King of Gods

Chapter 1319

When I saw Kun Yun, Zhao Feng can’t help remembered that when he was in the Continental domain, he agreed with Kun Yun for a period of thirty years.

“It’s been 40 years now!”

Zhao Feng can’t help with emotion.

Although 40 years is almost negligible to others, for Zhao Feng, the 40 years are very long.

“I didn’t expect that they were both here!”

Zhao Feng felt that things were unexpected.

In the Continent domain, Kun Yun and Annihilation True God are the opponents of the dynasty.

Now that they are both at Black Devil Peak, it is naturally impossible to get along well.

In addition, True God Broken Cloud is much stronger than Kun Yun, both in strength and status. If you want to play Kun Yun, it is almost with no difficulty.

Don’t even think about it, Kun Yun is definitely dying.

Although Kun Yun from start to finish, there is only a transaction with Zhao Feng.

However, the two have known each other for many years, without Kun Yun and now Zhao Feng. Zhao Feng doesn’t like or even hate True God Broken Cloud.

So this is a favor, Zhao Feng will help.

Hong long long !

The blue and white steel battleship shuttled away in the thick black mist, and soon reached the center of the five black mountain peaks.

At the top of the mountain peak, several high-level Black Devil Peaks have already arrived.

“Spirit Clan, everyone here, Black Devil Peak excuse me for not going out to meet you …”

A tall figure black robed old man, immediately came forward, a powerful aura, making Zhao Hui feel suffocated.

“Elder Tao is serious!”

On the Spirit Clan side, the silver-haired Old Lady stood out.

Subsequently, the owner of Spirit Clan stepped into the battleship and, greeted by the Black Devil Peak high-rise, entered into the main peak.

“What is this young man?”

Black Devil Peak has black and white lines on his face, like a ghost-faced Elder, looking slightly towards Zhao Hui with a touch of surprise and disdain.

“He’s a child of Spirit Clan I fancy. By the way, by the way, take him out for a long time!”

Ancient God Fu Ling opened the mouth and said.

Ancient God Fu Ling is the Eight-Rank Ancient God of Spirit Clan’s older generation. He has been to Black Devil Peak several times, and Elder is very familiar with him here.

“Oh? ”

The rest of Black Devil Peak looked at Zhao Qiu a little bit more, but didn’t find anything special, so they didn’t pay attention.

After all, it’s just a Third-Rank True God. No matter how special it is, they can’t get into their law.

Besides, Zhao Hui has nothing special.

On the way, Zhao Feng discovered that the three Elders headed by Black Devil Peak headed by Elder Tao were friendly and enthusiastic, while the ghost old man and another Elder were very cold to Spirit Clan.

Between the high-level conversations between the two 5-Star forces, came to the main hall.

“Seniors, the juniors will not participate!”

Before entering into the main hall, Zhao Hui offered to resign.

Zhao Hui’s words made the two top executives think he was very interesting.

After saying goodbye to both parties, Zhao Feng was going to go to the black peak where Kun Yun was.

Not long after leaving, Zhao Feng took out an ancient copper coin.

“Really strong starlight!”

Zhao Hui was startled.

The ancient copper coin was emitting rays of light at this time, and almost made Zhao Feng think that the Small Thieving Cat was hiding here.

Later, Zhao Hui used copper coins to sense it and determined that it was not here.

“But it’s not far away!”

Zhao Hui showed a touch of joy and put away the copper coins.

Cooperate with Small Thieving Cat and cannot act recklessly.

At the very least, the message needs to be explored clearly, and then cautiously sneaked in.


Zhao Hui flew in the dark mist, leaving the main peak.

When passing the second mountain peak, it happened that I actually met the True God Broken Cloud.

At this moment, Zhao Feng can’t easily reveal his identity. Moreover, True God Broken Cloud is a disciple of Black Devil Peak. Zhao Feng also has to find a reason to pack him.

So Zhao Feng ignored True God Broken Cloud and went to Kun Yun first.

“Why have I never seen you, you do n’t know this mountain peak, only you have to take a hard shot.

When True God Broken Cloud met Zhao Hui, he didn’t even say hello, and immediately called Zhao Hui.

You know, even if it ’s true and believes that Pai is secretly recruiting and pursuing alcohol in the garden, and is not scarred.

But the name in front of him looked ordinary, and the youth with a low strength, seeing him Jinyun True God was indifferent to the complexion.

“I’m not really Sakura Doctor, Su Shi, Cadmium Rank, Wei Jun

Zhao Hui said angrily.

He is a distinguished guest from Spirit Clan. How else can True God Broken Cloud take himself?

“You … are you talking to me?”

After being shocked by the True God Broken Cloud complexion, Gloomy asked immediately.

Zhao Hui Since it’s not true that the cherry blossoms are strange, the vegetables are retired, Yan Pupu, Benz Ying, Zheng Zhengla, and the emperor is ruled.

“Don’t tell me Is this how Black Devil Peak is for hospitality?”

Zhao Hui can’t help grin.

“Are you … Spirit Clan?”

The True God Broken Cloud complexion changed slightly, and Gloomy’s expression suddenly disappeared.

In Zhao Hui’s words, he guessed Zhao Hui’s identity.

To his knowledge, the trade contact between Spirit Clan and Black Devil Peak is usually a high-level exchange.

But at this time, Spirit Clan brought a Third-Rank True God, which proves that Zhao Hui’s identity must be unusual.

And as a 5-Star power, Spirit Clan is stronger than Black Devil Peak.

“Not good, it’s awkward at the moment, I didn’t expect that you are Spirit Clan genius!”

True God Broken Cloud immediately burst into a smile.

“hmph! ”

Zhao Hui dismissed the coldly snorted and walked away.

This move twitched the corners of True God Broken Cloud’s mouth slightly, and was very annoyed.

But Zhao Hui is a distant guest. If he angers Zhao Hui, he is indirectly affecting the relationship between Spirit Clan and Black Devil Peak.

“I’d rather take your Excellency and visit this place!”

True God Broken Cloud took the initiative.

He took the initiative to show his best to the friend of the landlord. If he seized the opportunity and rectified Zhao Hui, he would figure out any trouble and it would not be too much.


Zhao Hui thought for a moment and agreed.

Black Devil Peak can be regarded as the Devil Path force. The fish and dragons mixed in together are very common. They even go to the Challengering Platform for a duel.

Zhao Hui looks too weak and will inevitably run into some trouble.

If you are with True God Broken Cloud, these can be completely avoided, and this guy can be used at the same time.

Subsequently, under the leadership of True God Broken Cloud, Zhao Hui

Along the way, many disciples were curious about the weak youth standing next to the True God Broken Cloud.

“Brother Zhao, this place where the peak is disciple, there is nothing to visit!”

True God Broken Cloud said with a smile.

“It’s okay. When I first arrived, I saw an acquaintance in Waifeng, and now I want to see him!”

Zhao Hui is not shy.

“Oh? I didn’t expect Brother Zhao to be at Black Devil Peak. I don’t know who this person is? Maybe I know it too!”

True God Broken Cloud said a moment, then said.

In fact, True God Broken Cloud is thinking about how, as Zhao Hui’s status, how would he know the Black Devil Peak outer peak disciple.

“Kun Yun!”

Zhao Hui slightly smiled, staring at True God Broken Cloud.

“Kun … cloud?”

A stun of True God Broken Cloud complexion was immediately revealed.

He couldn’t figure out, Kun Yun and Spirit Clan’s children would have any connection.

Kun Yun has been in the Wild God Region for a short time and has not even been to the Purple Spirit Territory.

If Zhao Hui wasn’t very strange, he even suspected that Zhao Hui was a member of the Continental domain, otherwise it would be impossible to know Kun Yun.

Thinking of my relationship with Kun Yun, True God Broken Cloud really didn’t want to go.

But his expression, alert, indicates that he knew Kun Yun.

“True God Broken Cloud!”

“True God Broken Cloud is here, what’s the matter?”

When True God Broken Cloud came to Waifeng, almost all Waifeng disciples on the way greeted him with respect and respect.

And True God Broken Cloud is also equivalent to enjoy these, with a proud look walking among countless outside peaks.

“Brother Zhao, come here!”

True God Broken Cloud said with a smile.

“Who’s next to True God Broken Cloud? Why haven’t I seen it before?”

“It looks like that person’s status is unusual!”

Originally, everyone thought that Zhao Feng was the one who stabbed True God Broken Cloud, but the move of True God Broken Cloud just made everyone surprised.

Out of curiosity, many Outer Peaks follow, behind the two.

Soon, Zhao Hui and True God Broken Cloud came to Kun Yun’s residence.

“I’m here for Kun Yun!”

“Hey, Kun Yun just learned a lesson today, this time True God Broken Cloud came in person, he’s going to be bad!”

Many outer peaks are disciple, to rejoice in other people’s misfortunes said with a smile.

True God Broken Cloud has been targeting the Kunfeng True God of outer peaks, and all the outer peak disciplines are very clear.

However, True God Broken Cloud rarely comes directly to Kun Yun. It seems that this time has a good show.

Gradually, more and more outer peaks disciple came around.

And Kun Yun inside the residence noticed something strange outside.

“True God Broken Cloud, what exactly do you want?”

Kun Yun rushed straight out, looking viciously towards True God Broken Cloud.

Because of True God Broken Cloud, he was taught almost every few days, and he was humiliated.

The reason why Kun Yun is forbearing is that one day, he must be To surpassed True God Broken Cloud, to wash away the humiliation.

“Brother Zhao, don’t be surprised, there is a little misunderstanding between Kun Yun and me!”

True God Broken Cloud said indifferently.

In his position at Black Devil Peak, even Zhao Hui couldn’t take him because of Kun Yun’s sake.

“What the hell is this guy doing?”

Kun Yun was vigilant, and True God Broken Cloud came to him in person, and there was nothing good about it.

At the same time, Kun Yun also looked at the youth next to True God Broken Cloud.

It seems that this ordinary youth has almost the same status as True God Broken Cloud.

However, since the opponent is with True God Broken Cloud, he is definitely not a good person, and Kun Yun has one more enemy.

However, to Kun Yun’s surprise, Zhao Hui opened his arms and walked towards him.

“Kun Yun, long time no see, how did you become like this?”

Seeing Zhao Hui, it was necessary to hug Kun Yun.

Kun Yun can’t help step back half a step, and Zhao Zhao was shocked, a little at a loss.

This scene also made all the outside peaks disciple dumbfounded.

Isn’t this Kun Yun always targeted by True God Broken Cloud?

Why are people who come with True God Broken Cloud so kind to Kun Yun today?

Although you can’t figure it out, most people think that it must be a trick of True God Broken Cloud, which will definitely make Kun Yun more embarrassing and humiliating.

“Kun Yun, you have not seen me as a friend without seeing you for so long!”

Zhao Hui said again with a smile and hugged him directly.

At the same time, a pure Profound Truth of Wood circulated.

Zhao Hui specializes in Dao of Medicine, coupled with the precious cultivation resources given by Zhao Feng, and advanced cultivate cultivation technique, his medical alertness has reached a superb level.

“this is?”

Kun Yun froze immediately.

The strange man who joined True God Broken Cloud actually called him a brother and a brother, and he also treated him for injuries.

“Kun Yun, before you leave, how was the condition of Ruler Palace?”

Zhao Hui’s voice suddenly sounded in Kun Yun’s mind.

At that moment, Kun Yun was stiff, his body was stiff, with an incredible look on his face, staring at Zhao Hui.

(At the end of the month, ask for a monthly pass ~~~)

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