King of Gods

Chapter 1340


Zhao Feng urged Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror to inhale Soul of the Dinosaur Man into the Divine Tool.

There are many descendants of Samsara God Eye in the forces of Sky Devil Hall.

The behind-the-scenes expert who has been arresting Zhao Feng is a descendant of Eye of Samsara.

Even if he killed these people, it would not take much effort to revive them with the strength of You Quan Ancient God.

Therefore, it is better to receive and use for oneself as Soul of these enemies.

Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror, contains infinite Nine Heavens Thunder Strength, can suck Soul in it, and refining it as “thunderclap Soul Crystal”. After swallowing, it can produce special Soul lightning, tempered and strengthen Soul Will.

What’s more, Zhao Feng’s Soul is Thunder Soul Body. The benefits of taking Thunderclap Soul Crystal will be maximized.

“This is the first one!”

Zhao Feng looks at Chilly.

The Seventh-Rank Ancient God that was killed before is originally Immortal Samsara Body, so it is not considered a kill.

Gaze glanced all around, and soon, another Seventh-Rank Ancient God appeared in the field of vision.

“All want to catch me, then I will take the initiative to come to your door!”

Zhao Feng sneered, figure flickering disappeared.


The Seventh-Rank Ancient God, completely unaware, was suddenly frightened by Zhao Feng, who suddenly jumped out.


The Seventh-Rank Ancient God knew that he was not Zhao Feng’s opponent and ran away.

He was just ready to come and blend in and get some contribution.

But I did not expect that before I reached the goal point, I met the goal arrived!

“Illusory spirit!”

Zhao Feng casts a random Illusion Dao Eye Technique.

A group of multi-colored gloomy rays of light suddenly invaded the opponent’s Soul, causing the Seventh-Rank Ancient God to fall into the inner magic barrier. The deeper and deeper the magic barrier became.

Even if Zhao Feng doesn’t kill him, this person’s future cultivation base will be hard to advance!

“The second one, close!”

Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror in Zhao Feng’s hands, dazzling Thunder Light.


He suddenly rushed out of seven thunderclap chains and locked the opponent’s Soul firmly.

After a while, the other side’s Soul was included in Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror by Zhao Feng.

“Where’s the next goal?”

Zhao Feng runs Left Eye and looks around all through all obstacles.


The core area, in the secret hall.

“This … Elder.”

The operator stared at the huge light screen in front of him, and the complexion was a little embarrassed.

“what’s the situation?”

You Quan Ancient God asked coldly.

So far, he also knows that Zhao Feng escaped the target ahead of time and destroyed a Seventh-Rank Immortal Samsara Body.

“That Infiltrator, not at all, fled, and started hunting members of the nearby Sky Devil Hall!”

The operator came to this conclusion based on the information he had obtained.

It’s incredible, but it’s true.

“What? Didn’t escape?”

You Quan Ancient God complexion was shocked, and then meditated.

The strength of the opponent’s Eighth-Rank Ancient God is absolutely incapable of combating Sky Devil Hall. No matter how you struggle, it is a dead end.

The other party may also know this, and presumed to have fate, so it is decided to kill as many people as possible before being arrested.


You Quan Ancient God sneered.

These killed people are ordinary Height-Rank or even lower cultivation base, and it is not difficult to resurrect.

In other words, all those killed by Zhao Feng will be resurrected by then!

Suddenly, You Quan Ancient God complexion changed slightly.

Because of the Sixth-Rank Peak Immortal Samsara Body he controlled, he was followed by Zhao Feng.

“Kill my Immortal Samsara Body? It’s even more stupid.”

You Quan Ancient God laughed with disdain.

The resurrection of a Soul is the power of the Samsara of Life eye, which consumes a lot.

In the case of Immortal Samsara Body, the consumption is only half of the former.

“Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror!”

You Quan Ancient God eyes startled.

On the other side, Zhao Feng directly urged Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror to pull the Soul of the Sixth-Rank Peak True God.

The opponent’s Soul, without any resistance, was directly absorbed by the top grade Divine Tool Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror.

“How is it possible? This kid already refined Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror to this extent!”

You Quan Ancient God suddenly shouted.

This is the top grade Divine Tool, the Eighth-Rank Ancient God, how can it be refining so easily.

But now, judging from the power of Divine Tool displayed by Zhao Feng, already is not far from complete refining.

“The main point of the Immortal Samsara Body is Soul undying and indestructible. Even if the Soul is imprisoned by others, I can use the mystery summon to return, but once Soul is refining by Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror, the Samsara of Death spell on it , It will also suffer some damage, and it will depend on luck if summon comes back … “

If Soul is completely refining by Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror, then Equivalent to is out of the control of Eye of Samsara.

Anyway, Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror has some ability to restrain Eye of Samsara.

“Not good, so does everyone else, Soul was taken away by Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror!”

You Quan Ancient God complexion.

With top grade Divine Tool Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror and Space-Time Robe, ordinary Eight-Rank Ancient God, it is not Zhao Feng’s opponent at all.

Those who were followed by Zhao Feng alone were basically dead end.

But You Quan Ancient God must not let Zhao Feng leave.

If this time is missed, Zhao Feng is likely to escape.

“You two, hurry up for me!”

You Quan Ancient God immediately gave Twin God Xie Sheng sound transmission.


Sky Devil Hall interior area.

A dark blue mechanical puppet, the whole body is shrouded in a layer of Space phantom, and the figure flickers quickly.

“So far, nothing abnormal has been found. The kid will not die alive!”

Luo Men Ancient God coldly snorted in control of the mechanical cymbals.

Because of Self-destruction, all the items carried by his body were destroyed, so it is impossible to contact other members and high-level personnel in Sky Devil Hall.

“Well? There’s something ahead!”

The mechanical eyes of both eyes flickering sapphire’s brilliant light glow.

Just a moment ago, Luo Men Ancient God sensed that there was chaotic space fluctuations ahead, which was clearly a sign of fighting.

Shua! Shua!

Luo Men Ancient God figure flickering again and again. aa

Soon, he clearly felt a powerful thunderstrength.

Immediately, a picture appeared before his eyes.

In a cloud of colorful light, a faint and transparent Lightning Glow mirror was faintly seen.

Seven lightning chains were extended in the mirror, which locked Soul, a Seventh-Rank Ancient God in Sky Devil Hall, and pulled it away from the mirror.

“Save me, he’s Infiltrator!”

The Soul saw a mechanical puppet in Sky Devil Hall and immediately asked for help.


Luo Men Ancient God expression Sink.

According to his previous information, Sky Devil Hall had two Infiltrator.

The first is Luo Ling Ancient God, and the second is Zhao Feng.

Luo Ling Ancient God is a descendant of Eighth-Rank Peak, Space-Time God Eye, obviously not the person in front of him.

Then the mysterious person in front of the colorful light and fog, the identity is self-evident, is Zhao Feng.

He remembered that Zhao Feng cultivation base was only Seventh-Rank Peak, but he didn’t expect to break through.

“Zhao Feng, I killed you!”

Luo Men Ancient God roared, and then carried a powerful Divine Power oppression and went towards Zhao Feng assault.

Zhao Feng, in the colorful mist in the depths, heard that, complexion changed suddenly.

“He knew my identity!”

So far, everyone Feng Zhao has dealt with does not know his true identity.

But this mechanical puppet shouted his name directly.

Looking at it, it seems that he has a lot of hatred with himself.

“Zhao Feng?”

The Ancient God who was bound by Zhao Feng by Soul was also a moment.

According to his information, both Infiltrators are from Space-Time Holy Land!

And Zhao Feng, isn’t it Purple Spirit Territory Spirit Clan?

As he pondered, Zhao Feng Left Eye started to run, and a Thunder Calamity Eye Technique strikes came out.

“Thunder Calamity Eye Flame!”

Zhao Feng’s identity can be kept as secret as possible. It does not matter if it is leaked.

So far, his identity should not be fully revealed.

So this person, a mechanical hoe, must die!

Hum pu!

The Soul of Seventh-Rank True God was raged by Thunder Calamity Strength.

At the same time, Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror exerted force, dragging the opponent’s Soul out sharply, and included it in the mirror.

While doing these things, Zhao Feng was naturally dodging back and forth, avoiding the dark blue mechanical rampant attack.

“You are Luo Men Ancient God!”

After solving the Seventh-Rank Ancient God, Zhao Feng’s eyes looked solemnly towards the mechanical hoe in front of him.

It is impossible to have such a powerful Soul aura with ordinary mechanical cymbals.

Moreover, Soul aura emanating from the mechanical urn in front of him made Zhao Feng very familiar. He thought it out a little bit and then came up with the answer.

It was just that Zhao Feng did not expect that Luo Men Ancient God wanted to kill him so.

After the resurrection, I was in no hurry to find the fleshly body, which was directly deposited in the mechanical cymbal, and looked towards Zhao Feng to kill.


Luo Men Ancient God furiously shouted The dark blue long sword in his hand, waving again and again.

The mechanical allyoriginally is the strength of the Eighth-Rank Peak. Those magnificent sword cuts, combined with Luo Men Ancient God’s Profound Truth of Space-Time, become more fierce and difficult to dodge.

“After killing you, I will deposit in your body!”

Luo Men Ancient God sneered.

Zhao Feng is now also Eighth-Rank Ancient God, and still directly proves the genius of Sixth-Rank Ancient God.

If he got his body, Luo Men Ancient God equivalent to changed his life against the sky.

“Eighth-Rank Peak!”

Zhao Feng complexion Sinking.

He just broke through Eighth-Rank, but has a deep foundation, a deep and powerful cultivation technique, and Divine Power surpasses the average Eight-Rank, plus two top grade Divine Tools, which are basically complete abuse against the Eighth-Rank Ancient God.

If it is Peak or Elite in Eighth-Rank, it is a little more troublesome.

“Space-time barrier!”

Zhao Feng urged Space-Time Robe to release a layer of space phantoms.

Those dao prestige can be extremely powerful void sword cut, immediately affected by the space-time barrier, Zhao Feng easily dodged away.


Zhao Feng is not afraid, launching the strongest Divine Power attack.

Boom bang!

Fight between the two, Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering.

“What is that?”

A Seventh-Rank Ancient God arrived here.

“It’s Infiltrator!”

Nearby, an Immortal Samsara Body from Sixth-Rank Peak said directly.

At the same time, the Immortal Samsara Body revealed his Master identity.

“Elder, I’m going to help and catch that Infiltrator!”

Then Seventh-Rank Ancient God is ready to rush straight up.

Now the Eighth-Rank Peak 傀儡 pinches Infiltrator. Once they join the battle, they can definitely turn the tide.

In this way, contribution points will be reached.

“Slow, everyone else is coming, block the place at that time, and then siege!”

Sixth-Rank Immortal Samsara Body whispered.

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