King of Gods

Chapter 1333

“What? The treasure house of the East!”

You Quan Ancient God almost spurt a mouthful of blood.

He originally thought that Zhao Feng would choose to flee, but did not expect Zhao Feng to be so bold, still hovering near the core area, and close to the treasure house of the East!

The Oriental Treasury stores the research results of Sky Devil Hall over the past XNUMX years, as well as treasures collected around.

Everything inside is blocked by layers, which is the most important thing.

“Theoretically, it is impossible for the other party to deciphering the formation mechanism all around the treasure house, but …”

The operator was a little confused.

The treasure house has formation defense, and various mechanism traps. The entire Sky Devil Hall can smoothly enter into them, which is only the top experts.

“Even if the thief controls members of the Sky Devil Hall, it is difficult to deciphering. The only possibility is-Heavens Secret Cat!”

You Quan Ancient God complexion sank.

He never thought that Heavens Secret Cat would help people in Space-Time Holy Land.

Maybe it was released by the Space-Time Holy Land people, so Heavens Secret Cat helped the Space-Time Holy Land people. In addition, the Heavens Secret Cat may also need some items in the treasure house.

You Quan Ancient God immediately took out a dark silver communication command token: “You send a few people to the treasure house of the East, kill the Infiltrator, and capture the Heavens Secret Cat …”

The treasure house is located in the core area. As a last resort, You Quan Ancient God cannot let ordinary members enter into the core area.

Perhaps the people of Space-Time Holy Land are mixed in, and if they come in a few more, wouldn’t it be great.



Zhao Feng runs Primordial Divine Power to hit a dark and heavy punch.


But the powerful punches, the strikes on the protective barrier of the Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror all around, just shake it slightly.

The purple iron steel frame seems to be integrated with the purple iron castle, completely motionless.

“Primordial Divine Power cultivate from” Chaotic Sky Origin Secret Art “is extremely powerful. Although I am a Seventh-Rank Peak, the Divine Power attack is stronger than the average Eight-Rank Ancient God, so it is difficult to break the protective barrier!”

Zhao Feng was slightly shocked.

However, this is also as it should be by rights, Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror is a top grade Divine Tool.

How easy is it to get a top grade Divine Tool.

But at this moment, a great immemorial aura of Great Desolate exploded in the distance.

Meow meow!

I saw, Small Thieving Cat smiled, staring at a rune of dense silver short blade.

On the short blade, the silver rune flickering is a startlingly powerful aura, and it feels like Zhao Feng. It is definitely a top grade Divine Tool.

“This guy……”

Zhao Feng was suddenly speechless.

He originally thought that Thieving Cat brought Zhao Feng here to thank him for his Master.

As a result, Thieving Cat looked after himself.

However, Zhao Feng was even more surprised by the approach of Thieving Cat.

He didn’t observe carefully just now, it’s not clear by what means Thieving Cat broke the defense barrier.

After getting the silver short blade, Small Thieving Cat immediately sat down and ran a silver-gray divide light to wrap it.

Any Divine Tool needs refining in order to exert its power.

“Break for me! !”

Zhao Feng’s Left Eye started to run, a trace of dreamy lightning flame, tumbled inside.

Hum pu!

The next moment, a group of thunderclap fires shrouded in fantasy mist descended directly on the protective barrier where Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror was located.

That thunderbolt flame, bombarded frantically.

噗chi chi!

Flickering on the protective barrier was the false rays of light. At one moment, one or two small holes bombed by Thunder Calamity appeared.

But the protective barrier is self-healing, as long as the energy does not completely disappear, it can recover quickly.


Zhao Feng said nothing, continued to fire, and strikes out several powerful and faint shadows.

Boom bang!

Under the dual attack of Thunder Calamity Eye Strength attack and Primordial.

The energy of the protective barrier is quickly dissipated and quickly becomes dull.


Zhao Feng right hand index finger exudes a powerful Immemorial Bloodline aura.

In the Continent domain, a drop of God Blood was sealed in Zhao Feng’s index finger.

At that time, it was because Zhao Feng’s body could not absorb this drop of God Blood’s energy.

However, as Zhao Feng cultivation base continued to grow and the life level broke through, God Blood in the index finger continued to moisturize Zhao Feng’s Bloodline and physique invisibly, and the energy was already exhausted.

But even so, Zhao Feng’s index finger is extraordinary.

call out!

A dark red chaotic finger light shot from the index finger.

The finger light instantly descended on the protective barrier, and the two froze for a moment.


The protective barrier shattered directly.

The remaining power of the finger light fell on the Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror, with only a trace of sparks.

“Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror!”

Zhao Feng showed surprise, and with a big wave, he took out Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror.


A great Desolate Immemorial thunderbolt aura spread from it.

Even if Zhao Feng’s body used to be Thunder Calamity Saint Body, he still felt numb when he touched the strength of this lightning strike.

However, Zhao Feng’s Soul was obviously not afraid of this lightning strike, and even showed a very friendly look, and absorbed the lightning strike emitted from Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror.

Split second, Zhao Feng felt Soul clear and refreshed.

“Worthy to be called is Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror!”

Zhao Feng complexion.

With Realm’s rapid improvement, his Thunder Soul Body is not as powerful as it was.

But with this Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror, the special and advantages of Zhao Feng Thunder Soul Body will be reflected again.

Moreover, this Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror is still an attacking Divine Tool. Zhao Feng is good at using Thunder Calamity and owns Profound Truth of Thunder, which can exert its power.

“The most important thing right now is refining!”

Zhao Feng immediately sat cross-legged.

If there is no refining, this top grade Divine Tool will have no effect on Zhao Feng.

At this moment, he is still in the Sky Devil Hall, and members of the Sky Devil Hall are also so hated of Zhao Feng that he must still be searching around.

“If I refining Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror, my self-reliance will be a lot more!”

Zhao Feng quickly ran Divine Power and Soul Strength and dived into Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Feng refining Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror was extremely fast.

He had experience refining Space-Time Robe. Compared to it, the speed of refining Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror is really amazing.

But if you think about it, you will understand.

If it were a descendant of Eye of Space-Time, refining Space-Time Robe might be faster than Zhao Feng at the beginning.

And Zhao Feng cultivate Profound Truth of Thunder, formerly Thunder Calamity Saint Body, Soul is Thunder Soul Body, so refining Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror is handy.

Meow meow!

It didn’t take long for Zhao Feng to hear Small Thieving Cat’s voice.

Even if Zhao Feng and Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror are in perfect match, refining top grade Divine Tool cannot be completed in a short time.

Today, the refining degree of Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror is only 20%.

“Are you running out of time?”

Zhao Feng probably understands what Small Thieving Cat means.

He broke into the treasure trove with Small Thieving Cat, and Sky Devil Hall could not have been aware of it.

Meow meow!

Small Thieving Cat made a gesture in front of Zhao Feng, then jumped to one of the purple iron steel frames.

“You want to help me pick something useful?”

Zhao Feng complexion was surprised for a moment, and then he was dubious.

The next moment, a small rune silver blade appeared in the hands of Small Thieving Cat, and various runes on it continued to flickering strange light glow.

Small Thieving Cat came to one of the protective barriers. There was a silver-white light band inside the barriers, exuding a faint silver light.

Small Thieving Cat swipes gently with the silver blade of rune in his hand.

噗chi chi!

The protective barrier was cut straight out.

Although the mouth was desperately healing, the rune silver blade also exudes a strange strength against it.


At the same time, Small Thieving Cat removes the items from the protective barrier.

“So simple!”

Zhao Feng suddenly hesitated.

And he felt that the refining of the rune silver blade in the hands of Small Thieving Cat was higher than the Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror in his hands.

With God Eye’s insight, Zhao Feng noticed that the Small Thieving Cat body’s breath was a little weaker.

Think about it, the Small Thieving Cat directly takes out the items inside the defense barrier, and the consumption is definitely not small.

Small Thieving Cat threw that silver band of light directly to Zhao Feng.

Meow meow!

After a random comparison, Small Thieving Cat’s black gem-like both eyes, and looked towards other places.

Zhao Feng follows the meaning of Small Thieving Cat, bringing the silver white light strip close to Space-Time Robe, and slightly running Divine Power.

Suddenly, the silver white light band slowly submerged into the Space-Time Robe.

Zhao Feng immediately ran God Eye to observe carefully.

It was found that the silver white light band was differentiated into many small lines, penetrated into every flawed and damaged place of Space-Time Robe, and repaired it.

“It works like this!”

Zhao Feng complexion can’t help startled.

Space-Time Robe is a top grade Divine Tool from the ancient period. After many years, it has many flaws.

After Zhao Feng got Space-Time Robe, he experienced many dangers, which caused some minor damage to Space-Time Robe.

But now these are almost all fixed.

Before you think about it, Small Thieving Cat lost another item.

“This should be a special Item …”

Zhao Feng looked at a metal ball the size of a baby’s fist in his hand, but he didn’t know what it was.

His Spiritual Sense subconsciously penetrated into it, only to find a strange dense fog.

Divine Power poured into it.

Boom hu hu!

Suddenly, the metal ball melted in Zhao Feng’s hands, turning into a multi-colored haze, surrounded by Zhao Feng.

Although the whole body is surrounded by this layer of light and fog, Zhao Feng’s vision and Spiritual Sense have no effect at all.

“What is the use of this?”

Zhao Feng does not know the role of this item at this time.

But Small Thieving Cat’s personal selection for Zhao Feng is definitely not unusual.

“Not good, someone is here!”

At this time, Zhao Feng’s Left Eye penetrated the building and saw a shadow of Daoist.

Immediately, another Daoist film appeared, and the goal was exactly the treasure house where he and Small Thieving Cat were located.

“Thieving Cat!”

Zhao Feng cried out in surprise.


Small Thieving Cat immediately left the purple iron steel frame.

The two then left the Purple Iron Castle.

As soon as he came out, Zhao Feng heard cry out in surprise: “Sure enough here!”

“Heavens Secret Cat!”

I saw that the three Daoist shadows approached Zhao Feng and Small Thieving Cat quickly.

And of these three, two were Eight-Rank Ancient God, the first red haired man, and even reached the Eight-Rank Peak.

“Oh? What is that multi-colored haze?”

One of them stared at Zhao Feng, which was enveloped in layers of smoke, and looked surprised.

Sight alone cannot penetrate the light and fog, but even with Spiritual Sense, they cannot see the scene in the light and fog.

So in their opinion, it is a multi-colored haze, moving rapidly in void.

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