King of Gods

Chapter 1344

“Infiltrator, die!”

The moment the Ancient Thunder Flame Dragon Clan expert appeared, loudly shouted, making all around void faint.

“Ninth-Rank Immortal Samsara Body!”

Zhao Feng said nothing and fled.

If it is an ordinary Ninth-Rank Ancient God, Zhao Feng may rely on two top grade Divine Tools, which may still be continued.

But this Ancient Thunder Flame Dragon Clan, a terrifying race of the battle-type before his death, is now an undead body, and bumps against him, which is equivalent to courting death. Besides, there is Twin God Xie Sheng beside him.

“Get out!”

As soon as Zhao Feng turned around, he saw Twin God Xie Sheng storming. He immediately operated Primordial Divine Power, condensing a dim and twisted light shield, and then urged Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror!


In the Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror, an incomparable gigantic Thunder Dragon burst out.

That heaven shaking momentum and Thunder Light surprised the Twin God Xie Sheng complexion, but they were fearless as Immortal Samsara Body.

“Illusionary Banning and Bewitching Domain!”

When Twin God Xie Sheng was about to perform a powerful attack, Zhao Feng’s Left Eye immediately launched the Soul Illusion Technique.

Although Twin God Xie Sheng cultivation base is up to the Eighth-Rank Peak, it is still confused by Zhao Feng’s Illusion Technique.

Boom bang!

As a result, Twin God Xie Sheng fell into a weak position and was directly penetrated by the incomparable gigantic Thunder Lightning Glow dragon. The figure was broken and backwards.

And Zhao Feng, taking this gap, fled directly.

“Where to escape!”

To the rear, Ninth-Rank Immortal Samsara Body loudly shouted, waving his palm.

Boom hu hu!

A splendid Thunder Light Fire Dragon, directly rushing out, whether it is imposing or powerful, far surpasses the Thunder Dragon attack released by Zhao Feng with Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror.

The thunder light fire dragon has been through.

“Space-time barrier!”

Zhao Feng immediately urged Space-Time Robe to release a layer of virtual overlapping space.

When that flame Thunder Dragon touched this layer of space-time strength, it was immediately affected.


After a while, the space-time strength was directly smashed by the Thunder Light Fire Dragon.

However, at this instant, Zhao Feng had already escaped disappear without a trace.

“Catch up, don’t let that kid go!”

Twin God Xie Sheng immediately shouted.

At this moment, the Ninth-Rank Immortal Samsara Body of You Quan Ancient God arrived. What about Infiltrator’s resistance?

Even if he flees desperately, he cannot escape the palm of Ancient Thunder Flame Dragon.

“Not urgent!”

Whispered Ancient Thunder Flame Dragon.

As soon as Twin God Xie Sheng was ready to question, he received the sound transmission from You Quan Ancient God: “This Infiltrator should meet with Luo Ling Ancient God. He also has two helpers, World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon and Heavens Secret Cat. You can catch as long as you don’t let him escape … “

“That’s it? But, Master, why are you here in person!”

After hearing this, Twin God Xie Sheng complexion froze.

If, as the Master said, they and Ancient Thunder Flame Dragon would not necessarily capture Zhao Feng.

However, You Quan Ancient God came here in person, and there was nothing wrong with it.

Although Eye of Samsara is not good at fighting, You Quan Ancient God is also a Ninth-Rank Ancient God, and strength cannot be underestimated.

“At this time, everyone in the Sky Devil Hall obeyed my command and gathered to you, and I will let them taste the despair!”

You Quan Ancient God once again coldly snorted, the words of ice-cold echoed in the soul of their three people.

You Quan Ancient God hates Zhao Feng’s, beyond description.

For the victory of this time action, You Quan Ancient God took out all strength and went out on his own. In addition, he also mobilized everyone who can be mobilized in Sky Devil Hall!

Such a big battle, just to slay the two Infiltrators and capture the Heavens Secret Cat.

“En? Didn’t hurry to catch up?”

Zhao Feng was slightly unexpected.

Under normal circumstances, Ninth-Rank Immortal Samsara Body should fully capture himself, and it is not too difficult to catch up with Zhao Feng at the speed of Ancient Thunder Flame Dragon.

Zhao Feng was also ready. Once he lost, he played his cards and let the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon and Heavens Secret Cat get rid. If it doesn’t work, call the helper from Immemorial Dreamland.

But Ancient Thunder Flame Dragon and Twin God Xie Sheng, although still chasing Zhao Feng, did not try their best at all.

“That’s fine. Since you guys give me time, I’ll give you a surprise!”

Zhao Feng laughed and continued to escape.


In Sky Devil Hall, all personnel who can move are all dispatched by You Quan Ancient God.

In a secret room, a thin woman expressed horror.

She was one of the first members of the massacre in Heavens Secret Clan ruins in collaboration with Ancient God Xuan Mo and the others.

“Sure enough he is, and now Ancient God Xuan Mo and the others are all dead …”

The thin woman was a little lost.

After all, the six of them have been performing tasks for many years, but now she is the only one left.

The thin woman suddenly took out a communication command token, and after obtaining information from You Quan Ancient God, she did not at all.

The thin woman has contacted Zhao Feng many times, and the clues are enough to be able to use Eye of Destiny to predict her general situation next.

“The bad side!”


“Catch Infiltrator and everyone will receive contribution points!”

A white haired old man, expression excited, left directly.

All members of Sky Devil Hall are moving in a general direction.

Zhao Feng, who was on the run, finally realized this.

After his God Eye perspective, he found that many people in the vicinity were in action, but not at all appeared to him to get rid.

“I didn’t expect Sky Devil Hall to fight against me so much!”

Zhao Feng smiled helplessly, the other person really looked at himself too much.

“Front, is that?”

Zhao Feng’s eyes narrowed.

At the same time, Zhao Feng felt a tremendous pressure from behind.

Space all around, it became extremely hot, with faint thunder and lightning spreading.


Ancient Thunder Flame Dragon and Twin God Xie Sheng suddenly launched their forces and chased them at the fastest speed.

At the same time, Zhao Feng all around, a few strange silhouettes gradually appeared.

Although they couldn’t see Zhao Feng, they were directed by someone, knew the target point, and hurriedly approached Zhao Feng.

“Let me see, how long can you be arrogant!”

Just then, a loud ice-cold roar came from the front.

Boom bang!

With the huge momentum of heaven shaking rolling in, all around the building, collapsed directly.

The next moment, a dark and tall silhouette appeared in Zhao Feng’s field of vision.

He was wearing a black robe, in a dark and murky mist, and the eyes leading to hell were staring at Zhao Feng.

When You Quan Ancient God saw Zhao Feng, the complexion became terrifying, with anger, excitement, and resentment all on his face.

“Descendants of Ninth-Rank Samsara God Eye!”

Zhao Feng’s gaze was faintly staring at You Quan Ancient God body.

From the beginning to the present, Zhao Feng and You Quan Ancient God have played many times, but the two met for the first time.

“I didn’t expect you would get rid yourself …”

Zhao Feng’s did not expect this. It seems that You Quan Ancient God hates himself and his alertness has reached its limit.

Now Zhao Feng finally figured it out, why did the Ancient Thunder Flame Dragon just not kill him directly.

Because of You Quan Ancient God, I want to torture Zhao Feng, kill him personally, and even make an Immortal Samsara Body, so that Zhao Feng can’t have the will to live.

At the same time, Ancient Thunder Flame Dragon and Twin God Xie Sheng appeared on Zhao Feng behind.

While all around, Zhao Feng can also sense other weak auras.


You Quan Ancient God looked at Zhao Feng coldly.

When he said this, Zhao Feng already felt all around, the extremely depressed Divine Power wave.

“Slow, you don’t want to know, why is Heavens Secret Cat willing to follow me and follow my orders?”

Zhao Feng suddenly spoke.

You Quan Ancient God complexion for a moment, Zhao Feng knew the term Heavens Secret Cat, and he was not surprised.

What he was really interested in was why Heavens Secret Cat followed Zhao Feng to help Zhao Feng obtain treasures in the treasure house, and obeyed Zhao Feng’s order to kill and kill members of Sky Devil Hall.

When the Heavens Secret Cat was captured before, whatever they did, the Heavens Secret Cat did not cooperate.

“Come out of your methods, I can make you die happily!”

You Quan Ancient God hesitated for a moment and said again.

Zhao Feng must kill, if he can get those messages, it is better.

It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t come out, after all, Heavens Secret Cat will soon be taken away by the God Lord expert.

“If I surrendered everything stolen from the treasure house, would you let me go?”

Zhao Feng showed a look of fear, bargaining with You Quan Ancient God.

You Quan Ancient God expression Mess, frowns.

If it is a direct killer, when Zhao Feng is defeated, it is likely that Self-destruction will cause most of the treasure to be destroyed directly.

You Quan Ancient God was upset …

“No, he’s delaying time!”

You Quan Ancient God complexion suddenly changes, the killing intent of ice-cold condenses into substance.

Just now, he was attracted by the key interests in Zhao Feng’s discourse, so that he did not think fully.

Calming down, he found many doubts.

First of all, Zhao Feng was just roaming in Sky Devil Hall before, not at all looking for an exit.

Secondly, Luo Ling Ancient God and Zhao Feng reunited, but disappeared.

Finally, neither the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon nor Heavens Secret Cat appeared.

All this is too abnormal, making you Quan a little nervous.

“kill him!”

You Quan Ancient God directly ordered.

The next moment, his Left Eye burst out with an amazing Eye Strength Will, a surpassing Profound Truth strength, fluctuating from it.

On the other side, among the Thunder Claws of Ancient Thunder Flame Dragon, the red flame thunder net rises, twisting into a ball, forming a terrifying energy.

Zhao Feng also felt that there were some big Divine Power fluctuations all around other directions.

At this moment, Zhao Feng was besieged by two Ninth-Ranks, two Eighth-Rank Peaks, and several other Ancient Gods.

“Can you kill me?”

Zhao Feng sneered.

As soon as the word came out, all around was stunned, and then the irony was revealed.

“Dead is coming, so arrogant!”

“Joke, let you die without a burial site in the next moment!”

Many Ancient Gods disdain ridicule.

The anxiety in You Quan Ancient God’s heart was even stronger.


In his both eyes, a dim light group erupted, containing the ultimate Samsara Profound Truth, as if he could bind heaven and earth forever.

Seeing You Quan Ancient God’s Eye Technique attack, it is about to hit Zhao Feng, but he is still a careless appearance.

“It’s time for you to show talent!”

Zhao Feng whispered, the sleeves waved!

An exquisite and beautiful silver clothes woman with exquisite facial features appeared suddenly.

“Void Spirit cut!”

At the moment of Luo Ling Ancient God’s appearance, the little Crescent Blade in the hand waved gently, a bright silver Void Glow, flickering.


The Eye Technique attack exhibited by You Quan Ancient God is penetrated by this bright silver Void Glow.

The next moment, You Quan Ancient God’s Eye Technique attack was cut into numerous pieces and dissipated between heaven and earth.

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