King of Gods

Chapter 1342

The secret area in the core area.

“That kid, there are two helpers, World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon and Heavens Secret Cat!”

You Quan Ancient God roars.

The World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon has a trace of World Extinguishing Dragon Clan Bloodline. Although it is the Seventh-Rank Peak and the true strength, it does not belong to the ordinary Eight-Rank Ancient God.

And Heavens Secret Cat is even more unfathomable.

As a result, his plan to attack in hordes was completely drenched.

Even the Heavenly Dragon locked in the air, and instead became a bondage and prisoner for members of Sky Devil Hall.

“Abominable, both of my Immortal Samsara Body are dead. I can’t see anything!”

You Quan Ancient God both fists hold tight, a cold and cold aura, permeating towards all around.

Heavens Secret Cat seems to have done it intentionally, beheading Immortal Samsara Body first.

Although You Quan Ancient God has a lot of Immortal Samsara Body, it is the Battle Strength shown by Zhao Feng’s group.

Those ordinary Immortal Samsara bodies are sent to death once they approach.

And, if sucked into Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror and refining into thunderclap Soul Crystal, even the Immortal Samsara Body cannot be resurrected.

“You two, hurry up to me!”

You Quan Ancient God orders Twin God Xie Sheng.

In today’s situation, only Twin God Xie Sheng can deal with Zhao Feng and the others.

And that Ninth-Rank Immortal Samsara Body, because in the outer area of ​​Sky Devil Hall, the distance is the furthest, and it will take a while to get over.

“Elder, for the information on the Eighth-Rank Peak machine, look up!”

An operator found the owner of the machine through the shape of the machine, and then asked directly, and got all the information.

He then informed You Quan Ancient God of all this information.

“What? The kid killed Luo Men Ancient God as soon as he dived in, and you didn’t find it?”

You Quan Ancient God’s mood that had just been calmed down was ignited again, and his heart was angry, so there was nothing to vent.

Among the secret halls, there was a sudden chill.

It took a long time for You Quan Ancient God to calm down and fall into meditation.

“That kid, it seems like I knew everything about all around early!”

You Quan Ancient God looks cold.

Sky Devil Hall’s special building materials are reinforced with formation, which has a strong isolation from the Spiritual Sense.

But Zhao Feng, who fought against the Eighth-Rank mech, seemed to know everything around clearly.


Just then, You Quan Ancient God met the new situation through the Immortal Samsara Body.

“It’s Luo Ling Ancient God!”

You Quan Ancient God sounds cold.

At this point, Luo Ling Ancient God was preparing to sneak into the secret hall, but there were too many patrols in the core area, and there were many Immortal Samsara Body of You Quan Ancient God.

Just now, Luo Ling Ancient God was discovered by an Immortal Samsara Body, but fortunately she evacuated immediately.

“How could this be?”

Luo Ling Ancient God felt a bit abnormal, and it was too dangerous to break into it at this time.

She weighed it again and again and decided to retreat, and she had a way to leave Sky Devil Hall.

“Better help him!”

Luo Ling Ancient God suddenly thought of Zhao Feng.

Before she decided to sneak into the secret hall again, Zhao Feng had reminded her that it was too dangerous, but Luo Ling Ancient God did not heed the advice.

And looking at Zhao Feng’s, there seems to be no way to leave Sky Devil Hall and wait for an opportunity there.

“Just pay him back!”

Luo Ling Ancient God whispered and left.

After Luo Ling Ancient God left, an Eighth-Rank Immortal Samsara Body appeared not far away, but the Soul Strength of Ninth-Rank Ancient God appeared on it.

“Luo Ling Ancient God and that kid are a group …”

You Quan Ancient God is lost in thought again.

He didn’t know Zhao Feng’s true identity, and thought that Zhao Feng, like Luo Ling Ancient God, was also Space-Time Holy Land.

“Luo Ling Ancient God would have to meet the kid and take the Heavens Secret Cat out of here!”

You Quan Ancient God eyes flashes.

If Luo Ling Ancient God and Zhao Feng were reunited, then Twin God Xie Sheng would have been killed, Ninth-Rank Immortal Samsara Body might not have dealt with them, and Heavens Secret Cat might have been taken away.

“I don’t want to catch you, what face do I have!”

You Quan Ancient God hummed.

There are two Infiltrator in Sky Devil Hall.

Now the two are about to go round.

In other words, You Quan Ancient God can stop here.

Even if anything else happens, nothing is more important than Heavens Secret Cat and the two Infiltrators.


Thinking of this, the body of You Quan Ancient God turned into a mist of dusk and disappeared into the secret hall.


“Where to run, have the ability to fight me!”

Luo Men Ancient God is angry shouted.

Since the Heavenly Dragon lockout was set up, Zhao Feng has never played against him, but instead got rid of the other members of Sky Devil Hall.

Just now, a Seventh-Rank Ancient God fell in front of him.

This helpless frustration and humiliation made Luo Men Ancient God almost lose his mind.

Zhao Feng sneered.

He didn’t fight Luo Men Ancient God, not because he was afraid of him.

It was just a little trouble to kill Luo Men Ancient God. When the others here escaped, it was a loss.

Therefore, Zhao Feng killed the others first.


Light golden light Mang streaks, Zhao Feng came to a Seventh-Rank Ancient God wearing an azure robe.

“Unlock the great formation!”

That azure robe Ancient God, when Zhao Feng rushed to him, the complexion changed greatly, and he was extremely panicked.

Heavenly Dragon locks up the empty array. It is a combination of four people using special items. It takes four people to unlock, otherwise it will be very troublesome.

Two Immortal Samsara Body died, Zhao Feng killed one, and the other was entangled by the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon.

At this moment, only red haired man and azure robe Ancient God are left.

The two started Break the Formation when the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon and Heavens Secret Cat came out, but they haven’t succeeded yet.

“Nine Thunders Soul Refiner!”

Zhao Feng directly urged the top grade Divine Tool Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror.

“Not good !”

That azure robe Ancient God immediately stopped Break the Formation and fled.


But the speed of the seven chains was not slower than him, and he followed behind, like a lightning poisonous snake. As long as he relaxed the moment, he would be entangled.

“Hugh think about it!”

Just then, Luo Men Ancient God killed Zhao Feng.

The long sword in his hands danced wildly, chopping out numerous huge Blade Edges, permeating between heaven and earth.

“Primordial shield!”

Zhao Feng runs Primordial Divine Power to condense a dim and twisted light shield to protect himself.

He ignored Luo Men Ancient God, and tried his best to deal with that azure robe Ancient God.


That azure robe Ancient God growled in horror.


His Soul body was dragged out by seven lightning chains, no matter how he struggled, he couldn’t escape.


Zhao Feng’s Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror, once again received a Soul body.

Meow meow!

On the side, Small Thieving Cat danced, completely out of the way.

It only killed the two Immortal Samsara Body of You Quan Ancient God, and did nothing else.

This is what Zhao Feng’s ordered, after all, they were killed by Small Thieving Cat, and they still have a chance to resurrect.

And if Soul is absorbed by Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror, it can not only avoid this, but also refining into thunderclap Soul Crystal.

“How could this be?”

Within the great formation, the red haired man was dull.

Originally they created a trapped array and besieged Zhao Feng, but now they have been imprisoned here and slaughtered by Zhao Feng.


Zhao Feng flew to the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon.

At this point, the popular Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon’s popularity was almost dying.

“Nine Thunders Soul Refiner!”

Zhao Feng urges Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror, one more person!

Today, in the great formation, only Luo Men Ancient God and red haired man remain.

Just then, outside the great formation, an Eight-Rank Ancient God arrived.

“What happened? How could this be?”

That Eighth-Rank Ancient God looked shocked.

Before he came, he was worried that he would be late and Infiltrator already captured.

However, I did not expect that when I arrived, I saw the picture of this dress.

He wanted to go in and help the members of the Sky Devil Hall, but he couldn’t break the Heavenly Dragon and locked the array, he could only stare at everything in the great formation.

鈥滆 Umbrella

“This kid … why is this so?”

The red haired man and Luo Men Ancient God were slightly dull, with deep fear.

Only two of them were left at the moment, but they knew that they were not the opponent of Zhao Feng and the others.

The strong support of Sky Devil Hall did not come.

don’t tell me Are they going to die here too?

They are very clear, once Soul is absorbed by Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror, they have no chance of being resurrected.

“Kill him first!”

Zhao Feng and World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon faced a glance, and immediately launched an attack on the red haired man.

The red haired man and Luo Men Ancient God are both Eighth-Rank, but Luo Men Ancient God is the Eighth-Rank Peak, which is more difficult to deal with.

“Do not……”

The red haired man screamed and fled madly.

But in terms of speed, he is not as fast as Zhao Feng, plus space is restricted, he has nowhere to escape if he wants to escape.

“Nine Thunders Soul Refiner!”

Zhao Feng urged Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror, and seven lightning chains blew out.

“Death Dragon Flame!”

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon Two claws waved two red black flames. After the flames flew out, they turned into two red black dragon rolls in an instant, raging and destroying everything.

“Save me, we can work together, maybe we can deal with them?”

Facing the crisis of alive or death, the red haired man asked Luo Men Ancient God for help.

“Lose … even if they join forces, it’s not their opponent!”

Luo Men Ancient God looked sad.

He is not Zhao Feng’s opponent, nor is the red haired man the opponent of the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon.

Besides, there is a Heavens Secret Cat watching a movie next to it.

“Earth Explosion to Alarm the Stars!”

Zhao Feng seized the opportunity to exhibit the powerful Eye Technique.


The red haired man whole body was smashed by a chaotic energy, raging bombardment.


And his Soul was dragged directly into the Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror by the lightning chain.

Today, only Luo Men Ancient God is left in the great formation!

Zhao Feng and World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon, simultaneously looked towards him.

“No … I don’t want to die!”

Luo Men Ancient God called 凄 sternly roared.

Suddenly, he within the body emits heart-warming energy fluctuations.

“Not good, Self-destruction!”

Zhao Feng and the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon immediately stepped back and used layers of defense.

“So I don’t have to die!”

Luo Men Ancient God looked sad and sad.

Soul Self-destruction cannot be taken away by Zhao Feng, so he has a chance to be resurrected.

Luo Men Ancient God smiled bitterly, he didn’t expect that he would be forced into this way, using Self-destruction in exchange for a glimmer of vitality!

Meow meow!

Small Thieving Cat also jumped near Zhao Feng, with his claw extended, releasing a rune light barrier with swear words, which has Profound Truth of Sealing, which seems to suppress any strength.


Heavenly Dragon locked in the air, a terrifying storm of energy swept across.

Heaven and earth Space were both faintly shocked, and Heavenly Dragon Locked Array was directly blown apart.

All around was empty, and the Eighth-Rank Ancient God outside the great formation realized that the situation was wrong and fled long ago.

However, Zhao Feng found that Luo Men Ancient God was not far behind the explosion, and I didn’t know when he came.

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