King of Gods

Chapter 1325

Zhao Feng runs Left Eye, exerts the ability to see through, pierces through special steel walls, and looks out.

I saw two Daoist shadows standing outside the mouth of a Channel, they were touching the formation of the ancient God Xuan Mo’s residence.

Both of them, Zhao Feng, knew that they were two companions of Ancient God Xuan Mo in Heavens Secret Clan ruins. One of them was Captain of Ancient Zhao Feng, Ancient God Hei Ji.

“When I heard about Zhao Hui before, I told them about it!”

Ancient God Xuan Mo explains.

It seems that the Ancient God Hei Ji and the two must have found that the Ancient God Xuan Mo had successfully captured Zhao Hui, and they were afraid that the Ancient God Xuan Mo would have the exclusive advantage.

“Can’t expose the weak spot, beat the grass to scare the snake!”

Zhao Feng was lost in thought. Suddenly there was a flash of light in his eyes, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


“Not coming yet!”

Ancient God Hei Ji complexion gloomy.

“Ancient God Xuan Mo wouldn’t want to leave us alone and work with others to deal with Zhao Feng and distribute the benefits!”

Another skinny descendant of Eye of Space-Time whispered.

After all, the secret of Zhao Feng body is not trivial, and it can definitely attract the attention of senior management.

Ancient God Xuan Mo is likely to take this opportunity to climb the top expert in the force.

But at this moment, the formation barrier in front of them suddenly disappeared, and the silhouette of Ancient God Xuan Mo appeared slowly.

“come in!”

After saying this, Ancient God Xuan Mo turned directly.

Ancient God Hei Ji, two immediately follow.

Soon, the three of them came to a separate back room, and in the back room, another handsome youth, whose body was bound by a powerful Divine Power, could not move.

“Is this person in close contact with Zhao Feng?”

Ancient God Hei Ji gloomy and cold both eyes, direct Zhao Hui, a pair of Eye of Death, terrifying.

“The clue is out!”

Another can’t wait to ask.

“Just Third-Rank True God, is there any resistance?”

Ancient God Xuan Mo smiled.

“Come on, what valuable information is there!”

Ancient God Hei Ji has some expectations.

See for yourself! “

Ancient God Xuan Mo said flatly, his big hand waved in void.

Immediately, a colorful light barrier appeared before the two.

Ancient God Hei Ji knows that Ancient God Xuan Mo is to show the images in Zhao Hui’s memory.

The picture shows a crystal-carved Immortal Realm land, which is the Spirit Clan site.

Soon, a silhouette emerged, with an illusory silver hair flowing like a stream, wantonly dancing.


The skinny man’s complexion changed slightly.

He is the owner of Eye of Space-Time, and just now he noticed that there was a space fluctuation in the light barrier.

“what happened?”

Ancient God Hei Ji looked puzzled.

At this moment, Zhao Feng in the colorful light barrier suddenly looked towards the two, and the Left Eye exuded a powerful spiritual Dao of Illusions strength.

Gradually, Zhao Feng’s silhouette gradually solidified, and the light barrier disappeared directly.

“Illusionary Banning and Bewitching Domain!”

Zhao Feng’s Illusion Technique, covering the two at the same time.

At that moment, the two descendants of God Eye seemed to come to a dreamy foggy world.

“Myriad Forms hands-on!”

Ancient God Xuan Mo stood behind the Ancient God Hei Ji, and suddenly operated Eye of Myriad Forms. The two-stroke strikers gave out two dao prestige, which could be a huge colored light palm.

Under the influence of Dao of Illusions strength, Ancient God Hei Ji did not have time to react.


Ancient God Hei Ji, they were directly bombarded, and the body smashed forward.

Zhao Feng smiled and watched the two approaching themselves. Space-Time Robe waved them into them.


Subsequently, Zhao Feng and Ancient God Xuan Mo also entered into the Space-Time Robe Space.

“Gaze of God’s Eye!”

After enterings into the inside, Zhao Feng directly ran God Eye, applied Gaze of God’s Eye to the skinny man, and controlled his Soul.

After all, this person is a descendant of Eye of Space-Time, and the impact on this Space is relatively small.

“What’s going on … my Soul!”

The skinny man struggled, but found that his Soul had almost no resistance under Zhao Feng’s Left Eye.

Ancient God Hei Ji was co-controlled by Ancient God Xuan Mo, World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon and Zhao Hui.

The World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon’s Bloodline has absolutely suppressed it, and Zhao Hui’s Death Curse Staff has made Ancient God Hei Ji Eye of Death useless.

“This is Death Curse Staff … no wonder you could absorb that many Death Water Liquid last time!”

With a look of shock at Ancient God Hei Ji, he finally understood the problem that had been bothering him.

Death Curse Staff, rumored to have been created during the Antiquity period by a powerful Eye of Death descendant. Moreover, the descendant of Eye of Death happened to have inherited the curse of the ranked second Ancient Shaman Clan in the Immemorial Ten Thousand Race.

It is also because of this that Death Curse Staff has an eye similar to Eye of Death, which can cooperate with Eye of Death, and also contains the curse of strength.


Soul, the skinny man, struggled, but Soul floated uncontrollably into Zhao Feng Left Eye.


Zhao Feng’s Gaze of God’s Eye, inhale Soul of the skinny man directly into God Eye Space.

After God Eye’s transformation, his Left Eye is more powerful, and almost no one in the same rank can resist the power of Gaze of God’s Eye.

“It’s your turn!”

Zhao Feng smiled and walked towards Ancient God Hei Ji.

Without much resistance, Ancient God Hei Ji was quickly inhaled into the God Eye Space.

After a period of torture, Zhao Feng successfully planted the Dark Heart Seal in their Soul.

“With insiders, it will be easier to mix in Sky Devil Hall!”

Zhao Feng looked happy.

Unexpectedly, after enslaving Ancient God Xuan Mo, two others came to the door.

Although the three of them could not tell Zhao Feng any news about Sky Devil Hall.

However, Zhao Feng can use these three people’s eyes to understand the general situation of Sky Devil Hall.

“Master, you want to save Heavens Secret Cat, it’s not easy!”

Ancient God Hei Ji is worried about Zhao Feng.

“Heavens Secret Cat is home to experts!”

The skinny man could only say so.

According to the words of the two, Zhao Feng can probably guess that the location of Heavens Secret Cat is a place guarded by heavy soldiers, and there are even more super expert inside.

With Zhao Feng’s strength, to rescue the Small Thieving Cat is tantamount to striking a stone with an egg.

“Nothing is absolute, there is no airtight wall in the world, and there are holes in even the tightest places!”

Zhao Feng complexion is dull.

Besides, at this moment, it seems that there are other people who come here to make trouble.

But to save the Small Thieving Cat, it is not the time yet, he still needs to prepare.

“set off !”

Zhao Feng low roaring sound, playing Space Profound Truth, hidden within the body of Ancient God Xuan Mo.

“Master, what should we do?”

Ancient God Xuan Mo asked in a low voice.

Even if he had seen some cards from Zhao Feng’s, he didn’t think Zhao Feng was able to save the Small Thieving Cat.

“Go to your other three companions first!”

Zhao Feng’s voice was slightly pleased.


Although I don’t know what the Master meant, their three people didn’t dare to disobey.

After leaving the residence, everyone saw a few Daoist shadows rushing away from the distant Channel.

“It seems that other intruders are very powerful!”

Zhao Feng can see everything through the vision of the three servants.

sou sou!

The Ancient God Xuan Mo trio flew here to construct a strange structure, like a labyrinth-like base.

Before long, Ancient God Xuan Mo came outside a separate room.

“It’s me, Ancient God Xuan Mo!”

Soon, the formulation outside the room evacuated, and a strong man stepped out: “What’s the matter?”

“Three of us are here. Naturally I have something to discuss with you!”

Ancient God Xuan Mo looks like he has a big secret.

The strong man didn’t think much, and went straight in with their three people.

Suddenly, three of his companions launched a sneak attack on him.

At the same time, Zhao Feng hiding in the Ancient God Xuan Mo body also appeared directly.

Together, the Seventh-Rank Ancient God has no resistance.

After a while, the Ancient God Xuan Mo trio stepped out of the room and headed for their next destination.


“It’s me, Ancient God Xuan Mo!”

Ancient God Xuan Mo and the others came to the thin woman’s residence, but after a long time, there was no reaction.

“It seems Eye of Destiny has some sense, and ran ahead!”

Zhao Feng didn’t care.

At this moment, of the six people in the original Heavens Secret Clan ruins, five are already ready to become Zhao Feng’s servants.

“This way, I have another hole card!”

Zhao Feng hiding in the Ancient God Xuan Mo body, pleased in his heart.

Zhao Feng couldn’t get God Eye Unification from their body, but was able to use them to perform God Eye Unification.

God Eye’s Oneness is powerful, and Zhao Feng knows it well.

If it bursts out in an instant, it is probably Ninth-Rank True God.

As a persistent Secret Skill, you can continue several Eight-Rank Ancient Gods.

“Next, go to where the Small Thieving Cat is!”

Zhao Feng issued an order.


Deep in the center of Sky Devil Hall, there is a huge secret hall, which is the taboo place of Sky Devil Hall.

Even if it is Ancient God Xuan Mo and the others, there is no special reason to even approach it.

Inside the secret hall, there are numerous large and small barrier light covers. Within each light cover, there are some strange mechanical devices, research results, and experimental bodies.

At the end of the secret hall, there is a crystal box with Gold and Silver water flowing in it.

In the water, a silver-grey cat floated.

At this time, the silver rune and imprint of the Small Thieving Cat body, like life, continue to twist and spread.

In front of the Small Thieving Cat, there is an operator who controls the huge instrument connected to the Small Thieving Cat.

And the behind of this operator stands an old man with a vicious appearance and a whole body covered with gray scales.

“If this Heavens Secret Cat is transformed into a complete body …”

Gray scale old man both eyes staring at Small Thieving Cat hard to hide the excitement.


Just then, a shadow came in.

“Master, Space-Time Holy Land’s expert is approaching the Sky Devil Hall base!”

黑影 immediately to report.

“It seems the people who went to their mission last time left clues!”

The gray scale old man sighed, a flash of cold and severe flashed in his eyes.

“Hmph, who is newcomer?”

Grayscale old man asked again.

“Disciple of Ruler of Space-Time, Scarlet Firmament Ancient God!”

“It’s actually Scarlet Firmament. It is rumored that he has already reached Half-Step God Lord. Let me go and meet him!”

Gray scale old man looks like serene.

(Early month, ask for a monthly pass ~~~)

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