King of Gods

Chapter 1324

“He was arrested by me!”

Ancient God Xuan Mo whispered, then rolled up Zhao Hui and left the place directly.

Out of this dim space, Ancient God Xuan Mo appeared in a wide circular steel channel.

Channel runs in all directions, and some important import and export, as well as identity verification.

Before long, Ancient God Xuan Mo enters into a separate back room, throwing Zhao Hui out.

“Don’t tell you, you don’t know Zhao Feng!”

Ancient God Xuan Mo’s eyes were furious, aura coercion belonging to Ancient God, oppressing forward.

Zhao Hui is just Third-Rank True God, under his mighty control, it is as if to suffocate, unable to move even a little bit.


Zhao Hui uttered a voice, his face panicked.

Ancient God Xuan Mo has flashes in his eyes, and complexion is a joy.

“Then please tell me everything!”

Ancient God Xuan Mo is more powerful.


In his hand, a sloppy black ghost head slowly condensed. The ghost head had spiritual intelligence. After condensing, he rushed directly to Zhao Hui’s head.

This is a special memory collection method. Once this black ghost enters into the body of Zhao Hui, it will devour its Soul and get everything.

Ancient God Xuan Mo smiled, staring at this lower True God who was still slaughtered by himself.

“If you want to blame, blame you and Zhao Feng!”

Ancient God Xuan Mo coldly snorted, now he just wants to catch Zhao Feng earlier and get everything of his body, so that he does n’t have the will to live.

Hu hu!

Seeing that black ghost head, he was going to enter into the Zhao Hui’s head.

“You just want to see me like that?”

At this moment, a third sound was heard in this Space.

This sound shocked the Ancient God Xuan Mo whole body, and the emotions of familiarity, disgust, and hatred suddenly appeared.

“Zhao Feng !”

Ancient God Xuan Mo suddenly remembered that complexion changed a lot.

He was very eager to catch Zhao Feng, but never expected that Zhao Feng would appear here.


Zhao Feng suddenly appeared next to Zhao Hui, and then rushed directly to Ancient God Xuan Mo.

When passing by the black ghost head, the huge aura power displayed by Zhao Feng body directly shattered it.


Zhao Feng uses the potential of Thunderclap to run the powerful Primordial Divine Power to perform the matching Battle Skill in “Chaotic Sky Origin Secret Art”.


I saw a dim, chaotic stream of light, like a giant mountain holding the heaven, rolling forward.

Unexpectedly, the Ancient God Xuan Mo was caught by surprise.


He fiercely spurt a mouthful of blood, and his body flew upside down in the dark mountains of strikes.

“Chaotic Sky Origin Secret Art” broke through to the Second Layer, and Zhao Feng’s cultivation base also reached Seventh-Rank Peak. His strength has risen a notch from the beginning.

Ancient God Xuan Mo, who was punching in the body, couldn’t do anything.

However, before Ancient God Xuan Mo landed, Zhao Feng already came to him.

The silver robe waving, Ancient God Xuan Mo and Zhao Feng disappeared on the spot.

Space-Time Robe Internal Space.

Ancient God Xuan Mo spit a few mouthfuls of blood to stabilize the figure.

“Zhao Feng … how did you come here, your strength …”

Ancient God Xuan Mo was too shocked and wanted to say a lot.

He never thought about it, Zhao Feng would be in danger and sneak into their sphere of influence.

Although he concluded that Zhao Feng enters into the place, there is no death, but for now, he has to worry about his life first.

distance Last time we met, Zhao Feng’s strength was even stronger.

“Here is the space inside Space-Time Robe. You can’t escape, submit to me!”

Zhao Feng stood still.

At the same time, in the space of Space-Time Robe, Zhao Wang and World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon also came over.

The World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon burned with the whole Black Flame, released within the body Bloodline aura without any concealment, exuding aura that destroyed everything.

Zhao Wang on the other side is just Fifth-Rank Peak, but he is a descendant of Eye of Death.

The most striking thing about Ancient God Xuan Mo is that a black claw scepter in Zhao Hui’s hand, which emits a terrifying terrifying aura, is more dangerous than the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon *.

“World Extinguishing Dragon Clan, top grade Divine Tool!”

Ancient God Xuan Mo suddenly despair.

Just a Zhao Feng, he can’t continue. Besides, there is an Ancient God of World Extinguishing Dragon Clan here, and another person controls the death of the top grade Divine Tool.

And Ancient God Xuan Mo knew that Zhao Feng had other cards in his hand.

Ancient God Xuan Mo did not expect that he actually died because he had captured a Third-Rank True God.

“You will die too!”

Ancient God Xuan Mo revealed a wicked smile during this desperate situation.

Weng weng!

A huge amount of energy surged and shrunk in his within the body, exuding a heartfelt aura.

“Do you want Self-destruction?”

Zhao Feng seems to have anticipated that the expression not at all has changed a lot.

And his figure suddenly disappeared in this space, approaching Ancient God Xuan Mo.

“what are you doing?”

Ancient God Xuan Mo expression startled.

He really intends Self-destruction at this moment, and he also knows that Zhao Feng is too fast and can definitely escape the explosion range.

So the real reason for his Self-destruction was not to kill Zhao Feng, but to let Sky Devil Hall discover his death.

At that time, Sky Devil Hall will be strictly investigated, Zhao Feng impossible to escape.

What he didn’t expect was that he wanted Self-destruction. Zhao Feng didn’t run away, but approached himself.

“Do you want to stop me Self-destruction? Funny!”

Ancient God Xuan Mo sneered.

Even Eight-Rank True God can’t completely suppress him, so it is impossible for Zhao Feng to stop his Self-destruction.

And if Zhao Feng is too close, his Self-destruction can instantly kill it.

So Ancient God Xuan Mo laughed at Zhao Feng’s stupidity.


Zhao Feng immediately came to the side of Ancient God Xuan Mo, illusory silver eyes turned towards him, and slightly swirled.

“this is……”

The next moment, Ancient God Xuan Mo felt the space strength of a strange Wild Ancient and wanted to teleportation him to another place.

And he was just about to resist, this Space suddenly had a strength of time and space, limited to his body.

At the same time, Zhao Feng’s Left Eye also released a powerful Dao of Illusions strength, affecting his mind, Will.

Coupled with Soul Will of Ancient God Xuan Mo, the originally is not as good as Zhao Feng, and his Eye of Myriad Forms is not as good as Zhao Feng’s quasi God Eye God Eye mention on equal terms.


Ancient God Xuan Mo was pulled directly into Immemorial Dreamland by Zhao Feng.

Immemorial Dreamland, the heart of the Bloody Flame Quilin Race.

The three Eight-Rank Ancient Gods and the Bloody Flame Quilin Race are seated in four squares.

Suddenly, the figure of Ancient God Xuan Mo appeared in the four-person center.

At the next moment, the four Ancient God expert expressions moved, simultaneously erupted into endless strength, and squeezed towards the center.

As soon as Ancient God Xuan Mo appeared here, there was no time to do anything, he was completely controlled by this powerful and invincible strength, and he could do nothing.

The explosion strength he brewed within the body also stopped flowing and slowly dispersed.

“What is this place?”

Ancient God Xuan Mo Difficulties, squeeze these words out.

This is obviously another Space, and there are several peerless experts hidden in this Space.

The next moment, Zhao Feng also appeared here.

“grown ups!”

The Bloody Flame Quilin Race whispered.

“Dark Heart Seal!”

Zhao Feng didn’t say anything, and an illusory silver-colored mark quickly formed in Left Eye, and then imprinted to the depths of Ancient God Xuan Mo Soul.

The Ancient God Xuan Mo, suppressed by four Ancient God experts, has no resistance and can be easily branded.

Members of the Bloody Flame Quilin Race then released it.

Zhao Feng was well aware of the dangers of sneaking into this place, so he was well prepared.

The hidden forces behind mysterious, like Ancient God Xuan Mo, must be very rigorous. All members should have “Soul Jade” and be under unified supervision.

“Soul Jade” contains my own trace of Soul. Once I die, Soul Jade will be broken.

Therefore, Zhao Feng sneaks in here, it is better not to kill, otherwise his identity will be exposed.

“Master, what do you command h”

Very weak Ancient God Xuan Mo kneeling in front of Zhao Feng.

“Tell me what Heavens Secret Cat is doing now, and everything about your forces!”

Zhao Feng was a little excited.

He has always been puzzled about the power of Ancient God Xuan Mo.

A group of God Eye descendants can actually drive the Heavens Secret Clan mechanism.

After sneaking in here, Zhao Feng found that the forces behind Ancient God Xuan Mo are probably more mysterious and stronger than he imagined, and actually control a lot of technology in Heavens Secret Clan.

If it weren’t for the majority of the God Eye descendants here, Zhao Feng would even doubt whether it was the forces of Heavens Secret Clan.

“Master, it’s hard to do!”

Ancient God Xuan Mo Cheeky Struggle.

Zhao Feng expression Suddenly, after being planted with the Dark Heart Seal, Ancient God Xuan Mo obeyed himself even with his consciousness.

But at this moment, Ancient God Xuan Mo would actually resist his request!

“Master, I signed the contract scroll, and once I disclose any information about ‘Sky Devil Hall’, it will immediately divide Divine Soul!”

Ancient God Xuan Mo answered truthfully.

Zhao Feng knew immediately that only death would allow the subject who had planted the Dark Heart Seal to resist his orders.

Once Ancient God Xuan Mo said some information, it is estimated that just after speaking a little, he would die. For Zhao Feng, it has no effect.

This incident made Zhao Feng realize once again that this “Sky Devil Hall” acts rigorously, and his next actions must be careful.

After successfully planting the Dark Heart Seal, Zhao Feng and Ancient God Xuan Mo returned to the outer space.

Although Ancient God Xuan Mo could not disclose the news, but Ancient God Xuan Mo knew where the Small Thieving Cat was and could lead Zhao Feng.

And there are many places along the way that require authentication.

But first, you have to get Ancient God Xuan Mo back, otherwise it ’s easy to reveal stuffing.

Afterwards, the two stayed in this secret room for a while and cultivate.

But the Ancient God Xuan Mo just cultivate not long after, he opened his eyes and took out a round steel command token with a weak red light flickering on the command token.

“what’s the situation?”

Zhao Feng immediately asked.

“Someone triggered the alarm system. Now, Sky Devil Hall is 100,000 Li, and alert is completely blocked!”

Ancient God Xuan Mo answered truthfully.

“I was found?”

Zhao Feng expression

“No, it should be someone else!”

Ancient God Xuan Mo complexion Sink.

The words of Ancient God Xuan Mo reassured Zhao Feng a little.

However, someone else triggered the alarm system and started to be on guard here. This is also bad news for Zhao Feng.

But there is also a good side to this matter. At this moment, Sky Devil Hall’s attention should be attracted by the person who triggered the alarm. This is a good time for Zhao Feng to act.

“We must move quickly!”

Zhao Feng urged and personally helped Ancient God Xuan Mo recover from the injury.

Weng weng!

Suddenly, in the back room where the two were, flickering their very weak rays of light.

“somebody is coming!”

Ancient God Xuan Mo immediately said.

Zhao Feng can’t help Run Left Eye, exert perspective ability, pierce through special steel walls, and look out.

I saw two Daoist shadows standing outside the mouth of a Channel, they were touching the formation of the ancient God Xuan Mo’s residence.

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