King of Gods

Chapter 1338

As Luo Ling Ancient God approached this area, immediately discovered Space’s anomaly.

She flew directly into the room where Zhao Feng was, staring coldly at somewhere in Void, not at all to act blindly without thinking.

At this moment, a colorful cloud of mist burst out of void.

“who are you?”

Luo Ling Ancient God’s eyes sank, and he stared at the colorful mist in front of him, but could not feel anything.

The reason she doesn’t get gets rid is because she feels that the person hiding in the colorful mist is not a member of Sky Devil Hall.

If this person is not from Sky Devil Hall, it can only be another Infiltrator.

“Cooperated not long ago, now forget me?”

Zhao Feng smiled indifferently.

“It’s you?”

Luo Ling Ancient God’s gaze was faint, and he was obviously surprised.

In her opinion, Zhao Feng’s strength should have been killed by Sky Devil Hall.

But Zhao Feng has been arrived. Now, it seems that there are still many opportunities.

For example, now Zhao Feng all around is a colorful haze, which is a means she can’t even see through, and Luo Ling Ancient God is certain that this was obtained by Zhao Feng in Sky Devil Hall.

“I advise you to look for a chance to leave, not to approach the core area!”

Zhao Feng said directly.

He knew the purpose of Luo Ling Ancient God, and coupled with Luo Ling Ancient God’s direction just now, he speculated that Luo Ling Ancient God was ready to go to the core area.

But before that, Zhao Feng and Small Thieving Cat had stolen two treasure trove in the core area.

This completely angered Sky Devil Hall, and now the core area should be the most dangerous part of the entire Sky Devil Hall. Even if Luo Ling Ancient God was in the past, there would be no death.

Although Zhao Feng has little to do with this girl, he was able to rescue the Small Thieving Cat thanks to Luo Ling Ancient God.

Therefore, if it can help Luo Ling Ancient God, Zhao Feng will get rid.

Luo Ling Ancient God thought about it, and once again entered into the core area, she also understood the danger.

Just at this time.

Meow meow!

At this moment, the Small Thieving Cat emerged from the space inside the Space-Time Robe, with deep and deep both eyes, staring at Luo Ling Ancient God.


Luo Ling Ancient God also watched Small Thieving Cat a glance, and Small Thieving Cat gave her a very out of the ordinary feeling.

Suddenly, she remembered that Zhao Feng had said before that he sneaked into Sky Devil Hall just to save his Spirit Pet, a cat.

At that time, she thought Zhao Feng was reluctant to tell the real purpose, and she made it up, but never thought it was true.

“You rescued your cat?”

Luo Ling Ancient God asked directly.

“Thanks for your help!”

Zhao Feng said with gratitude.

“I go first!”

After hearing this, Luo Ling Ancient God turned and left.

Although her expression was cold and there was not much fluctuation, in her heart, Luo Ling Ancient God was hit hard by arrived.

She has teamed up with Zhao Feng, but each has its own purpose.

Now Zhao Feng’s purpose, already, has been achieved, and his pet has been successfully rescued, but Luo Ling Ancient God’s purpose has not made any progress.

Luo Ling Ancient God was blown with pride, and she was slightly dissatisfied.

Why can’t a Seventh-Rank Peak Ancient God do what her lifetime Eight-Rank Peak can do?

She might have listened to Zhao Feng’s advice, but now she decides to try again.

Looking at the look of Luo Ling Ancient God, Zhao Feng knew that it would be useless to say anything more.

But he already exhorted him, and Luo Ling Ancient God did not listen to the advice, and he was not to blame if he was dangerous.


Zhao Feng and Small Thieving Cat return to Space-Time Robe Space again.

His purpose is attained, and in addition, it has to arrived many treasures and information.

Today, Zhao Feng just has to wait for the time to escape.

“Small Thieving Cat, these two distinct things, what’s the use?”

Zhao Feng took out two other items, one is a long and clear pill covered with Silver Marks, and a bottle of Pure Crystal water.

Although they are all taken directly, I don’t know its effect. Zhao Feng dare to take it randomly.

Meow meow!

The Small Thieving Cat figure leapt away and took away the light blue glass bottle filled with Pure Crystal water from Zhao Feng.

It opened it directly and sucked.


The split second, the Pure Crystal water in the light blue glass bottle, immediately poured out and flowed into the mouth of Small Thieving Cat.

“Thieving Cat, hurry up!”

Zhao Feng complexion Sinking.

Seeing this, the contents of this glass bottle are of great use to Small Thieving Cat.

He captured a total of three items. The reverse scale of World Extinguishing Dragon Clan was useless to him. If this bottle of Pure Crystal water was useless to himself, then he would have more than one pill.

Just then, Small Thieving Cat will stop swallowing Pure Crystal water.

Meow meow!

Small Thieving Cat handed the glass bottle to Zhao Feng. After a while, he jumped aside and cultivate.

“Heaven divere liquid, Rare Treasures that help break through the cultivation base!”

After understanding the meaning of Small Thieving Cat, Zhao Feng complexion was slightly shaken.

Listening to the description of Small Thieving Cat, the dive liquid on this day is simply all the experts in the True God Ninth-Rank, the coveted Rare Treasures.

Because of all the experts in this cultivation base, there is a great probability that the first dose of liquid is taken for the first time.

The lower the cultivation base, the greater the probability. Under Sixth-Rank True God, this probability is 50%, and in the case of Eighth-Rank Ancient God, it is about 20%.

“Such cultivate Rare Treasures!”

Zhao Feng was greatly surprised, but also surprised.

He has a lot of Clone and men, but they can’t keep up with his own pace.

Divine liquid this day will undoubtedly help increase his Clone and his cultivation base in a short time.

“According to the amount of Small Thieving Cat just taken, the remaining days of divin liquid are for up to five people!”

Zhao Feng’s Left Eye, look carefully at the heaven liquid.

He has three Clones, plus World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon, which can be taken by each person.

And Zhao Feng’s God Eye, with the ability to copy heavenly materials and earthly treasures, doesn’t care about the weight at all.

“The higher the cultivation base, the lower the probability of taking a day liquid liquid breakthrough cultivation base. If I take it after I break through Eighth-Rank, it is likely to fail. It is better to take it now, through Eighth-Rank, to cope with the possible future Happening……”

In the end, Zhao Feng decided to take Divine Liquid now, breaking through to Eighth-Rank.


Zhao Feng’s figure, flickering directly next to the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon.

“Little Black, there is a certain probability that it will help you break through the Rare Treasures of First-Rank!”

Zhao Feng waved his hand, took a portion from the glass bottle, and gave it to World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon.


World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon complexion startled, seems a little unbelievable.

Just now, seeing the reverse scale of World Extinguishing Dragon Clan, for him, there is a huge opportunity for already.

After a while, the Master came over again, and gave him Rare Treasures with the same potential to directly break through the cultivation base.

All this is like dreaming.

Although there is disbelief, the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon did not dare to disobey Zhao Feng’s Will, and swallowed the Pure Crystal water directly.

After taking World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon, Zhao Feng had Zhao Wang and Zhao Hui also take one.

Zhao Wan is in Immemorial Dreamland.

“It depends on the fortunes to break through!”

Zhao Feng lowly mumble, also swallows a certain amount.

Suddenly, he felt a clear stream spreading within him within the body, flowing into the whole body meridians, reaching the viscera, penetrating the bone marrow, and even affecting the Soul level.

At this moment, Zhao Feng whole body is in possession, as if sublimated.

Everything about him was transformed by a strange strength.

Of course, the largest part of the strength of this diverge liquid is gathered at the God Platform.

Zhao Feng immediately runs Divine Power to build the eighth God Platform on top of the seventh God Platform.

Soon, the prototype of the eighth God Platform was built.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Feng poured the energy brought by the divine liquid into it.


Space-Time Robe The space inside is quiet.

Small Thieving Cat, World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon, Zhao Feng includes two other Clones, all of which are taken in divine liquid.

At this moment, everyone is using the medicine efficacy and assault cultivation base of heaven liquid.

However, there is a certain probability that Divine Tool medicine efficacy of Divine Liquid is successful. It depends on luck.

Just at this time.

Outside, a Seventh-Rank Samsara was indifferent, passing by outside the room.

Although Zhao Feng was cultivate, he was aware of the arrived movement.

It’s just that the Immortal Samsara Body flew directly over here, and there was almost no stay, and Zhao Feng didn’t care.


In the core secret hall, You Quan Ancient God blinked.

“Some doubt!”

You Quan Ancient God spit out the word.

From now until now, his spiritual ideas are pinned on all Immortal Samsara Body for careful search.

Just now, he finally found a point of doubt.

“Sir, what’s the matter?”

An operator asked immediately.

“It’s not clear, you give me a close look at everything around there!”

You Quan Ancient God whispered, and a Divine Power emerged.

The Divine Power came to the light barrier in front of the operator and circled a range.

You Quan Ancient God is not sure, but you must not let it go.

He didn’t beat the grass to scare the snake, and when he saw the doubt, he let the Immortal Samsara Body leave.

“You rush over as soon as possible, but don’t get too close, so as not to beat the grass to scare the snake …”

You Quan Ancient God gives orders directly to Twin God Xie Sheng.

He wasn’t sure whether it was Zhao Feng, Heavens Secret Cat, or Luo Ling Ancient God that was hiding in that doubt.

But no matter who it is, this time, if he gets rid, he must not miss!


“There is a situation!”

Twin God Xie Sheng received a message from You Quan Ancient God.

In their minds, a map instantly appeared, with a target point marked on it.

“Hope it’s that kid and Heavens Secret Cat!”

The two immediately left.

They hate Zhao Feng’s, they have also stronger Luo Ling Ancient God, and Zhao Feng is not easy to deal with.

At the same time, in a cultivate back room.

A red haired man is checking everywhere.


Suddenly, the red haired man took out a communication command token.

“Looking for arrived!”

The red haired man showed surprise and left the place directly.

“Hope is where the Heavens Secret Cat and that kid’s hiding place, so in that case, heaven liquid liquid and contribution points will be in hand!”

The red haired man complexion is extremely happy.

After getting this message, rush to the target point at the fastest speed.

At the same time, he passed the message to other searchers.

In the outer area of ​​Sky Devil Hall, a tall silhouette flickering back and forth around the Channel.

Others have dragon heads, dragon wing giant tails on their backs, exuding terrifying aura of Megatron Heaven.

He is the expert of You Quan Ancient God’s Ninth-Rank Immortal Samsara Body and Ancient Thunder Flame Dragon Clan.

At a certain moment, his figure suddenly stopped, he changed direction, and the figure flickering disappeared.

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