King of Gods

Chapter 1362

Within the black palace complex above Heavens.


God Lord Tian Ming complexion can’t help Yi Xi.

Before, he was still worried about whether there would be any problems with this transmission formula, and he suggested to try it with a Demon Beast.

But God Lord Xingxiang’s disciple was the first enters into the formation, which also eliminated his suspicion and suspicion.

After all, God Lord Xingxiang does not make fun of his disciple life.

Moreover, each person transmitting consumes a huge amount of money. After ten people successfully transmit, even the teleportation formation is damaged.

“After my disciple enters into the one, Arrange will sense the great formation, increase the transmission rate of this great formation, and reduce the consumption, but the energy of this teleportation formation is almost exhausted, and it is also damaged. teleportation! “

God Lord Xingxiang said flatly.

At the beginning Xin Wuhen also fled with four people, and the cultivation base was not up to Ninth-Rank. It is reasonable to say that the team of Ancient Soul Palace should be able to crush the opponent directly.

Meanwhile, God Lord Xingxiang is lost in thought.

When he was just transmitting, he suddenly felt a deep Dao of Destiny Law and intervened.

In the Wild God Region, Dao of Destiny is not much better than him.

“What is don’t tell me?”

God Lord Xingxiang’s eyes are deeper.

In fact, when he arrived here, he felt an invisible fate strength that was interfering with him, so he was much later than expected.

And all around the rest, marveled at the amazing means of God Lord Xingxiang.

Ancient Soul Palace is only responsible for the location of Ancestral Lost Treasury, but God Lord Xingxiang was able to quickly find loopholes through this, and go deeper to establish a transmission channel.

Ancestral Lost Treasury.

Yu Heng and Ancient Soul Palace and the others fell over a swamp forest.

“This is Ancestral Lost Treasury of Giant God Clan?”

“So much suppression!”

Everyone was uncomfortable from the beginning, and they were still feeling.

Only Disciple Yu Heng of God Lord Xingxiang, that bland face suddenly burst into a smile.

“Three divisions, the goal is to find the Ancient God Seal!”

Yu Heng opened the mouth and said.

The actual range in this film is extremely wide, and it cannot be called a “treasure” at all.

Coupled with the suppression of time and space, it is not easy to find someone in it.

Three Half-Step God Lord, complexion is a little embarrassing.

When they came here, what they valued more was the secret to promote God Lord.

At this moment, he actually had to obey a Ninth-Rank Ancient God.

But the characters behind Yu Heng, they have also seen, God Lord Xingxiang not only means Opening Heaven, but even God Lord Tian Ming maintains a trace of awe.

In the end, the Ancient Soul Palace was composed of ten people and smoothly divided into three teams.

Each squad is led by a Half-Step God Lord.

“This is the map information here, but the actual situation may be very different from the map. After all, it has been too long …”

Yu Heng came up with a very large map.

The map is very simple, only roughly outlines the terrain, and then marks some particularly dangerous areas.

a glance Looking around, everyone found that the place marked with danger was actually more than four or fifty places!

But even more shocking is that Yu Heng actually has map information here.


On the other side, Giant God Clan and the others, slowly approaching the Giant God Clan treasure house.

People other than Zhao Feng also gradually noticed some signs that Zhao Feng was right. This place was indeed occupied by the Demon God group.

“How could this be, captured by Demon Beast!”

Ancient God Hua Cai is slightly decadent.

“After a long time, the giant God Clan’s treasure house gradually weakened and damaged the barrier, and was broken by Demon Beast and occupied …”

Xin Wuhen sighed.

The occupation of the Giant God Clan Treasury is indeed a very huge blow for them.

With all the resources in it, Giant God Clan can quickly grow and grow in a short period of time.

But at this moment, according to Zhao Feng’s description, there are more than twenty Demon Gods in it.

As for Ninth-Rank Demon God, according to observations, there are two or so, of which the leader is far beyond the ordinary Ninth-Rank.

Such terrifying Demon God groups, even if they team up and play all their cards, they may be killed.

And here Demon God is good at Profound Truth of Space-Time. Once everyone decides to make a hard break, there is no escape route.

“In this case, we can only go elsewhere and collect resources!”

Xin Wuhen immediately pondered the solution.

Although the resources here are rich and precious, collecting around is definitely not as good as directly obtaining the resources in the Giant God Clan treasure house.

In addition, most of the resources here are Profound Truth of Space-Time. Giant God Clan wants resources to improve cultivation base and strength in a short time.

In addition, gathering resources everywhere will face many unknown crises.

“It’s not impossible!”

Just then, Zhao Feng’s voice suddenly sounded.

The body shook suddenly and looked at Zhao Feng.

“Taking the strength of the Giant God Clan treasure trove with our strength is indeed striking a stone with an egg, but we can use other strengths!”

Zhao Feng expressed his thoughts.

Ancient God Cheng Yun suddenly confessed a glance: “Demon God here, the degree of hatred against Outsiders, you have seen it before, how could they help us?”

“You are so stupid to provoke alienation, wouldn’t murder a person with a borrowed knife?”

Zhao Feng slightly smiled, slightly disdainful.

Ancient God Cheng Yun complexion suddenly froze, and others understood it completely when Zhao Feng said this sentence.

“In the previous black mountain peak, there happened to be a Demon Beast group!”

Xin Wuhen perceives Zhao Feng’s strategy.

“You mean, use the strength of another Demon God group to contain the Demon God group in the treasure house, and then we take the opportunity to sneak into the treasure house and seize resources!”

Ancient God Hua Cai was startled.

Although the strategy is very good, but if there is a mistake, the people will face the siege of the two Demon Beast groups, it is definitely dead.

“Zhao Feng, you should have a way!”

Xin Wuhen speculated.

From his understanding, Zhao Feng rarely did anything unsure.

“Small Thieving Cat, it’s your turn!”

Zhao Feng said to the Silver Gray Cat on his shoulder.

“What kind of cat is this cat?”

Xin Wuhen murmured in his heart.

In the Continental domain, this Small Thieving Cat accompanied Zhao Feng.

At that time he couldn’t see through Small Thieving Cat, now he can’t see through.

Meow meow!

Small Thieving Cat reluctantly agreed, and then made a look of responsibility.

call out!

Small Thieving Cat understands Zhao Feng’s plan, figure jumps out, hidden Void Escape in the air, and slowly approaches the Giant God Clan treasure house.

“What a deep Space Escape method!”

Ancient God Po Yue was suddenly surprised.

“That cat doesn’t seem to be suppressed here!”

Xin Wuhen found out from the action of Small Thieving Cat just now.

Zhao Feng ordered nodded, Small Thieving Cat is indeed not suppressed here, which makes him a little jealous. What secrets Heavens Secret Cat contains are so special.

But it was also because of this that he let Small Thieving Cat go.

The first step of the plan is for Small Thieving Cat to lead a single Demon God.

Long after Small Thieving Cat left, Zhao Feng suddenly acted and everyone immediately followed.

“Stop, Wildcat!”

I saw a cruel silver giant tiger chasing Small Thieving Cat.

The silver giant tiger is just Eighth-Rank Demon God, who is good at Profound Truth of Time, but still being turned around by the Small Thieving Cat.

“Well, the Small Thieving Cat successfully seduced a single Demon God!”

Zhao Feng slightly smiled.

When the silver giant tiger and the distance treasure house were far away, Zhao Feng entire group suddenly rushed out.


The silver giant tiger was immediately aware of it and was about to escape. After all, there were too many people on the other side, and one person aura reached Ninth-Rank.

But at this moment, Small Thieving Cat waved with two claws, releasing a powerful Profound Truth of Sealing, sealing the strength of the silver giant tiger.

Originally there was only Eighth-Rank cultivation base, and the silver-white giant tiger was directly overtaken by Zhao Feng and the others.

“Control it!”

Zhao Feng loudly shouted.

Giant God Clan and the others, encloses the silver giant tiger, and constantly strikes at its Soul Will.

“Dark Heart Seal!”

p> Zhao Feng Left Eye condensed a Lightning Glow print, and instantly burned it down.

“Okay, the first step was successful!”

Zhao Feng whispered.

After enslaving this Demon God, Zhao Feng had a more detailed understanding of the Demon God group in the treasure house.

Then, Zhao Feng used this Demon God to easily seduce two Demon Gods, one of which had an Eighth-Rank Peak.

Today, Zhao Feng has slaved three silver tigers Demon God.

“Okay, now we’re going to pick another Demon Beast group!”

Zhao Feng smiled compostnt.


Ancient God Hua Cai can’t help Marvel.

Not long after, Zhao Feng entire group came near the giant black peak.

Zhao Feng controls the three Silver Tiger Demon Gods, breaks into them, kills the Demon Gods in Heifeng, and releases provocative words.

At first, the Demon God group in Black Peak was unmoved.

However, under the provocation of the Silver Tiger Demon God, they finally became angry and sent a powerful Demon God to prepare to question the Demon God group in the treasure house.

Prior to this, Zhao Feng took control of the three Silver Tigers Demon God and returned to the Giant God Clan Treasury.

“Boss, the demon group of Heifeng Mountain hurt us and killed our companions!”

“They also said that they would attack sooner or later, kill your sick tiger, and swallow our territory!”

Zhao Feng asked two Silver Tigers Demon God to complain about the Demon God leader.

“impossible !”

The giant tiger with its huge body, covered with strange dark silver stripes, flickering in the beast pupil.

And not long after, the Demon God in the Black Wind Mountain arrived, and the Silver Tiger Demon God group directly killed it.

The Demon God here is violently addictive and easy to provoke; things are getting worse. Less than a month, the two Demon God groups fight directly.

In the treasure house and the black mountain center, the two Demon Beast groups fight together.

“If you say I’m a sick tiger, let me see how good you are as a fat snake!”

The silver giant tiger screamed at Tianyi, and slaughtered with a huge silver-green python.

Both are Ninth-Rank Peak’s cultivation base, fighting Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering.

Especially the deep Profound Truth of Time, which makes others unable to see their movements, and once approaching, it is like entering into the slow motion world, making it difficult.


Zhao Feng whispered.

Subsequently, Zhao Feng and Xin Wuhen approached the treasure house quickly.

Xin Wuhen’s strength is deep, and Zhao Feng is good at hiding and infiltrating, and it is not easy to be detected by Demon God who guards the treasure house.

Ancient God Hua Cai and the others left directly to handle the response, while Small Thieving Cat was near the battlefield. Once Demon God returned, Zhao Feng could immediately detect it.

“This side!”

Xin Wuhen sound transmission.

This is the treasure house built by Giant God Clan, the topography and layout of which he knows best.

However, through the perspective, Zhao Feng suddenly found that the terrain of the treasure house seemed exactly the same as a small map portrayed inside the Ancient God Seal.

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