King of Gods

Chapter 1336


Zhao Feng 愣 on the spot, shocked.

In the first treasure house, the benefits he and Small Thieving Cat received were too many.

It is unimaginable that there is a second treasure house of this kind!

It’s no wonder that Small Thieving Cat got that many benefits and stayed here at risk.

“However, the other party must have taken precautions!”

Zhao Feng complexion sank slightly.

Previously, he and the Small Thieving Cat sneaked into the first treasure house and stole a large amount of treasure.

Sky Devil Hall will send someone to guard the treasure house or monitor even if it is understaffed.

Zhao Feng can’t help Run Left Eye to penetrate the blue crystal palace in front of him directly.


Zhao Feng quickly gained a view inside the blue water crystal palace, watching a shadow of Daoist.

“It’s just Seventh-Rank Ancient God. It seems that Sky Devil Hall is just sending someone to watch because it’s understaffed!”

Zhao Feng whispering.

The treasure house is not do as you wish. Even with the help of Small Thieving Cat, it takes some effort to enter into it.

Therefore, Sky Devil Hall only sends people to monitor, and once it finds something unusual in the treasure house, it will send out the message as soon as possible.

In this way, even if Zhao Feng and Small Thieving Cat successfully broke in, if they didn’t have time to steal the treasure, they would be blocked by members of Sky Devil Hall who rushed here.

Zhao Feng told the situation, and Small Thieving Cat also spoke.

Meow meow!

Small Thieving Cat still refuses to leave, but discusses the countermeasures with Zhao Feng.

In the end, Small Thieving Cat suggested that Zhao Feng first describe the mechanism formation traps in this place, and let it think about the method of Deciphering first.

In this way, you can quickly Deciphering, get some benefits before the other people in Sky Devil Hall arrive here, and then flee.

Zhao Feng pondered for a moment, although it was a little dangerous, but it was very feasible.

In addition, he just looked through and probably saw the treasure situation in the blue water crystal palace.

“It’s all extinct cultivate Rare Treasures collected from Sky Devil Hall, and many developed medicines, medicine pill …”

Zhao Feng was slightly excited.

In his opinion, the medicine, medicine pill, should have been developed by Heavens Secret Clan, and was slowly collected by members of Sky Devil Hall.

Heavens Secret Clan developed the medicine, medicine pill, which is definitely extremely precious, medicine efficacy Opening Heaven.

Zhao Feng and Small Thieving Cat then hid near the blue water crystal palace.

After a while, Zhao Feng painted almost all the structure and details of the entire blue water crystal palace.

The next thing is Small Thieving Cat.

Zhao Feng enters into the Space-Time Robe, refining Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror.

When the refining degree of Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror just reached 80%.

Meow meow!

Small Thieving Cat suddenly jumped in front of Zhao Feng, cheering.

“Go ahead!”

Zhao Feng naturally knew the meaning of Small Thieving Cat, stopped refining Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror, and left Space-Time Robe.


Small Thieving Cat jumps directly to the blue water crystal palace, its silhouette is divided into two, and divided into four …

In the end, the silhouettes of the eight Small Thieving Cats fumbled around the blue water crystal palace all around.

Less than five breaths away, all the mechanism traps leading to the blue water crystal palace were completely broken.


In the core secret hall, You Quan Ancient God complexion gloomy.

“Did you find anything?”

You Quan Ancient God furiously shouted.

Zhao Feng and Heavens Secret Cat, who escaped from Twin God Xie Sheng before, have no clue to this day.

Just now, Luo Ling Ancient God escaped smoothly from his pursuit.


The old man who operated all the monitoring devices of Sky Devil Hall was slightly trembling.

“Yes, yes, in …”

Suddenly, the Deep Green Hair old man hurriedly said.

However, he did not say the exact location, but was interrupted by You Quan Ancient God.

“Western treasure house, they did not leave the core area!”

You Quan Ancient God complexion gloomy.

He had previously determined that Zhao Feng and Heavens Secret Cat, after gaining benefits, must have left the core area and found a chance to escape.

Unexpectedly, Fang was still hiding in the core area and set his target on the second treasure house.

“impossible !”

In the secret hall, You Quan Ancient God furiously shouted.

The Infiltrator and Heavens Secret Cat are simply bold!

In the treasure house of the West, cultivate Rare Treasures are long gone.

These cultivation resources are almost priceless. Even if they are afraid to touch them, they are afraid to waste them.

In addition, there are some important results developed by the Heavens Secret Clan Pharmacy, medicine pill, and Sky Devil Hall they searched.

The first treasure trove was stolen because they were caught off guard by Zhao Feng and Small Thieving Cat.

If the second treasure house is stolen again, that would be a joke!

“Back to the core area, the treasure house of the West!”

You Quan Ancient God immediately took control of Twin God Xie Sheng, led some manpower, and returned to the core area at full speed.

Outside the Sky Devil Hall, a room full of dead bodies.

In the dark corner of the room, a faint space wave suddenly appeared.

“Damn, that descendant of Samsara God Eye has such a powerful Ninth-Rank Immortal Samsara Body!”

Luo Ling Ancient God complexion is slightly pale, and immediately swallows some medicine pill.

The Immortal Samsara Body of that Dragon Beast was the 43rd Ancient Thunder Flame Dragon in Immemorial Ten Thousand Race.

If it hadn’t been for Luo Ling Ancient God’s action, he had made preparations, I’d be afraid that he would have died under the pursuit of that Ninth-Rank Immortal Samsara Body.

“I have to go to the core area!”

Luo Ling Ancient God silver teeth clenched.

She hasn’t identified the younger brother’s alive or death. Even if she doesn’t hope to rescue the younger brother, she must check out the facts.

The longer you stay here, Luo Ling Ancient God realizes that this force is by no means ordinary, and it must have hidden amazing secrets.

“That kid should be already dead!”

Luo Ling Ancient God can’t help think of Zhao Feng who had worked with myself before.

With his own strength, he almost lost his life. The only mysterious person he ever worked with was Seventh-Rank Peak. I was afraid that he would have been captured by Sky Devil Hall.



Zhao Feng low roaring sound.

He and Small Thieving Cat rushed in all moments when the mechanism trap formation was Deciphering.


From the side of Zhao Feng, a powerful Divine Power wave appeared.

I saw, a golden light, brilliant candine might Tyrant Fist, oppressed towards Zhao Feng.


A man with a pale complexion, a tall and sturdy body, and a mighty man is loudly shouted.

“Do you think I don’t know you’re hiding here?”

Zhao Feng sneered.

This blue water crystal palace can isolate Spiritual Sense, but it can’t isolate the perspective ability of his God Eye.

The Seventh-Rank Ancient God hid aside, preparing to sneak attack him. Zhao Feng could see it clearly.


A dark iron shield appeared in Zhao Feng’s hands, which was changed from the Ancient God Seal.

With Ancient God Seal’s defense, the golden-skinned man couldn’t help it.

“Gaze of God’s Eye!”

The next moment, Zhao Feng directly launched the powerful Eye Technique.

In his illusory silver pupil, a dreamy abyss is extended, and a powerful Soul sucking force is emitted.


The split second, Soul of the golden-skinned man, was pulled out.

After all, at Zhao Feng’s Soul level, the achievement reaches the level of the Eighth-Rank Ancient God. This ordinary Seventh-Rank Immortal Samsara Body can’t resist it.

But at this moment, in the opponent’s Soul, a strong and dark Soul Will appeared.

No need to guess, this is definitely the Soul Strength from You Quan Ancient God Cross-Transfer.

“Your boy, dare to stay here, just wait for death!”

There was a vicious voice in the man’s mouth.

You Quan Ancient God sent this Seventh-Rank Ancient God to monitor the treasure house of the West.

Once there is some movement, You Quan Ancient God can know the first time, so that he can move his hands before Heavens Secret Cat enters into the treasure house.

But the speed of Heavens Secret Cat and Zhao Feng Deciphering is really too fast.

Therefore, You Quan Ancient God can only transfer his strength Cross-Transfer, hoping that his Immortal Samsara Body will try his best to stop Zhao Feng and Small Thieving Cat.

“Hmph, you can’t stop me!”

Zhao Feng sneered, God Eye issued a Strength of Source.

Suddenly, the power of Gaze of God’s Eye suddenly increased.

“Thief, you are courting death!”

You Quan Ancient God by Immortal Samsara Body, angrily said.

Because You Quan Ancient God found that even if he had Cross-Transfer strength, he couldn’t resist Zhao Feng’s Eye Technique.

“Damn, the Soul of this Immortal Samsara Body is too fragile to bear my too much strength!”

You Quan Ancient God scolded.

He wanted Cross-Transfer strength to give him Immortal Samsara Body, and let it match with Zhao Feng, but helpless, Immortal Samsara Body itself was too weak to bear too much strength.

“With his Soul Eye Technique at this time, I’m afraid it can pose a threat to Eighth-Rank Ancient God!”

You Quan Ancient God looks deep.

If it wasn’t for his timely gets rid, then Soul of Seventh-Rank Immortal Samsara Body, I’m afraid he was directly sucked away by Zhao Feng.

Suddenly, the connection between You Quan Ancient God and Immortal Samsara Body was greatly weakened, and only the faint feeling that the other was still alive.

Inside the Western Treasury.

The Soul body in the Immortal Samsara Body was inhaled by Zhao Feng into the God Eye Space.

And Zhao Feng uses Soul Strength to wrap this Soul so that he enters into the God Eye Space and can see nothing.

“Fast action!”

After solving the Immortal Samsara Body, Zhao Feng and Small Thieving Cat acted immediately.

The structure here is the same as the first treasure house. There are four steel shelves, and each item on it has a separate barrier guard.

Sou! sou!

The two ran directly to a ball of light.

Because of time constraints, before this, the pair of main pets not only analyzed the Deciphering method of the mechanism trap, but also set their goals.

Zhao Feng directly took out the Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror and ran Profound Truth of Thunder and Thunder Calamity strength to urge them.


A huge Pure Crystal thunderbolt condensed into a tiny crystal-clear Thunder Snake, heading for the barrier barrier assault.

> Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror is a top grade Divine Tool. Now it has been refining 80% by Zhao Feng. Its power is far better than high grade attack Divine Tool.

What’s more, the Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror was exhibited, and it was still a powerful lightning attack.

Boom bang!

After the three attacks, the protective barrier was broken directly. Zhao Feng cut a delicate piece and covered the silver pill’s medicine pill on the surface, and collected it directly.

These top stealing targets were all determined by Small Thieving Cat, and the specific purpose was not known to Zhao Feng.

But Small Thieving Cat, as Heavens Secret Cat, definitely knows these Heavens Secret Clan’s creations.

Therefore Zhao Feng believes in the vision of Small Thieving Cat.

After stealing this medicine pill, Zhao Feng immediately rushed to the next target!

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