

“What’s going on? He’s gone crazy!”

Ancient Soul Palace Ninth-Rank Ancient God, startled.

Ancient God Yu Hai complexion was sinking and did not speak.

The mind bodies hosted in the Ancient God Cheng Yun body seem to have a very deep grudge against them.

After they appeared, Ancient God Cheng Yun directly set them as the first goal.

Bang bang bang!

Ancient God Yu Hai waved the palm of his hand and slapped several palms to resist the attack of Ancient God Cheng Yun.


Giant God Clan and the others, 愣 on the spot.

This scene was not what they expected.

Previously, the demonized Ancient God Cheng Yun thought of getting blood rid of them instinctively.

But at this moment, Ancient God Cheng Yun seems to have a very important reason for the Ancient Soul Palace trio get rid.

Perhaps, the idea body had a deep hatred with Ancient Soul Palace before his death.

However, Ancestral Lost Treasury has always been in the hands of Giant God Clan. The people of Ancient Soul Palace should never have been here before.


Xin Wuhen whispered.

Now is not the time to think about these things, and getting rid of difficulties is the most important.

After the demonization of Ancient God Cheng Yun, the strength has increased greatly. With the joint efforts of everyone, the possibility of escape has increased.

Sou! sou! sou!

Giant God Clan and Zhao Feng left for the Ancient Soul Palace.


Ancient God Cheng Yun growled, killing intent.

A deep Profound Truth of Time shrouded Ancient God Yu Hai all around from time to time, affecting his state.

“One finger!”

Xin Wuhen runs Giant God Clan Bloodline, the attack power is huge, and the Concept is profound.

“Thunder Calamity Eye Flame!”

Zhao Feng directly unlocked the Seal of the Strength of Source and used his powerful Thunder Calamity Eye Technique.

After a round of attack, Zhao Feng entire group immediately rushed out.

Although now they can contend with Half-Step God Lord, but if they continue to fight, they must be unable to support it first.

“You don’t want to escape!”

The Ancient God Yu Hai complexion sank, and immediately followed.

“Kill, kill!”

Ancient God Cheng Yun both eyes Blood red, the entire consciousness is dominated by anger and killing intent, attacking Ancient God Yu Hai frantically.

A deep Profound Truth of Time descended on the Ancient God Yu Hai body, affecting his state and reducing his speed.

“Damn, this guy!”

Ancient God Yu Hai was extremely angry.

The demonized Ancient God Cheng Yun is extremely quick and strangely fast, and the resistance to Soul attack seems to be stronger than their Ancient Soul Clan, which is very difficult to entangle.

In addition, Ancient God Yu Hai and the others do not yet know where they offended the thought body that controlled Ancient God Cheng Yun.

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