King of Gods

Chapter 1326

“Scarlet Firmament, it is rumored that he has already reached Half-Step God Lord, let me go? Will he?”

Gray scale old man looks like serene.

The tone barely fell and his figure disappeared.

“My lord left, there should be no problem here!”

A Deep Green Hair old man who controls the entire Sky Devil Hall is slightly worried.

The other operators in this secret hall were equally worried.

Their Battle Strength is very low, and they don’t have much self-protection ability.

And this time, someone who came to the door was Space-Time Holy Land.

In the Wild God Region, Holy Land is the most powerful Ruler!

“Hmph, what am I afraid of being here?”

Just then, in the darkness, an ice-cold gloomy voice came.

A man with a straight body and both eyes appearing dark and dark like Malicious Ghost.

“You Quan Ancient God!”

Everyone can’t help a puppet.

“With You Quan Ancient God, there is no problem!”

The name Deep Green Hair old man smiled.

Just then, somewhere on the huge light screen in front of him, suddenly a red light spot flickering.

“There is Infiltrator!”

Deep Green Hair old man immediately drink.

“The goal is us!”

Others looked around and said immediately.

“It’s just that’s all here to die!”

You Quan Ancient God sneered, both eyes suddenly started.

A cloud of dim spring water spewed out from it. Everyone likes a glance, and there is an illusion of entering into the hell Yellow Springs.

sou sou!

In the dim mist, a man and a woman were stunned, the man was dark and tall, exuding the ghostly Ghost Dao aura, and the woman was dignified and holy, as if the Fairy was spotless.

The moment they appeared, they broke through.

“Isn’t this ‘Twin God Xie Sheng’ in the Dark Sky Region? It is rumored that the two reached the Eighth-Rank Peak. I did not expect that their already is the Immortal Samsara Body of Lord You Quan!”


In Sky Devil Hall, Channel tangled and complicated. If it wasn’t for Ancient God Xuan Mo and the others, Zhao Feng would have to spend some time trying to explore the location of Small Thieving Cat.

Sou! sou!

In each Channel, one or two Daoist shadows occasionally appear.

It didn’t take long to move forward and fewer and fewer people were encountered on the way.

Just then, a short-haired middle-aged man flying from afar, cultivation base Seventh-Rank Ancient God.

“Ancient God Xuan Mo, where are you going?”

This short-haired middle-aged has some friendship with Ancient God Xuan Mo.

“Hold him!”

Zhao Feng directly ordered.

He needs to know about this person, Soul Search.

Moreover, all of a sudden gets rid, can definitely split the other to subdue the other.

Ancient God Xuan Mo did not answer the middle-aged man’s words, but instantly gets rid.

At the same time, four other God Eye descendants, simultaneously run Eye Bloodline.

“What are you doing?”

That middle-aged man, with a look of horror.

At the same time, near void.


A skull-sized illusory silver eye suddenly appeared.

“Soul prison!”

The illusory silver eyes inlaid in void suddenly launched Eye Technique.

The next moment, Soul of that middle-aged man was tied up by countless Soul Chains, and a sharp black iron thorn pierced into his Soul.

Soul was imprisoned, and Soul, a middle-aged man, was plagued by torture in the illusion, and the outside world was dying. The already in Illusion Technique passed for a few months.

At the same time, the unattended attack of Ancient God Xuan Mo also falls on this middle-aged man body.


Middle-aged man split second Suffering huge damage and fell directly to the ground.


A layer of Eye Strength water swirls over this middle-aged man body.

The next moment, he was inhaled into Zhao Feng’s God Eye Space.

The whole capture operation was very fast, but it took a few moments.

It is at this time.


A wave of Space passed by.

Immediately, a black silhouette came here.

“What are you doing!”

The man with a thin, dark body, as if fused with a black robe, stared at the Ancient God Xuan Mo and the others, roaring.

Although he didn’t see anything, he felt that there were various types of Eye Strength fluctuations, apparently at war.

When he arrived here, aura suddenly disappeared.

Inside the Space-Time Robe, Zhao Feng complexion tweets.

Because of the space inside the Space-Time Robe, Zhao Feng God Eye’s ability was greatly hindered.

Moreover, the building materials here are very special, and it is greatly restricted to Zhao Feng’s perception ability.

So much so that he didn’t find out in advance that this cultivation base is a descendant of Eye of Space-Time.

“Luo Men Ancient God, a member just now stole the research results of Sky Devil Hall and found them, so we teamed up to eliminate them!”

Ancient God Xuan Mo explained actively.

Zhao Feng in Space-Time Robe, through the connection of Dark Heart Seal, can clearly feel the cultivation base of Luo Men Ancient God, which is Eighth-Rank Ancient God.

And it’s the very stable Foundation-Rank Ancient God!

“Release him, let me verify everything!”

Luo Men Ancient God complexion is majestic cold and severe.

As soon as this word came out, Ancient God Xuan Mo and the others suddenly appeared embarrassing and tangled.

“Luo Men Ancient God, in fact, we have a personal feud with that member. I just didn’t hold back, so …”

Ancient God Xuan Mo expression suddenly changed.

“Luo Men Ancient God, if you keep this thing secret for us, the five of us are willing to give you a lot of contribution points!”

Ancient God Hei Ji showed the color of supplication.

“it is good!”

Luo Men Ancient God coldly snorted.

The ancient God Xuan Mo six people captured the Heavens Secret Cat last time, and the contribution points they obtained were quite amazing.

Even Luo Men Ancient God is very heart-moving.

In Sky Devil Hall, contribution points can be exchanged for various Divine Tool items, such as Battle Strength mechanical puppets, special items, Eye Bloodline promotion potions, and so on.

“Luo Men Ancient God, let’s talk somewhere else!”

Ancient God Xuan Mo whispered sound transmission.

At this point, a far-away Channel passes through a Daoist shadow.

“Well, this is really not a good place to talk!”

Luo Men Ancient God ordered nodded.

In Space-Time Robe, Zhao Feng expression trembles.

“This man actually trusts you so much! Don’t you be afraid of cheating?”

Zhao Feng asked directly.

You should know that Ancient God Xuan Mo is the Seventh-Rank Peak, plus four other Bloodline descendants to help, and even destroy or kill an Eighth-Rank Ancient God.

“Master, you look down on the higher Battle Strength in Sky Devil Hall!”

Ancient God Xuan Mo is also inconvenient to disclose, and can only say so.

However, it is not difficult for Zhao Feng to speculate that although the scale of Sky Devil Hall is not large, it controls the technical inheritance of Heavens Secret Clan.

These things should be exchanged for contribution points.

The Luo Men Ancient God is definitely an older Ancient God, and the strength in every aspect is extremely powerful.

In addition, although Ancient God Xuan Mo and the others can perform God Eye unification.

But this Secret Technique takes time. Luo Men Ancient God knows this Secret Technique so well, and certainly will not give Ancient God Xuan Mo time.

Therefore, even if the Ancient God Xuan Mo is five people in total, Luo Men Ancient God is not worried about their cheating.

After all, Luo Men Ancient God ignored Zhao Feng.

Before long, everyone enters into a room.

Enters into the moment, everyone felt a strong gravity repression.

Obviously, this is a special training room. This gravity suppresses the intensity and can also actively adjust.

“Murdering members of Sky Devil Hall is a big crime!”

Luo Men Ancient God walked in leisurely, with a smile on his face.

The five people in front of him all have a lot of contribution points, so he naturally ransoms more.

“I have something here, maybe Luo Men Ancient God would be interested!”

Ancient God Xuan Mo squinting said with a smile.


Luo Men Ancient God complexion slightly changed.

He is actually more interested in contribution points.

In Sky Devil Hall, there are contribution points and almost everything can be obtained.

But Ancient God Xuan Mo also knows this, and certainly won’t come up with anything ordinary.

Ancient God Xuan Mo slightly smiled, touch the Storage Space of the body, and wave with a big hand.


A silver robe suddenly emerged, and the bright silver texture and rune on it, like contain heaven and earth Great Dao, seemed a little fascinating to see a glance.

“Space-Time Robe!”

Luo Men Ancient God’s eyes glared, his body trembling slightly.

It is actually a top grade time and space Divine Tool with assistance, defense, and escape! Space-Time Robe!

But this Space-Time Robe is so precious, Ancient God Xuan Mo and the others, can never be given to yourself.

Moreover, he could not immediately kill the five people in front of him instantly.

“What do you want?”

Luo Men asked the ancient God Lord.

As long as he can get this Space-Time Robe, he is willing to do anything.

“I want your life!”

Just then, a silhouette suddenly appeared in the Space-Time Robe floating in void.

“Thunder Calamity Eye Flame!”

Zhao Feng has already accumulated a lot of Thunder Calamity branding in the space of Space-Time Robe. The moment it appeared, it was directly displayed.


Luo Men Ancient God expression was shocked. Although the situation was still unclear, the sense of crisis made him react instantly.

call out!

Luo Men Ancient God turned into a gloomy Void Glow, flashing to the side.

Not long after the flash, Luo Men Ancient God was forced to show a figure, hissing in pain.

How precise Zhao Feng’s Eye Technique is, almost instantly.

Even though Luo Men Ancient God reaction is extremely fast, his Soul is still affected by 80% of Thunder Calamity Eye Flame power.

At the same time, the Ancient God Xuan Mo five people, performed Eye Technique, and summon a mechanical puppet, launched a storm on Luo Men Ancient God.

Zhao Feng is crowded on this side and does not give Luo Men Ancient God a chance to breathe.

Once Luo Men Ancient God chooses to send the message first at this time, he will be hit by all five of the powerful Eye Techniques, and it is likely to fall here.

“Empty Aegis!”

Luo Men Ancient God forcibly stabilized Soul’s injury, operated Eye of Space-Time, and displayed a layer of virtual white light hood.

Boom bang!

Everyone’s Eye Technique attack will be weakened layer by layer.

However, due to the large number of Ancient God Xuan Mo, it was the first one that could not be supported. Instead, Luo Men Ancient God hurriedly exhibited the defense secret skills.

However, Luo Men Ancient God had no time to do anything at this time, because of the five concubines, the alert went to attack.

“come out!”

Luo Men Ancient God also summoned a puppet, and the strength reached the Eighth-Rank Peak.

After doing all this, the consciousness of Luo Men Ancient God, immediately plunged into the Storage Space, and was ready to send a message.

At this moment, however, a distant wave of strength struck a distance.

“Earth Explosion to Alarm the Stars!”

Zhao Feng’s Eye Technique, start again.

“Earth Explosion to Alarm the Stars” is originally relying on a variety of strong strengths, which collide with each other to generate great power.

“Chaotic Sky Origin Secret Art” cultivate to the Second Layer, Zhao Feng’s Profound Truth strength in many aspects, almost all improve the first layer.

The power of this Eye Technique is the greatest improvement.


The split second, a large, dark and chaotic strength, exploded directly on the body of Luo Men Ancient God.

The Attack of Earth Explosion to Alarm the Stars runs through Matter and Soul, interrupting the operation of Luo Men Ancient God.

At the same time, Zhao Feng figure flashes, came next to Luo Men Ancient God.


With a wave of Zhao Feng’s sleeves, Luo Men Ancient God was included in the internal space.


When Luo Men Ancient God recovered, he immediately understood what was going on.


Zhao Feng and Ancient God Xuan Mo and the others appear directly here.

At this time, Zhao Feng already did not worry about Luo Men Ancient God’s interrogation.

Space-Time Robe is a top grade Divine Tool, plus Zhao Feng’s control, it is completely isolated from the outside Space.

Unless Zhao Feng allows, Luo Men Ancient God cannot pass information from this space!

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