King of Gods

Chapter 1318

The news that Zhao Feng is still alive, six people, Ancient God Xuan Mo, can be noticed through the Spirit Pet contract of Small Thieving Cat body.

Zhao Feng determined that if the other party knew that he was alive, he would definitely kill himself.

Ancient God Xuan Mo The power of the six is ​​extraordinary. It is very easy to find information about Zhao Feng’s.

They even send people to stare at Spirit Clan, and once Zhao Feng goes out, they will take capture or assassination.

Therefore, Zhao Feng traveled to the Dark Sky Region this time to cope with the Small Thieving Cat. He had to do it secretly and conceal his identity, otherwise he beat the grass to scare the snake and exposed himself to the eyes of the enemy.

However, Zhao Feng’s eye pupils and hair color cannot be covered by even Eye Covering Technique.

With this appearance, the entire Wild God Region may not find a second person.

In this case, Zhao Feng can only think of other ways.

Spirit Clan battleship.

“Who is this child?”

A black clothed Elder asked Zhao Hui slightly dissatisfied.

“禀 Elder, younger Zhao Hui, a child of the Spirit Clan family!”

Zhao Hui smiled with a smile on his face.

This is the means of Zhao Feng’s, taking Zhao Hui as the carrier and taking his own actions.

Zhao Hui was originally a child of the Spirit Clan, and his identity did not cause suspicion.

In addition, some time ago, Zhao Hui, breaking through Heaven Rank God Position, proved that Third-Rank True God, such a cultivation base, is easy to be ignored, and it is convenient to investigate.

“This is an inner-child who is valued by the old man. After a while, I will accept him as an apprentice. Now he is letting him come out for a long time!”

Ancient God Fu Ling explained according to Zhao Feng’s.

Ancient God Fu Ling was once the master of Zhao Yufei. Zhao Feng asked him to help, and the other party naturally would not refuse.

The words of Ancient God Fu Ling made others on the battleship pay more attention to Zhao Hui.

But no matter how you look at it, Zhao Hui is a very ordinary person who doesn’t have much supreme being.

“Good luck!”

Jin Kun muttered.

An ordinary child who worshipped Spirit Clan, just after reaching Third-Rank True God, was valued by Spirit Clan Ancient God Elder. This luck is indeed extremely good.

This trade activity to the Dark Sky Region is also a mission. In addition to the three Ancient God Elders led by the team, there are four Ancient God children who have taken over the mission.

Among the three Elders are Ancient God Fu Ling, a black clothed Ancient God, and an Old Lady with silver hair.

Among the four children, Zhao Feng only knew one person, namely Jin Wei’s big brother, Jin Kun.

“This identity is really good!”

Zhao Feng slightly smiled and ordered Zhao Hui to leave here and return to the room.

The appearance of Zhao Hui caused everyone’s doubts, but they were not interested in paying attention to this ordinary Third-Rank True God.

After returning to the room, turn on the formation protection, indicating that the enters into the cultivate state, prohibiting interruptions.

Among the many clones, Zhao Hui has the least contact with Zhao Feng, and most of his cultivate road is on his own.

This time, Zhao Feng personally directed Zhao Hui’s cultivate and planned it for him in detail.

Zhao Hui’s positioning is a physician. As a physician, battle strength is not needed at all, but the speed and means of escape are necessary.

Therefore, Zhao Feng improved the Golden Thunder Light Wing Technique into a flying maggot method suitable for Zhao Hui cultivate.

And Zhao Hui needs Insight’s Profound Truth, mainly Mizuki, followed by Feng and Space.

After just giving proper teaching and guidance, and giving this type of cultivation resources, Zhao Feng started to do his own thing.

The rescue of Small Thieving Cat is extremely dangerous. The stronger the strength, the greater the hope.

So Zhao Feng didn’t waste a little time, hurriedly cultivate.

“Chaotic Sky Origin Secret Art” After cultivate to the Second Layer, you can cultivate the advanced Battle Skill “Primordial Divine Fist”, “Primordial Shield” and so on corresponding to Primordial Divine Power.

In addition, Zhao Feng is also cultivating Eye Technique and spaceport teleportation …

More than three months later, the Spirit Clan battleship left the Purple Spirit Territory range and entered into the Dark Sky Region.

Zhao Feng stepped out of Space-Time Robe Space and took out the ancient copper coin.

When the orientation of the ancient copper coin matches the direction of the Small Thieving Cat, the starlight on it will be extremely bright.

“It really is in the Dark Sky Region!”

Moreover, Zhao Feng also found that the direction pointed by this ancient money was in the same direction as the end point of the Spirit Clan battleship “Black Devil Peak”.

Originally Zhao Feng thought that after entering into the Dark Sky Region, he left on his own and searched on his own.

But since the destination direction is the same as the Black Devil Peak, Zhao Feng decided to go with Spirit Clan to the Black Devil Peak before acting.

Black Devil Peak is one of the 5-Star forces in the Dark Sky Region. It’s a place where people gather, and it’s easier to detect news in it.

In this way, Zhao Feng returned to Space-Time Robe Space and continued to retreat.

Zhao Feng took a break after he had stabilized the Second Layer of Chaotic Sky Origin Secret Art and became familiar with the relevant Battle Skills.


Zhao Feng took out a translucent rhombus crystal from Storage Space.

Jing within the body, has a pair of eyes.

These eyes are Eye of Space-Time.

It was the Small Thieving Cat that snatched from that octagonal device.

Before the small Thieving Cat was arrested, he handed over the pair of Eye of Space-Time to Zhao Feng.

“My” Chaotic Sky Origin Secret Art “majors in Space Profound Truth. If I have an Eye of Space-Time Clone, it will greatly promote my understanding of Space Profound Truth …”

Zhao Feng moved slightly.

Give this pair of Eye of Space-Time to his next Clone in order to maximize the value of these eyes.

But the fourth layer of “Soul Dividing Secret Art” is still under development. The fourth Clone will take a while to shape.

On this day, the Spirit Clan battleship finally reached the Black Devil Peak.

At this time, Zhao Feng was out of customs.

“This task is also quite simple!”

Jin Kun stood at the forefront of the battleship with a compostnt smile.

Zhao Feng later learned that the Spirit Clan battleship also encountered two waves of robbers along the way, but they were both easily resolved by the Spirit Clan Ancient God expert.

However, Zhao Feng and Zhao Hui, who have been in retreat, rarely leave the room without even knowing it.

Of course, this is also because Zhao Hui is too weak and completely ignored by others.

“In the past, when the Spirit Clan trade team went out, they were more or less intercepted and blocked by Fiery Gold Clan. But at this time, Fiery Gold Clan did not act, but it was somewhat unexpected …”

The silver-haired Old Lady had a dim look.

Zhao Hui listened in his ear and laughed inwardly.

In Heavens Secret Clan’s legacy, Fiery Gold Clan’s nine Ancient Gods, including an Eight-Rank Ancient God, all fell.

This is also a tremendous loss and blow to a 5-Star force.

If the two major 5-Star forces are at war at this moment, Fiery Gold Clan will definitely lose.

At this time, they must seize the time, accumulate power, and restore Origin Energy, but there is still time to take care of Spirit Clan.

Zhao Feng’s eyes, looked towards the thick black Fog Sea ahead.

Soon, five steep mountain peaks appeared in the Fog Sea, like a black ghost claw, trying to climb out of the wild land.

Black Devil Peak and Dark Sky Region 5-Star forces are not controlled by a certain clan, but are equivalent to a sect force, and all kinds of disciplines are accepted.


A lot of Black Devil Peak disciple are gathered near Black Devil Peak.

Just then, a Golden silhouette came to this place.

“Broken Big Brother Yun!”

“True God Broken Cloud is here!”

The gathered spectators suddenly exclaimed.

True God Broken Cloud, owns Eye of Annihilation, and now it is Black Devil Peak

“Break Big Brother Yun, you are back!”

A skinny, tall youth like a skull, immediately welcomed him.

“According to your instructions, I have arranged the outer peak disciple every day, and challenge him. It happens that you came today that the battle is not over yet!”

Skeleton youth sneered.

He is the boss of Waifeng Disciple, but True God Broken Cloud really wants to enter into the Core Disciple ranks immediately, plus his Eye of Annihilation, the future is unlimited.

“Whoever wins this battle, I reward a ‘God Blood Pill’!”

A Golden body on True God Broken Cloud looked towards Challenging Platform, revealing a hint of playful smile.

On the Challenging Platform, two silhouettes are fiercely fighting with. p>


One of them was a black clothed youth, holding a black metal claw and hitting a huge black bone.

Another Golden light and shadow, too late to react, was repelled to the edge of the Challenger Platform, leaving the body with an enlightenment bloody wound.

“Kun Yun, it’s been so long, your strength hasn’t improved a bit!”

That black clothed youth, very laid back with a smile.


Kun Yun True God got up and didn’t care about the black clothed youth, but fiercely stared at the True God Broken Cloud in the distance.

It is because of this person that he will be treated as such.

“That being the case, it’s mine to break Big Brother Yun’s ‘God Blood Pill’!”

The black clothed youth held the black metal claw, quickly approached Kun Yun, and directly tore out a claw.


Kun Yun True God, who was seriously injured and had no resistance, was bombarded by the Challenger Platform.

“It’s yours!”

True God Broken Cloud took out a blood-red glass medicine pill and threw it to the black clothed youth, ready to float away.

“Broken cloud!”

Kun Yun both fists Gold clasped, bloody both eyes, staring at True God Broken Cloud.

He came to the Wild God Region ten years ago, and by chance, entered into the 5-Star force.

Unexpectedly, Half-God Annihilation in the Continental domain is also at Black Devil Peak.

The other party came here one step earlier than Kun Yun. The innate talent Bloodline is better than Kun Yun and is valued by Black Devil Peak.

The original True God Broken Cloud only intentionally or unintentionally suppressed Kun Yun, and did not take it into account.

But after the God Eye rally, True God Broken Cloud’s attitude changed greatly, ordering the outer peaks daily to insult Kun Yun in this way.

Unfortunately, Kun Yun cannot leave Black Devil Peak yet.

He knew that once he left, True God Broken Cloud would surely kill him.

Hong long long !

At this moment, everyone top of the head, a beautiful blue and white steel battleship roared past.

“This is the Spirit Clan battleship of Purple Spirit Territory. Every few decades, Black Devil Peak and Purple Spirit Territory will visit each other and conduct a trade …”

One of the more qualified outside peaks, Disciple, said with emotion.

“Spirit Clan battleship!”

The True God Broken Cloud shook all over, both eyes staring at the battleship.

“Zhao Feng is also in Spirit Clan!”

True God Broken Cloud felt a little panicked.

The relationship between Kun Yun and Zhao Feng’s, he naturally knew that if Zhao Feng was found to treat him like Kun Yun, he would certainly not spare himself.

However, Zhao Feng did not know the whereabouts of Kun Yun at all, and would definitely not make a special trip to Black Devil Peak.

However, he didn’t know that on the blue white battleship, a young man with a generally elegant appearance looked at him ice-cold.

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