King of Gods

Chapter 1346

“God Goodin!”

You Quan Ancient God glanced down.

What’s missing from the treasure house?

“That’s God Gooddan!”

Some people at Sky Devil Hall don’t yet know God Gudan. A few people who know this medicine pill, Ancient God, are surprised and doubtful.

“It is rumored that this medicine pill is for the descendants of Eight Great God Eyes. After taking it, it can promote Bloodline Ancestor Transformation and may even awaken the memory in Bloodline …”

An Eighth-Rank Ancient God, staring at the medicine pill in Zhao Feng’s hand, whispered.

The reason why the Bloodline continues is because the Bloodline ancestors, after the cultivation base has reached the level of anti-sky, use special means to make their bloodline strength continue to inherit.

Bloodline can not only bring strength, gain, and other abilities to the owner, but it also hides the Bloodline memories of the ancestors being being supreme being.

There are many such deeds in the Wild God Region. An expert suddenly awakens Bloodline’s memory, and obtains an all-knowing Magical Powers. Since then, the same rank is invincible …

This is why in the Wild God Region, all experts continue to promote Bloodline, hoping that Ancestor Transformation will be the highest.

However, everything depends on luck and luck.

In the Wild God Region, there are many Peak experts, Bloodline already Ancestor Transformation to the highest level, but also did not awaken Bloodline memory.

God Gudan, a kind developed by Sky Devil Hall, can promote the degree of Eyeline Bloodline Ancestor Transformation and awaken the deeper strength of the medicine pill in Bloodline.

It sounds that the role of God Gudan is a bit strange, and it can be called the treasure of Supreme.

In fact, God Gudan is extremely expensive. For people who have taken it, the effect of Bloodline Ancestor Transformation is not obvious, and there is no reason to awaken Bloodline’s memory.

Therefore, this medicine pill has a low cost-arrived pole, and Sky Devil Hall is naturally impossible to develop at a huge cost, and only one remains.

“This medicine pill doesn’t seem to be very precious …”

Zhao Feng secretly thought inside.

If this medicine pill is of great value, when it is taken out, people around all Sky Devil Hall should never be this expression.

But Zhao Feng didn’t care about it either.

“At this time, what good can he take God Gudan?”

“He may have mistaken God Gooddan as another medicine pill that adds Battle Strength. After all, this is a medicine pill developed by Sky Devil Hall, and no one knows it!”

Several members who knew God Gudan laughed sarcastically.

“Although I do n’t know what you are doing with God Gudan at this time, I tell you that even the top Eight Great God Eyes descendants and taking this medicine pill have little effect, let alone you who are not descendants of Eight Great God Eyes Eye pupil owner. “

You Quan Ancient God sneered, Already concluded that Zhao Feng taking Shen Gu Dan had no effect.

“It turned out to be this type of medicine pill!”

Zhao Feng probably inferred from other people’s words the use of medicine pill.

If your God Eye belongs to Ninth God Eye, it should be no different from Eight Great God Eyes. In other words, this medicine pill will not reduce the medicine efficacy of Zhao Feng Eye Bloodline.

However, looking at the many members of Sky Devil Hall, this medicine pill does not seem to be very attractive to the descendants of Eight Great God Eyes.

But at this moment, Zhao Feng felt that there was a weak wave in the Illusory Silver Ball in God Eye Space.

At normal times, Zhao Feng was Sealing the Strength of Source. At this moment, the Strength of Source in Illusory Silver Ball suddenly had a reaction.


The fluctuation was getting stronger and stronger, as if to break through the seal directly.

“That being the case, I will untie it!”

Zhao Feng immediately erased the seal on the Illusory Silver Ball.

The next moment, the Illusory Silver Ball exudes a brilliant dreamy glow.


A faintly discernable God Eye aura was immediately noticed by all God Eye descendants all around.

“God Eye aura, how is this possible?”

All members of Sky Devil Hall, including Luo Ling Ancient God and Zhao Wang, were shocked and can’t help look at Zhao Feng autonomously.

The God Eye aura is not strong, but it is so real.

“Don’t tell me His eyes are originally God Eyes? After taking God Gudan, have you fully awakened to God Eyes?”

An Eighth-Rank Ancient God with a lot of experience, surprised guessing.

After speaking out this guess, he couldn’t believe it.

“It’s impossible that this kid must have had any chance. He has been infected with Aura by Eight Great God Eyes. When he took God Gudan, he deliberately released this Aura in order to confuse audiovisual!”

You Quan Ancient God immediately shouted.

The true God Eye is the belief of all God Eye descendants, and is their originator.

Descendants of ordinary God Eye, only respect for true God Eye!

Right now, God Eye aura from Zhao Feng must not affect the morale of Sky Devil Hall members.

And he doesn’t believe that Zhao Feng has God Eye!

In addition, God Eye’s unity is ready, victory will soon belong to him.

“It must be like that, the kid doesn’t know what opportunities have been …”

“No wonder he is not a descendant of Eight Great God Eyes, but Eye Technique is so powerful, it must be a treasure or inheritance about God Eye!”

You Quan Ancient God’s claim, although speculative, is very convincing.

After all, Zhao Feng’s eyes are God Eyes, which is incredible and hard to believe.

But Zhao Feng didn’t care.

At the moment when the seal was unraveled, the fantasy divide splendor emanating from the fantasy ball of light seemed to change something.

He suddenly felt that his heart was clear, his heart was like water, and his thinking speed became extremely quick. God Eye also gave him the most basic vision ability, such as the ability to see through, can see through more objects, farsighted can see farther.

“How is this going?”

Zhao Feng was shocked. This don’t tell me is the medicine efficacy of God Gudan?

He believed that if he stopped fighting at this moment and closed his cultivate insight, there would be no small achievement.


Upon receiving the order from You Quan Ancient God, Twin God Xie Sheng killed Zhao Feng directly.

Although Zhao Feng reacted slowly, his reaction speed was faster than usual.


Zhao Feng immediately flickering avoided, and pulled away a distance with Twin God Xie Sheng.

“Since you cannot meditate on comprehension, then comprehend in battle!”

Zhao Feng’s eyes flickering, he rushed directly to a Seventh-Rank Ancient God.

At the same time, an amazing Eye Strength Will burst into his Left Eye.

“Illusionary Banning and Bewitching Domain!”

“Wind-Thunder Eye Fire!”

Zhao Feng’s two Eye Techniques emerged without any cracks. Even Zhao Feng was shocked at the speed.

Hum pu!

The Seventh-Rank Ancient God expression was sluggish and was hit by a ball of Soul Thunder Fire.

After struggling for a moment, the Seventh-Rank Ancient God fell straight.

After unlocking the source seal, the power of Zhao Feng God Eye was greatly enhanced. How could ordinary Seventh-Rank Ancient God be able to resist it!

“it’s wired!”

After the killing of this person, Zhao Feng acted lightly stopped.

The feeling of performing Eye Technique just now is very strange. The two Eye Techniques were created instantly and the speed was too fast, which made Zhao Feng feel unreal.

It was as if he had just wanted to perform Eye Technique, and Eye Technique was launched.

“Maybe these two Eye Techniques are relatively inferior …”

Zhao Feng can only think of this.

Eye Technique is too inferior, and Zhao Feng is very familiar with these two Eye Techniques, so the release speed reaches another height.

In addition to this, in the previous state, he performed these two Eye Techniques and gained a deeper understanding of them.

Wind-Thunder Eye Fire is a low-level Eye Technique, which is almost complete, and there is no improvement in skills.

Illusionary Banning and Bewitching Domain is also relatively low-level, but there is also a space upgrade. Based on this Illusion Technique, Illusion Techniques such as Devil Eye Invasion and Mind Attack can be integrated to increase the power of Illusionary Banning and Bewitching Domain.

Thinking of this, Zhao Feng split up some ideas to improve the Illusionary Banning and Bewitching Domain.

“Demon sharp slash!”

“Holy light fairy Spirit Sword!”

Just as Zhao Feng paused for thought, Twin God Xie Sheng launched a sneak attack on him.

The huge Blade and Sword phantom, one black and one white, ran across Zhao Feng in a gesture of destroying everything.

“Just play with you!”

Zhao Feng’s gaze was looking straight ahead, and there was a chaotic and strong strength in it.

In a hurry, a dim star, phantom, appeared in Zhao Feng all around, giving a lot of pressure.

Hum pu!

The next moment, a confusing and dim ball of light strikes directly on the attack of Twin God Xie Sheng.


The two violently collided and continued for a moment, turning into fly ash.

“How is that possible? The kid’s Eye Technique is actually a blow from the two of us!”

Twin God Xie Sheng was shocked.

Before Zhao Feng had been dodging and did not fight with them, but now they fight fiercely.

“It looks like an illusion just now!”

Zhao Feng ignored Twin God Xie Sheng and whispered.

This time, his Eye Technique, is not instantaneous.

But even now, confirming that the scene just now may be an illusion, Zhao Feng still feels uncertain.

In God Eye Space, the Illusory Silver Ball swirled slightly, exuding fantastic magnificent rays of light, as if to interpret thousands of colors in the world.

Even Zhao Feng didn’t realize that his Soul was constantly changing by this rays of light.

“Damn, his Eye Technique is too strong!”

“He’s using the eye pupil so he’s not afraid that Bloodline isn’t out?”

A few low-level Ancient Gods were frightened, and kept back, they dare not approach Zhao Feng at all.

“Sir, are you okay?”

An Ancient God who knew You Quan Ancient God’s plan, sound transmission asked.

If this continues, the other Ancient God will be killed, and then You Quan Ancient God will be unable to continue Zhao Feng and the others.

“en? Not good!”

Zhao Feng’s Left Eye, suddenly felt something, and he immediately looked away.

After layers of perspective, Zhao Feng finally saw eight people in a layer of hidden barriers.

“Eight people, God Eye is one!”

Zhao Feng complexion.

He has been wary of this move, and when the other party is ready to perform, he will interrupt it as soon as possible.

But You Quan Ancient God concealed in secret, avoiding Zhao Feng’s survey range.

Now that the other person is starting to perform God Eye unification, be sure to stop it!


The moment he discovered this, Zhao Feng figure flickering came out. p>

“Stop him!”

You Quan Ancient God.

He did not expect that Zhao Feng would have noticed it in advance.

However, there should be no problem. When Zhao Feng found out, the eight people started to perform.

Unsurprisingly, Zhao Feng couldn’t stop it!

Whenever there is unexpected, You Quan Ancient God does not want to bet on this.


Among the members of Sky Devil Hall, the fastest Ancient Thunder Flame Dragon left Luo Ling Ancient God and turned into a thunderbolt, chasing out.

Among the hidden formations, the Strength of Source of eight God Eye descendants floated above.

Eight God Eye descendants are simultaneously formed hand seals, controlling their Strength of Source and intersecting with other strengths!

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