King of Gods

Chapter 1332

gravity training room.

A black robe gloomy and cold woman floating on a stand is empty, her dim both eyes slowly running.

A dark yellow mist like the Ghost Fog of Hell wanders out, enclosing the entire broken gravity training room.

At this moment, the place seemed to be a ghostly place, shuddering.

Suddenly, a dark object appeared in the Ghost Fog at dusk, just like Malicious Ghost.


The dark silver Soul body, split second came to the black robe woman.

“many thanks!”

Luo Men Ancient God said very gratefully.

He knew this woman, Eighth-Rank cultivation base, and it was estimated that he would pay a small price to resurrect himself.


The gloomy and cold woman in the black robe, both eyes stopped working, and the complexion was a bit pale.

“It’s you? Luo Men Ancient God, how could you die?”

The glomyy and cold woman was surprised.

“It’s Luo Men Ancient God. What’s going on here?”

Other members nearby also showed shock.

“I was overcast by a kid who was mixed in here. The kid had Space-Time Robe. He also controlled Ancient God Xuan Mo and several of his companions. I was killed by them together!”

Luo Men Ancient God’s Soul, said gnashing teeth.

Although he was besieged and killed by everyone, those who besieged him had a lower cultivation base than him.

For Luo Men Ancient God, this is also a shame and shame.

“By the way, I’ll tell you what the kid looks like, and you will tell Sky Devil Hall’s executives!”

Luo Men Ancient God immediately said.

“No need, the person you said has Space-Time Robe, the senior executives know it!”

gloomy and cold The woman shook her head slightly.

“Is he dead?”

Luo Men Ancient God expression twitched and asked later.

“No, not only that, but he and his companions also let go Heavens Secret Cat!”

gloomy and cold woman complexion cold and severe.

“What? The kid isn’t dead yet, I’m going to kill him!”

Luo Men Ancient God immediately growled in anger.

Luo Men Ancient God hated Zhao Feng’s and made him completely ignore Heavens Secret Cat.

“You are just a Soul body now, and even Body Possession is not very useful …”

gloomy and cold the woman said coldly.

She spent so much Strength of Source and Eye Strength Will, but resurrected the expert of Sky Devil Hall, and did not get any useful information, which made the glomy and cold woman feel that she was losing weight.

“Let me use your mechanical cymbal. Your mechanical cymbal is newly developed. Its special eye pupil can perform powerful Eye Technique. You can rest assured that once I kill the kid, I will return you And give you five thousand contribution points! “

Luo Men Ancient God immediately looked towards gloomy and cold woman, said eagerly.

Luo Men Ancient God couldn’t bear this tone, he must kill Zhao Feng with his own hands.

But now he is a Soul body, there is no Eight-Rank Ancient God, willing to let him Body Possession.

If he is a Body Possession Seventh-Rank Ancient God, it is not originally Zhao Feng’s opponent.

Therefore, Luo Men Ancient God intends to temporarily store it in a mechanical cymbal and use a powerful mechanical cymbal to achieve his purpose.

“Five thousand contribution points, talk!”

The gloomy and cold woman’s eyes suddenly lighted up, and there were other members testifying here, she was not afraid of Luo Men Ancient God.

Having said that, she took out her mechanical puppet directly.


A dark blue mechanical badger appears directly next to it, holding a sword shield, both eyes flickering and sapphire-like light glow.

“many thanks!”

The Soul body of Luo Men Ancient God rushes directly into the dark blue mech.

At first, Soul Will instinctively resisted in the mech.

But under Master’s control, it can only be oppressed by Luo Men Ancient God willingly, giving up control.

“Eighth-Rank Peak’s cultivation base, Zhao Feng, you’re dead!”

Luo Men Ancient God is extremely excited.

The strength of this body is much stronger than his body, but the degree of fit is not high, and the second is that he cannot exert the power of his body Eye of Space-Time.


The core area of ​​Sky Devil Hall, Zhao Feng and Small Thieving Cat, flew through the hall and Channel.

Small Thieving Cat leads the way, its figure jumps around Q in the forward route, paws here and touches.

It was such a simple move. Between Zhao Feng and Small Thieving Cat, they did not encounter any mechanism traps, and even some entrances that required authentication could pass directly.

“This Thieving Cat, worthy to be called is the top secret of Heavens Secret Clan, Heavens Secret Cat!”

Zhao Feng can’t help Marvel.

When he sneaked in here, he also needed to impersonate himself, pretend to be arrested, and relied on Ancient God Xuan Mo and the others to sneak into the secret hall.

But Small Thieving Cat is here, just like in its own back garden.

Zhao Feng finally understood why the Small Thieving Cat was so dangerous and was intentionally caught here.

If Zhao Feng is caught here and can undergo such a transformation, he is willing to give it a try.

Zhao Feng’s Left Eye, can’t help. Looking at the Small Thieving Cat, he found that he couldn’t see through it. Even the cultivation base of the Small Thieving Cat, he could not perceive it clearly.

Soon, in Zhao Feng’s vision, a purple iron castle appeared.

This purple steel castle is inconsistent with all around architecture and is obviously a very important and special place.

In the purple iron castle all around, there are two layers to guard the great formation, and on the purple railway leading to the entrance, there are various types of mechanism traps.

Even if some members of Sky Devil Hall came here, they didn’t dare to approach it.

Meow meow!

Small Thieving Cat gestured at Zhao Feng for a while, and a thief smiled.

“Treasures of Sky Devil Hall?”

Zhao Feng was shocked, then smiled towards Small Thieving Cat with a smile on his face: “Thieving Cat, you must have a way to go in!”

Zhao Feng risked a huge life threat and sneaked in to take over the Small Thieving Cat. As long as he made a mistake, he might be assigned to eternal damnation.

Small Thieving Cat also knows thanks to him for bringing Zhao Feng here.

And from the means displayed by Small Thieving Cat along the way, Small Thieving Cat certainly has a way to enter into the treasure house.

Meow meow!

Small Thieving Cat smiled compostnt, saying that everything was left to it.

“Okay, I’ll check it for you!”

Zhao Feng reassured this to Small Thieving Cat, while himself running God Eye and monitoring all around at all times.


The Small Thieving Cat figure turned into a bright silver gray man, and actually passed directly through the defense great formation.

Then, Small Thieving Cat came to the key position of the formation, breaking it directly from the inside.

Then, Small Thieving Cat jumped on the road to Purple Iron Castle.

At this time, its speed slowed down, and the four claws kept fumbling on the floor.

As long as the Small Thieving Cat walked by, rays of light immediately faded.

In the end, the Purple Railway became an ordinary road.

Meow meow!

Small Thieving Cat called to Zhao Feng for a while.

“So simple?”

Zhao Feng is a bit unbelievable. This Deciphering is too fast.

He did not hide his excitement and immediately flew away.


Small Thieving Cat paws like silver diamonds on the door.

Immediately, a narrow slit appeared in the center of the purple iron gate in front of Zhao Feng.


The gate moved to both sides, and the entrance appeared directly.

Small Thieving Cat is even more excited than Zhao Feng and jumps straight in.

The space in the castle is not large, and a special purple iron steel frame is stored at the four corners.

On the purple iron steel frame, there are many Divine Weapon, Item, and instruments, all of which have separate protective barriers.

“This is the legendary Ancient God instrument, the sky axe!”

Zhao Feng’s eyes narrowed, and he fixed on a giant axe that looked vicissitudes ancient and overbearing Great Desolate.

In the Antiquity period, the sky axe was famous distinguished name, the power was extraordinary, and the attack seemed to split heaven and earth.

It is rumored that a special Heavens are contained in the Dome Axe, which can help Cultivator realize the power of the special Heavens.

The sky axe is placed today, and its powerful attack force can also crush almost all high grade Divine Tool. It can be called the Peak Level in high grade Divine Tool.

“Immemorial Divine Item, Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror!”

Zhao Feng’s eyes fell on the mirror again, the mirror sparkling and translucent were clear, and the Thunder Marks wires were densely covered in the mirror.

Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror is a top grade Divine Tool from the Immemorial period.

It is rumored that this mirror can not only perform the powerful Nine Heavens Thunderclap attack, but also draw the refining Soul, and refining the opponent’s Soul into a special thunderclap Soul Crystal. After swallowing, it can produce a special Soul lightning, tempered Soul Will.

In addition to these two, there are several things Zhao Feng knows, all of which are Renowned’s Divine Tool.

Then, there are some special instruments and items that Zhao Feng cannot recognize.

Meow meow!

Small Thieving Cat hurriedly sprinted and ran towards an iron frame to the rear.

“The protective barrier here is not exhibited by the Heavens Secret Secret Technique, and the Small Thieving Cat has no way. Apart from the caster’s access, it can only be broken by brute force!”

After understanding what Small Thieving Cat meant, Zhao Feng was slightly disappointed.

“It seems that we have to hurry up and get what is most needed or most precious now!”

Zhao Feng’s eyes flickering.

Except those Divine Tool, he doesn’t know most of the instruments and items.

Coupled with the isolation of the protective formation, Zhao Feng can hardly perceive even aura.

Therefore, Zhao Feng quickly identified a goal, which he was more familiar with Nine Thunder Refining Soul Mirror.


In the core secret hall.

“Damn, those thieves!”

You Quan Ancient God’s roaring voice, roaring and shaking.

I saw that the secret hall was dim and there was an area that was blown into ruins.

Other important instruments in the secret hall, fortunately, have protective barriers, and the damage is not serious.

But for Sky Devil Hall, it is also a loss of incomparable gigantic.

“Cough cough, I didn’t expect five of them, but they would be Self-destruction …”

A deep Green Hair operator coughed a few times, resentfully.

It turned out that when the Ancient God Xuan Mo and the others strength was about to run out, Zhao Feng directly asked them to Self-destruction to contain You Quan Ancient God.

You Quan Ancient God was caught off guard and was seriously wounded. Fortunately, he was an Immortal Samsara Body and recovered soon.

However, the instrument here was arrived, and three operators died.

“Hmph, five of them are controlled by Space-Time Holy Land …”

You Quan Ancient God coldly snorted.

During the Ancient God Xuan Mo five-person Self-destruction, he noticed the other Soul aura on the five-person Soul.

Apparently, the Ancient God Xuan Mo five people were a little afraid of death in their hearts and were resisting Self-destruction, but they were still unable to rebel against Zhao Feng’s Will.

Although You Quan Ancient God can immediately resurrect these five people, he now needs to save the strength, kill the people who sneak in, and seize the Heavens Secret Cat.

“How’s it? Is there another person?”

You Quan Ancient God asked.

The whereabouts of Luo Ling Ancient God, they already found that now already sends people to the past, including Ninth-Rank Immortal Samsara Body of You Quan Ancient God.

However, Luo Ling Ancient God is too fast, and the Secret Technique is also extremely deep.

“Not found, eh? In some parts of the Oriental Treasury, most of the mechanism measures have stopped working!”

An operator carefully observed the huge and complicated light screen in front of him, and was suddenly surprised.

“What? The treasure house of the East!”

You Quan Ancient God almost spurt a mouthful of blood.

He originally thought that Zhao Feng would choose to flee, but did not expect that Zhao Feng was still hovering near the core area and was close to the treasure house!

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