King of Gods

Chapter 1341

“Slow, everyone else is coming, block the place at that time, and then siege!”

Sixth-Rank whispered back to the Indestructible Body.

“Still Elder is thinking …”

The Seventh-Rank Ancient God immediately charming with a smile, but he didn’t take it for granted.

In his opinion, Zhao Feng just broke through Eighth-Rank.

He is also extremely powerful in Seventh-Rank Ancient God. If he teamed up with the Eighth-Rank Peak, he would definitely defeat Zhao Feng.

However, You Quan Elder spoke and he could only obey.

Boom bang!

Sky Devil Hall Space is narrow. If it is not a sturdy building, it is reinforced with a form. I am afraid that the already will be completely destroyed by the two.

Zhao Feng’s battle with Luo Men Ancient God was dominated by Profound Truth of Space-Time.

The figure of the two was erratic, and the battle was extremely fast, making it too late to react.

“Is this capable and wants to kill me?”

Zhao Feng laughed lightly.

He has Space-Time Robe, on dodge ability and defense ability, and even stronger than Luo Men Ancient God.

“hmph! ”

Luo Men Ancient God coldly snorted, the complexion was deep and did not speak.

If he was facing Zhao Feng before, Luo Men Ancient God had XNUMX% odds of success.

But today, Zhao Feng breakthrough Eighth-Rank Ancient God has been improved in various aspects, and has obtained such powerful Divine Tool as Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror.

For a while, Luo Men Ancient God couldn’t help Zhao Feng.

Even so, Luo Men Ancient God is not in a hurry.

This is the site of Sky Devil Hall. It won’t be long before the other experts in Sky Devil Hall will come, and Zhao Feng will surely die.

“Nine Heavens Thunder Strength!”

Zhao Feng held Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror in his left hand, and urged several thick Thunder Dragons from it, entangled with Luo Men Ancient God.

“Void Sky step!”

Luo Men Ancient God figure In void, flickering back and forth with wonderful rules, completely avoiding Zhao Feng’s attack.

In addition, he is working on defense Zhao Feng’s Space-Time Banishing.

Previously, he thought of Self-destruction, which caused huge damage to Zhao Feng.

But Zhao Feng’s Space-Time Banishing frustrated his abacus.

Luo Men Ancient God is well aware of the power of Space-Time Banishing, so he has always guarded.

“Tian Luo void cut!”

Luo Men Ancient God shows no weakness, runs Divine Power, waves the long sword in his hand, and chops out magnificent and sharp Void swords.

“Space-time barrier!”

Zhao Feng directly used the space-time barrier to obstruct Luo Men Ancient God’s attack, and then blasted out several punches in succession, destroying them as much as possible.

In the distance, the Sixth-Rank Peak Immortal Samsara Body and another Seventh-Rank Ancient God, the complexion sinks slightly.

“The true strength of this child is stronger than I expected!”

You Quan Ancient God lamented through the Immortal Samsara Body.

Although Zhao Feng relied on two top grade Divine Tool entangled with the Eighth-Rank Peak-.

But even without these two Divine Tool, the Eighth-Rank 傀儡, it is difficult to beat Zhao Feng.

In addition, after observation, You Quan Ancient God found that the Eighth-Rank Peak 傀儡 is also slightly different.

The Soul Will inside is extremely powerful, much larger than the ordinary Eight-Rank 傀儡, stronger.

“Elder, this Infiltrator strength is truly extraordinary!”

Then Seventh-Rank Ancient God was surprised.

Just broke through Eighth-Rank Ancient God, but both Divine Power and Profound Truth surpass the average Eight-Rank Ancient God.

Coupled with Space-Time Robe and Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror, the Eighth-Rank Peak 傀儡 has no advantage.

In this case, even if he rushed to help, it was useless.

“Hmph, he is indeed a genius, but a genius is about to die!”

That Sixth-Rank Immortal Samsara Body smiled vulgarly.

At this moment, three more people arrived, two Seventh-Rank Ancient God, and the other Sixth-Rank Peak was the Immortal Samsara Body of You Quan Ancient God.

Even if all the crowds attacked, Zhao Feng would definitely lose.

But just in case, You Quan Ancient God is still waiting.

Just then, a red haired man came near the battle.

“Elder, here I am!”

red haired man, directing a message to the Immortal Samsara Body of You Quan Ancient God.

“Okay, hands on, Heavenly Dragon is locked out!”

That Sixth-Rank Immortal Samsara Body, convey this message.

The next moment, Zhao Feng? Luo Men Ancient God’s battle all around, a powerful aura emerged.

“You are dead!”

Luo Men Ancient God rejoiced.

This is the site of Sky Devil Hall, and now members of Sky Devil Hall have arrived to start the operation.

Zhao Feng has only one dead end!

“Hmph, will you finally come out?”

There was a smile on the corner of Zhao Feng’s mouth.

Although he is fighting fiercely with Luo Men Ancient God, the powerful perspective of his Left Eye does not prevent him from observing everything around the battlefield.

Zhao Feng had already mastered the situation that You Quan Ancient God hadn’t even noticed.

Hum hu hu!

All around Zhao Feng and Luo Men Ancient God battlefield, suddenly there was a fierce space fluctuation.

Immediately, I saw four Void dragon heads phantom rushing up and converging towards the center.

In the end, the four phantom faucets collided together, and a layer of translucent white barrier was formed.

Heavenly Dragon locks the air, not only to lock the air, but also to close the barrier.

Zhao Feng and Luo Men Ancient God in battle, suddenly felt that Space Profound Truth was greatly restrained, and it was extremely difficult to use.

“Space Profound Truth is locked, your role of Space-Time Robe is halved, let’s die!”

Luo Men Ancient God suddenly launched his strength, within the body’s powerful Divine Power, erupted.

Although he is a descendant of Space-Time God Eye, Space is locked, and his best Space Eye Technique cannot be used.

But at this moment, he has the Body of the Eighth-Rank Peak, Divine Power attack, and is extremely powerful.

Boom bang!

A few Pure Crystals were slashed, slashing directly at Zhao Feng.

At the same time, all around, members of Sky Devil Hall appeared directly.

“Light of death!”

“Destroy the rays!”

A member of Sky Devil Hall, Simultaneously launched an attack on Zhao Feng.

In the face of so many group attacks, the role of Zhao Feng Space-Time Robe has also been suppressed and weakened, and it cannot be defended.

Space Profound Truth cannot be cast, and dodging is impossible.

No matter how you look at it, you must die!

It is at this time.

A behemoth suddenly appeared next to Zhao Feng.

His figure was dark, and his whole body was burning with black flames, protecting Zhao Feng in the center!

Hoo xiu xiu!

A flame of Destroying the Heavens and Exterminating the Earth erupted violently, forming a flame Flame Dragon roll.

At the same time, an immemorial Bloodline aura of majestic heaven and earth swept away all around, solidifying all Bloodline, and Soul can’t help tremble.

Boom bang!

All attack members of the Sky Devil Hall who touch the Flame Dragon roll will be weakened to some extent.

Subsequently, all of these attacks fell on the body of the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon.

The aura of the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon at this moment is much more powerful than before.

He also took Tian Divine Liquid, but he was not very lucky. He only reached Seventh-Rank Peak, and distance Eighth-Rank had one step left.

“This terrifying and powerful Bloodline …”

“What is that, helper?”

Everyone’s eyes stared at the dark giant dragon, complexion changed slightly.

Black Flood Dragon, Black Flood Dragon with World Extinguishing Dragon Clan Bloodline.

At this time, the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon helped Zhao Feng fight against the next attack. The whole body was broken and there was no one complete.

But Eye of Life is not needed, his physique, healing quickly at the speed visible by naked eyes.

“How is that? How can he still have a helper, and also a helper for contain World Extinguishing Dragon Clan Bloodline!”

You Quan Ancient God looked at this scene with an Immortal Samsara Body, and was shocked inside.

Prior to this, Zhao Feng was forced into the desperate situation several times and did not show this card.

So he thought that Already had thoroughly understood Zhao Feng, but did not expect Zhao Feng to have a helper.

Secondly, if such a highly advanced Bloodline is successfully captured, it can produce a lot of great results.

Suddenly, You Quan Ancient God felt a crisis.

“Not good ……”

The Sixth-Rank Peak Immortal Samsara Body suddenly darkened before his eyes and immediately lost consciousness.

Meow meow!

I don’t know when, a face of Crafty’s Small Thieving Cat appeared on his behind.

And the body of this Immortal Samsara Body is separated into two halves, and the characteristics of the Immortal Samsara Body are suppressed by the powerful seal strength and cannot work.

Soul of Immortal Samsara Body suffered a powerful and fatal blow and fell directly!

“Heavens Secret Cat!”

“Heavens Secret Cat is actually hidden in the vicinity!”

The rest of the Sky Devil Hall members exclaimed.

Heavens Secret Cat is the top priority of Sky Devil Hall. Even if the research results in the treasure house are lost, Heavens Secret Cat will not be lost.

At this moment, Zhao Feng in the center of the battlefield flashed his eyes.

“Keep it!”

Zhao Feng low roaring sound, a pair of golden light feathers condensed behind.

Jeer converge

Zhao Feng’s body, transformed into a light gold awn, dashed towards a Seventh-Rank Ancient God on the edge of the barrier.

In fact, Zhao Feng could defeat Luo Men Ancient God very early if he used some hole cards.

The reason why he hides many means and consumes with Luo Men Ancient God is that he wants to wait for people nearby to take the initiative to appear.

Rather than Zhao Feng each and everyone looking for it, it is not better to let the other person come to your door.

What’s even more ridiculous is that these members are afraid that Zhao Feng will run away and lock up the Space, but at this moment, this barrier will become a cage for them.

“Nine Thunders Soul Refiner!”

Without saying a word, take out Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror and directly urge seven thunderclap chains.


The thunderbolt chain penetrated the body of the Seventh-Rank Ancient God and tied its Soul directly.

“courting death !”

Luo Men Ancient God was angry, and immediately rushed towards Zhao Feng, waving his long sword and slashing out.

Jeer converge

Zhao Feng exhibited the Golden Thunder Light Wing Technique and cooperated with God Eye’s strong clearly understood power to avoid all attacks.

“Without Space Profound Truth, your attack may not hurt me!”

Zhao Feng chuckled and continued to urge Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror.


Luo Men Ancient God looks ashamed.

Zhao Feng actually said such a big word, and in front of him, completely ignored Luo Men Ancient God to other Ancient God gets rid.

However, as a descendant of Eye of Space-Time, he is best at Space Profound Truth. Other than Battle Skill, he is rarely involved.


Zhao Feng directly extracted the Soul of Seventh-Rank Ancient God.

When Zhao Feng resolved one person, the Small Thieving Cat side solved another Immortal Samsara Body on Sixth-Rank Peak.


After the restoration of the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon, the flames exploded, destroying Dragon Flame, and slaying towards a Seventh-Rank top Ancient God.

The World Extinguishing Dragon Clan is inherently militant. The World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon has been strangled recently.

It finally came out and had a chance to kill it. It was like crazy and desperate to kill.


Zhao Feng sneered, ignoring Luo Men Ancient God, flew away.

Today, he is a hunter who hunts members of Sky Devil Hall in Heavenly Dragon Lockdown.

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