King of Gods

Chapter 1337

In the outer area, Twin God Xie Sheng led several experts and flew towards the core domain quickly.

“Damn, the kid is still in the core area!”

Twin God Xie Sheng looked angry.

Although they are controlled by You Quan Ancient God, they also have separate thinking Will.

Before they were defeated to Luo Ling Ancient God of Space-Time Holy Land, they were justified.

But if they can’t catch even a junior of Seventh-Rank Peak, it’s a shame.

“What are they still doing in the core area?”

The red haired man looked surprised.

In his place, he had benefited that many benefits, and would definitely leave the core area and look for opportunities to leave Sky Devil Hall.

I don’t know if the kid and Heavens Secret Cat are ignorant or stupid, but dare to stay in the core area.

“They entered into the treasure house of the West!”

Twin God Xie Sheng said directly that the treasure house of the West is also the goal of this time.


The red haired man was shocked for a while and couldn’t say anything else.

He also heard about the things in the Western treasure house, and it is said that heaven liquid is among them.

In addition, there are many Spirit Pill magic drugs, cultivate Rare Treasures, that are not less valuable than the divine liquid.

It can be said that the treasure house of the West is the treasure house members most want to enter into the Sky Devil Hall.

But the treasure house of Sky Devil Hall cannot be accessed by ordinary people.

It’s just unexpected this time, that’s Heavens Secret Cat!

“If you catch that kid and Heavens Secret Cat, each of you will have 5000 contribution points in addition to a divine liquid!”

Twin God Xie Sheng said again.

Of course, this is an order from You Quan Ancient God.

This time, Zhao Feng and Small Thieving Cat really fiercely offended You Quan Ancient God.

“What? In addition to heaven liquid, there are 5000 contribution points!”

“Be sure to catch them both!”


blue in the crystal palace.

After Zhao Feng obtained a silver pill, he placed his target on the second item.

It was a light blue glass bottle filled with Pure Crystal liquid.

“Nine Heavens Thunder Strength!”

Zhao Feng immediately operated Thunder Calamity strength and Profound Truth of Thunder to urge Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror.


Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror exudes a thrilling thunder and lightning strength. Within the palace, the thunder and lightning are suddenly full, as if shrouded by a layer of lightning tight mesh.

Soon, from the Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror, walk out of three crystal-like Thunder Snake.

Three crystals of Thunder Snake, entangled on the defense barrier, wrapped it tightly, and released all its strength.

Poof converge

On the protective barrier, numerous lightning surges and energy assaults are excited.


Zhao Feng puts the huge Divine Power into Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror.

The three Thunder Snake crystals that are about to run out of energy are flickering again.


Just then, the protective barrier was shattered by three crystals of Thunder Snake.


Zhao Feng waved his hand and put the light blue glass bottle into Storage Space.

Zhao Feng then came to the third goal.

It was a Crystal Ball with a slightly broken black scale inside.

“Last item!”

Zhao Feng immediately operated Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror to destroy it.

He negotiated with Small Thieving Cat and the two took three items each and left directly.

If the time comes, Sky Devil Hall members rush over and they can only break through.

If they didn’t come in time, they found a place to hide and waited for the opportunity to leave.


The protective barrier broke suddenly, and the third item went smoothly.

But on the other side, the Small Thieving Cat seems to be too slow for Zhao Feng. After taking three items, he took the fourth one.

At this time, Zhao Feng would like to say that Small Thieving Cat does not count.

“They’re too slow, let’s go!”

Because of the perspective of Zhao Feng God Eye, plus the means of Heavens Secret Cat.

Small Thieving Cat figured out all the mechanics traps in advance, and Deciphering them quickly.

Zhao Feng and Small Thieving Cat left a short while.

A wave of terrifying energy surged and oppressed.


Twin God Xie Sheng low roaring sound, and several other Ancient God, hurriedly arrived.

However, in the treasure house, there is no longer a silhouette, only treasure that makes everyone astounded.

“How come? We arrived so promptly …”

“That’s Jiulong Zhenye, God Life Pill …”


In the Temple of Secrets, You Quan Ancient God whole body releases a thrilling eerie aura.

“The two guys!”

You Quan Ancient God is gloomy and cold, and the words are squeezed out of his mouth.

“Elder, get angry!”

“They haven’t left Sky Devil Hall!”

All around some operators, trembling non-stop, hurriedly persuaded.

“I see where you can hide!”

You Quan Ancient God roar towards the sky.

Weng weng!

In his dim both eyes, a layer of dark yellow ghost Ghost Fog erupted.

Immediately, black silhouettes emerged from the thick mist.

Each silhouette radiates a weak aura. The strongest is Seventh-Rank Ancient God and the weakest is Sixth-Rank Peak.

After these Immortal Samsara Body appeared, they all floated simultaneously in midair.

“Give me to search them out!”

You Quan Ancient God ordered.

Sou sou sou !

All Immortal Samsara Body left the secret hall.

At the same time, You Quan Ancient God split the thought into many points and deposited it in the body of each Immortal Samsara Body.

Zhao Feng and Small Thieving Cat are good at hiding, even if these low-level Immortal Samsara Body are near them, they are probably not noticeable.

So You Quan Ancient God needs to control each Immortal Samsara Body and give them their Soul Strength and Cross-Transfer.

“You guys impossible to escape!”

You Quan Ancient God coldly snorted, Spiritual Consciousness, focused on all Immortal Samsara Body bodies, and began a carpet-like search.


Zhao Feng and Small Thieving Cat left the core area after stealing Western treasures.

It didn’t take long before I went into a back room.

“Stay here first!”

Zhao Feng and Small Thieving Cat intend to hide here first.

Now that the people of Sky Devil Hall and Space-Time Holy Land are still at war, Sky Devil Hall must have opened a great formation of protection. Even Ninth-Rank Ancient God can hardly break through.

If Zhao Feng and Small Thieving Cat make a sudden appearance, they will instead reveal their identities and become attacked on all sides.


Zhao Feng and Small Thieving Cat came to the space inside Space-Time Robe.

“Small Thieving Cat, what’s the use of these three things?”

Zhao Feng immediately took out three items that he obtained in the Western treasure house.

There are actually several cultivate Rare Treasures that Zhao Feng knows in the Western treasure house.

However, Zhao Feng still follows the meaning of Small Thieving Cat and only takes these three items. He believes that in the eyes of Small Thieving Cat, these three items are definitely extraordinary.

However, Small Thieving Cat has not waited to speak.

The World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon, which is cultivate here, came immediately, with a look of excitement, staring at the slightly broken black scales in the Crystal Ball.

“Master, why do you have such an item?”

The World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon immediately asked.


Zhao Feng was slightly surprised. It seemed that the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon knew what the black scales were.

“Master, from this black scale, I feel arrived the real World Extinguishing Dragon Clan aura!”

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon said excitedly.

He only has a very thin World Extinguishing Dragon Clan Bloodline, and the body is just an ordinary Flood Dragon, which is far from True Dragon.

If the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon wants to transform, there are two aspects, either set off from the Bloodline or set off from the ontology.

However, this World Extinguishing Dragon Clan’s scales can not only promote his Bloodline, but also transform his body.

Of course, ordinary scales naturally cannot have such an effect.

But the scale in Zhao Feng’s hand is the reverse scale of Dragon’s Dragon, the most precious piece of World Extinguishing Dragon Clan body, stained with a lot of World Extinguishing Dragon Clan Bloodline Power!

This is simply the dream of the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon.

If this scale is not broken, it would be more perfect.

“Master, can you give me such an item, I am willing to be your mount forever and ever, and you can dispatch …”

At this moment, Zhao Feng was willingly worshiped by the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon.

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon Although there is a trace of World Extinguishing Dragon Clan Bloodline, this Bloodline race is cultivate along the way, it is extremely difficult to advance, if you do not carry out major damage, it is almost impossible to obtain strength from the destruction.

In addition, the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon Innate Talent was originally not high. If there is no big opportunity, the highest achievement in the future will be Ninth-Rank Ancient God.

But this World Extinguishing Dragon Clan reverse scale is expected to help him change his life!

“Well, you are too weak now!”

Zhao Feng casually.

World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon bowed his head, and he did not expect that his Master progressed so fast. In just a few decades, he surpassed his Peak period.

For Zhao Feng, the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon is now truly convincing.

“This thing doesn’t work for me, and it doesn’t hurt you …”

Zhao Feng tells the truth.

The World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon’s Bloodline is still very terrifying. If it is cultivated well, it will definitely help.

“Many thanks Master, then …”

The eyes of the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon glanced at the reverse scale.

“First wait…”

Zhao Feng said nothing and sucked it into the God Eye Space.

Even if it is a reverse scale, it is just a scale and it is broken.

If there are more copies, the effect should be greater.

Meow meow!

Small Thieving Cat came to the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon and patted his chest.

“Brother, it was you who let the Master take this treasure …”

The World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon suddenly looked charming and flattered the Small Thieving Cat.

He clearly remembered that at the beginning of Small Thieving Cat’s transformation, the powerful Immemorial Bloodline aura, even his World Extinguishing Dragon Clan Bloodline, throbbed.

Now, the return of Small Thieving Cat has changed dramatically, making the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon even more opaque.

“Brother, I used to be ignorant. I’ll confuse you later. Don’t forget me if you have something good …”

The World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon’s approach to Small Thieving Cat is admired, especially its treasure hunting ability.

In this way, the Dignified World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon became the younger brother of Small Thieving Cat.

Zhao Feng silently looked at a glance’s own pet and mount.

Suddenly, his complexion changed slightly.

“Someone came over, why did they come here so soon?”

Being in the space of the Space-Time Robe, Zhao Feng can feel the fluctuations of the nearby space without the need of special perception.

He runs Left Eye and penetrates everything.

“It turned out to be her!”

Zhao Feng’s expression eased.

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