King of Gods

Chapter 1361

Scarlet Star Region.

The battle between Ancient Soul Palace and Giant God Clan completely destroyed a land.

The fighting between the two parties was not long, Giant God Clan hurriedly evacuated, and Ancient Soul Palace was also busy searching the whereabouts of Xin Wuhen and Ancient God Seal, without continuing entanglement.

Above the sky above Heavens, the atmosphere in the black palace complex was extremely depressed.

“Master Tianming, no trace of Xin Wuhen and the others!”

An Ancient Soul Palace man, kneeling on one knee, shaking his body.

“A bunch of useless idiots!”

At the top of the great hall, God Lord Tian Ming suddenly made a low roaring sound.

In the face of the Giant God Clan desperately obstructed before, they broke through with all their strength, instantly opened a gap, sent three Ancient Gods, and urged that they just follow Xin Wuhen and the others.

However, they could not do such a simple task and lost their lives.

In the great hall, many high-level complexion gloomy of Ancient Soul Palace are embarrassed.

This time, they were on time and attacked, but unexpectedly let Xin Wuhen escape with the Ancient God Seal.

If Giant God Clan really turned on “Ancestral Lost Treasury” and got a big opportunity in it, it is likely to grow instantly, and then Ancient Soul Palace will be in danger.

“God Lord Tian Ming, why are you so angry?”

At this moment, a relaxing old voice suddenly sounded in the great hall.

Everyone’s complexion in the great hall has changed abruptly. At this time, some people dare to show such a happy look in front of God Lord Tian Ming, it is really bold and recklessly.


In the great hall, one old and one young suddenly appeared.

The old man figure is tall, the whole body is covered with simple and unadorned textures, the white beard is mopping the floor, and a silver stick is held in his hands, such as the deep eyes of the starry sky, staring at God Lord Tian Ming above the great hall.

The young man next to the old man has almost the same appearance as the old man, but he is very handsome and elegant.


Many high-level complexion changes in the great hall.

The palace complex where they are located is guarded by a formation, and the great hall of this parliament is also protected by a barrier.

But the young, the young and the young, as if in no one’s realm, came here directly.

What’s more shocking to them is that they don’t know how the two broke into here.

“God Lord Xingxiang, you are finally here!”

God Lord Tian Ming complexion suddenly calmed down, looked towards old man.

“God Lord!”

Seeing God Lord Tian Ming speak, everyone knew that newcomer was not an enemy, but the identity of the old man surprised them.

“As you expected, we did not retrieve the Ancient God Seal!”

God Lord Tian Ming said again.

When Ancient Soul Palace was about to attack Giant God Clan, God Lord Xingxiang told him that the Ancient God Seal could not be obtained during this trip.

God Lord Tian Ming was very angry at first, and the Ancient Soul Palace is so powerful, how could it not deal with the Giant God Clan remnant, so it was determined to win the Ancient God Seal.

But in the end it failed.

“What, this God Lord, unexpectedly arrived!”

The hearts of the people present were shaking again, and they could not calm down for a long time.

Everyone looked at the old one and the young one solemnly, but found that they could not see through everything, as if the other party was God Lord, but they had not noticed before.

“I’m delayed by something. What I asked you to do, do it!”

God Lord Xingxiang smiled.

“Already ready, please!”

God Lord Tian Ming immediately stood up.

Today, Giant God Clan is afraid that Already will turn on Ancestral Lost Treasury. Ancient God Palace can only rely on God Lord Xingxiang to save the situation.

Subsequently, the two God Lords, and all experts in the great hall, moved to another secret place.

A single space of Void, there is a huge stone platform, there is a great formation outlined by a golden silver light line on the stone platform, and a hazy light map above the great formation is like a starry sky.

“When Giant God Clan opens Ancestral Lost Treasury, follow your instructions to determine the approximate location of Ancestral Lost Treasury!”

God Lord Tian Ming smiled wickedly.

Ancestral Lost Treasury is a separate Space with a erratic track and may float anywhere between the Brahma Universe.

When Giant God Clan opened Ancestral Lost Treasury, they conveniently used special means to determine the location of the treasure house.

“Do you really have a way to open the ancestral treasure house again?”

God Lord Tian Ming asked tentatively.

He was also a member of the Ancient God Palace and had some knowledge of Ancestral Lost Treasury.

This treasure library is not only erratic, but also channels can only be established through the Ancient God Seal.

Open Ancestral Lost Treasury again!

Ancient God Palace has many experts, staring at the old and young with a shocked look.

“Although the Space can only be opened through the Ancient God Seal, the Space already doesn’t know how many billion years Dao Scripture has gone through, and coupled with the lack of control, the Space itself should have many loopholes.”

God Lord Xingxiang said flatly.

Listening to his words, everyone knows that the other party is sure to open Ancestral Lost Treasury again!

“If you know about that Space, even the Giant God Clan ancestor who got the Ancient God Seal is far worse than the old man, so rest assured!”

God Lord Xingxiang smiled confidently.

“God Lord Xingxiang joked, how could Giant God Clan and you onion on equal terms!”

God Lord Tian Ming laughed.

The rest of the Ancient God expert, listening to the words of the two God Lords, listened more and more shocked!

This suddenly appeared God Lord Xingxiang, who are you? To make God Lord Tian Ming so respected, he can once again establish a channel to Ancestral Lost Treasury, claiming to know more about Ancestral Lost Treasury than the Giant God Clan.


God Lord Xingxiang directly took out a huge metal octagonal table with a secret array of Heavens Secret already arranged on it.

That great formation all around, there are XNUMX small holes, which are inlaid with extremely rare stones and treasures.

In the center of great formation, there is a sparkling and translucent white light group, and the Divine Power fluctuations emitted by it make everyone present can’t help.

“This is the top grade God Crystal. I will not say much about the financial resources and materials consumed in the layout of this great formation. For this operation, Ancient Soul Palace will not take my command and take responsibility for the consequences!”

God Lord Xingxiang expression suddenly ice-cold.

“Top grade God Crystal!”

God Lord Tian Ming eyes startled.

Top grade God Crystal in the Wild God Region, just like the top ten races of Immemorial, is almost extinct, very rare, and priceless.

The top grade God Crystal in the center of the great formation looks broken, but its value is still inestimable.

God Lord Xingxiang’s last words of “take responsibility for the consequences” did not make him angry, but made him so solemn.

“Today, this great formation can send about ten experts under the God Lord cultivation base into it!”

God Lord Xingxiang indifferently said.

Immediately after that, God Lord Tian Ming immediately selected his staff.

All high-level officials here are vying for places.

That Ancestral Lost Treasury, it is said that there is a secret to promote God Lord.

For Ancient God expert, the greatest wish of this life is to break through God Lord, even if it is dangerous, they are willing to give it a try.

First, God Lord Tian Ming selected the only three Half-Step God Lords at Ancient Soul Palace.

Secondly, there are Ninth-Rank Ancient God and Eighth-Rank Peak.

“My disciple is the commander of this operation!”

God Lord Xingxiang suddenly spoke.

Everyone glanced, God Lord Xingxiang’s disciple has a cultivation base of Ninth-Rank Ancient God although he is young.

Immediately, God Lord Tian Ming removed one person.

In the end, a ten-member squad formed smoothly.

“Yu Heng, set off!”

God Lord Xingxiang whispered.


Ancestral Lost Treasury.

Zhao Feng entire group, watch out for stealth.

Today, they are within a month of Areadstral Lost Treasury.

Because of the suppression of Profound Truth of Time, everyone is moving slowly, and there is also suppression of Magical Powers such as Space teleport here.

Coupled with the crisis here, everyone dared not rush to teleport, so the area that a month has passed is not too far away.

“Hey, this Ancient God Seal only has orientation sensing, I don’t know how far the Item body is!”

Xin Wuhen sighed.

Already for a month, they have not found the treasure house where Giant God Clan remains here.

“Look ahead!”

Ancient God Hua Cai said suddenly.

I saw that there was a black giant peak in the far direction, all around was filled with a faint black dense fog. / p>

As he approached, Zhao Feng discovered that the outer edge of the black mountain peak had a few years of inferior Precious Materials.

“This mountain peak is in the same direction as the Ancient God Seal. Will the Giant Treasure Clan’s treasure trove be on it?”

Ancient God Cheng Yun whispered.

Everyone can’t help get closer to the black mountain peak, and the closer they are, the more Precious Materials rank is found growing all around, and constantly improves.

Sometimes, there are one or two Precious Materials that make Eye-Rank Ancient God dazzling.

But at this time, everyone did not rush.

This place is obviously a Treasure Land, and it must be accompanied by a corresponding crisis.

Meow meow!

At this time, Small Thieving Cat suddenly burst out, and made a gesture to Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng’s gaze was looking forward, and his perspective ability was stimulated. His vision extended farther than the Spiritual Sense.


Zhao Feng suddenly shouted.

“what’s the situation?”

Xin Wuhen asked.

“Demon God group, in this black mountain peak, encircle the Demon Beast group!”

Zhao Feng immediately said.

As soon as this word came out, everyone immediately felt the scalp feeling numb.

Demon God here is far more powerful than the outside world, and the reason is Profound Truth of Time.

In the previous month, everyone has encountered many Demon Gods, and almost all of them have mastered Profound Truth of Time, which is very difficult.

At this moment, they are actually approaching a Demon God community!


The crowd fled without a word.

Profound Truth of Time is too powerful, and it will be difficult for everyone to escape if they are followed by the Demon Beast group.

“This mountain is too dangerous, I hope the treasure house is not on it!”

Xin Wuhen took a deep breath, bypassing the black mountain and moving on.

With more and more experiences, everyone became more afraid of Ancestral Lost Treasury.

Even if they are Ancient God, if they are not careful, they are likely to die again.

After bypassing the black mountain, the direction guided by the Ancient God Seal remains the same, everyone is happy with the complexion, and continue to move forward.

Suddenly, the white halo on the Ancient God Seal increased a bit.

“Hurry up, Giant God Clan Treasury!”

Xin Wuhen said excitedly.

Inside Ancestral Lost Treasury, although treasure is everywhere, it is too dangerous.

Giant God Clan’s treasure trove is not dangerous to them as Giant God Clan.

Soon, there was a dark yellow castle with an incomparable gigantic in front of the crowd.

“Giant God Clan Treasury!”

Ancient God Hua Cai complexion A joy.

Unexpectedly, not far from the black mountain was the treasure house of Giant God Clan.

As long as everything in the treasure house is obtained, the mission of this trip is basically completed, and it can also be accounted to other clansman.

“Somewhat wrong!”

Zhao Feng suddenly spoke.

According to his Left Eye observation, the treasure house built by Giant God Clan has all around, there are many special traces, and there are still remaining auras.

After approaching it for a distance, Zhao Feng saw some of the conditions inside, and the complexion changed greatly.

“The treasure house of Giant God Clan seems to be occupied by the Demon God group!”

Zhao Feng said a news that made Giant God Clan thunder.

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