King of Gods

Chapter 1334

“Oh? What is that multi-colored haze?”

One of them stared at Zhao Feng, which was enveloped in layers of smoke, and looked surprised.

Sight alone cannot penetrate the light and fog, but even with Spiritual Sense, they cannot see the scene in the light and fog.

“They can’t see me?”

Based on the reaction of these three people, Zhao Feng probably guessed.

“It turns out that this Item can hide my identity …”

Zhao Feng instantly understood the meaning of Small Thieving Cat.

This Item is really what he needs now.

About Zhao Feng’s looks, almost everyone at Sky Devil Hall knows.

But now everyone at Sky Devil Hall thinks that Zhao Feng is a Space-Time Holy Land person, so he ignores the possibility of Ninth God Eye.

The more they knew about this power, the more Zhao Feng realized their desire for God Eye and its descendants.

Zhao Feng is now more accessible and less dangerous.

“You two, you can break into the treasure house. You can’t go anywhere today!”

“Catch them!”

The three men chasing, yelling loudly.

“Jinrui lightsaber!”

The red haired man both eyes flickering led by the colorful light suddenly shot a few golden swords that penetrated all things.


Zhao Feng runs Primordial Divine Power to perform powerful battle skills.

Primordial Divine Power is extremely special. It contains a variety of Profound Truths and many features, which are hardly restrained by any strength.

However, Zhao Feng and the opponent’s cultivation base barriers were placed there, and his Primordial Fist stalemateed for less than a moment, and was penetrated by the Golden sword.

Just at this time.

In Zhao Feng’s hands, a sparkling and translucent clear Thunder Marks light mirror appeared.

“Nine Heavens Thunder Strength!”

Zhao Feng took one hand on the back of Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror, running Thunder Calamity strength and Profound Truth of Thunder.


Suddenly, the Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror burst out with a mighty heaven and earth ghostly lightning strike.

The three men behind him, body Soul can’t help startle.

Heaven and earth all around, as if it were a Thunderbolt Domain, countless Thunder Marks Lightning Glow walked around.

“That’s … Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror!”

“You stole this Divine Tool!”

The three men chasing behind them suddenly burst into tears.

This Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror is one of the most precious items in the treasure house of the East.


In Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror, a blast of thunderous lightning suddenly burst out.

Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror has been refining 20% ​​by Zhao Feng, and it can still exert a lot of power.


Nine Heavens Thunder Strength collided with countless Golden swords.

Two strong destructive strengths suddenly bombarded and destroyed all the buildings.

Because of the terrifying strength that erupted in an instant, the red haired man and the three were slightly slower, while Zhao Feng and Small Thieving Cat took a step ahead to escape the lack of a trace.

“Fast chase!”

The red haired man, headed, whispered.

At the same time, the three behind emerged two amazing auras.

Sou! sou!

One black, two white silhouettes, caught up directly.

The dark Ghost Fog of the man is shrouded, terrifying, the woman is beautiful, and the whole body appears blue and white mist, like Fairy.

“Twin God Xie Sheng, You Quan Elder!”

red haired man suddenly shouted respectfully.

“Is Space-Time Holy Land’s Infiltrator with Heavens Secret Cat?”

Twin God Xie Sheng asked coldly.

“It’s unclear. The person with Small Thieving Cat has a whole body shrouded in colorful mist, and we can’t detect its identity!”

red haired man answered truthfully.

“Multicolored haze, that’s the special Item ‘Illusion!'”

Twin God Xie Sheng exclaimed.

Of course, this is Will’s performance of You Quan Ancient God.

Illusion is a special hidden item created by Sky Devil Hall. Once used, it is hidden in the mist and haze, and Spiritual Sense does not work.

Even if the expert is a little higher than the user, it is difficult to see the true face of Lushan in the mist.

The other three did not know what the five-color haze was, because many of the research results of Sky Devil Hall were not clear to them.

But from the performance of Twin God Xie Sheng, they were able to guess that it was anything but ordinary.

“In addition, there is Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror!”

red haired man whispered.

“What? Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror!”

The Twin God Xie Sheng complexion has changed dramatically, and expression is extremely angry.

And You Quan Ancient God in the secret hall is even more stomping.

This Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror is an Immemorial Divine Item, which they obtained from exploring the Immemorial ruins and have been archived to this point.

At this time, they are going to give everything in the treasure house, including Heavens Secret Cat, to the big shot above.

Even before that, they spent countless costs on the Heavens Secret Cat’s Awakening Plan, inspiring its potential.

But at this moment, Heavens Secret Cat ran away, and Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror and research results “Phantom God” were also lost.

“Catch up, never let them go!”

Twin God Xie Sheng furiously shouted.


“Not good, Twin God Xie Sheng is here!”

Zhao Feng’s Left Eye, observed behind.

Twin God Xie Sheng is the Eighth-Rank Peak, and even Immortal Samsara Body, unying and indestructible.

With Zhao Feng’s current strength, caught up with them, that’s it.

“Someone ahead!”

Zhao Feng’s eyes flickered slightly.

“It seems that we enters into the treasure house and completely anger Sky Devil Hall!”

Zhao Feng smiled helplessly.

This core area is obviously the top priority, but in order to catch Zhao Feng and Heavens Secret Cat, Sky Devil Hall actually dispatched so many people.

Now Zhao Feng and Small Thieving Cat are pinched by both sides!

However, compared to the rear chaser, the one who came in front was an Eight-Rank Ancient God.

Xiu xiu!

Zhao Feng and Small Thieving Cat kept their speed and direction unchanged, moving forward quickly.


A middle-aged man with a antler antlers, complexion abruptly changes.

He was preparing to travel to the Eastern Treasury and meet with others to catch Infiltrator.

But now that I haven’t arrived, I suddenly feel halfway along? A faint life fluctuation approaches him …

Xiu xiu!

Zhao Feng and Small Thieving Cat rushed out and launched attack directly.


Zhao Feng fisted with his left hand, hitting a few dark and chaotic punches.

And Small Thieving Cat waved rune short blade in his hand, chopping out an unpredictable silver Blade Edge.


That antler middle-aged, promptly urged Eye of Life, a powerful Life Force, which broke out from within the body.

At the same time, his body all around and out of thin air grew out of countless thick vines, forming a solid defense layer.

Boom bang!

When Zhao Feng and Small Thieving Cat’s attack came, the defense layer was completely destroyed.

The remaining attack power of the two men, strikes in the antlers man body, leaving a pothole.

But split second, the pothole was restored by the strong life force.

This is the powerful life force of Life God Eye descendants.

“Heavens Secret Cat!”

The eyes of the antlers man immediately stared at the Small Thieving Cat.

“Give me aside!”

Antler man complexion overjoyed.

As long as he stops Zhao Feng and Heavens Secret Cat here, and waits for other experts from Sky Devil Hall to come, he will do a good job.

“Hmph, it’s up to you!”

Zhao Feng sneered, both fists waved again.

The dim and chaotic light of the fist, like the towering mountains, blasted down.

“Hmph, you look down on Eye of Life!”

The antler man was coldly snorted and a little displeased.

His body all around immediately appeared countless stout ancient trees, growing from the bottom up.

Boom bang!

Zhao Feng’s attack is extremely powerful, destroying all trees, but as long as Zhao Feng destroys, the number can grow back.

At the same time, a green-lined Battle Armor appeared around the antlers.


The antler man rushed towards Zhao Feng directly, carrying a punch with amazing energy, and strikes out.

At this moment, all around the floating life Profound Truth strength, all gathered towards his fist.

“Hmph, you look down on me!”

Zhao Feng slightly smiled.

Now that he is already reaching Seventh-Rank Peak, the ordinary Eight-Rank Ancient God is no longer his opponent.

“Thunder Calamity Eye Flame!”

The Eye Strength Will in his Left Eye waved, and a thunderbolt flame slowly emerged.

Hum pu!

A fire of Thunder Calamity was bombarded directly at the Soul level of the Antler Man.

Although the Strength of Source has not been used, the power of Thunder Calamity Eye Flame is not tolerable by ordinary Eight-Rank True God.

“Really strong Thunder Calamity strength …”

The antlers showed pain and struggle.

Mu Kelei, but he is still tormented by Zhao Feng’s Thunder Calamity Eye Technique.

“Nine Heavens Thunder Strength!”

At the same time, in the Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror in Zhao Feng’s hands, to rush forth came out a stout Thunder Dragon.

Hong long long !

Two strands of lightning strength, entwined in the antlers man all around, burned his whole body strikes.


The face of the antlers was incredible.

This time, Heavens Secret Cat has no gets rid. As Eye of Life, he is actually not an opponent of Seventh-Rank Peak Ancient God.

The antlers hurriedly urged Eye of Life, his body all around, and that layer of green-stripe Battle Armor appeared again.


“Heaven Covering Palm!”

Zhao Feng approached the antlers man in an instant, and under these close distances, he directly applied these two Battle Skills.

Dark fists stretched out, strikes directly at the antlers man’s body.

Boom bang!

The antlers man was smashed aside, the flesh was blurred, and aura was weak.

If you change to ordinary people, I am afraid that I have already died.

But his Eye of Life is still supporting, continuously flowing out powerful life Profound Truth strength, recovering his Divine Physique.

“You too weak!”

Zhao Feng said flatly that Left Eye was slightly moving.

The antlers man was very unwilling, but was unable to refute. / p>

He was dignified Eighth-Rank Ancient God and was actually defeated by a Seventh-Rank Peak Ancient God.

“This is impossible!”

The antler man face twisted and struggled, shouting self-consciously.

Because of the momentary weak spot, Zhao Feng’s Illusion Dao Eye Technique directly invaded, causing the antlers man to be plagued by a never-stop endless fantasy.

“Will is so weak!”

Zhao Feng sneered.

At this time, the antlers man was deeply trapped in the Illusion Technique world and could not extricate himself.

And his Eye of Life stopped working.


Zhao Feng Left Eye started and a chaotic and twisted energy bombarded.

“Earth Explosion to Alarm the Stars!”

A dim ball of light, after wrapping the whole body of antlers, directly bombed it.

Boom bang!

The body of the antler man, with the explosion of the dim ball of light, turned into fly ash.


Zhao Feng had a slight replacement in his heart and continued to escape with Small Thieving Cat.

This time, Small Thieving Cat did little to help.

Zhao Feng alone killed Eight-Rank Ancient God and beheaded him.

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