King of Gods

Chapter 1345

Luo Ling Ancient God suddenly appeared, a move to dissolve You Quan Ancient God’s Eye Technique.

At the same time, a heaven and earth power belonging to Ninth-Rank Ancient God swept away all around.

This might delay a few nearby Eight-Rank and Seventh-Rank’s attacks.

“Ninth-Rank Ancient God!”

You Quan Ancient God stared at Luo Ling Ancient God, shocked and lost his voice.

Luo Ling Ancient God apparently met Zhao Feng but never appeared, which made him a little disturbed.

Now he finally understands that Luo Ling Ancient God is hiding in the space inside Space-Time Robe, taking heaven liquid liquid, cultivate breakthrough!

Originally, although the strength of Zhao Feng’s group was unusual, there were two Ninth-Rank Ancient Gods on Sky Devil Hall. No matter what, they had a big advantage.

But now, there was a Ninth-Rank Ancient God on Zhao Feng’s side, which caused the triumph of the victory to tilt slightly.

“It actually broke through to Ninth-Rank!”

Ancient Thunder Flame Dragon stared at Luo Ling Ancient God, complexion sinking.

He had previously played against Luo Ling Ancient God. Although Luo Ling Ancient God couldn’t hit him, the other person wholeheartedly wanted to escape, and Ancient Thunder Flame Dragon had no way.

Today, Luo Ling Ancient God breakthrough to Ninth-Rank Ancient God is even more difficult.

Hong long long !

Luo Ling Ancient God just resisted the attack of You Quan Ancient God, the attack of the others present, at this moment, all came.

“Space-time barrier!”

Zhao Feng urged Space-Time Robe to release a layer of space phantoms.

At the same time, Luo Ling Ancient God Eye of Space-Time started to run, releasing a layer of virtual white light ball.

The virtual white light ball merged with Zhao Feng’s space-time barrier, and finally enveloped the two.

The two have had a cooperation experience, and this time they joined forces and became more harmonious.


When the attack of the members of Sky Devil Hall came into contact with the phantom ball of light of all around, they were immediately affected by Profound Truth of Space-Time.

Not only did the attack power weaken, but it also became extremely slow.

During this period, Zhao Feng and Luo Ling Ancient God quickly got rid, destroying all attack, one after another.

The tacit cooperation between the two people surprised everyone at the complexion, and they were more certain that they were Space-Time Holy Land people and that they had a great relationship.

“Many thanks your god liquid liquid!”

Luo Ling Ancient God said thankfully.

She is originally Eighth-Rank Peak, the probability of success is indeed very high, and taking Divine Liquid Cultivate breakthrough, there will be no foundation instability.

What’s more important is that now that her cultivation base reaches Ninth-Rank, she won’t have to swallow as much as before, and even she can go to the secret temple again.

“It’s just a deal, I’m not helping you unconditionally!”

Zhao Feng said casually.

Zhao Feng helped Luo Ling Ancient God breakthrough Ninth-Rank, and the corresponding condition was that Luo Ling Ancient God and Zhao Feng killed the enemy together.

For a long time, Zhao Feng had been hiding in Tibet, and now he can finally export his anger.

If there is no one to communicate with each other, the complexion of all around Sky Devil Hall members changes.

“Hehe, even if you break through arrived Ninth-Rank, don’t tell me can you go out alive?”

Just then, You Quan Ancient God coldly smiled.

The people of Space-Time Holy Land are still so arrogant that no one looks.

At this moment, Zhao Feng’s conspiracy is finally exposed, but it cannot affect the overall situation, so You Quan Ancient God is not worried.

“Break the kill!”

You Quan Ancient God immediately ordered.

Bang bang bang!

Zhao Feng and Luo Ling Ancient God all around, a huge aura, soaring into the sky, the entire Sky Devil Hall seems to be shaking.

The next moment, the two all around, there were several sharp lights of Divine Power attack.

“You guys come out too!”

Zhao Feng loudly shouted.


Next to him, World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon, Zhao Wang and Small Thieving Cat appeared directly.

After taking Divine Liquid, Zhao Wang successfully broke through to Seventh-Rank Ancient God and was qualified to participate in the battle of Zhao Feng.

“One more person!”

You Quan Ancient God brows slightly wrinkle.

Although he has never seen Zhao Wang, Zhao Wang is just a Seventh-Rank Ancient God, You Quan Ancient God not at all cares too much.

Hong long long !

Ancient Thunder Flame Dragon carries the amazing Thunder Fire Lightning Glow and rushes towards Luo Ling Ancient God.

“Let me see, have you risen since you broke Ninth-Rank!”

Ancient Thunder Flame Dragon whole body shrouded the amazing thunderbolt fire cloud and slammed into Luo Ling Ancient God.

The terrifying heaven and earth might, even if it was Luo Ling Ancient God, the complexion was a condensate and could only dodge.

Ancient Thunder Flame Dragon was given to Luo Ling Ancient God, and Zhao Feng was looking for his own goal.


Zhao Feng is speedy, figure flashes, approaching an Eight-Rank Ancient God.

The Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror in his hand was suddenly urged, in which seven thunderclap chains were issued, directly binding and binding the opponent’s Soul.


“Wind-Thunder Eye Fire!”

At the same time, Zhao Feng struck a group of dim light punches with one strike, and a Thunder Fire flame burst out from Left Eye.

For a moment, the Eight-Rank Ancient God was defeated, and a wounded Soul body was included in Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror by Zhao Feng.

“How is that possible? Instantly kill Eighth-Rank Ancient God!”

“Isn’t he just breaking through Eighth-Rank? How could he be so powerful!”

Many Ancient God experts nearby shooked out and started a distance with Zhao Feng.

The Battle Strength shown by Zhao Feng is terrifying. No one is his opponent except You Quan Ancient God, Twin God Xie Sheng and Ancient Thunder Flame Dragon.

Just then, on the other side, a scream came from a Seventh-Rank Ancient God.

I saw, there was a black hole in the body of the Seventh-Rank Ancient God that contained a thick Death Qi, constantly sucking his life.

“Death spell!”

Zhao Wang waved Death Curse Staff to cast the next magic spell, strength.

The body of the Seventh-Rank Ancient God was immediately shrouded in a dim, haunted ghost, and his condition continued to decline.

Combining Death Curse and Death Black Hole, within a short time, the Seventh-Rank Ancient God was spiked by Zhao Wang.

“The descendant of Death God Eye … really strong strength!”

“The Divine Tool in his hand is like the top grade Divine Tool Death Curse Staff!”

A descendant of Death God Eye screamed.

Death Curse Staff, but the top grade attack Divine Tool of the descent of Death God Eye, can cooperate with Eye of Death, which also contains the strength of the curse, with Profound Truth of Death, the power is unmatched.

“Another top grade Divine Tool!”

You Quan Ancient God’s eyes flickered, and Zhao Feng felt more and more unpredictable.

Boom bang!

On the other side, a devastating Heaven shaking Aura swept away.

The World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon increased in size by a few points, turned into a fierce Flood Dragon, and raised his hands to give off his heart-stretching strength.

“Every Ancient God is so powerful!”

Twin God Xie Sheng was a bit shocked.

In addition to Zhao Wang and World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon, the other Small Thieving Cat is even more mysterious and unpredictable.

“Heavens Secret Cat let me, you guys deal with that kid!”

You Quan Ancient God suddenly shouted.

Although he hates Zhao Feng, it’s important to capture Heavens Secret Cat right now.

Although Twin God Xie Sheng Battle Strength is strong, it has too few means to deal with Heavens Secret Cat.

“Boy, obediently die!”

Twin God Xie Sheng finds the target and immediately strikes.

However, Zhao Feng didn’t care about them at all.

唰 Shua!

He combines the Golden Thunder Light Wing Technique with void flickering, and the speed of the Body Movement is close to that of the Small Thieving Cat.

After flying quickly, Zhao Feng directly killed a Seventh-Rank Ancient God.

“Nine Thunders Soul Refiner!”

Zhao Feng urged Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror to swallow the other side’s Soul in less than two breaths.

This is Sky Devil Hall. The longer you drag, the more people will come over.

So Zhao Feng’s strategy is to kill the persimmon first.

“Damn, this guy has Space-Time Robe, how can we not catch up …”

The Twin God Xie Sheng complexion is a little embarrassed, so make an excuse for yourself.

Just then, Zhao Feng already forced another person.

“Stop him!”

Twin God Xie Sheng immediately exclaimed.

However, no one can stop Zhao Feng.

When Twin God Xie Sheng rushed over, another member died in the hands of Zhao Feng.

“it is good!”

Cried Luo Ling Ancient God, who was at war with Yan Gulong.

Originally, their side was in a weak position, but now the weak position is gradually reversed.

On the other side, You Quan Ancient God, who is hunting down Heavens Secret Cat, also feels very tricky.

“It’s not the way to go!”

You Quan Ancient God complexion Sink.

Luo Ling Ancient God breakthrough Ninth-Rank was something he didn’t expect, and Zhao Feng actually has a helper of Death God Eye descendants.

Now that the two sides are at war, Zhao Feng relies on speed that no one else can, to kill the weak.

Continuing, the advantage of Sky Devil Hall will gradually be lost, and eventually it will become weak.

“Master ……”

The Twin God Xie Sheng complexion is embarrassing, there is suffering.

The two Eighth-Rank Peaks, because they were not as fast as Zhao Feng, were turned around by Zhao Feng.

Moreover, at the moment Zhao Feng has Ninth-Rank Battle Strength, even if a special lock-out great formation is arranged, it will be broken.

“Don’t worry, I have a way!”

You Quan Ancient God whispered sound transmission.

Although Sky Devil Hall is a 4-Star Peak force, the high-level Battle Strength is completely comparable to the 5-Star force, and it is definitely the overlord in the 4-Star Peak force.

In addition, there is one thing that is the biggest dependency of Sky Devil Hall.

That’s how God Eye unifies!

However, God Eye unification takes time and cannot be interrupted halfway.

And Zhao Feng’s powerful insight, You Quan Ancient God had long noticed.

Therefore, this matter must be carried out in secret, and Zhao Feng cannot be found.

Sky Devil Hall has many members, and it is not a problem to have eight God Eye descendants.

By then, all mysterious strength of Ruler will be enough to instantly kill Zhao Feng and Luo Ling Ancient God and the others.

You know, the Ancient God Xuan Mo combined five people to perform God Eye unification can temporarily trap Ninth-Rank Ancient God.

If eight descendants of God Eye perform this method, its power is unimaginable!

Thinking of this, You Quan Ancient God already started a secret plan.

Small Thieving Cat scurrying around, his eyes suddenly turned, throwing a few bronze coins.

Meow meow!

Small Thieving Cat immediately looked towards Zhao Feng, after a few strokes.

“Take that silver medicine pill?”

Zhao Feng complexion was a little hesitant, but the next moment he understood what Small Thieving Cat meant.

From the western treasure house, Zhao Feng won three items in total.

The first is the World Extinguishing Dragon Clan reverse scale, the second is the heaven liquid liquid, and the third is a delicate pill, covered with silver dense grain.

Small Thieving Cat has not said anything about the role of medicine pill.

But at this moment, the Small Thieving Cat let Zhao Feng swallows, there must be some reason, it will never pit the Master at this critical moment.


Zhao Feng took out a Silver Marks medicine pill directly from the Storage Space.

This medicine pill does not have any unique aura and rays of light, but a glance looks extraordinary and unique, with a sense of mysterious unpredictability!

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