King of Gods

Chapter 1343

Luo Ling Ancient God originally planned to come to Zhao Feng and take him away.

After all, the two worked together at the beginning, but later Zhao Feng kindly reminded Luo Ling Ancient God.

Taking Zhao Feng out of here is nothing more than a hand.

But when she came to the hidden place of Zhao Feng, she felt the huge energy fluctuations and the explosion of Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering.

At first, Luo Ling Ancient God believed that Zhao Feng’s hiding place was discovered by Sky Devil Hall and the two sides were fighting.

She was about to rush to help Zhao Feng.

But when she came near the Heavenly Dragon lockout, she saw Zhao Feng and World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon, killing the red haired man together, while the Eighth-Rank Peak on the other side chose Self-destruction and died.

That person’s expression of expression, pain, sadness, helplessness, shame …

This picture, I don’t know how big an assault is formed for Luo Ling Ancient God!

Although Zhao Feng also has a helper, it is only the name Seventh-Rank Peak that helped him, but he also pushed the opponent to such a point.

This is by no means just for those who broke through Eighth-Rank Ancient God!

If it were not for the beginning, Luo Ling Ancient God and Zhao Feng had cooperated, she would never believe that the person in the colorful mist would be Zhao Feng.

“Fight the Eighth-Rank Ancient God directly, and force another Eighth-Rank Peak 鍌€鍎?Self-destruction!”

Luo Ling Ancient God is dull.

An Eighth-Rank Peak 鍌€鍎? who has no Fighting Intent, chooses Self-destruction.

It’s hard to imagine what Heavenly Dragon was locked in, but what happened to the opponent.

Just then, Zhao Feng also discovered Luo Ling Ancient God.

“Why are you here?”

Zhao Feng looked towards Luo Ling Ancient God, and asked directly.

Didn’t Luo Ling Ancient God go to the core secret hall? Even if it fails, you should find a chance to escape, how to run to find yourself.

At this moment, Small Thieving Cat did not know what to do, and it was very easy to lock the Heavenly Dragon to Deciphering.


Luo Ling Ancient God complexion.

Because of the formation just now, her perception is not very comprehensive.

Now that the formation has disappeared, she instantly feels the intense Death Qi arrived.

Obviously, not only the red haired man and the mechanical puppet fell in this formation.

Later, the eyes of Luo Ling Ancient God looked fiercely towards the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon.

“World Extinguishing Dragon Clan!”

Luo Ling Ancient God is even more shocked.

The aura of the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon body shuddered her Bloodline.

Although the Bloodline of the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon body is very weak, after all, it is the top ten World Extinguishing Dragon Clan Bloodline in the Immemorial Ten Thousand Race!

The most powerful World Extinguishing Dragon Clan Bloodline, even compared to Eight Great God Eyes Bloodline!

“I see you hiding there, thinking you can’t go out, ready to come back and take you away!”

Luo Ling Ancient God spoke slowly.

Today, she already treats Zhao Feng as being equal to her.

Having just broken through Eighth-Rank, being able to have such an amazing record is no worse than her.

Zhao Feng was so impressed that he was really waiting for the opportunity and then left.

But if he leaves with Luo Ling Ancient God, he will surely receive the attention of Space-Time Holy Land.

At the beginning, in the Wild Immemorial secret realm, Zhao Feng captured Space-Time Robe from the Space-Time Holy Land squad, but it was said that he had set up a grudge.

Zhao Feng was just about to refuse, but an idea popped into his mind.

“Let’s make a deal!”

Zhao Feng said directly.

“I take you out and don’t need anything from you!”

Luo Ling Ancient God flashed a look of disdain.

Zhao Feng’s words made Luo Ling Ancient God mistakenly believe that Zhao Feng’s meant that he took Zhao Feng out to get some treasure of Zhao Feng body.

However, Luo Ling Ancient God did yearn for that Space-Time Robe.

“You misunderstood, I want to do other transactions with you!”

Zhao Feng smiled indifferently.

Luo Ling Ancient God reassured himself slightly, his cheeks turned slightly red, and then quickly passed away.

“What transaction?”

Luo Ling Ancient God asked in a low voice.

“I let you enter into the Space-Time Robe, break through Ninth-Rank Ancient God, and you can do me a favor …”

Zhao Feng slightly smiled.

妤?“Let me break through Ninth-Rank, enters into the Space-Time Robe internal space?”

Luo Ling Ancient God complexion.

You know, Ancient God Third-Rank, each First-Rank is extremely difficult to break through, even if there is a higher level of expert help, it does not mean that you can break through.

At this time, what was said to Luo Ling Ancient God was a person whose cultivation base was lower than her.

In addition, enters into the Space-Time Robe, the internal space, is equivalent to the core of Space-Time Robe.

Although Space-Time Robe already has a Master, once Zhao Feng is severely damaged or Luo Ling Ancient God has special means, he can completely take it away.

“God divin liquid, I don’t know if you’ve heard of it!”

Zhao Feng asked.

The first time you take Divine Liquid, there is a great probability of breakthrough.

Divine liquid this day, Zhao Feng has never heard of it before, it should be breakthrough Rare Treasures developed by Heavens Secret Clan.

Therefore, Luo Ling Ancient God should not take divine liquid.

Luo Ling Ancient God shook his head, saying he had never heard of it.

“There is a certain probability that the expert in True God Ninth-Rank will break through First-Rank directly. The lower the cultivation base, the higher the probability. I just took this Treasure to break through to Eighth-Rank Ancient God. Your alert is Eighth-Rank Peak, the problem should be small … “

Zhao Feng started to detail Luo Ling Ancient God.

Although the Eighth-Rank Peak is not a big problem, Zhao Feng does not dare to guarantee it 100%.

No one is sure about probability.

So he made the situation clear in advance.

“I agree!”

Luo Ling Ancient God agreed directly.

For Zhao Feng, the deal was harmless to her.

“it is good!”

Zhao Feng took out a contract scroll directly.

The main purpose of signing the scroll is to constrain Luo Ling Ancient God so that after she enters into the Space-Time Robe, she cannot do anything to the Space-Time Robe and concentrate on cultivate breakthrough.

Subsequently, Zhao Feng gave Luo Ling Ancient God a copy of the remaining two divine liquids.


Space-Time Robe dances, Luo Ling Ancient God and World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon, all enters into its interior.


Small Thieving Cat threw a few bronze coins and then pointed in one direction.

Zhao Feng then flew away in the direction pointed by Small Thieving Cat.

Somewhere in the cultivate chamber, a silhouette suddenly appeared.

“Elder, Infiltrator fled east!”

He immediately took out the command token and sent a message.

Originally, the man rushed to the target site and besieged Zhao Feng’s on the order of You Quan Ancient God.

But things changed, and they received orders to stay away from the target.

Therefore, many members of Sky Devil Hall are hidden near the target point, including the Immortal Samsara Body of You Quan Ancient God.


Inside Sky Devil Hall, You Quan Ancient God is racing at full speed.

He is Eye of Samsara, not good at fighting, and speed is no exception.

So it is more than 1-Star slower than Luo Ling Ancient God, a descendant of Space-Time God Eye.

Just then, he took out a command token and sensed it.

“Can you escape?”

You Quan Ancient God coldly snorted.

At this time, he went out on his own, the two Infiltrators will die, and the Heavens Secret Cat will not escape!

“No, Oriental!”

You Quan Ancient God complexion suddenly changed, and then thought about it.

“Abominable, the direction they ran away was exactly the safest area!”

You Quan Ancient God suddenly burst into tears.

His Ninth-Rank Immortal Samsara Body is coming from the west, and he is passing by from the north.

Coincidentally, Zhao Feng escaped from the east.

don’t tell me Zhao Feng knows all this?

“It must be Heavens Secret Cat!”

You Quan Ancient God suddenly Clear Comprehension.

Before that, Heavens Secret Cat stayed beside Zhao Feng.

dignified Heavens Secret Cat, predicting this kind of thing, is nothing.

“It’s just prolonging your death!”

You Quan Ancient God doesn’t care.

In addition, Twin God Xie Sheng should catch up with Zhao Feng first.

Don’t ask them to capture Zhao Feng, they just need to interfere and restrain Zhao Feng, and if they are 尾 points, just don’t follow them!

When You Quan Ancient God and Ninth-Rank Immortal Samsara Body arrive, everything is settled!


Sky Devil Hall Channel tangled and complicated, like a maze.

call out!

Zhao Feng’s wings trembled behind him, his figure turned into a golden light, and passed by within the Channel.

“I hope Luo Ling Ancient God can break through earlier!”

Zhao Feng thought.

In fact, he can leave directly following Luo Ling Ancient God.

However, Zhao Feng was really reluctant to leave, so he entered into this transaction with Luo Ling Ancient God.

Once Luo Ling Ancient God breakthrough to Ninth-Rank, this Sky Devil Hall, they are not walking sideways!

In addition, the biggest beneficiary of this transaction was Luo Ling Ancient God. To a certain extent, Zhao Feng also paid Space-Time Holy Land.

“That arrives so fast!”

Zhao Feng’s eyes flickered slightly.

At the fork, Zhao Feng suddenly turned.

At the same time, in front of the Channel port, Twin God Xie Sheng suddenly appeared.


They both screamed.

They took the order of arrived You Quan Ancient God, as long as they stopped Infiltrator and didn’t even lose it.

When they saw Zhao Feng’s, they were scared.

Because according to You Quan Ancient God, the strength of Zhao Feng and the others far surpasses them, so they must never fight with.

But the actual situation, Zhao Feng fled directly when they saw them!

If the strength of Zhao Feng and the others is stronger than them, why run away?

Twin God Xie Sheng can’t figure it out.

“Fast chase!”

The two immediately caught up.

However, Zhao Feng ignored them at all.

And Zhao Feng is speed, slightly faster than them, if they continue, they will be thrown away.

“Damn, this kid is faster than us!”

Twin God Xie Sheng felt uncomfortable.

In fact, if Zhao Feng were to fly all the way, it would be impossible for the two to catch up.

However, Zhao Feng has just gone through a big battle and consumes a lot. There are more important things next, so don’t waste it on it.

Moreover, it doesn’t matter if you can’t get rid of these two people.

“Ghost sharp slash!”

“Holy light fairy Spirit Sword!”

Twin God Xie Sheng directly uses powerful attack to interfere with Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng hid properly, still ignored the two, and crashed in the Sky Devil Hall Channel.

“Not so good?”

If time is too long, there will be danger, Zhao Feng’s consciousness, slightly penetrated into the Space-Time Robe.

At this moment, Luo Ling Ancient God is at a crucial moment in shaping the God Platform …

Suddenly, Zhao Feng, who was flying, was lagging in speed.

“Not good !”

Zhao Feng complexion changed slightly, turned and rushed towards Twin God Xie Sheng.

“hehe, where to escape!”

Twin God Xie Sheng sneered, kill Zhao Feng directly.

They didn’t expect anything unexpected about Zhao Feng’s sudden exception.

Just then, a powerful aura shivering from nearby.

Gradually, Space became incredibly hot, and Lightning Glow filled the air.

“Infiltrator, die!”

A deafening roar sounded violently.

Immediately, a huge red silhouette appeared at the end of the Channel.

The dragon head of others, with double wings and domineering looks, is the expert of Ninth-Rank Immortal Samsara Body, Ancient Thunder Flame Dragon Clan!

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