King of Gods

Chapter 1360

At the same time, a vicissitudes of ancient Immemorial aura rushed forward.

I don’t need to think much about it, it feels like this is an old Antiquity Space.

Next to Zhao Feng, Xin Wuhen and the others are there.

The first reaction of all people is to observe all around immediately.

After all, everyone knew nothing about Ancestral Lost Treasury, and even Xin Wuhen was the first enters into the.


Zhao Feng was slightly surprised.

After trying it out, he found that here, he suppressed his Spiritual Sense and all kinds of senses to 10%.

Originally, as an Ancient God, Spiritual Sense swept away, and he was able to control everything from 100,000 to XNUMX Li.

But now, Spiritual Sense only has a range of about 30000 li.

looked towards the expressions of others, seeming to be astonished by this powerful suppression.

However, even if Zhao Feng’s sights were restricted, his vision was far beyond ordinary people.

He also found that if he was fully motivated to see, his vision would be improved.

“The restrictions here don’t stop there!”

Xin Wuhen suddenly made a noise.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone noticed something different.

Xin Wuhen speaks a bit slower than usual.

“Profound Truth of Time!”

Zhao Feng felt it too.

After all, his Profound Truth of Time also reached 4th Layer Peak.

“How could this be?”

Ancient God Po Yue is incredible.

At this moment, everyone’s speaking and communicating are a little bit slower than usual.

“No matter how much it is, it is important to find a treasure house!”

Xin Wuhen said directly.

When he inherited the Ancient God Seal, the Giant God Clan God Lord once said that treasures in Ancestral Lost Treasury were full of opportunities and crises, and Giant God Clan had built a private treasure house in a certain location where Giant was stored. A precious resource accumulated by God Clan.


Xin Wuhen took out the Ancient God Seal.

According to the Ancient God Seal, he could perceive the approximate location of the treasure house built by Giant God Clan.

With the direction, everyone went forward while observing this isolated space.

“Look there!”

Ancient God Cheng Yun cried out in surprise, pointing somewhere to the left.

That place was just within the limits of the sense of Spiritual Sense.

It was a small puddle. Several pale white flowers and plants were growing in the nearest puddle of distance.

“It’s just the ordinary ‘time yuan flower’, make a fuss about nothing!”

Ancient God Po Yue hummed.

Profound Truth of Time is extremely powerful and extremely difficult to get started, and its related cultivate Precious Materials are also very precious.

Shi Yuanhua is a relatively low-level and universal time cultivate Precious Materials, overwhelming majority low-order True God, will buy some Yuan Yuanhua, try to see Profound Truth of Time.

If it is difficult to get started, simply give up, if you can realize something, it means that there is innate talent of cultivate Profound Truth of Time ……

“I don’t think you tried cultivate Profound Truth of Time when you were still True God!”

Ancient God Cheng Yun smiled indifferently.

The Ancient God Po Yue complexion was a bit rigid. He thought Profound Truth of Time was too difficult and did not increase in attack, so he never thought about cultivating this Profound Truth.

Zhao Feng also listened to everything. He had directly broken through to Seventh-Rank Ancient God, and did not have the experience of those lower-order True God.

“Shi Yuanhua is not precious, mainly because of its strong life force. After a long period of time, it gradually has the strength of Profound Truth of Time, and a petal means that it has a lifespan of XNUMX million years!”

Ancient God Hua Cai took a deep breath and stared at the distance in surprise.

Zhao Feng’s gaze was condensed, and the overwhelming majority of the flowers of those epoch flowers were more than six, and there were twelve of them.

“1.2 billion years!”

Zhao Feng exclaimed whispering.

He has seen cultivate Precious Materials for the first time.

Sou sou sou !

The next moment, everyone flew towards the puddle.

Although Shi Yuanhua is a low-level cultivate Precious Materials, its life span reaches one billion years, and even ordinary Precious Materials will become Treasure.

When the people allocated the Yuanyuan flowers, they found that there are some Precious Materials in the puddles not far ahead. These Precious Materials have different categories. For Ancient God, they are not very precious, but the key The thing is, the years are extremely long.

“This is a treasure trove!”

Ancient God Cheng Yun sighed, can’t help flew away.

“First wait!”

Xin Wuhen suddenly made a noise.

When inheriting the Ancient God Seal, the elder Giant God Clan once said that Ancestral Lost Treasury had many opportunities, but the crisis was also widespread.

Everyone just found a few primordial flowers. He didn’t think much about it, but there were still many Precious Materials in front of it. Already can be regarded as a place of small opportunities, so the danger must exist.

The crowd ’s Spiritual Sense senses are suppressed to 10% here. If there is an obstacle, it will be lower, so it ’s better to be careful.

Hong long long !

At this moment, everyone felt that the earth suddenly trembled slightly.

I saw, Subterranean not far from Ancient God Cheng Yun, suddenly rushed out a Demon God like Snake Dragon.

The Demon God body is smooth silvery white, with a pair of white eyes, staring at everyone, cold light chilly.

At the moment when Demon God appeared, everyone felt the power of each other, integrated with heaven and earth’s intangible suppression, and made everyone feel extremely depressed.

“It’s just the Eighth-Rank Peak. It actually makes me scared!”

Ancient God Cheng Yun stared at the Demon God, complexion startled.

“Disturb me to rest and move things on my site. Let you be fertilizer for this land today!”

Dragon Snake Demon God low roaring sound, figure rushed out of the twist.


Silver light flashes, that Dragon Snake Demon God directly approached Ancient God Cheng Yun, it opened its mouth wide, and a powerful Divine Power wave came out.

“So fast!”

Ancient God Cheng Yun complexion changed slightly, immediately backed up.

But he found that he was hindered by a powerful Profound Truth of Time, at least twice as slow as before.

call out!

Xin Wuhen immediately excited bloodline strength and rushed out.

Giant God Clan’s powerful Bloodline weakened the influence of the Profound Truth of Time on him.

“Yanfeng Palm!”

Xin Wuhen runs Divine Power, launches a wonderful Concept, absorbs heaven and earth wind and fire strength, and integrates into attack.

Boom hu hu!

A huge wind and fire, giant palm, whistled out.

The Yanfeng Palm originally belonged to the explosive attack, but it was much slower here.

“hmph , such insignificant ability !”

The Dragon Snake Demon God body twisted, emitting a deep Profound Truth of Time strength, diffused all around.

Suddenly, Xin Wuhen’s attack was hindered by Profound Truth of Time, and it became even slower.

And the Dragon Snake Demon God moved a little to avoid this attack.


For a while, everyone, including Xin Wuhen, was a little speechless.

“This Profound Truth of Time of Demon God reaches at least 7th Layer!”

Zhao Feng exclaimed.

Although Profound Truth of Time cannot increase the power of Divine Power attack, it can be classified as one of the most powerful Profound Truth.

With Xin Wuhen’s strength, ordinary Ninth-Rank Ancient God can’t survive a few tricks in his hands, but now the Demon God of the Eighth-Rank Peak can deal with it.


Ancient God Cheng Yun was blasted back a few miles by the Demon God of Eighth-Rank Peak.

But as a Giant God Clan Bloodline, his defense is extremely powerful.

In addition, he found that although this Demon God is powerful and Profound Truth of Time is powerful and surprised everyone, its Divine Power attack is only close to Ninth-Rank Ancient God, which is not too outrageous.

“Go together!”

Ancient God Hua Cai is directly shouted.

Then a group of five people joined forces to deal with this Dragon Snake Demon God.

A moment of fighting, Dragon Snake Demon God discovered that these human strengths are extraordinary, and even if they rely on Profound Truth of Time, they cannot deal with them.

During this period, Zhao Feng also tried to use Eye Technique attack, and found that Demon God’s Soul Will was very tenacious and very resistant to Soul attack.

“You wicked race!”

Dragon Snake Demon God is seriously injured and wants to escape.

“Where to go!”

Ancient God Hua Cai immediately drank and took out a restraining Divine Tool.

They had a team of five and besieged an Eighth-Rank Demon God. If they let the other run away, how to survive.

In the end, the five of them came up with some true ability to quickly kill Dragon Snake Demon God.

After dissecting it, everyone found that this Demon God is a treasure.

For example, the “Water Spirit Serpent Ridge” contain water, Profound Truth of Time strength, is an excellent material for refining and restraining Divine Weapon. After taking “Water Element Heart Vein”, it can increase the level of life and strengthen the Spirit Transformation body crystal vein. Repairing dark diseases can also be used as cultivate Precious Materials for Profound Truth of Time.

Through Dissection, everyone found that Demon God’s Lifespan has reached more than 1 billion years, and the material of its body is also very valuable because of its long time.

“No wonder it’s so tough!”

Zhao Feng said in surprise.

Even if Cultivator, who is innate talent, stays in the same Realm for 1 billion years, it can sweep the same rank.

This Ancestral Lost Treasury seems really unusual.

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